

Name Origin

Dendrobatidae, family of amphibians containing poison dart frogs


Dragon's Roar, Jungle Troopers












Dendromon appears to be a master of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She's clumsy on her feet, unsure with her words, and though she tries to maintain an air of confidence and authority in her own life, she in fact has a passiveness to her that leads her into many of the situations that stress her out so much, be they wild Digimon, overenthused toddlers, or the terrifying whims of her own beloved partner.

With the amount she ends up going through it's rather a wonder that Dendromon is as compliant as she is, despite her need to complain about everything that she is being forced to endure right now please Lonnie can you just think for once in your life. She does trust her partner to the fullest, truly believing the best of people even when they do lead her into difficult situations. But more than that is her own streak of heroism, or perhaps of duty; a need to do right by the people she loves and trusts. No matter how embarrassing or how dire the situation gets, she won't back down facing every new challenge dead on, on her own head be it.

A puppet to her partner's brilliant ideas, possibly. Maybe more than is healthy for her. But when it counts, Dendromon shares every bit of Lonnie's heroic streak and need to do right by the world. After so many years of watching a world burn, isn't it only fair to try and make things right for the next generation.


  • Acid Arc - Dendromon emits an acidic flame from her hand claws and slashes at her enemy, the flame shooting out as a spinning projectile.
  • Searing Skin - Dendromon's palms heat up to hundreds of degrees, and she grabs or swipes at her enemy, any contact with her skin causing instant burns.