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The night air sat heavy and humid as the two parties stared at one another. Jack, Owen and Mark on one side, with their partners standing around, poised to make a move. And on his own facing them, Tsurumon, with his legs pressed together and his beady eyes scanning each one of them. A few scattered drops of rain hit the rooftop, before stopping just as suddenly, the clouds still holding together. Eventually Owen broke the silence, cracking the knuckles on his right hand one by one. “Well?” Tsurumon sighed. “I’ve told you my name. That is all.” There was a slight cooing from Simeamon. She tossed her gun between from one hand to the other, and gestured downwards. “What’s in the box, Bladebeak?” “A variety. I’m not privy to exactly what.” Simeamon tutted, and wiggled a finger. “I’m afraid you’re gonna need a licence to carry that stuff. Go and fill out the paperwork and we’ll hold onto it till then. We won’t move. We promise.” Tsurumon’s head snapped towards her rapidly, giving her pause. The bird repeated his mantra again. “I really must request that you don’t interfere. This doesn’t concern you.” Mark raised an eyebrow. “Stealing human goods, and wrecking human property? Yeah, no, I think it concerns us a lot.” The crane clasped his front claws together, tilting his head in a thoughtful fashion. “I’ve been told of your little group. I’ve seen you battle myself on occasion. You deal with rogues from the digital world, and from your own world. Prevent an all-out war between our peoples. It’s rather impressive.” Mark ground his teeth. “I’m flattered.” “Sarcasm doesn’t become you.” Tsurumon pawed the ground thoughtfully. “Anyway, I am causing no harm, and I must provide for my own consorts. I am no threat to you if you will only stand aside.” “So if you’re not, who is? Who are you working for? What do they want?” Tsurumon glanced back and forth, his movements becoming slightly more twitchy than usual. He bowed his head, his wings rippling just slightly. “I told you this doesn’t concern you. I’m no longer asking. Stand down.” He took a step, and the three Digimon around him tensed. Perimon curled his wings round, his green eyes piercing in the gloom. “Don’t be stupid. There’s three of us and one of you.” The crane glanced at him, looking him dead in the eye. “Are you confident in those odds?” Off to one side, Jack pulled out his D-SEND, quickly flicking through it and showing the others. “He is a Rookie. Quite experienced though. High-level.” He shivered, feeling Tsurumon’s cold gaze suddenly upon him. The crane bristled. “You should stay out of this. It’s not safe for you.” “Oh, enough of this! I’ve had it up to here with all this talking,” yelled Simeamon. She leaned back, spinning her pistol in one hand before thrusting it out at the bird. “Drop the box and give it up!” There was a rush of wind, and Simeamon cried out, her arm flying outwards. Her pistol landed with a clatter several metres away, and she remained standing, stunned, as Tsurumon bore over her with his right claw outstretched. His face showed little emotion, but there was a new and dangerous resolve in his eyes. “Still confident? Stand down.” “Fucker!” The monkey snapped out of her stupor and lashed out with a kick, which sent Tsurumon skidding backwards a significant distance, though he remained standing. Simeamon rushed sideways on all fours, before breaking into a roll and grabbing her weapon. “Nobody touches my fucking laser!” She fired; three shots in a quick triangle, but Tsurumon strafed to the side, his movements almost ethereal, as if he had absolutely no weight at all. Simemaon cursed, and ran forwards, sliding beneath him and throwing an orb up into the air “Cyber Strike!” The blast sent Tsurumon flapping backwards, but within seconds he was beside her, landing a sharp kick to her hip before she could even stand up. “Bolt Blaster!” Tsurumon ducked as a spray of metallic projectiles soared over his head, and he swung effortlessly around, with Chromon barely able to keep up. Mark held out a hand. “Cool it, Chromon! You’re not faster than him!” “Maybe I don’t n-need to be,” said the dinosaur, shaking his head as the silver glow shone outwards. “Shield Reflect!” The round disc of metal emerged in front of him, but instead of embedding in the ground, it hovered in the air just long enough for Chromon to spin around and whack it with his club tail. With an almighty clash, the disk spun through the air, intercepting Tsurumon’s path. The crane saw it, and narrowed his eyes. “Smart.” He held out a claw, bracing his body in mid-air and stopping the disc with the flat of one claw. It dropped a few centimetres, which was enough time for Tsurumon to twist round and send a brutal kick into the centre of the shield, sending it flying right back at Chromon. The dinosaur yelled as the shield crashed into him; only bruising him, but clearly not following the planned trajectory. Tsurumon huffed to himself, before fluttering upwards, bending his body around back towards the crate. “Wind Tunnel!” A blast of wind struck him broadside, and he found himself corkscrewing wildly. He fell into the manoeuvre, sticking a neat landing on the rooftop as he looked up into the sky. Perimon had taken flight, and was banking around to focus his attention back on the crane, his eyes more intense than ever. “Barrel Drive!” Tsurumon tsked, and pulled one claw up. There was a rustling sound from inside as the wing opened up, revealing a thin white spike. “Paper Glaive!” He flung his arm wide, and the blade shot upwards into the sky. Perimon’s eyes widened, and he abandoned his attack, corkscrewing away from the deadly spear. Tsurumon glanced behind him as Simeamon and Chromon rushed forwards, readying their own shots and aiming to take him out in a pincer. He held his wing up again, the single spike splitting into five. “Paper Glaive!” The thin slivers shot out all at once, spinning in the air with an almost inaudible whistle. Three clattered off Chromon’s shield, leaving thin scrapes, while Simeamon rolled underneath the last two and raised her laser, firing a blast forwards. “Micro Laser!” The monkey grinned as the shot lit up the rooftop, but her smile faded as she realised Tsurumon was no longer there. She cursed, and swung behind her, just as the crane caught her arm and swept her legs out from underneath her. He leapt up as Chromon swung his tail, and fired another volley of paper blades at the dinosaur. “Shield Reflect!” Chromon stepped backwards, the disc flying out in front of him, but Tsurumon was already close up, and lashed upwards with an uppercut, knocking Chromon to his knees. “Oi, dickhead! Stop moving!” Tsurumon rolled to one side as an orb exploded behind him. Using the momentum from the blast he rushed forwards, throwing a flurry of glaives as his eyes glinted. “I fail to see how that would work in my favour.” Simeamon stuck her tongue out, and closed one eye. “Worth a shot. Micro Laser!” ![]() She fired twice, each shot just grazing the side of Tsurumon’s head, but he reached her before she could reload. She thrust out a palm into his chest, and threw her weapon skywards, freeing her other hand for a devastating punch to the underside of his skull. Tsurumon let out a short breath, so quiet that it was hard to tell whether he’d felt the pain or not. Simeamon certainly hadn’t, as she caught her pistol in her prehensile tail, still holding both fists up. “Geez, really not a lot going on up there, is there?” She ducked as Tsurumon lashed out with his beak, but was caught by one wing which wrapped around her neck, as the bird leaned in close. “I prefer it that way. It keeps me focused.” Hearing a clattering of footsteps behind him, he twisted on one foot and threw Simeamon directly at Chromon, sending them both clattering down in a noisy heap. A whistling from above caught his attention, and he twisted his neck to look up at Perimon, who was approaching more cautiously than usual, keeping his movements random and varied as he opened his beak. “Wind Tunnel!” The column of air strafed the rooftop, catching Tsurumon and buffeting him away. The crane let out a small hiss, and threw a series of glaives skywards, but with a quick corkscrew Perimon had knocked them away. His eyes focused on Tsurumon as he swooped with a feint, before doubling back on himself and striking the crane over the head, causing him to stumble. “Not so good at actually taking the hits, are you, newb.” Tsurumon glared up, his voice low and humourless as he replied, “I’ve been doing this for far longer than you know.” Without warning he spread his wings and shot upwards, seeming to float in the air. Perimon saw him exposed, and doubled back round, holding his hardened wings out in an attempt to ram the rival bird out of the sky. But Tsurumon was banking on it, as he pulled his wings inwards, his eyes flashing. “Folded Wing!” In a split second his entire body seemed to crumple in on itself, forming into a dart-like shape flying forwards before Perimon could even comprehend what was happening. The falcon pulled his wings up, glancing hurriedly in all directions, until the voice of his partner called up to him. “Behind you!” Perimon turned his head just in time to see Tsurumon unfurling right over his head, his leg already swinging upwards. The blow sent Perimon spinning, straight into the crane’s right hook, before Tsurumon grappled him in mid-air with both legs, tilting the both of them downwards as they spiralled down towards the rooftop, picking up speed. “My apologies.” Tsurumon untwisted himself the instant before the two hit the ground, bouncing backwards and landing on his points, catching only the tiniest of breaths. Perimon was less lucky as he slammed into the metal with a clang, rolling and releasing feathers as he did so. He raised his head, and rolled onto his front, grinding his beak as he watched Tsurumon striding towards the box again. “He’s just one Digimon. How is he so annoying?” Simeamon cocked her pistol, blowing her fringe from her vision. “Don’t know, don’t care, just about had enough of this bullcrap.” “Are we finished?” said Tsurumon in a tired fashion, hooking his claws over the parcel once again. “I have a task to finish.” As he took off, Simeamon whistled over her shoulder, glaring back at Owen as she yelled, “Hey Owen, give me a goddamn boost already!” “Simeamon, Soul Accelerate! Evolution Activate!” “Sapiamon!” The monkey straightened up, flexing her shoulders as she let out a ragged breath. “Now that’s more like it.” Chromon raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t this a little...overkill?” “Nothing’s overkill when you have a laser. We call it ‘resourcefulness’.” Sapiamon chuckled, and thrust out the armament as the end glowed green. “Say your prayers, birb!” Tsurumon’s crest twitched, and he twisted in mid-air, his eyes widening as he saw the green light building up. “Nebula Blaster!” Tsurumon dropped the crate and tried to swoop downwards, but the intensity of the shot still sent him spinning and rolling on the floor. Owen took a step forwards, brandishing his D-SEND in one hand as he pointed at the downed crane. “That’s more like it. Knock him about a bit and then we can have a civilised conversation.” “Can do, chief,” said Sapiamon, already reloading her rifle. She turned around and gave an OK sign to her partner, before cocking her head. “What the...” Jack double-took, before pointing, “Owen, watch out-“ It was too late as - before anyone realised what was happening - a figure leapt out of the shadows and decked Owen directly across the cheek. Grace clutched the windowsill as she stared up at the clouds, her nails digging into the wood. Her insides were on fire, wanting to scream and run and collapse all at the same time. Somebody nudged her leg, and she looked down to see Vulpimon, staring up at her with a saddened expression on her face. “It’s late. I’m worried about you.” Grace shook her head, and thrust herself down on the bed. “How the hell am I supposed to sleep?” Vulpimon gave a little whine, and sat down next to her partner, nudging her palms. Grace stared down at the ground, even as her hands gently patted her partner’s head. The girl’s eyes flicked sideways, and she reached for her phone yet again, pulling up the same message. She breathed out, and rested her forehead on the device, before sitting up. “Vulpimon, is it right for me to want a normal life?” The fox’s ears flicked, and she rubbed her front paw on the floor. “How normal can you get? You have me.” “I know that.” Grace reached out, and ruffled the fox behind the head. “Alright then, do you want a normal life? Without running around fighting monsters for a living?” Vulpimon thought for a bit, tilting her head. “I don’t think it’s something I’ve ever had. Even when I was growing up I was always meant to look after my family’s power.” She hummed, before looking up at Grace, wagging her tail. “Whatever you think.” “Thanks a bunch.” “Well...what do you think?” Grace’s hand clenched around her phone, her breath sharp in the quietness of the room. Vulpimon padded away, shaking her coat as a few particles of data fell away. “I have a feeling that you’re not thinking of the option where we go to sleep, are you?” Grace closed her eyes, and dropped her phone on the bed, reaching for her D-SEND instead. “Sorry Vulpimon. I still have a duty. And I have a horrible feeling that they’re going to need help.” “No need to apologise. I enjoy a night run now and again.” Grace gave a half-chuckle, as she pulled on her hoodie and reached for her mask. “Let’s go.” “What the fuck?” Owen fell backwards, clutching his cheek as the plain clothed figure stood over him. After a couple of seconds, he lashed out with one leg, but the figure stepped back, raising both arms. “What the hell are you doing?” yelled Mark, raising his fists back and taking a swing at them as well, but they moved quickly, holding up an elbow and jabbing Mark in the throat with their free hand. He coughed, but swung again, catching them on the forearm. They moved quickly, punching tactically and staying out of reach, until a wild rush from Owen finally got them to back away. They stood there, their breath forming clouds in front of them as Jack stepped forwards. “What...who...who are you?” The figure stood up, revealing an old hoodie and tracksuit bottoms, scuffed and marked from wear. Their hood was raised, and they wore a butterfly-shaped mask over their face, and carried a slim leather case over their back, the material glistening in the wet. There was a scuffling from beside them as Sapiamon’s voice called back. “Yoohoo? What’s going on back-hey!” “Folded Wing!” Tsurumon rushed past her, twisting his compressed body around the space warrior’s shoulders, before unravelling and kneeing her right in the visor. The monkey staggered back, disorientated, giving Tsurumon enough time to dart sideways, landing directly in front of the figure and raising six blades at the humans. “Don’t...you...dare.” Mark straightened up, looking at the two of them in turn. He raised a hand, and the crane tensed, staring intensely at him. Mark held his position, also refusing to yield. “I take it you two are together? What are you playing at?” Tsurumon clicked his beak together, refusing to answer. There was a whirring sound from nearby, and the crane held another wing out towards Sapiamon, who was standing with her gun powered up. Perimon hovered just above, and Chromon flanked them on the other side, swinging his tail back and forth. The crane glanced backwards, whispering to the figure. “You didn’t need to come. I can still handle this.” The figure shook their head, their hand going to the front pocket of their hoodie. Owen noticed the movement, and whistled sharply. “No more games. You’re outnumbered. Put both your hands where we can see them; we just wanna have a talk.” The masked figure complied, pulling out their left hand, which was holding something golden and glinting in the artificial light. They held it between finger and thumb, gently spinning it, and as they did so a strange, golden light began to emanate from it. Jack’s eyes widened beneath his goggles. “No way! Is that...a digivice?” ![]() “Sapiamon!” “Nebula Blaster!” “Paper Glaive!” Sapiamon fired, but not before Tsurumon spun, unloading all his projectiles and causing the green blast to fly wild. Perimon tried to swoop down, but the masked tamer was already moving, forming a barrier of light much like the one he’d felt so many times before. He could see the device in their hand; sharp and triangular as opposed to Jack’s ergonomic D-SEND, or even the rugged D-Nexus. It had a dark screen in the centre, and two red spikes poking out from the top, both of which were emitting a trail of light behind them like a golden string. The strings reached out, and wrapped themselves around Tsurumon as he straightened up, holding his wings wide. “Tsurumon...Tamashi no Oto!” ![]() He began to spin, the golden threads entangling him as a rush of wind blew the onlookers back. “Shinka!” The golden energy blew wider, forming a spiralling vortex around Tsurumon as he began to shiver. His body folded, seeming to split into two, then back into one, then opening out further and further, flipping between his bird-like form and something more geometric. And as it did so, he expanded, his body folding outwards seemingly out of nowhere. The three tamers backed away quickly as the bird grew in size, pressing against the golden threads. Then with a quick flick, the threads were severed, retreating back into the tamer’s digivice as their partner spread his wings. He was still a crane, more avian than before, and larger than even Ceratomon, but as he placed his legs down on the ground it was clear that he had almost no weight to him. He seemed to be made entirely out of paper; from the scales of his spindly legs to the geometric segments on his pointed wings to the fluttering ribbons forming a crest down his neck and flickering out beside his pointed tail; a marvel of living origami, created from hundreds of perfect folds. His papery skin shone with a glossy quality; white and cream, red and gold, with those same deep brown eyes piercing out from the sides of his angular head. He descended fully, and his wings curled outwards, leaving him perfectly balanced in an intricate sculpture on the rooftop. He opened his beak, and a thin trail of data flew outwards. “Orizumon.” ![]() Despite his thin exterior, Orizumon was sturdy and unmoving, watching as the three Digimon slowly closed in around him, all of them wary. He gave a low sigh, and peered down at his tamer. “We’re not dealing with easily enraged rogues here. Be careful.” The masked tamer clutched their fist, glaring at the three tamers. “Just get rid of them.” Orizumon reared up, beating his wings and rupturing the air around him. Chromon was blown back and Perimon was forced skywards, but Sapiamon did a back flip, before readjusting her rifle and pointing it at the crane’s head. “Nebula Blaster!” She fired, but Orizumon’s body seemed to fold over on itself, creating a crescent shape which the blast only grazed through. The crane spread his wings again, focusing his beady eyes on the space monkey. His crest and the edge of his wings glowed brightly, and before she could reload he was charging forwards, twisting as he did so. “Regal Spinner!” The bird bent backwards, circling Sapiamon as she fired small blasts in all directions. One struck, and Orizumon flapped backwards, but the golden trails remained, spiralling around as they closed in rapidly. Sapiamon was caught in the twisting energy, and was thrown skywards, crying out in pain as the threads burned into her. The attack dissipated, and she landed awkwardly, cursing as she did so. “Bastard...I’m not done with you...” “Get out of the way.” “Is that a warning? Cause it’s kind of weak. Barrel Drive!” With a whistle, Perimon’s body shot forwards, spiralling into Orizumon’s side. But aside from a few small tears there was barely any damage, and the crane knocked Perimon away with a flap of one wing. The bird fell backwards, before arcing lazily around to where his partner was already holding up his D-SEND. “Hit me up, Jack!” “Perimon, Soul Accelerate!” Mistramon burst out of a flash of red light, flapping his own wings as he circled upwards. He ducked down, holding out a wing edge in an attempt to slash the crane, but he was blocked, and flapped skywards again to dodge Orizumon’s stabbing beak. “Digital Blitz!” A shock of exploding bubbles struck the crane, sending him hopping backwards. Sapiamon rushed forwards, holding her mechanical arm out as she made to punch him beneath the chin as before, but he grabbed her in his beak and swung his head upwards, where she floated gracelessly. Orizumon kept moving, twisting upwards as his feathers glowed again. “Regal Spinner!” He angled his attack this time, forming a small spiral of ribbons around Sapiamon which sent her slamming down towards the rooftop. She landed right in front of Chromon, who was trying to shoot the crane down with a barrage of bolts, and failing miserably. Orizumon floated upwards, before becoming aware of the rush of wind gathering behind him. “Pressure Wave!” Mistramon thrust both wings out, and the shockwaves caught Orizumon side on, finally making him stagger. The great eagle cawed in delight, and twisted as he passed by, his wings clashing with Orizumon’s beak. Mistramon flapped, rising up in preparation for another attack, but Orizumon spread his own wings and followed his movements, straightening his body out as his papery skin rustled. “Lethal Edge!” His great body folded up in an instant, transforming into a single, impossibly thin blade that shot forwards, right into Mistramon’s flight path. It curved over his wing armour and dug into his back, drawing blood. “AAAARGH!” “Mistramon!” The eagle stumbled, using everything in his power to stay airborne as Orizumon unfolded in front of him. He kicked out, one leg catching Mistramon in the belly, while the other flew wide, blocked by a twisting manoeuvre from the bird. Jack glared upwards as the two titans clashed in the skies above, his fist clenching around his D-SEND. “No...you’re stronger than him...I know you are...” Something caught the boy’s eye, and he yelled out, pointing at Orizumon’s tamer as they ran towards the stolen crate. “They’re gonna get away!” The tamer grasped the crate under one arm and turned, their digivice already in hand, when they were suddenly blocked by Owen standing with both arms wide in front of them. “Going somewhere?” “Out of my way! Orizumon!” Up above, the crane bent down, but Mistramon’s talons locked in his shoulders, clamping him in place as the two birds struggled. The tamer grunted, and threw a punch with their free hand, but Owen stepped back and retaliated. Even one handed, the tamer was strong and fast, but Owen had his guard up now. He saw an opportunity, and lashed out with his right hand, his fingers hooking around the edge of the tamer’s mask as he pulled it away. “Who the HELL do you think you are?” They staggered back as the butterfly mask fell to the rooftop. Their hand went to their face, a couple of strands of hair falling down over their chest. But it was enough. Owen had seen them. “Hang up...I know you...” The tamer’s eyes flashed angrily up, and she thrust an elbow out, but her right arm was grabbed by Mark, pulling it away and revealing her in full. Owen just stared, utterly stunned. “You’re...Lyra?” So fixated were they with their current problems, that none of the warriors on the warehouse noticed a pair of eyes watching the scuffle from a nearby warehouse. A pair of curved, pale-golden eyes embedded in the mischievous mask of a small, ethereal beast. The creature giggled, and seemed to evaporate, twisting downwards towards its owner as he stood, leaning against a corrugated wall. He reached out a clawed finger, tickling beneath the critter’s chin, before flicking his other hand. The little beast evaporated into ash, swirling back into the end of a single tobacco pipe that its master held beneath his fingers. “Oh dearie dearie dear, things have gone a little awry, haven’t they, Tsurumon?” The master, Reynarimon, pulled the hookah to the lips of his mask – a mask with slotted eyes, moustache-like whiskers and a devilishly smug grin painted on – and took a deep breath, before breathing out once again, giving the captive Kankomon a brief taste of freedom once again. Reynarimon reached into a pocket, and pulled out a mobile phone, holding it up to his ear. “You were right; they’ve caught onto us. Shall I send in our little friend?” He listened, the quiet voice at the end of the line giving him his brief instructions. He hung up just as quickly, and the fox-like creature pocketed his phone. “So organised...” He reached into his coat, and pulled out another pipe. Without any sense of urgency whatsoever, he placed the end to his lips and puffed out a cloud of smoke, revealing another fuzzy little creature. “Go on, you know where our friend is staying the night. Take him out for walkies.” The Kankomon dissipated, and Reynarimon leant back as the smoke twisted all around him, chuckling under his breath. Alopemon leapt through the shadowed alleys with the grace and agility of a cheetah, leaving small patches of frost behind her as she ran. Grace clung onto her back almost expertly with one hand, while her other held her D-SEND in front of her, showing the way towards the cluster of spots which represented the other tamers. “I hope they haven’t gotten in too much trouble.” Alopemon turned a corner, slowing to a canter as she glanced behind her. “With any luck they’ve already got it covered.” “Honestly, when has that ever happened?” “It’s always good to have a little faith, Grace.” The girl smiled, and directed her partner onwards in a manner fluid and natural. Yet for all the skilled movements and friendly banter, that same unsettled feeling still circled round her mind. Not concern for her friends or her brother; that just came with the task and she was used to it. But something else. A distraction that kept popping up. “Look out!” Grace snapped out of her stupor and looked forward as an amorphous shape spread wide open in front of her, blocking off the alleyway as it swooped upwards. She ducked, and Alopemon tried to dodge around it, but at her current speed she made a misstep, rolling on the ground and leaving her partner sprawled on the concrete. “Grace!” The girl clutched her head, pushing herself up as she stared into the air. “What the hell-“ She froze, her eyes widening as she recognised the form of the creature above her. “You!” There was a hum from the mask as it spiralled down, hovering about in front of the girl as its ribbons flapped back and forth like the tentacles of a jellyfish. Why so Determined to Run towards your Fate? Grace pushed herself to her feet, finding herself backing against a wall as a few dark ribbons reached out towards her. She smacked them away, her face contorting. “What do you want with me?” You Mean a Lot to Me The Digimon chuckled, but promptly stopped as it felt the popping cold of Alopemon’s icicles from beside it. “Get away from her.” The Digimon did so, spinning upwards as its body rose and fell, twisting round an armoured core. Your Role is Decided. You have No Escape. Grace clenched her fist, yelling into the sky. “Then why are you here? Who are you? What role? What the hell is it that you want?” Closure. Finale. Karma. Dues. For you. For All. Good will Triumph. Good Must Triumph. Without and within. “What are you talking abo-“ HAHAHAHA The sharp voice broke through the air as the Digimon twisted its ribbons together in a long, purple spiral. Fate is Possessive. But not Eternal. No. Eternal. But not Unbreakable. You can Escape. Grace stared down at the ground. “I chose this life. I can’t...I don’t want to escape it.” YOU LIE. Your Heart lies. “You don’t know me!” NOOOO The Digimon pressed forwards, their mask twitching as they got closer and closer to Grace’s face. You Cannot Carry On Down This Path Please I Beg You You Must Turn Back You Must It Will Force Your End You Will Not We Will Not Gain Closure I Beg You ![]() “Icicle Barrage!” The Digimon screeched, their tendrils billowing out again as they were struck by the frozen daggers. A few ribbons were sliced off, but the main body shot upwards, letting out a melancholic cry as they disappeared over the lip of the roof. Alopemon snorted, before walking over to Grace, who was holding onto her chest, her eyes wide. “Are you okay?” “What do you think? I’m getting sick and tired of having my mind probed by creepy ghost Digimon!” She swallowed and rubbed a palm over her face. “Thanks for helping me.” Alopemon’s tail swung back and forth as she looked at the sky.“What do you think he was talking about? It didn’t sound promising.” Grace pressed her teeth together, before shaking her head. “It’s not important now. We need to get to the rendezvous point.” She leapt up onto her partner’s back, giving her a quick stroke on the neck, before pointing down the alley. “Please, hurry on.” Alopemon nodded, and the two sped off without a backward glance. Mark looked between Lyra and Owen, confusion flashing up on his face. “Wait...do you two know each other?” “Leave me alone!” Lyra rushed forwards with a yell, planting her fist into Mark’s stomach. Stunned and winded, he went down to one knee as Owen rushed forwards, trying to hold her arms back as she focused her efforts on him. “Not really. I just didn’t expect to be having a fistfight with someone who I last saw on stage performing symphonic J-pop, that’s all.” He gave a coy smile, and nodded at the young woman. “Great performance by the way.” “Go fuck yourself.” Lyra brought her forearm into his face, but he grabbed it, holding his large hand around her wrist as he braced himself. “That’s enough! What are you after?” The young woman pulled back, only to find herself caught as Mark grabbed her other wrist. She looked between both of them, biting her bottom lip, before she yelled upwards. “Orizumon, I need you now!” “Regal Spinner!” The crane thrust his wings open, throwing golden lights at Mistramon as he tried to descend, but a bruising mid-air tackle from the great eagle held him fast. He twisted, stabbing his beak against metal and feather as he tried to break free. “Lyra, I’m coming!” A blast of light shot past his head from Sapiamon below, who had found her vantage point and was busy reloading. “Neither of you are going anywhere...” “SKREEEEEEE!” Sapiamon jumped sideways, collapsing to the roof as a blast of lightning exploded behind her. She looked up, watching blue bolts dance into the sky as another creature crawled over the lip of the roof. “Oh COME ON!” BladeKuwagamon staggered into view, a faint red grimace rippling around on the front of its insectoid face. It shook for a bit, almost as if trying to shake something away, before it stomped against the rooftop and charged forwards “Shield Reflect!” Chromon fired three shields, but they barely did anything to slow the beast down, and he was forced to run himself as the insect rushed straight towards Sapiamon, swinging its bladed snout. Up above, Mistramon felt his feathers prickling with static, and he looked down at the beast. His temporary distraction was all that Orizumon needed to wriggle free, spinning around and giving the eagle a brutal kick to the belly, tearing his skin. They both descended, Mistramon just stopping himself from crashing through the roof by keeping his wings extended. Orizumon took a different path, spinning into a corkscrew as he aimed directly at Owen and Mark. “Regal Spinner!” The coils were low-powered, but they were enough to throw the two aside. Lyra had seen it coming, and she broke away, running to the left. Mark saw her go and held out a hand, but he was too late as, without hesitation, she leapt off the edge of the roof, still clutching the crate in her arms. “NO!” There was a rush of air as Orizumon swooped overhead and flew downwards. Mark got to his feet and ran forwards, but he was blown back once again as the crane ascended, wings wide, with Lyra clutching onto his back and the crate in one claw. Lyra held herself close to her partner’s back, glaring down at the scene. “Reynarimon, that bastard...” “I know, but he’s given us an opening. Let’s take it.” Mark hissed, clutching the railing as he watched the two of them rise up. “They’re getting away!” “No they’re not!” yelled Jack, and all of a sudden he was running himself, with Mistramon skimming close to the rooftop beside him. “Get us up there!” He jumped, grabbing onto Mistramon’s mane as the eagle flapped himself. They cleared the edge of the building, with Jack holding on tightly to the bird’s back. With every beat of his wings Mistramon flew faster, the air pressure making his armour sing. The crane grew larger and larger, and the eagle saw the other bird’s neck twisting round, glaring back at him as he approached. “Pressure WAVE!” Jack held on with an instinctive grip as Mistramon spun in the air, aiming for where Orizumon was already dodging to and firing a blast of pressurised wind upwards. The crane was buffeted, and swung out with one sharpened leg, his paper talons raking the eagle across the face. The two stopped, staring one another down. Lyra held on tightly to her own partner’s back, clutching the crate under one arm. Jack stared back, his eyes furious behind his goggles as he yelled out. “You’re a tamer, right? This isn’t what you’re supposed to be doing!” “What the HELL do you know about me?” retorted Lyra, holding her bag close to her as she called up to Orizumon. “Cut them out of the sky!” As the eagle soared skywards after their quarry, Sapiamon looked upwards behind her. “Oh fine then, it’s alright, I’ll just take down Zappy the Firefly myself then, shall I?” “Chromon, Soul Accelerate! Evolution Activate!” There was a boom from beside the monkey as Ceratomon’s vast form crashed against the roof. He spread his legs, keeping his footprint as wide as he could, but even so there was some ominous creaking coming from the metal panels beneath him. He swayed, his eye rolling down towards the space warrior. “I can’t move much or I might go through the roof, but I’ll help you how I can.” “KRREEEEEEEE!” The dinosaur raised both hands, gripping the insect by the bladed snout. The bolts cascaded up his mechanical hands and around the armour on his body, causing him to wince in pain. But he brought his hand back anyway, the elbow forcing its way backwards and priming the pressure in his arm. “Piston Punch!” The fist connected with BladeKuwagamon’s head, leaving a huge dent. But the bug kept advancing, stabbing downwards with its electrified forelegs and threatening to press Ceratomon through the roof itself. It leered forwards, pressing its face up to the dinosaur’s and clicking menacingly. “Hey Romeo, it’s our date, don’t go smooching other dudes! Digital Blitz!” A ripple of explosions burst out over BladeKuwagamon’s back, causing it to lurch and scream up at Sapiamon, sending bolts in her direction. Ceratomon pressed backwards, locking one hand around the bug’s blade and slamming the other one into its thorax. He pushed, sending the insect further and further over, until it slammed down against the roof with a worrying crunch. Ceratomon pulled, and with a sickening snap the nose blade came away in his hands, causing BladeKuwagamon to screech in pain. It scuttled backwards, shaking its disarmed snout. Sapiamon landed in front of it, flipping backwards and landing a one-two kick beneath its chin, before swinging up onto its back and raising her rifle at its rear-left leg joint. “Nebula Blaster!” The green energy shot through the joint, and the leg went wild, kicking out and sending the insect staggering to one side. The monkey leapt, but she went right into the path of another leg which slammed her down into the roof panel. She rolled away, as the insect focused its attention on Ceratomon, its wings opening and releasing sparks. “Oh crap...” BladeKuwagamon roared, unleashing a volley of bolts directly at the dinosaur. He held his arms in front of him and tried to steady himself with his tail, but the electricity was digging deep into his body and he found himself unable to move, struggling against the oncoming stream. “Let him go!” Sapiamon leapt up again, wrenching at the beast’s antlers and trying to divert its power, but it only doubled down, sending more and more pulses at its target. She hissed, and pulled out her rifle, pointing it directly down at the beetle’s giant red jewel. “Nebula Blaster!” She fired three times, and the jewel cracked beneath her, sending the bug into an uproar. It tilted to one side and raised a leg, slamming it into her and holding her upright as she struggled. “God...damnit...what is wrong with you?” “Tail Frost!” BladeKuwagamon’s screech was cut short as Alopemon spun in mid-air, her frozen tail digging into the insect’s flank and leaving a devastating gouge. Finally the bug was downed, its sparks dying away. Ceratomon collapsed, breathing heavily with hefty burns surrounding his body as Mark rushed towards him. Alopemon spun to a halt, with Grace holding onto her back as she hunched over. “What the hell is that thing doing here?” Mark looked up, his voice hurried behind his mask. “I don’t know! It just appeared while we were dealing with the other-“ “SkrrrrEEEEEEEE!” “Shit!” There was a crackling as BladeKuwagamon began to shuffle. It stabbed against the roof with its three remaining legs, bursts of energy billowing out from its body and causing the whole rooftop to creak and rattle. Mark stayed with his partner, trying to push him out the way, but the dinosaur was too drained to run to safety. The boy looked up desperately, and caught Owen’s eye. Owen’s gaze flicked back and forth as the bolts spread further, surrounding Ceratomon once again. He clenched his fists, before flinging his arm out. “Sapiamon, get rid of it!” “Owen-“ “Now!” The monkey leapt forwards without hesitation, dropping a volley of explosives which made the beast stumble. She rolled, and stood up just in front of it, grabbing its broken horn with her mechanical hand and holding her rifle just next to its head. Mark raised an arm. “No, wait-“ “Nebula Blaster!” The shot rang out, the energy bursting out through BladeKuwagamon’s body in green flares. Before anyone could move, the monkey fired again, and again, before standing back. The insect juddered, its legs going wild, until they collapsed, the electricity leaking out and leaving the beast immobile. It gave a soft, almost pitiful squeal, as the sparks erupted in shorter and shorter bursts. The bug shuddered, and the lights over its body died down with a decreasing whine. “Shit...” Mark rushed forwards, slowing as he reached the metallic husk and placing a palm against it. “Shit...shit, shit...no...” He pulled his hand away, feeling the data from the shell come with it. Already parts of the body were beginning to crumble, spilling out onto the corrugated roof like quicksilver. Ceratomon stared forwards, holding his shoulder with a shaking hand. Grace was looking away. Nobody noticed the faint, smoky phantom that spiralled up from the creature’s broken shell. It floated unseen up into the night sky, and disappeared with a giggle. Mark lowered his arm, and glared over at Sapiamon, who had holstered her rifle. “You didn’t have to do that.” Sapiamon’s visor snapped towards him, her voice rough and aggressive. “Or what? You wanted him to kill your own partner instead?” “It’s not right! It’s still a living being; isn’t this what we’re trying to avoid?” “Hey!” yelled Owen, marching forwards and standing in front of his partner, one hand in his pocket. “Leave her alone. I made the choice.” Mark clenched his fist, his shoulders stiffening. “It’s not a choice you should be making.” “Don’t you think I know that?” “Then what the hell were you thinking?” Owen took a step forwards. “Stopping this! There’s nothing we could do. There was no reasoning with that! How can you save everybody when you also insist on saving the impossible cases? What was your plan? Huh?” “That’s enough!” Grace rushed forwards, holding up both palms as she forced herself in between the other tamers. “We can deal with this later. Right now, where’s Jack? You said there was someone else...” Sapiamon sniffed, folding her arms. “Last seen? I think your bro’s currently having a dogfight with a teen idol.” Ceratomon pointed skywards, and the tamers followed his direction, staring up at the battle going on overhead. “Regal Spinner!” “Pressure Wave!” Spiralling winds and golden coils clashed and boomed together, rupturing the air patterns around. Jack and Lyra both held tightly to their respective partners, keeping their heads down and out of the way as much as possible. It was a fast-paced tussle; Mistramon was the bruiser of the two and faster on the straights, but Orizumon was easily more manoeuvrable, and was getting more hits in. Mistramon growled as the crane’s wing clashed with his own metal one, and he spiralled upwards, throwing his wings open and firing an arc of wind. Orizumon was thrown backwards, but fell with the blow, looping underneath and spinning upwards. Mistramon held his talons out, digging them into the crane’s chest and sending them both into freefall, Orizumon reached up and clamped his beak around the eagle’s mane, ripping out several bloodied feathers. The eagle twisted away, trying to kick outwards but missing. He rumbled under his breath, glaring at the crane as he re-steadied himself. “My god, you’re annoyingly durable.” Orizumon held both wings out, the torn paper edge fluttering in the wind. “I’m not the one who started this fight.” “And you won’t be the one to end it!” Mistramon called to the sky, before rushing forwards head first. “Pressure-“ Orizumon dodged sideways, but the eagle was waiting for it; he shot past the crane and flew in an arc around his body, his tail blade and wings glowing pink and releasing trails of energy. “Spiral Force!” The energy cut inwards, forcing Mistramon to circle in a wider and wider arc, but the attack did its job as Orizumon found himself trapped by the spiralling vortex. He raised both wings, grunting in pain as he took the brunt of the blow. The attack still sent him spinning and careering to one side, as Lyra held on for dear life on his back. She jolted to attention, feeling the leather case lifting up at her side and sliding down her arm. Her eyes widened, and she reached out for it. “NO!” She wrapped her hand around the strap before the bag was sucked out into the ether, but Mistramon banked overhead, raking his talons across her forearm as he swung for Orizumon’s chest. “Aaaargh!” “LYRA!” Orizumon dived downwards, descending rapidly as he pulled free of the vanishing spiral. He rose up again several metres away, looking over his shoulder as Lyra clutched onto him, one arm wrapped around his neck, and the other held closely to her chest, letting out drops of blood. There was a rush of wind from in front of him as Mistramon rose up again, spreading his wings wide as he prepared to rush in for another attack. Orizumon’s eyes widened, and he let out a deep booming call. “HOW DARE YOU HURT HER!” He flew upwards, lashing out with both legs and digging them down Mistramon’s side. The eagle cried out, and turned in mid-air, but the movement gave Orizumon enough time to angle himself, all hesitation gone. “Lethal Edge!” Lyra held on for dear life as her partner warped beneath her, struggling to shut her eyes against the rushing wind. He zoomed forwards, raising his bladed wing before Mistramon could even react, and digging it deep into the eagle’s shoulder. A spray of blood erupted outwards, and Mistramon gasped, the pain momentarily stopping him from screaming. Then he began to fall, but not before Orizumon turned around behind him, reached out with one claw and plucked Jack from his back. “Mistramon! No!” The boy reached out, unable to do a thing but his partner fell, drops of blood and data falling from his wound. The boy struggled, his D-SEND screaming in his pocket, but the crane’s talons gripped him tightly. Jack looked up, his heart in his mouth as he saw the crane’s eyes dilating with fury. “Never come after me or my partner ever again.” ![]() Jack held his breath, but the crane let go of him before he could get out a single word. He could only watch as the bird flapped lazily, getting further and further away as he himself went into freefall. “JACK!” Grace grabbed the railing down below as she stared upwards, seeing the great eagle and her brother falling separately above them. The girl whirled around, her voice cracking as she leapt onto her partner’s back. “ DO SOMETHING!” Alopemon leapt up onto the roof of the nearest shed, staring at the both of them and hissing under her breath. “Come on, come on Perimon, it’s on you...” As the wind ripped past him, Mistramon’s eyes flicked open. His right wing was on fire, and he could already feel the data of his Champion form fading away, but as he looked aside he could see his partner just above him, flailing with his D-SEND in his hand. “No....not like this...” Mistramon yelled, and burst into data, becoming Perimon again. He spread his wings, but the wound, while lessened by the form change, was still there, and each curl of his wing sent a stabbing pain through his body. He ignored it, and angled himself, focusing all his energy into flapping as he tried to get closer. Jack gripped tightly to his device as he felt the wind stream past his goggles. He could remember being in this situation before a long time ago, but no matter how much he tried he knew he couldn’t summon the same power again. Aeolumon was far away, in another land, a land kinder to him than this one. There were no miracles. There were no last second saves. There was only...only... “Gotcha!” The boy felt Perimon’s talons hook around his shoulders, and he reached up instinctively, grabbing the bird by the belly. Perimon flapped with all his might, trying his hardest to slow their fall, but they were still coming down fast as the ruined rooftop rushed up towards them. “Now!” Alopemon leapt, aiming exactly for the point that Jack and Perimon were falling towards. On her back, Grace held her arms out wide, bracing herself for the impact. The boy and the bird crashed into her and she wrapped her arms around them, holding on to her own partner with just her knees. The sudden impact didn’t do a whole lot for Alopemon’s stability, and she messed up the landing, managing to take a few steps on the rooftop before her legs gave way and she rolled. Grace and Jack were sent skidding down the corrugated iron, finally coming to a stop as Perimon flopped in a heap beside them. There was a clatter as Mark and Owen rushed over with their devolved partners, kneeling down next to them. “Oh my god, are you alright?” Grace pushed herself away, and held her brother by the shoulder, pushing him onto his back. “Jack? Jack? God, speak to me, please, god, don’t make me-“ “Grace! I’m here! I’m alive! I’m...oh crap...I’m alive...” The boy swallowed his own words and fell into a choking fit, his heart running on overdrive. Grace breathed out herself, falling onto her back and ripping off her mask. Her voice broke into hysterical laughter, interspersed with uncontrolled sobs and gulps of air. “I thought...we agreed...you were...NEVER...doing anything...like that...again...” Jack’s hands fumbled around his own mask, but they were shaking too much and he couldn’t get a grip. Mark knelt down next to him, helping him take it off and giving him room to breathe. As Jack finally regained his breathing ability, he heard an indignant squawk from his partner. “I’m fine as well. Y’know. Just in case anyone was wondering.” “Perimon!” The boy scrambled forwards, gently moving his partner’s wing. The gash was still present, and as he moved the wing outwards the bird hissed. “Crap...I’m sorry...” The bird blew a raspberry. “Nothing I can’t handle. We’ve come out with worse.” He grinned. “All in all I’d say we came out pretty much on top.” Jack held his teeth together, and gently pushed himself to his feet, staring up at the night sky. The clouds had moved further in, and had finally broken, the rain coming down in persistent sheets. There was no sign of Lyra and Orizumon. He turned around, and saw the broken body of BladeKuwagamon behind him. Owen and Simeamon were looking at it as well, their expressions solemn. Mark was pacing back and forth with a hand over his mouth. Chromon sat next to him, still very burned up from his own tussle. Vulpimon, back in her Rookie form, had wandered over to her own partner, and was gently licking her cheek. Grace’s shock and hysteria had lessened, although she was still barely moving. Jack sighed, and bent down, holding his hands over his knees. “You know, Perimon? This time...I don’t think we did.” |