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Rain bounced off the ground and formed puddles in between the towering walls all around as the two tamers ran through the streets, trying to hear anything through the heavy weather. The evening light was dismal, with the streetlights already having come on half an hour ago, although still offering no help in the downpour. Lonnie skidded to a halt at an intersection in the alleyway, pulling her hood further up over her head. “Where has it gone?” There was a huff from beside her, as Mark rushed up, grabbing onto the corner of the nearest wall. “I...have no...bloody idea...” “You were supposed to be keeping a look out!” “I can barely see anything!” The youth looked up, and adjusted the aluminium plate that was currently strapped over his face. It was an intimidating look, to be sure, like the faceplate of a medieval knight crossed with a cult German metal band. However the eye holes weren’t quite as lined up as Mark had intended when he’d cut them out. His own mistake, and he was very willing to admit that. Though possibly not right this second. “Why the hell did you decide to go on a wild Digimon hunt while it’s pissing it down?” Lonnie flounced, the water spraying off her sleeves. “Justice doesn’t wait for reasonable weather, Marcus!” “Don’t call me that!” “Mark then! Sorry! I am trying to think!” “Use your damn D-SEND! It can’t have gotten far!” As if by magic, there was a splashing nearby, and the two turned in an instant. Lonnie held out an arm, before pointing the other way. “We’ll go that way. Corner it off. You try and chase it down.” She’d run off before Mark had a chance to even give his input. Muttering under his breath, the boy obeyed her command, running off after the dark shape, with the shimmering figure of his partner hot on his heels. Mark was beginning to regret not taking track events more seriously, when he turned, finding himself out on the open street. He cursed, thinking he’d taken a wrong turn, when something caught his eye beneath a nearby streetlamp. He straightened up, staring at the figure that was stood obviously and blatantly beneath it. It did look fairly humanoid, to be fair, wearing a bright red and yellow baggy kamishimo, with large wet socks poking out from beneath. It held its vine-like arms up, each of which was tipped with a round, pink blossom. With a face. Of course. Another blossom covered its head – or what in all likelihood was its head – with the petals flickering in front of a mane of ginger hair. Mark turned his head to one side, then looked back at the figure, which was managing to stay remarkably still and balanced in its attempt to blend in. Ever the realist however, Mark was not one to suspend his disbelief for the sake of the theatre. “I can see you.” “No you can’t.” Mark tilted sideways, keeping an eye on Lonnie who was ever so slowly creeping up behind the method actor. Kabukimon remained still, his face displaying no expression even though his voice was traversing through all the stages of panic. “...I am a tree!” “Really.” “...yes really.” “You’re talking to me.” “...don’t trees talk in this world?” “Not as far as I know.” “...I am a tree!” “Acid Arc!” Dendromon rushed forwards from behind, but Kabukimon’s body was far quicker than his mind, and he flipped himself over, landing in a completely different pose as the salamander face-planted in a puddle. Lonnie was completely unperturbed, as she ran in herself in an effort to grapple the Digimon to the ground. She slipped, skidding right past the Digimon and crashing into Mark, sending them both toppling over in the wet. For a moment everybody lay still, with even Kabukimon holding his pose in admirable dedication. A car drove past, sending water cascading over them all. “...I am a treeeeeeeeeeee!” Kabukimon whooped wildly, and rushed back down the alleyway as Lonnie rolled over and pushed herself to her knees. “He’s getting away!” “I can’t SEE ANYTHING!” Mark struggled to his feet as he watched Lonnie bound off down the streets, with Dendromon in tow. Chromon held back, looking at the boy in a worried fashion. “...we c-c-could always try this again another night...” “I am not being shown up by a maniac with no off switch!” The two rushed off after the girl, but Mark held back, looking left and right. He beckoned Chromon to one side, and they rushed through the back streets again, keeping an ear out for Kabukimon’s fabulous soliloquies. “There!” Mark held back as Chromon bounded forwards, his frill glowing in the dim light. “Shield Reflect!” Kabukimon squawked, and flapped to a stop, his first choice of exit blocked off. He turned towards Mark’s alley, but Chromon fired again, blocking off the narrow stretch with the round barrier. Mark held his breath, and vaulted it, turning around and putting himself between the Digimon and the two barriers. Kabukimon trembled, and tried to run off to one side, but a blast of fiery darts kept him in place once again. Lonnie stepped forwards as Dendromon held her arms up, facing their opponent down in a standoff as she grinned. “There’s nowhere left to run...” Lonnie held her hand against the wall. “Mark, check where the portal is. This guy needs a doggy bag, ‘cause we’re taking him home.” “I...uh...what?” “Mark!” The boy muttered, reaching into his coat. “You’ve had this thing longer than I have...” “I’m letting you have the honour.” “...you haven’t figured the map out yet, haven’t you...” “Look, you’re better at this than I am!” Chromon snorted. “Can you two s-s-stop arguing with one another? We’re looking very unprofessional right n-now.” Mark held the device in his hand, before lowering his arm. “You know what? No. I’m not your goddamn tech-monkey; you find the portal! Think of it as a learning experience.” “Alright, geez!” Lonnie reached into her coat, pulling out the small orange device. She stood there for an embarrassingly long time as she scrolled back and forth, before staring at the 3D image in front of her. Mark tapped his foot. “Well? Where is it?” Lonnie looked up. Not at Mark. Up at the roof. “I think I’m on the wrong setting. And I...don’t think we’re alone...” “Micro Laser!” A blast of green light shot out from a nearby rooftop, striking Kabukimon on the shoulder and causing him to howl with pain. The other tamers leapt aside, and Mark pointed upwards. “We’ve got another one! Quick, take it down!” Lonnie raised a finger. “Uh...Mark...wait-“ “Bolt Blaster!” The dinosaur aimed into the darkness, swinging his head around wildly as he fired small projectiles. At least one hit its target with a loud clang. “OW! Bastard!” There was a rustling from up above, followed by a thump nearby as something leapt haphazardly from the rooftop and landed by a nearby dustbin. It staggered out, holding its helmeted head as it blinked angrily at everybody present. “You...morons! Who the hell do you think you’re shooting at?” ![]() The new Digimon was certainly a departure from the baggy sideshow that was Kabukimon. She was relatively tall for a Rookie Digimon, standing at just over four foot, with a squat build and lanky legs and arms. She wore a white padded suit that fitted her body closely, even encasing a long, prehensile tail. There was a plate on her chest studded with lights and buttons, and she wore a helmet over her head. The aperture at the front was open to reveal a very simian face, with rounded ears, a spiky fringe and a distinctly pissed-off expression. She waved her right hand around wildly, holding what looked like a water pistol, aside from the fact that it was emitting green sparks from a gash in the top. “You borked my pistol, you amateurs!” Mark threw his arms wide. “You fired at us first!” “I wasn’t aiming at you! Learn to duck!” Mark pointed, his gloved hand dripping. “Don’t make me throw your arse in a portal as well, whoever the hell you are!” Lonnie raised a hand. “Mark, I...” “She’s with me.” Mark turned about forty-five degrees before another figure rushed out of the darkness and shoulder-barged him, smacking him into a wall. Stunned, Mark just managed to avoid falling over, and ducked as the new figure threw a punch which landed squarely in the section of wall where his head had been. There was a sharp thud, and the new figure drew back, swearing profusely as he held his bruised fist. “Ay...you...mother...fffffff-“ Lonnie watched the spectacle of the two helmeted figures hopping around in a less-than-intimidating display, and her face fell to a decidedly unenthused one. She started, and looked aside at the Kabukimon, who was watching on in wonder. Lonnie pointed, pulling her best stern teacher face beneath her mask. “We’ll be with you in a minute. Don’t move.” Kabukimon ignored the command, instead throwing all four limbs out wide and wiggling his body in a deeply unsettling manner. “Lion Dance!” Dendromon and Chromon both turned to face the masked Digimon, but his movements were causing issues with their heads, and they found themselves swaying back and forth with the hypnotic movements. Lonnie was affected as well, but she smacked herself on the side of the head, just enough to notice the frill around Kabukimon’s head begin to spin. Kabukimon let out a cry, and each of the petals around his body fired, solidifying in mid-air and forming razor-sharp wedges. Some of them flew past the two squabbling young men, instantly breaking them out of their scuffle, but a majority flew in Lonnie’s direction. She squeaked, and managed to contort her body into a miraculous new shape as the wedges embedded themselves in the wall around her, pinning her coat to the brickwork. Dendromon whirled round, eyes wide. “Oh my god!” “Whoop whoop!” With a flamboyant forward flip, Kabukimon took advantage of the distraction and exited stage left, rushing down the alleyway as he held his body down low and his arms straight out behind him. Perhaps for speed. We may never know. The space monkey held her gun out, but again it was playing up from where Chromon had hit it, and just released a bunch of sparks in her face. She scowled, and whacked it a few times against the nearest wall, before turning on everybody around her. “Great! It’s got away. I hope you’re all happy.” The other figure pulled away from Mark, and pointed at his own chest. “Me?” “All of you. You’re all crap at this.” There was a sniff from Dendromon nearby as she glared at the two newcomers, all the while trying her best to free Lonnie from the brickwork. “We were here first!” “Sure you were. And you were doing a crap job.” The other figure raised a palm, and the monkey stepped back, grumbling irritably. The tamer stepped forwards, the rain bouncing off his body. He was very tall, well over six foot, and like them he had opted for a masterful disguise. In his case he was making a damned good impression of his partner; pale nylon jacket with navy embellishments, and a bulky domed helmet with a reflective visor, covering his entire head, making him look like a mysterious antihero in a low-budget sci-fi movie. “Leave it, Simeamon. It’s not their fault they’re inept.” “Excuse me?” Mark double took at the backhanded defence, and held his arms out. “We had that thing cornered; it only got away because you decided to fire out of nowhere!” Simeamon spun her pistol in her hand. “Hey, you arseholes were takin’ an age. I’ve gotta stay in practise, y’know.” Her tamer folded his arms, his voice taking on a nasal tone. “Besides, we would have finished the job if you hadn’t decided to break her goddamn gun.” “We didn’t ask you to finish the job. What exactly were you planning on doing?” The spaceman tilted his head, and a small scoffing sound came from beneath his helmet. “My god, you’re way too posh to be wearing such a badass faceplate.” “That’s not the point!” The spaceman rolled his shoulders, and looked down at Simeamon. “Come on, fix it up already. We don’t need to hang around here; there’s a manic improv artist running around out there.” “Listen, you-“ Mark took a step forwards, but the taller tamer held up a palm, slamming it against his chest. For a moment the two stared at one another, even as the rain kept falling around them. Eventually the spaceman pushed backwards; only gently, but firmly enough to make his own strength evident to Mark. He leaned in, his voice taking on a hardened edge. “I don’t need anyone else butting in, alright? Do what you want, but don’t get in front of me again.” Mark raised his shoulders. “Or what?” A short whine from nearby attracted his attention, and Mark turned to one side. Even through his lopsided mask he could see Simeamon waving her pistol in his direction; only holding it laxly, but still with an air of menace. “Ooh look, I managed to fix it. How helpful.” Mark narrowed his eyes beneath his mask, and took a step back, holding his arms where the other two could see them. Simeamon grinned, and spun the gun in her hand, before holstering it. She stuck out her tongue, singing playfully, “Just messing. You morons aren’t worth the ammo.” The tamer rolled his head back. “Simeamon, don’t be a tease.” “Aww...too much edge for your aesthetic, Mr Space-Cowboy-Sir?” The tamer didn’t dignify that with a response, despite how much she fluttered her eyelids at him. He just shrugged and ran off down the alley where Kabukimon had run. Simeamon gave a quick salute to the others, before rushing off after him, with the telltale whine of her laser gun slowly being drowned out by the sound of the rain. Mark huffed, and stomped back and forth, waving his arms in front of him. “Of all the...mother...effing...god-damned...CHEEK.” Lonnie, by this point, was partially freed from the wall, and she gave a quizzical half-shrug. “I don’t suppose that was one of the other tamers Uncle Ali asked us to keep an eye out for?” Mark whirled around, clearly fuming. “I don’t care if that was the Duke of Kent; that is not the attitude to take when somebody’s trying to help you!” Chromon raised a paw. “In f-fairness...I did kind of b-break the monkey’s weapon...” “What, the weapon that was being swung wildly towards us?” There was a low murmur from both Dendromon and Chromon as they looked at each other, the salamander piping up first as she pulled out another wedge from the wall and freed Lonnie completely. “I don’t know...we can sense a hostile presence. She was odd, but...didn’t feel like she was deliberately out to shoot at you.” “Oh cool. Pretend death threats. Even better.” Mark folded his arms. “Where the hell did Kabukimon go, anyway?” Lonnie rolled her shoulders, before pulling out her D-SEND, scrolling through it. “No sign of any rogue Digimon signat-oh...” “What?” “We have more company.” “More Digimon? More tamers? What the hell is with-“ Lonnie rushed forwards and yanked Mark back against the wall, with Chromon and Dendromon instantly joining them. Mark was about to complain, but he noticed his partner’s complete change of demeanour; from slightly apologetic to completely tense. Dendromon was much the same, and even more so, with her breathing turning very rapid. Mark held his breath, and peered forwards, watching as a group of dark figures rushed by on the road past them. Even through the heavy rain, they could all make out the reflections from the street lamps off their helmets and body armour, and the faint white glow of their electrified weapons. Lonnie held Mark back until the vigilante troupe had disappeared from sight and sound, before releasing him. Mark brushed himself off, before looking down at his partner, who was looking incredibly on edge. The dinosaur looked up, smiling gently. “See, th...th-that is what it f-f-feels like when somebody actually wants to sh...shoot you through the head.” Mark swallowed, and looked up at Lonnie. “Hunters?” The girl nodded. “I guess...they must have tracked down Kabukimon...or the other two...” She stood up straight, and looked down at Chromon. Then down at her own partner, who sadly shook her head. Mark clenched his fist. “What do we do then? If they find him, then...they could kill him...” Lonnie didn’t answer. She held up her D-SEND again, scrolling all around. No sign of the rogue Digimon. Too far away. There was a rumble from up above, and the rain grew heavier. Water dripped down from her hood and over her mask as she turned towards Mark, clenching her fists. “...leave it...” “Sorry?” “...there’s...nothing us two can do...just leave it...” She turned around, her face hidden beneath the kitsch mask. “Let’s go back. We’re done for the night.” She walked off, with Dendromon following in her footsteps, as Mark stared after her. “Lonnie...?” “This is all one big farce.” The rain battered against the windowsill, seemingly getting harder by the hour. The four tamers hung around inside Grace’s bedroom, none of them particularly enamoured with the idea of venturing outside. So they sat inside, holding partly an impromptu meeting, and partly just hanging out, with the TV on a low setting in the background. Grace and Jack had already been given a run-down of last night’s mess, to which they didn’t have much to add. Lonnie had been uncharacteristically quiet throughout the whole thing, merely staring out the window and tapping her foot. Mark had been the one to take the lead, although most of his ire had been directed towards the mysterious new player in their little game. “I’m just saying, I’m not comfortable dealing with a person like that.” “Mark, you’re barely comfortable dealing with us.” “Much obliged. But while you have your moments at least you all listen to reason.” Grace placed a hand on her cheek, trying not to look too sarcastic. “How much reason did you attempt?” Mark raised an eyebrow. “I have a limited supply and it’s only for people who deserve it.” “...you know Ali did tell us we should try and get together with these other tamers, right? I don’t think that attitude’s helping.” “He’s the one not helping.” “You don’t even know him!” There was a small huff as Vulpimon sat up, her ears twitching. “Well...yes, but to be fair none of us know him. Or this Simeamon. Let’s face it; Lonnie and Mark made the effort to actually find us...kind of...sort of. I mean, it was a bit of luck, but we were all fairly open with each other from the start.” Jack shuffled forwards, spinning the TV flicker in one hand. “What are you getting at?” Vulpimon looked a little uncomfortable, but she answered honestly. “Face it; you don’t know what these other tamers are like.” Jack squinted, his legs swinging back and forth as he lay on the bed. “Yeah, but back then I didn’t know Aaron or Kai or you or Perimon either. We’ve all been called together for something. We should at least try to make proper contact.” Mark folded his arms, and looked the other way. “I refuse to play diplomat.” The teen boy narrowed his eyes, and smirked. “You know Kent would be up for it.” “You...damn...” Mark sighed, and gave Jack a tired look. “Maybe. Maybe it is the right thing to do. But I’m not my brother, alright?” He refused to answer any more, no matter how much Jack stared at the back of his head in a hopeful, if teasing manner. Grace sighed next to him, and looked over at Lonnie, who was still staring out the window. “You were there as well. What do you think? We’re clearly gonna bump into those two again at somepoint; can we make peace or something?” Lonnie didn’t answer, so Grace nudged her with one foot. The redhead perked up, and swivelled round towards her, her expression deep in thought. “Sorry, I wasn’t really...thinking about that.” “You still thinking about the Kabukimon?” Grace gave a small smile. “It’s just an unlucky encounter. They get away. It happens.” Lonnie leaned on the windowsill. “It wasn’t that. I mean it was, but...I saw Vex’s gang again.” Jack and Grace looked at one another, saying enough with their faces. Lonnie exhaled. “I couldn’t do anything. I mean...Dendromon still can’t evolve, and Chromon’s evolution was too big, and we didn’t know where the Kabukimon had gone, and...with the other two there as well...it all got...a bit much. I needed to do something, but I didn’t know what. Maybe it was right we pulled back. But it doesn’t feel right.” Grace folded her arms. “It doesn’t help matters one bit with those arseholes hanging around.” She slid forwards, placing a hand on Lonnie’s shoulder. “I’m not going to lie, this...won’t be the first time. It’s not nice, but you might need to forget about the Digimon for now.” “I wouldn’t be so sure.” The three turned up towards Perimon, who was perched on the corner of Jack’s bed, looking upside down at the boy’s tablet as he scrolled through the local tabloids with the knuckle of one talon. “Party shop theft...currently missing three boas, seven flower necklaces and a fake injury kit...witnesses this morning described a grumpy panto hippy.” The bird grimaced. “At least, the ones who are being nice are...” Lonnie perked up immediately. “That’s fantastic! He got away!” Mark blinked. “He got away...fantastic...alright.” “Oh come on Mark.” The girl straightened herself up, and glared at him. “You’re not so cold-hearted that you don’t care whether a Digimon lives or dies, so stop acting like it. It’s really boring, if nothing else.” This got a round of whistles from the room. Perimon puffed out his chest. “Attagirl, Lonnie. Though I would point out we’re all tougher than we look. Even the doofy ones.” Lonnie grinned, and pulled her arms around her legs. “So, what? We going again for round two tonight?” “I’m not going out in this again.” Mark folded his arms. “I’m sure that our new trigger-happy bounty hunters can handle it.” He became aware of the group staring at him, and his face went slightly red. “And...genuinely, I...do need to fix my mask...I still can’t see properly. I’ll only be a hindrance.” Grace placed a hand on her cheek. “You don’t need to make excuses. There are more of us now, and to be fair it is just one Armour level Digimon. Two people should be more than enough.” She frowned. “Though...I have to duck out myself.” Lonnie pouted. “Awwww...” “I have an essay to work on.” Grace shot Lonnie an incredulous look. “Mainly so you’ll have something to shamelessly copy tomorrow morning.” The ginger girl scratched behind her head, going slightly pink. “Oh yeah...that is due, isn’t it...” “Don’t worry about it.” said Jack, swinging himself round and giving the girl a grin. “We can handle this between us and be back in time for you to pull your all-nighter.” Perimon hopped up beside him, tilting his head. “Do you reckon we’re gonna bump into the other two again?” Jack shrugged. “It looks like they work fairly locally. And Kabukimon obviously got away from them as well. They could well be back.” Mark held his chin. “And so will the hunters, probably...” “Maybe he can help-“ The older boy held both palms up. “I’m not getting involved. It’s up to you two.” He blinked a couple of times, before exhaling. “I’m just saying...maybe don’t get your hopes up too much about this new guy. We genuinely don’t know what his deal is.” Jack held up his glowing device. “The D-SENDs are pointing to him. It makes sense to try and make him an ally.” “Don’t be naive-“ “Let me talk!” snapped Jack, his voice breaking a little. He cleared his throat. “I might be younger than you but I’ve done this long enough to make my own judgements. It’s wrong to just give up on someone when they can help you. Even if they are being an arse.” ![]() The two young men stared at one another for a few seconds, with Lonnie and Grace looking between them. Eventually Mark looked away. “Just be careful, alright?” Jack folded his arms, glaring over at the window. “We need new tamers, Mark. We need to actually let people help. And find allies where we can. That’s how this goes.” “Do what you need to.” Mark stood up, and brushed himself down. “I don’t agree with you, but I do respect your skills. See what you can do.” Jack gave a slightly forced smile. “Just you watch me.” The rain had let up by the time the evening rolled around, leaving great puddles all over the concrete. Lonnie and Jack had convened near the ravaged costume shop and had basically worked from there, using a combination of their D-SENDs, Perimon’s eagle eyes, and the occasional bit of synthetic boa fluff to relocate their quarry. It wasn’t exactly the most systematic method, as Lonnie was finding was quite often the case. But then again, she was never the most systematic of people. Jack shook, and pulled his jacket tighter around himself, glancing upwards. “Stupid weather. Stupid Kabukimon. Who robs a costume shop?” Dendromon shrugged at his feet. “I dunno. Some of us have weird fetishes, I guess.” The boy’s mask morphed as he smiled dryly. “Cool. Thanks for that image.” “You’re the one who asked...” Lonnie held up a hand, shushing the two. “We don’t want to lose him again.” “I know, I know!” Jack’s hand clenched against the wall. “I swear I know what I’m doing, Lonnie.” “I didn’t mean it...aaaack.” The girl swivelled around, holding one shoulder. “Sorry. I’m trying not to butt into the way you do things.” Jack stood up straight, and wiped his goggles. “I know. You’re alright. It’s just...I have done this. Or I...was doing this before. Back in the digital world.” Lonnie nodded. “Saved the world, right?” “Kind of. I hope so.” “No-one thinks you can’t do this, Jack. You’re better than I am.” She nudged him on the shoulder. “Don’t you see? You’re the teacher now.” The boy’s hand went up to his shoulder, his voice cracking a little. “Things have changed. I really wanna keep fighting, and I’m older now and it should be easier and...just...” He trailed off, and his hand went from his shoulder down to his right knee, rolling over the surface. He noticed her staring, and folded his arms with a humph. “Yeah, so what if you’re all older than me. My partner can fly; that makes him more awesome than yours.” “Hey!” snapped Dendromon, but from Jack’s D-SEND there came the static sound of a smug chuckle. “Damn right.” The boy pulled back, and held the device to his face. “You heard that?” “I hear everything, bro. Don’t think I don’t eavesdrop on you and your sister.” “Awesome. Please don’t.” “You know what I’m gonna say, right?” Jack sighed. “’Never give up, believe in yourself, everyone thinks you’re great actually’? Some other cat poster?” “Pick one.” The boy laughed, as he, Lonnie and Dendromon edged through the narrow alleys, looking for any sign of a rogue Digimon. “You would be a crap life coach.” “I would be an awesome life coach for the simple reason that everyone would come to get life advice from a talking bird if they could.” “I thought you were gonna be a pirate’s sidekick?” “I haven’t had a call back.” “And an ice-cream vendor?” “I'm still working on the van schematics.” “Just admit it; you’re stuck with me and my infernal cool factor, forever cramping your style.” “You wish. Hello?” There was a rustling of feathers, and Perimon’s voice deepened slightly. “I think we have our boa thief. Two blocks left, one right, one left again.” Jack nodded, and directed Lonnie after him, all of them staying low and keeping their footsteps as quite as possible. Lonnie reached the place first, and stopped, staying round the corner. Kabukimon was indeed stood there, still adorned with one and a half cheap, soggy boas, and wearing multiple flower necklaces over his head and over one floral hand. He adjusted his pose, almost in a trance-like state, and the two tamers caught sight of his other hand. Or rather, the burned, splintered mask fragments where it had been before. Dendromon hissed through her teeth. “Guess they didn’t get away scot-free from Vex’s gang after all.” She frowned. “Unless...that was the other guy...” “Dendromon, shush.” Lonnie held the chin of her mask, before turning to Jack. “What do you think? Find the gateway, get this over with?” “Hold up.” Jack raised a finger, and edged a bit closer to Lonnie, holding the D-SEND between them as Perimon spoke again. “You’ve got company. Starman and Planet of the Apes behind the bike racks.” As soon as he said it, there was a flurry of lights, and Kabukimon spun round on his foot, glaring at the racks. He raised his good hand, preparing to run, but a barrage of lasers flew out and scorched the ground all around him. He froze, watching as Simeamon and the man stepped out, with the monkey twirling her pistol in her hand. “Eight shots in under a second. Not bad. Not my best. I wasn’t really trying.” Kabukimon leapt up, and changed posture, one flower necklace drooping over his head. “You can’t hurt me! One more step and prepare to be dazzled!” From their hiding place, Lonnie braced herself and began to stand up, but Jack held her shoulder. “Wait...” Lonnie looked down, and saw the boy’s eyes behind the goggles, solid and sure. “You’re not sure either, right? Keep an eye on them. And if things go bad, then we step in.” The girl crouched back down, and together they watched as the scene unravelled before them. Kabukimon spun around again, swinging a boa over one shoulder. The tamer was remarkably un-dazzled by the manoeuvre, as he placed one hand in his pocket. “Honestly, dude. Stealing’s not cool. Even if it is shit from a party shop. Somebody worked hard on that, and you’re wrecking it.” Kabukimon turned his head. “It is art. I will not have you criticise my style.” Simeamon let out a puff of air, the inside of her helmet steaming up a tiny bit. “Really? What are ya gonna do about it then? Prance some more?” “You haven’t seen me at my most fantastic.” Kabukimon twirled again, a slight edge coming into his voice as his remaining petals rustled menacingly. The spaceman leaned to one side, tapping his foot impatiently. “Well? You still haven’t apologised.” “I told you, I will never apologise for art! Sakura Storm!” Kabukimon swayed in a hypnotic fashion, sending fragments of flower petals dancing through the air, before he shot his good hand out and fired a bright beam of light. The tamer bent back, and the blast shot harmlessly between him and Simeamon, leaving a slight dark mark on the wall behind. Kabukimon faltered, and took a step back, as the tamer scratched behind his neck. “See, I have the uncanny ability to read people, dude. The way you’re moving, the way you’re talking waaaaay less than when we first saw you, makes me think that you really don’t want to be dealing with us right now. So maybe stop bluffing and come quietly.” Kabukimon flinched, looking between him and Simeamon, who cocked her own head. The monkey hopped from left to right, beckoning with her free hand. “Or...y’know...maybe you feel lucky? C’mon, give me a reason to actually be here tonight. Or were you just making a return trip to a shit trouser shop?” Kabukimon’s frill flared up in rage, and he rushed to one side, all flamboyance aside as the petals grew sharp again. “Lion Dance!” Eight diamond projectiles flew outwards, swooping through the air and embedding in the ground where Simeamon had been seconds before. She was already gone, running sideways in order to intercept the theatrical demon. Kabukimon was taller and slightly faster, and he swung his body round, throwing a kick at the monkey’s head, but she blocked it with one padded arm and skidded between his legs, firing directly upwards into the cleft of his trousers. “Micro Laser!” There was a sharp scream, and Kabukimon staggered, flapping wildly and skipping to a halt. Her tamer winced slightly, before he heard a few other pained gasps coming from one of the nearby alleys. He turned his head ever so slightly, making no obvious moves. Completely unrepentant for her...unique...undercarriage maintenance, Simeamon deftly dodged out the way as Kabukimon swung around, the petals on his good hand spinning wildly. She fired again, the blasts only grazing off Kabukimon’s cheek, but it put him off balance enough for her to leap forwards, striking him in the face with a two-footed kick. He swiped upwards, and she hooked herself around his neck, before swinging down off an outstretched arm for a hard punch to the kidney. She hung for about a second, swinging on her prehensile tail, as she winked at the Digimon, before yawning. “You might still have a chance, y’know. I might fall asleep.” Kabukimon’s theatrical training failed him as he thrust his arm sideways with a loud ‘YEET’ sending the monkey spinning off. She landed expertly, sliding backwards with one palm against the ground, and her gun still raised and still beeping. She grinned, and made to run again when she heard a whistle from her tamer. “Yo, Simeamon. Stop playing about and take him down already.” “Aw. Fine.” Kabukimon backed off, his petals shimmering again as he prepared to fire. Simeamon pointed her gun forwards, taking a shot which struck the Digimon on the shoulder, but he ignored it as he raised both arms. “Sakura Storm!” The blasts strafed the ground, one of them striking Simeamon even as she rolled to evade it. It was a less dignified landing, but she still flipped over and remained standing. With a grin, she pulled her free hand from behind her back, and twisted a dial on her chestplate. Her gun immediately powered down, the lights trickling from one hand to the other, and forming into a blinking green ball in her palm. “Cyber Strike!” She threw it with a pitcher’s accuracy, where it struck Kabukimon’s feet. It exploded on impact, sending needle-like blasts of light in every direction with a blinding flash. Kabukimon staggered back, his kamishima in tatters, but before he could regain his bearings Simeamon was on him, grabbing onto his chest and firing at both his feet. He yelped, and fell backwards, and found himself staring down the conical barrel of Simeamon’s pistol, as she stood on top of him. “Fashion show’s over, arsehole.” “Hey!” Simeamon and the tamer turned, as Lonnie and Jack rushed out, staring them down. Jack glanced down at the Kabukimon; down, and deeply beaten. Simeamon rolled her head with an irritated uuugh. “What do you guys want again? Don’t you have lives?” Jack ignored her, instead turning his attention to the tamer. “You’ve beaten him. We’re taking him home now. Leave him alone.” The tamer put his hands in his pockets. “Who are you again?” “We’re serious!” Lonnie raised a fist. “Point that pistol elsewhere or we’re gonna have to make you!” There was no response. Only Simeamon clicking her tongue, an awkward expression on her face. Lonnie grabbed her D-SEND, and took a step forwards. “Don’t say we didn’t warn you! Dendromon?” “...Lonnie...um...problem...” Jack and Lonnie whipped around, and saw Dendromon up against the nearest wall, held in place by the hand of a large, helmeted man. The newt struggled, and tried to burn his hands, but he merely pressed harder. “Dendromon!” Lonnie rushed back, but another figure stepped out and she stopped, holding her hands up as two more hunters walked out, one of them pointing a lethal-looking prod directly at the girl. Lonnie could feel the electrical field even from where she stood, and she stepped back, sharing glances with her own trapped partner. “I didn’t expect to find so many of you. We were only after that creature.” The vigilante holding Lonnie back spoke with a contemplative female voice, taking care to annunciate clearly even behind her own mask. She held her lance closer, but Lonnie held her head back. “You’re not really gonna attack us with that, are you...uh...sorry, who are you? “Dula. Not that it matters.” “Dula. Cool. Edgy. Like it. Anyways, isn’t it too much legal trouble if you kill an actual human?” “Of course.” Dula twisted the lance. “But a small burn in self-defence is acceptable. And I’m sure you don’t want anything worse to happen to your own small companion.” Lonnie held her teeth together, glancing over at Dendromon, as Dula continued. “Vex is against it really. He doesn’t like you people. But he doesn’t want to get rid of you. You have your uses.” Lonnie narrowed her eyes. “Seems reasonable for a murderer.” “Isn’t it? Maybe a bit too much. But he will understand if anything sad happens to your own Digimon as collateral. Just so we’re all of us clear.” The vigilante turned her head, staring at the third member of their party. “Via, take out the target. Nobody’s coming.” The other hunter nodded, and walked forwards, pulling out a hunting knife attached to a wire from her pocket, approaching the Kabukimon. She looked up at the tamer. “Move your monkey. Or your friend’s monster will die. This one is ours.” Simeamon folded her arms, and blew a raspberry. “Pfft...why? I brought it down. Kill-stealers.” Via held up her blade with two hands. “I’m serious-“ “Sure you are.” Simeamon’s tamer shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. “Everyone’s serious nowadays. It’s incredibly boring. You’re serious, they’re serious.” He pointed up nonchalantly. “I think he’s very serious.” “Wind Tunnel!” A rush of wind billowed around as Perimon descended, his razor-like wings outstretched wide. Via ducked sideways, but Dula was quicker on her feet, swinging her lance around. Perimon banked away, but his left wing shot through the prongs, the bolts arcing between them. There was a flash of crackling light, and Perimon spiralled down to the ground, rolling away as Jack ran towards him. The distraction had done its job though, as Lonnie was running directly towards the other gang member who held her partner tight. Dula noticed as well, spinning her head around. “Moda! Now!” The large man pulled his hand back, ready to smash Dendromon’s neck against the concrete, but the salamander had been preparing as well, pulling one hand out and stabbing a red-hot claw into the man’s wrist. He hissed, and loosened his grip, moments before Lonnie slammed into him with a full shoulder barge. It didn’t knock him over, but it loosened his grip enough for her to pull her partner back away from his grip. The two of them backed away, joining Jack as he crouched over a stunned Perimon, whose wing was gashed and flickering ever so slightly. Dula and Moda walked fowards, both of them uncompromising. Lonnie’s hand curled around her D-SEND, but even before she looked at it she knew the story was the same. A blank screen faced her, even as she could feel her heart pumping, desperate to make the evolution happen. “Come on! Come on! Work, damn it!” “Perimon, Soul Accelerate! Evolution Activate!” There was a flurry of red sparks, and Lonnie glanced over her shoulder, watching as Mistramon spread his wings wide, though he was still trembling just slightly. Jack stood next to him, the winds buffeting him ever so slightly. The two hunters were undeterred, both of them still pressing forwards. “Back off,” growled Mistramon, “we don’t want to hurt you.” Dula scoffed. “You get in our way every night. You knew this was coming.” ![]() Mistramon glanced down at his partner, who was holding his shoulder, not wanting to look anybody in the eye. His voice came through though, loud and clear in Mistramon’s ear. “We can’t...hurt them...” A shadow stepped forwards, and the vigilantes stopped. Dula sniffed. “ What is this? Alliances?” The spaceman wrapped his arms around his chest, gesturing mildly. “I don’t know, maybe? We all have our quirks. But I’m frankly sick of always running into you guys as well, so y’know. Maybe vamoose?” “Really?” Everyone present looked to the side, as they saw Simeamon standing there, waving her pistol around and no longer sitting on top of the wounded Kabukimon. Kabukimon himself was no longer there either, as he gallivanted off down the next alleyway along, wanting nothing to do with this little skirmish. Jack watched, but he heard a psst from the tamer in front of him, who stepped aside. “You don’t want a close-quarters fight, do you?” The boy shook his head, very aware of Mistramon’s complete disadvantage in such a boxed-in area. The tamer pointed slightly left of where Kabukimon had run off to. “I’ve got this. Don’t worry. The portal’s north of here; you two finish what you need to.” The bird and the boy looked at each other, before nodding, with Jack clambering up on the eagle’s back. “Are you gonna be alright here?” The older tamer rolled his head towards Lonnie. “Please, I’ve got a clown with me. Statistically I’m guaranteed to win.” “Get back here!” Dula pointed, and Moda ran forwards unexpectedly, pulling out twin batons that sparked against each other, but a barrage of light from Simeamon’s pistol sent him stumbling, and Mistramon was airborne before he could reach him. Moda soon turned his attention towards the space monkey, who was busy rolling her eyes. “Dammit Owen! Can we please stick to the task at hand for one night?” Owen – for that was her tamer’s name - smirked, and placed his hands inside his pockets. “I thought you liked a change of scenery.” There was a chuckle from beside him, and Lonnie nudged him on the shoulder. “Thanks for the assist, but, uh...Dendromon and I might have a bit of a problem helping you out...” The young man shrugged, his voice still almost completely flat. “Just watch the show then. Us two’ve been having little brawls with these guys for a while now. You might say we’ve perfected the art.” Lonnie’s eyes widened beneath her mask, and she stepped back as Owen pulled a device from his pocket; yet another D-SEND, this one black with a bright green grid-pattern over the top, which was already beginning to glow. Simeamon held her ground as Dula, Via and Moda regrouped, holding their weapons steady and upping the charge. The monkey sniffed, her fringe bobbing to one side. “There’s nothing to worry about, really. Punching bastard humans is a lot like punching bastard Digimon, only they squeak more and you get more lawsuits.” Owen held his arm out. “Let’s not make this a habit, then. I’m broke.” “No promises.” “Simeamon, Soul Accelerate!” ![]() Lonnie and Dendromon backed away as the area turned strobe, with lasers piercing the sky and a glittering fog spreading out over the ground. The lights reflected off Owen’s helmet, sending iridescent patterns over the visor as he pulled his arms apart. Simeamon waited gleefully, her tail whipping back and forth as grid patterns and circuitry sketched their way over her body. “Evolution Activate!” Owen brought his hands together, sending a wave of light outwards that knocked everybody back. The waves struck Simeamon and wrapped around her, encasing her in a mainframe prism that spun at rapid speed around her athletic frame, pulling her data away. She bent double, and spun herself, her body proportions lengthening and shifting, until she leapt clear of the prism, spreading her arms wide and landing neatly on the wet concrete. She stood up to her full height; fairly small for a Champion, though still taller than her partner at a reasonable seven feet. She looked very humanoid, save for the long prehensile tail which swished back and forth behind her, studded with blinking lights. Her spacesuit had grown with her, with angular feet, curved shoulder pads and a full chest-plate, backpack and belt, which held several strange orbed devices. One arm was slender, and held a much meatier gun than the one she’d been holding previously; a twin-barrelled laser rifle with a cartridge belt and cords connecting it to her backpack. Her other arm had changed drastically; fully mechanical from the elbow, with five skeletal fingers that twitched and calibrated themselves, almost as if they were typing on an invisible keypad. Her helmet was gone, replaced with a flat, curved visor that covered the entirety of her face, leaving nothing of her organic self visible. The visor blinked, booted, and shimmered as green lights blinked into view in the shape of expressive anime eyes. The new Digimon swaggered forwards, swinging her new weapon effortlessly, and a synthesised voice sounded from beneath her mask. “Sapiamon!” ![]() The three hunters tensed up as the new Digimon looked between them. Dula held her lance up, glaring at Owen. “ You think you’re so clever, don’t you.” The young man shook his head, “Not really. I never get a moment’s peace with her around. But she’s a funny gal, so...y’know. I deal with it.” “You don’t understand. All of you; you will regret forming a relationship with a bloodthirsty pile of destruction like this.” “Oi!” yelled Sapiamon, placing her robotic hand on her hip, “that’s Miss Bloodthirsty Pile of Destruction to you.” “Told you.” “Why won’t you just DIE?” With a scream, Via rushed forwards, swinging her knife back and forth, but Sapiamon skipped backwards with each slash, whistling as she did so. She ducked down, and swept her leg out, sending Via tripping to the ground. She spun around, yelling as she did so, but Sapiamon leapt over her and tapped her on the back, before smacking her in the collar with the butt of her gun. She glanced over at Dula and Moda, who were advancing in a more calculated fashion, forming a wall of aggression. The space warrior sighed, and raised her own weapon, the barrels beginning to glow and release arcs of green energy. “Nebula Blaster!” She fired; a green shockwave that made the very air seem to pulse, and knocking Dula and Via down to the ground, with only Moda managing to stay upright. Her tamer called from the sidelines, “Sapiamon! What did I tell you?” “I know, I know, I turned it down! Geez.” “Will you stop playing around and just get rid of them already?” Dula got to her feet, gripping her lance as she hissed malevolently. “ You are a blight. All of you.” Sapiamon shrugged. “I try.” She leapt to one side as Dula lunged forwards, her lance crackling. Via was waiting for her, blade in hand, but Sapiamon spun around it with a mere scratch to her suit. Her tail shot out and grabbed Via by the wrist, swinging her into the other vigilante, before pulling the blade from her hand. She leapt back before Via could grab it back, taking it in her hand and smashing the blade against the ground. Heavy footsteps sounded as Moda charged towards her, his batons held in front of him in a cross formation. Sapiamon held her mechanical arm up, grabbing the one at the front, but the weapon sent sparks up her arm, forcing her to skip backwards. Moda pulled one arm back, preparing to strike her over the head. “Acid Arc!” A couple of fiery blasts struck the man on the back, scorching his jacket and distracting him for just a second. Owen looked to his right, watching Dendromon holding her arms out in an aggressive stance. “Never push me up against a wall, dickhead!” Owen stared at Lonnie, who shrugged. “Hey, we have to do something.” Sapiamon nodded. “Appreciate the thought.” With Moda trying to put out the flames on his back, she freed one arm and reached for an orb on her belt, pressing a button on the top and throwing it against the ground. “Digital Blitz!” The orb exploded on impact, sending a blast of energy bubbles in every direction, causing the lights and electrical equipment in the area to go haywire. This included the gear on Moda’s back, which began to splutter, sending off wisps of smoke and causing the arcing batons to flicker. Taking advantage of it, Sapiamon grabbed one in each hand, jumped, and landed a brutal one-two kick into the man’s chest, finally sending him down. The batons were ripped from his hands and his backpack, finally powering down. “Go back to whatever world you came from!” Sapiamon turned on her foot, discarding the batons with a clatter as Dula charged towards her, her lance directed straight at the space monkey’s chest. Sapiamon ducked, but Dula was quick, twisting the weapon and slamming it into the monkey’s side. “Or better yet, go to hell!” Dula pulled back, lunged again, trapping Sapiamon’s shoulder and turning the power up, sending arcs over the monkey’s body and causing her flesh arm to twitch. Sapiamon hissed in pain, but she fought through it, bringing up her mechanical hand and grabbing the shaft. Pulling it aside, she pushed it away from her shoulder just enough to move her other arm, and held the end close to her, sparks reflecting on her visor. “I’d love to, but y’know. I still have a job to do.” With a pained grunt she twisted both arms, wrenching the lance away from Dula’s grasp and slamming it into her neck, sending her reeling back. With her mechanical arm groaning, Sapiamon raised her knee and broke the weapon in half, sending sparks flying. Dula tried to get up, reaching behind her for another weapon, but there was a click and she found herself staring down the barrel of Sapiamon’s gun. The monkey tilted her head, her playful voice coming through. “I’d say that’s a solid three-nil, but nice attempt anyway. Happy to play again sometime. But you know, it’s probably time for you to retire. Maybe even permanently. That’d be cool. Would you kindly fuck off please?” Dula stood up, with a battered Moda and Via gathering behind her. “ We...will end your-“ CRACK A blast of energy erupted from Sapiamon’s rifle with a horrific noise, causing Lonnie and Dendromon to jump. The blast was more precise than before, flying past Dula’s head and striking the wall behind her, causing the brickwork to explode outwards. Sapiamon straightened up, the tone of her voice changing. “I wasn’t asking.” Dula held her forearm, looking down at the ground. She turned, and stared at Owen for some time, her face hidden but her hateful expression still clear as day. Then she nudged the other two, and they slinked back into the alleyway, the rain and the darkness covering them once again. Specks of rain whipped against Jack’s goggles, but he covered his head as Mistramon shot over the rooftops. The bird looked over his shoulder, the tail end of his cape billowing out behind him. “Have we got any sign of the portal?” Jack held his D-SEND tightly, scouring through it with one hand. “That guy said it was north.” He looked up, and pointed. “There we are.” “How about that. Maybe he’s not such an arse after all...” Mistramon grinned, flapping to gain a bit of height. “In that case, we begin the corral...” Jack held tightly as the eagle descended, twisting expertly and skimming over the rooftops. Down below, there was the unmistakeable red and yellow blur of Kabukimon running beneath them. He turned, and twisted, with Mistramon easily following his moves, occasionally sending a blast of air pressure downwards to force him a certain way. Kabukimon rushed out, and skidded to a halt, his escape having taking him to the mouth of the gateway, yearning for him to return. He tried to double back, but Mistramon dropped down, spreading his wings and blocking his exit. “Pressure Wave!” The blast of air sent Kabukimon rolling back, and there he lay, stunned and staring up at the night sky. Jack hopped down, and walked over to him, his hands in his pockets. “It’s a tough world at the moment. You should get out while you still have the chance.” Kabukimon coughed, and laughed. “Your world just isn’t ready for art.” Jack sighed. “That’s probably true.” “Lion Dance!” Kabukimon leapt to his feet, swinging sideways as he fired a bunch of petals, but the attack was rushed and desperate, and they flew wide, only one actually hitting Mistramon. The eagle rushed forwards, half-hovering as he lashed out, with the flat of his tail-blade striking Kabukimon across the chest. Before the Digimon could react, the bird reached out and grasped him with both talons, before flying full pelt at the portal. Kabukimon struggled in vain, as Mistramon swung around, and tossed him cleanly into the gaping vortex. There was a pulse of air, and a creaking noise, before the portal closed with a pop, leaving Jack and Mistramon alone in the alleyway. The bird landed, and Jack reached up, placing his hands behind his head and stretching. “I do like it when we actually win for once.” He glanced down, and stared at Mistramon, who was pacing a little. Jack nodded. “You’re worried.” “That’s the third incursion this week, Jack. You know this is getting worse.” The boy sighed, and wandered back over, patting the bird on his armoured chest. “I guess it’s important for us to keep going then. And hey, we’re stronger than we’ve ever been. One Kabukimon down, thanks to us. And maybe a space monkey.” Mistramon grinned. “You reckon we still got it?” “’Course we have.” He looked over his shoulder, aware of footsteps and shouts of confusion from a nearby alley. He quickly mounted, and the boy and the bird were airborne before anybody even realised they were ever there. It was only ten minutes before Mistramon found the others again, all congregated on the roof of a nearby office rental space. The bird landed delicately, before laying down, and allowing Jack to dismount. He looked between Lonnie and the young man, a spring in his step. “No issues with the hunters?” Owen shrugged. “Maybe a few. But y’know, nothing we can’t handle.” There was the sound of derisive laughter from nearby, as Sapiamon sat on a nearby railing, tapping her mechanical fingers on her gun. “We? I’m doing all the work, buster.” Lonnie leaned back against the entrance block, her hands behind her head. “You know, you don’t have to. We are around. There are more Digimon coming through, and we could all use the help.” “Says the girl who can’t evolve her partner yet.” Lonnie scrunched her face up, but waved the comment away. “Minor issues.” She pushed herself away from the wall, and stepped towards Owen, removing her hood and mask as she did so. She held out a hand, smiling friendlily. “Lonnie McMillan. Digimon tamer. Here to help.” Owen looked down at her, and then over at Jack, who had also removed his mask, ruffling his hair back into its normal spiky state. The young man sighed, and scratched behind his helmet. “I dunno...I never really ‘did’ team-playing.” A small stone hit the back of his helmet, thrown by Sapiamon. “Oi, arsehole, the least you could do is look at them directly. They did save us a trip to the portal at least.” Owen sighed, and reluctantly pulled off his helmet, revealing a thin, dark-skinned face. His hair was shaved close to his head, with the exception of five bleached blonde stripes over the top. He had several piercings in both ears and his eyebrow, and a stud in the side of his nose. He blinked, his grey-greenblue eyes reflecting the lights below. “Owen Ashbourne.” Lonnie found herself flushing for a second, and she laughed nervously. “We’re not experts at this or anything, but we might be able to help. If we all band together, we shouldn’t have any problems.” The young man smirked, shaking his head. “I can’t see that happening in a million years.” He scratched his cheek. “But then again, it’d be nice to know someone’s out there. Ah, go on, I’m game, so long as you can keep up.” He rummaged in his pocket and held out his phone, and the three tamers exchanged contacts. Then Lonnie, Jack and Dendromon got on top of Mistramon’s back, ready to retire for the evening. He waved at them, as Mistramon flapped upwards once more. “I guess I’ll see you around.” Lonnie grinned. “I’m sure of it. Don’t go beating people up anymore.” “No promises.” Owen watched as the bird disappeared over the rooftops, and leant against the wall, letting out a breath. “These crazy kids and their gangs, I tell you...” There was a cooing sound from Sapiamon. “Aw, my little Owen’s making his first best buddies.” The teen raised the bird at the monkey, before leaning back looking at his phone. “I mean...I guess they’re right. It is happening more often. And the other guys are getting involved more often as well.” “Speak of the devil...” Owen glanced up, and leaned over, just seeing where Sapiamon was pointing. The three hunters were down below, rejoining with several others. Vex stood among them, tall and imposing even at this distance. They didn’t seem to be pursuing anything, only catching up on the night’s endeavours. Owen huffed, and went back to his phone, but Sapiamon kept staring at them. Silently, she raised her hand, and pointed her gun downwards. She gently revved the dial up with a slight whine, and adjusted the sight until she was looking directly at the back of Vex’s helmet. Her breathing slowed, as she nonchalantly held her finger over the trigger. “Sapiamon, no.” ![]() The monkey lowered her arm. “Give me some respect, Owen. You know I wouldn’t.” The boy rolled his eyes, avoiding her gaze and not replying. Sapiamon held her arm down, staring at the man once again. “Hella tempting though...” |