

Name Origin

Yeth Hound or Yell Hound, mythical black dog in Devon folklore


Nature Spirits, Nightmare Soldiers












Bully, tryhard, nuisance; however you want to spin it, there is little denying that Yethmon is an unpleasant little creature. He's abrasive and crude, with a mouth far bigger than he is, and an open lack of respect for pretty much anybody he talks to, even those one might class as his friends. His big mouth also has a habit of dropping him in bigger trouble, but sadly his hair-trigger temper frequently outweighs his sense of self-preservation.

If one can bear to be around him for any length of time, however, one might notice little glimpses behind the leather cowl and hateful stare; glimpses of an intense pride and need for validation, born from a world far harsher and crueler than he could ever hope to be. For many an unfortunate Digimon after all, survival outweighs everything else, and any power and authority you can grab with your own two hands is far more valuable than even the deepest of connections. Yethmon's been on the receiving end for far too long, and he refuses to go down without a fight.

When everything's been taken away from him, it really boils down to will. A tenacity and a need to not be left behind by a changing world, or by those who he trusts or once trusted, or even by the man who calls him partner. Yethmon may not be invincible, and he trips over his own pride more times than he cares for. But nonetheless, he is a survivor, and a warrior, and he'll be damned if he won't use everything at his disposal to grab his worth in the world. It may be a terrifying sight, but it is nothing if not true to himself.


  • Rabid Ripper - Yethmon's claws glow red as he goes temporarily berserk, swiping and slashing in a frenzy at anyone within his reach.
  • Deadeye - Yethmon's eye flashes with a red aura, and anybody who makes eye contact is temporarily overwhelmed with a sudden, intense fear.