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The arena trembled as titans shifted back and forth, lunging and ducking and sending blasts of light, wind and water outwards at the twisting creature. The pillar from which the new arrivals had entered had already crumbled to dust, no longer necessary as far as Dramatismon was concerned. Sara stood just inside, keeping one eye on the chaos inside and one on the swathes of people trying to get out of the way of the large violent creatures busy having a dispute. She glanced aside, and saw Kevin as he helped an elderly couple through, both of whom were in the midst of keeping their heads down and imagining this wasn’t happening. Sara helped them out of the enclosed area, before turning back to Kevin. “Is that everybody?” “I can’t see anyone else.” Kevin sighed, and glanced back at the tamers as they rode atop the backs of the larger of the Champions. “Aside from those crazy enough to stay here.” There was a rumble as Ceratomon ran past, throwing a volley of ribbons out of his way. Kevin caught a glance at Owen as he ducked down on the dinosaur’s back, before looking down himself. The tall teen threw an arm out in a wild gesture; one that could have either been ‘great work, thanks’ or ‘ I love you but get the fuck out of the way or you get no snookie tonight’. Either was possible with Owen. Kevin pouted, and made to roll up his sleeves and march forwards in a valiant attempt of chivalry, but Sara grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “I like your spirit, but we really should be going ourselves.” “Are we okay to just leave them alone? This guy seems to have a few issues.” Sara ran her fingers through her hair. “It’s not ideal, but I think we just need to give them space.” Another rumble prompted the two of them to move out of the way themselves, glancing behind them as they did so. A majority of the hostages were doing the same thing, trying to get as far away from the centre of the arena as they could; get to a safe place to recover and try and contact the outside world. But still a few more had broken away from the group, hiding and watching the skirmish going on within the flowing fabric walls. Out of curiosity, or out of their own loyalties. And unbeknownst to everybody, one such person had hidden himself behind a station platform, far closer than he should have been. Nicholas adjusted his glasses, and stared at the battle, trying to make out the masked figures beyond. Dramatismon shifted forwards, twisting his entire body around as he lunged out with a spiralling fist, catching Kampoimon across the muzzle and leaving marks. The seahorse whinnied, backing away as Inez held her breath from her vantage point. “Tail Frost!” “Digital Blitz!” A barrage of blasts burst out from beneath Dramatismon’s feet, and he leapt skywards, the ends of his ribbons fluttering in the wind. But Alopemon intercepted him in mid-air, spinning her body around and striking him across the chest with a serrated tail blade. Several ribbons were cut, but yet more reached out and wrapped around the fox, tossing her aside with little effort. She landed smoothly, keeping upright as Grace held on tightly to her back. The girl fumbled with her D-SEND, watching as it beeped incessantly. “Dramatismon. Ultimate level. Family Unknown, Abilities Unknown...pretty much nothing useful at all.” She groaned, staring up at the twisting clown as he tussled with a struggling Sapiamon. “Ohhhh, this isn’t gonna go well...” Sapiamon held up a claw, grabbing Dramatismon by the sad mask and yanking as hard as she could, but Dramatismon just leant further forwards, gripping both gauntlets around her metal arm and pressing inwards. “Violence Will Not Save You, no Matter How Much you Depend on It.” Sapiamon hissed as her arm began to steam, the gauntlets sending intense heat and cold through the metal. She yanked it backwards, and jammed her rifle into Dramatismon’s neck. “Yeah? Well fuck you too, Chuckles. Nebula Blaster!” Dramatismon’s body billowed out as light poured from between his ribbons, causing the surrounding Digimon to duck from the new barrage of laser blasters. Mistramon swooped upwards, letting out a squawk as three of the blasts shot past his head. “Hey, watch it!” “Duck then, you stupid bird!” yelled Sapiamon, shaking out her smoking gun. “It’s not my fault if our opponent doesn’t play by the RULES!” Dramatismon unfolded himself, and pressed his palms beneath his faces in a coy position. “Rules are But Fictional Constructs Created by Those With No Imagination.” Off to the side of the arena, Owen sighed as he dismounted his metallic mount, and turned towards Mark, pointing out with a thumb. “See this? This is the kind of attitude that really pisses me off. You’re alright actually.” Mark tilted his head at the backhanded compliment, before choosing to ignore it. He leapt down, before turning on his heel and yelling up at his partner. “Find an opening! He’s just another enemy; if we can knock him down, we can stop him!” Ceratomon let off a series of steam jets as he bent double, chrome energy spreading out over the front of his body. Alopemon and Sapiamon darted out of the way as Ceratomon rushed forwards, eyes blazing. “Silver Siege!” Dramatismon swooped upwards, but Ceratomon twigged the movement and angled himself in mid-charge, grasping the mime by one hand and slamming him into the wall of the arena. He gasped, and let out an instinctive chuckle, staring down at the dinosaur. “Watcher Turned Watched. Or Are you. Are you still Bound by Duty?” He chuckled, and twisted around his captor’s arm, digging his ribbons into the metal as he leered up into Ceratomon’s face. “I Wonder Who Sees the Real Truth between Us?” ![]() Ceratomon’s eyes widened, and he reared up, grasping the ribbons and tearing them with a single motion, roaring as he did so. “I’ve d-done my time with your kind! It’s my turn to be a s-soldier!” Dramatismon tried to pull away, but Ceratomon kept a tight grip, swinging to one side and slamming the bard against the ground by the leg. Then he swung around, and flung him skywards, where he hovered in mid-air as the other Champions circled beneath him. “Nebula Blaster!” “Crushing Tide!” “Pressure Wave!” “Icicle Barrage!” Dramatismon’s head twisted round, his tone of voice changing even as the attacks shot towards him. “Most....Perplexing...” He screamed as the attacks struck as one, forming a cloud of light and wind that spiralled around his body. Inez pumped her hand in a victory gesture, but Owen held out a hand beside her. “Wait...” The cloud seemed to stop in mid-air, before rewinding, the energy being replaced by ribbons that grew over them. Dramatismon reformed in mid-air, holding his arms out in a theatrical pose, before his voice sounded again with a rasping shudder. “Karma Houdini!” His body rippled, and he spun around, his limbs bursting outwards and firing the complete attacks back at the Digimon around him, sending several of them crashing down. Mistramon just about managed to dodge a torrent of water flying up at him, deflecting it with a rush of air. He swore as Dramatismon descended back to earth, bowing in front of an imaginary round of applause. “Nobody thinks you’re clever, y’know!” There was a rush of wind from beside him, and the eagle glared across at Orizumon, who was hovering in mid-air, his expression completely flat. Jack snorted from on top of his back, and yelled out at the crane. “Hey! Are you gonna help out or what?” Lyra’s head shot in his direction, and she pulled her hood further over her head. “I don’t hold any loyalty to you people!” “After we brought your partner back to you?” “That doesn’t mean anything!” retorted Lyra, before she leant back, and looked down at the crane. “...right?” Orizumon gave a ‘tsk’, and looked away. But his eyes were sad. “I owe Syngnamon, if nobody else. He kept his word.” He looked up, watching as Lyra stared down at him, clutching hold of her bag and holding it tightly. “It’s your call, Lyra.” “Watch out!” Orizumon jerked out of his stupor and lurched to one side, avoiding the spire of ribbons that flew skywards towards him. They swung sideways, threatening to slice off one of his wings, but a sudden burst of wind buffeted the crane out of the way as Mistramon banked around, blocking the tower of ribbons with his tail blade. He grimaced, and glared back at Orizumon. “If you’re not gonna do anything then get out the way at least!” Lyra watched as the eagle dived down again, before pushing herself up and wiping her face. “That is it! I am not going to be shoved around like this, either by a clown or by a big rude chicken. Orizumon!” “My pleasure.” Orizumon curved upwards, before bending over and diving down in a spiral, the edges of his wings glinting. “Regal Spinner!” Dramatismon glanced upwards and raised an arm, but Orizumon’s rotating threads intertwined with his ribbons, and he found himself thrust to one side. He held up his other gauntlet and swiped upwards, taking a claw mark out of the rear of Orizumon’s wing, but caused no further damage. The crane twisted around again, his body folding inwards as Lyra held tightly onto his back, sensing his movements. “Lethal Edge!” “Exit Stage Left!” Orizumon couldn’t stop in time, barrelling into Dramatismon as the ribbons overtook him. There was a rippling movement, and the crane burst out again, flying upwards at a completely different angle and looking more dishevelled than before. “...that was certainly something...” Lyra swayed on his back, muttering something about two interdimensional trips in one day being hell on the stomach. The crane looked back, concerned, but he rose up again as Dramatismon cast up an arm of spiralling fabric. “Crushing Tide!” Kampoimon lunged forwards, releasing a stream of water that caught Dramatismon beneath the second mask. But he rolled with the punch, and held up both gauntlets, taking the second blow in his stride. “Karma Houdini!” Kampoimon backed away, awaiting the attack coming back at him, but instead Dramatismon inverted himself, suddenly pointing his free hand at Lonnie and Dendromon as they rushed to one side. “Nobody Is Safe from the Will of the Author.” “Look out!” The water swept out in a vicious arrow, but Lonnie was swept aside as Alopemon rushed forwards and threw her to the ground. Dendromon was less lucky, caught by the rushing torrent and sent slamming back into the wall with a hoarse bark. Dramatismon hissed, and looked down at his hands. “Why Am I so Bound?” “You’re a dirty fighter!” came a yell from beside him, as Sapiamon ran at full pelt, spinning herself up into a flying kick. The clown didn’t even look up; he just raised a gauntlet and caught her, throwing her skywards. She twisted herself around, and tried to move again, her boot connecting with his happy face. “Why are you so annoying?” Dramatismon shifted to one side, before ducking as Ceratomon’s morning star flew at his head. He slithered away, and reformed once again, holding both palms out. “We have No Control. No Judgement or Will of our Own. We Must Fulfil our Purpose. Our Wish to Save All Worlds.” “Come off it!” spat Sapiamon, twisting her metallic hand and rolling the fingers. “You’re just like every other freak we come across who thinks that humans are a scourge or something. A) It’s messed up and B) it’s goddamn boring.” "Humanity Is Blessed. Perplexing, but Interesting. You are Misunderstanding.” He backed away, raising an elbow as Dendromon fired a series of fiery arrows at him, and firing them back at Mistramon who descended from above. All the while his heads twisted back and forth, staring at everybody in turn. "Your Fates are Intertwined and Ruined by Two. They Must be Removed. This Story Shall not Come to Pass.” “What the hell are you talking about?” Dramatismon bent double, holding his gauntlets over both his faces and letting out a long sigh. "How Could you see it? You are entrapped by your Third Dimension. You would Never Know the Perils Beyond. Thus it is Our Duty.” “Convenient!” yelled Sapiamon, closing her metallic fist and rushing forwards. “Also wrong!” She leapt aside as a gauntlet slammed down, raising her hand in an uppercut motion, but Dramatismon’s body seemed to swap sides, sending Tragediemon’s face leering out at her, surrounded by blue ribbons. “Exit Stage Right!” “Aw fuck-“ Sapiamon was swallowed in an instant, though the momentum made Dramatismon’s body double back on itself. He rolled into a ball, then opened up, seeming slimmer and more hunched than before as Tragediemon’s personality took control. “They Will Never Understand, and thus, they will be Doomed.” “Piston Punch!” Ceratomon’s fist came forwards, but Dramatismon twisted around, ejecting Sapiamon from ribbon-space right into his line of movement. The iron fist caught her chest with a sickening crunch, and sent her sprawling, the voice knocked out of her. Ceratomon stepped back, horrified. “Oh my god! I’m s-sorry!” “Stay still you bastard! Icicle Barrage!” A series of spikes dug into Dramatismon’s back, and he spun around, whipping out with his ribbons as Alopemon darted back and forth. She leapt past him, dragging her tail spikes across his arm and ducking as he kicked backwards, before readying herself up for another blow. Dramatismon straightened up, his blue ribbons flicking over to red as Comediemon’s face pushed its way out of his chest. “I’ve got this! Spiral Force!” Mistramon dived down, flying just over everybody’s heads as his tail blade streamed pink energy out behind him. He dived sideways, the energy flying outwards and slamming directly into Dramatismon’s chest, cleaving him in two with a great and terrible ripping sound. The eagle gasped in shock, before giving a victory crow, watching as the two severed sections fluttered lifelessly down to the ground. “Yes! We did it! In your faces!” “Fakeout Victory!” “Mistramon, come back!” Alopemon’s voice stung the eagle’s ears and he blinked, his eyes shimmering with a red mist. He became aware of Jack’s fists pounding his neck, and his partner’s muffled voice yelling at him. “You missed! You turned away! He’s got Alopemon!” The picture fell from Mistramon’s eyes like fabric tearing, and he noticed the true scene before him, with Dramatismon holding the fox by the scruff of the neck, laughing at her as he tried to reach for the partner on her back. “The Story Can be Rewritten and Redrafted and Remade. Every time. Every second.” Alopemon twisted, her tail shooting out and striking the Ultimate level across the neck, severing several ribbons. But he threw her skywards, holding out a hand as he leapt up. “Genre Recollect! Lethal Edge!” His body flattened into a thin shape and he shot past Alopemon just as she twisted out of the way, Grace clinging tightly to her back. But the fox didn’t move far enough, and Dramatismon connected, slicing across her belly and digging into her partner’s arm. “Aaargh!” “YOU CHEATING SHITHEAD! Pressure Wave!” Mistramon barrelled forwards, slamming his entire body into Dramatismon’s and blowing him away in a fluttering mass of rags, pushing him against the pillar. But he wasn’t fast enough to stop Alopemon as she descended, her fall only partially broken by Kampoimon as he softened the impact with a cushion of water. Alopemon fell sideways, and Grace rolled from her back, clutching her forearm. Inez and Lonnie raced towards her, pulling her out of harm’s way. Across from them, Owen yelled up at Orizumon. “Idiot! Why did you attack him?” “I didn’t! He must have read my attacks when he transported me!” “Genre Recollect! Nebula Blaster!” Owen’s eyes widened as he turned towards Dramatismon, who had his arms opened with green lights, pointed directly at Lonnie, Inez and the wounded Grace. Owen held out an arm, “Stop him!” “Don’t you t-touch them!” Ceratomon barrelled in front of him, holding his arms in front of him as the blasts struck his body. They weren’t as powerful as when Sapiamon fired them previously, but they were still enough to pit and scorch his armour, and nearly take out one of his eyes, causing him to blink in pain. He roared, summoning a shining shield over the front of his body as he charged at where Dramatismon was sat. “Silver Siege!” The group of tamers looked away, not watching Ceratomon’s struggle against the babbling jester. Inez sat over Grace, trying to bind the deep gash along her forearm. Lonnie was knelt beside her, gripping her chin and tapping her foot in frustration. “What to do...what to do...what to do...” “Your ideas are as good as mine!” Behind her, Owen slammed a fist against the ground, cursing multiple times beneath his breath. “Frickin’ fantastic. We can’t attack him, we can’t even touch him, but he can flip each one of us upside down and use us as frickin’ hand-puppets if he wants. This is the worst.” Mark raised a finger beside him. “Ssh.” “Don’t ssh me!” “Oh I’m sorry, are you busy coming up with a plan?” “No. Are you?” Mark glared back at him. “Yeah, I would be if you weren’t yelling in my ear constantly!” Owen opened his mouth, but Lonnie stood up and pulled him away by the shoulder, shaking her head. “We can’t beat this guy like we’ve beaten everyone else. We need something special.” Grace snorted, pushing herself up into a sitting position as Inez flapped her hands in a nervous fashion. “There’s...ow...nothing we can’t beat with enough of us banding together to give them a boot up the arse. I’ve learnt that much.” She pulled out her D-SEND, rolling the wheel on the side as she glared at it. “We’ve gotten stronger before. If we tried...surely we could reach the next level...” Lonnie blinked, and stared at her own device. “You can evolve your partners again?” She glanced over at Dendromon, who was doing a valiant attempt keeping up with the others and getting the occasional attack in, but was clearly out of her depth. Lonnie gritted her teeth, hiding her pained expression from the others. “What the hell am I doing wrong then?” Grace shook her head. “It’s not good; it hasn’t worked in this world yet anyway. I don’t know why, possibly because we’re in a different world now...but there has to be something we can do to push it forwards-” “There’s no good waiting for a power-up that may not come in time.” Mark said bluntly, as he stepped forwards. “But if we can’t fight strong, we just need to fight smart.” Owen leant against the wall. “You have a plan?” “I have an idea. A plan would require time for development and for us all to be in a solid mental state before we start.” “...well that’s not fucking happening then.” Mark raised an eyebrow. “I am open to a brainstorming session.” Owen planted a fist in his hand. “Alright, fuck it. What’s the idea, then?” Mark pointed. “Dramatismon’s made up of those two halves, right? If we can split him apart, surely the individual parts will be weaker. If we can try and focus on one of them maybe we can take it out.” Inez stood up, holding up a nervous hand. Mark turned to her, and she asked quietly. “What if...he won’t stop? Even if we can subdue him, what then?” She looked around, her eyes unable to focus completely. “Might we have to...kill him?” There wasn’t an answer for a few seconds, with the sounds of battle filling all of their ears. Lonnie stood beside Inez, holding her shoulder and looking down. Grace and Owen stared at each other, grim resolve on their faces. In the midst of them all, Mark held his chin. “If...and only if...it comes down to it...our partners come first. We come first as well.” He pressed his eyes shut, before looking at everyone in turn. “Are we all clear?” The others nodded, and they got up in unison, spreading into two as they called out to their partners in turn. Grace and Lonnie were left on their own, and the taller girl whistled up to the sky, getting Jack’s attention as he swooped overhead. “Yo?” “How easily can you pull these two guys apart?” Jack blinked, and looked down at Dramatismon. “How long is a piece of string? Or ribbon in this case?” He tilted his head in thought, before whispering in Mistramon’s ear. He waved a hand gesture at the two girls, before tilting away, pulling in line with Lyra and Orizumon. The young woman glared at him, pulling her bag out of his sight. “You’d better not have any more crazy ideas!” “Sorry, that’s all we sell round these parts. But we’re gonna need your help.” Dramatismon ducked low, firing out a spiralling coil of energy behind him that pulled Kampoimon down, before leaping to one side as Alopemon rushed past, trying to keep her distance while still keeping involved in the battle. The actor mumbled under his breath, not fully focusing on the moment around him. “They Evolve.” “They Learn and Adapt. Humans Are such Curious Creatures. So Willing to Try New Things.” “Without Regard for the Wellbeing of their Own Selves.” “Hence Our Duty.” “Canst We Be Prepared?” “The Final Verdict is yet to Be Sealed. We Promised we Would Wait.” “Then we shall Protect Ourselves.” He giggled, and flipped backwards, only to be caught by Ceratomon’s swinging fist and a gust of wind from Mistramon’s wings. Dramatismon opened his chest in two, springing forth ribbons, smoke and light as the warriors surrounded him, closing in with a new goal. “Genre Recollect! Digital Blitz!” The blasts rippled out from inside the arena, tearing apart the fabric and crumbling the pillars. Some of the escaped civilians had abandoned the area completely, but others still remained, transfixed by the display that they could witness through the cloak and mirror. Vex glanced at the ones hiding as he slowed, holding up a hand as he did so. “I guess they’re not important anymore...” The hunters gathered around him, staring up at the display. A few of them clutched their weapons, but it was difficult to make out what was going on without getting too close for comfort. Kade stepped up behind the leader, not quite as blatantly confident as usual. “Do we go straight in?” “It’s just another monster, right?” piped up Via from the group, her hand twitching. “We can take it out the same way.” Jai nudged her from one side, shaking his head. “ Something feels...different about this one.” Vex breathed out, and pulled the group to one side, keeping them all out of the way. "The fact that all those tamers are there suggests this is more powerful than we’re used to. Or at least more difficult to deal with.” “Vex!” The vigilante looked to one side as two other young men beckoned to him in the shadows, trying to stay out of sight. Vex gestured to Zeke behind him, who threw a pair of face masks to the pair. Even within their own group, nobody liked to know too much about the others. It was simpler that way. The two newly masked men stepped forwards, as Vex acknowledged them. “ Nile, Lian. I’m glad you’re safe. Is Mira with you?” “We don’t know. She may have been with the others but she hasn’t made herself known.” "Possibly didn’t have the chance. This is a tricky situation after all.” Vex looked over at the battleground as a flash of light burst out, followed by a rushing of water. “Have you managed to pick anything up?” Lian looked cautious, stepping back and forth and nearly tripping over his own feet. “He called himself Dramatismon. It was two separate creatures that merged into one. We were shooed out before we could get much of a look at what it was capable of, but it looks like it can do weird things with the other guys’ abilities.” Vex looked down, deep in thought as Kade swung up beside him. "Whatever; just pull out the resonator and we’re good, right? You saw what it did to the lion the other day.” Vex glanced up. “And I saw what using it meant for the resonator itself. It’s still too early to throw it about like nobody’s business. If we’re gonna use it, we need to be sure that it’s going to work.” “Aren’t those tamers trying to fight it at the moment?” Dula remarked, folding her arms. "I hate to admit it, but they may be useful in weakening it for us.” Vex sighed. “They’re fighting for the same thing we are, and at the moment they’re trying to keep it contained.” He nodded. “Nile, Lian, thanks. Head back and stay out of this.” Nile stepped forwards, holding one arm with a desperate edge to his voice. “No...we can help-" Vex held out a hand, knocking it against the other man’s shoulder. "You haven’t got your equipment. It’s too dangerous. I don’t want to lose anyone today.” ![]() Lian reached out, and tugged Nile by the arm, pulling him back away towards the bridge. Vex ran a palm over his visor, before turning to the others. "Split into groups of two or three. Set up the resonator around the perimeter, and keep an eye on what’s going on inside. And whatever happens, remember we’re only after this Dramatismon. Those children and their Digimon are off-limits.” Kade gave a ‘tsk’, and turned away, only for Vex to grab him by the shoulder and twist him around, staring at him from behind his visor. “ That goes for all of you.” The shorter man pushed Vex’s hand away, looking away. "I mean, we could get rid of some of the kids’ Digimon if they just happen to be in the way. It’d be handy for later.” “This isn’t the time.” “Just saying-“ Kade was silenced as Vex leaned forwards, gripping tightly with his gloved hand. The other man held a palm up to his shoulder, wincing inwardly as he remembered the blow from a few nights previously. Vex’s face was unreadable, even as his words dripped poison. “Am I clear?” “...of course.” Vex removed his hand, and beckoned Moda and Raif to come with him. The others split themselves up, and they returned to the shadows to prepare their ambush. “Nebula Blaster!” “Icicle Barrage!” “Acid Arc!” Projectiles shot into the centre of the arena as Dramatismon curved out of the way, spinning and sending out razor-sharp ribbons in a spiral. He stopped where he was, only to get launched to one side as Ceratomon charged forwards, holding out one mechanical palm against Dramatismon’s neck as he primed his other one. “Piston Punch!” The fist came forwards with a crack, but it did little against Dramatismon’s soft body other than cause it to break open slightly. Dramatismon giggle, and raised an elbow, the ribbons parting and firing out more fabric towards him. But the dinosaur dug his heels in, pulling his arm backwards before Dramatismon could suck him in. “Pressure Wave!” A blast of wind came from up above, stopping Dramatismon in his tracks as Orizumon and Mistramon dove in unison. The entertainer spun his body, but the birds were quicker, each one of them grabbing one of his masks and pulling with all their might. Dramatismon staggered, his body going haywire as the ribbons tried to reconnect with each other, yanking themselves away from their assailant’s grip. “Your Attempts Require Practise.” Tragediemon’s half pulled itself back towards the centre, but Comediemon’s was being pulled again, this time held in Kampoimon’s mouth as he ran in the opposite direction, ignoring the ribbons that were digging into his flesh. “Brethren! ” Dramatismon sent out ribbons into the ground, but Alopemon rushed by, wrapping the stretched fabric around her head and pulling herself, all the while firing icicles into Dramatismon’s chest. Comediemon was laughing maniacally, scrabbling as he tried to hold onto Tragediemon’s amorphous body. Tragediemon was pulling himself, but he became aware of Sapiamon and Ceratomon rushing towards him, ready to take him apart as well. He twisted around on himself, and faced his body towards Sapiamon, the grimace morphing on his mask. “Heroic Bluescreen!” Ceratomon reached the creature first and dug his hands into the fabric, pulling with all his might. But as he felt himself being overcome, he turned towards Sapiamon, gritting his teeth. “What are you waiting for? Help me!” Sapiamon didn’t move. She was transfixed in Tragediemon’s gaze, her body frozen entirely in place. From behind the visor, Tragediemon’s form was expanding. Engulfing her entire field of vision, wrapping around himself into something new. A tall, slender figure, bent double, clutching his stomach. He turned towards her, a spaceman’s helmet crumbling over his head and revealing Owen’s face. “I...trusted you...” Sapiamon’s body couldn’t move as the man straightened up, pulling his arms away. The blood from his wound turned to metal, and he raised his hand, rushing forwards as he held the baton above his head, his eyes wild. “My father was right about you! You all need to die!” “GET OUT!” Sapiamon screamed, and bent over, clutching her head and shaking uncontrollably as she finally broke gaze with Tragediemon, snapping her out of the trauma that had been implanted into her brain. Ceratomon tried to pull himself away, but he was bound in place, and found himself being sucked into Tragediemon’s tentacles. “L-let me go-“ “Exit Stage Right!” It was too late; the dinosaur’s body was pulled away into ribbon-space, and Dramatismon’s entire form lurched to one side as Kampoimon and Alopemon suddenly found themselves burdened with much less resistance. For about one second. “Release.” Comediemon’s body convulsed, and swung sideways, releasing Ceratomon as he did so. The dinosaur’s huge bulk slammed into Alopemon, knocking them both to one side and leaving Kampoimon standing alone. The seahorse gripped tightly with his teeth, severing any stray ribbons with his lance as he glared at Comediemon’s grinning visage. “You think that’s enough?” Comediemon shrugged, and his neck split apart, revealing a cluster of ribbons that were spiralling together into a familiar shimmering fist. “Genre Recollect! Piston Punch!” Kampoimon’s eyes widened as the fist flew towards him, slamming into his muzzle and finally dislodging him from Comediemon’s tattered form. Dramatismon lay in two stunned heaps for a second or so, before twisting back together, breathing in and out as calmly as ever. "None Shall separate the Scales. Good and Evil. Laughter and Tears. True Balance leads to Truth. We are Eternal Forever Together-" “Oh no, you don’t!” Dramatismon’s recombination halted, and both masks looked down, watching as Dendromon’s tiny form grabbed tightly to his chest, pulling apart with all her might as her hands glowed white-hot. “Searing Skin!” The ribbons coiled backwards against the intense heat, even as they tried to knot themselves into place again. Dramatismon brought both gauntlets together, clamping them around the amphibian and squeezing as the masks lunged back and forth. Dendromon swallowed, holding on despite the pain as she called out “Someone help me!” “Lethal Edge!” There was a blur of paper wings as Orizumon shot past, slicing Dramatismon’s ribbons between the masks and dragging Tragediemon’s side with him. The Digimon stumbled, twisting half of his body into a spiral and clamping the crane around one leg, throwing him off balance. But as Orizumon flapped away, Mistramon descended, wrapping the ribbons around his own legs and opening his wings wide. “Cheers for the assist, my dudes! Pressure Wave!” “Exit Stage-“ “Icicle Barrage!” A blast of ice crashed into Dramatismon’s stomach area, disrupting and freezing the ribbons before they could pull Mistramon in. Comediemon’s mask turned towards Alopemon as she leapt to one side, but even as he raised his other gauntlet a lance shot out of nowhere and struck his free shoulder, pulling his body apart even more. “Icicle Barrage!” “Nebula Blaster!” Ice and light shot into the writhing mass of ribbons, but even in his stretched state Dramatismon was able to angle himself and absorb the projectiles, both of them being caught up in the swirling mass within his body. “Karma Houdini!” He twisted himself, the attacks firing outwards in a chaotic spray, but while he was doing so he failed to notice Ceratomon powering forwards behind him, until the titan’s great hand clamped over Comediemon’s mask. “You may have four eyes, but you can’t w-watch all of us!” The dinosaur roared, and blasted his own arm backwards with a jet of steam, ribbons trailing behind it. Dramatismon struggled, but with Mistramon pulling from one side, Ceratomon pulling from the other and the others tearing and slashing his body apart, he couldn’t keep composure of himself. Comediemon and Tragediemon tried to face each other, still speaking to themselves. “Do Not.” “Fear Not.” “Require Judgement.” “Sentence.” “Closure...” Dendromon’s feet touched the ground, and she pulled backwards, with Sapiamon and Kampoimon joining her as the Digimon’s body was stretched out across the arena, ribbons snapping and disconnecting one after the other. With an immense tearing, Comediemon and Tragediemon were pulled apart, their bodies flailing as they tried to get any handle on their surroundings. But Ceratomon lunged over, slamming Comediemon’s mask into the ground with an immense pressure, while Mistramon flew high, grappling with Tragediemon’s tattered form still waving in his talons. Mark took a step forwards from the sidelines, calling out from behind his mask. “That’s it! Hold them apart! We can do this!” He didn’t notice Grace pushing herself up behind him, holding her hand against the arena wall as she stared skywards. “Something’s wrong...something’s missing...” Comediemon pushed his mask to one side, and locked eyes with Tragediemon, getting further and further apart all the time. The two exhaled, and spoke in unison. The Climax Approaches Inactive Accomplice! The voice echoed around the entire station yard, though it had come from neither Comediemon nor Tragediemon. Still, the voice carried amongst everyone’s ears; the tamers, the Digimon, the hunters, and the bystanders outside, stopping them in their tracks. But the Digimon were affected the most, as their movements ground to a halt. Frozen in space and time. Alopemon looked around, eyes wide as her muscles locked in place. Ceratomon and Kampoimon were the same, and even Comediemon’s ribbons floated in mid-air, unable to move. And up above, Mistramon and Orizumon were held in mid-flight; not going up, or falling down, or moving in any direction whatsoever. Owen and Lonnie rushed forwards to their own partners, trying to move them as their eyes widened. “What is it? What’s going on?” Dendromon turned her head, her expression scared, but her limbs remained entirely stuck in space. “I can’t do anything! Who is this?” We Have A Duty Lonnie looked over at Comediemon, and Owen up at Tragediemon. But they were as frozen as anybody else. And the voice was different to either of them. Deeper. Less confused. Less chaotic. A voice of reason in this madness. We Are Here To Pass Sentence. We Have Been Observing You Are Noble, And Kind, And Honourable Despite Your Vice Your Sins Of The Past And Future You Have Been Cursed And You Turn It Into Hope But That That Is Not Enough A shadow passed over the arena as something else descended, crouching over on the one remaining pillar as the walls blew apart completely. It was similar in form to both Tragediemon and Comediemon in shape, only significantly bigger. It didn’t carry a gauntlet, but its body protruded from a breastplate, with a pair of vivid purple eyes staring out from the front. And as it reared down on long, purple ribbons, it revealed that it too held a mask; neither happy nor sad, but twisted in a silent roar of fury; a roar dissonant from the calmness of the voice that surrounded them all. Grace looked up in horror, biting her lip. “I knew there was something different...I knew there was one left. You’re the one...who I met the other night, aren’t you?” The face snapped towards her, and she flinched, taking a few steps back. The creature straightened up. For Clarity, We Separate We Journey We Return To The Whole And Deliver The True Ending Comediemon Seeks Out Hope Tragediemon Yearns For Karma And I Satyriemon The Digimon straightened up, unleashing purple tendrils up into the sky and down into the arena towards its other halves, who were still frozen in space. I Have Made A Decision The moment the ribbons coiled around the outstretched tendrils, time unstuck itself. The Digimon in mid-movement overbalanced, and up above, Mistramon and Orizumon plummeted earthwards, with only Orizumon able to right himself in time. Mistramon coiled up, protecting Jack from the impact of the fall, but the ribbons of Tragediemon’s body pulled themselves out of his grasp. And before Ceratomon could grab Comediemon’s mask, the red-bodied sprite slipped away, silent and obedient. The group below were powerless to watch as the figure above stood tall, purple tendrils mingling with red and blue as they spiralled around each other in perfect patterns. And they gathered together, preparing themselves as Dramatismon became something entirely new. The battle wasn’t over yet. Far from it. The purple intertwined with the red and the blue, revealing silver-gilded edges to the ribbons as Dramatismon’s feet turned from pointed shoes to splayed claws. “Lands of Data, Lands of Flesh Through the Void She’ll See.” His arms grew longer, rippling outwards and becoming more muscular, with little red and blue waves protruding from the ribbon-like flesh. The gauntlets twisted firmly into place at the ends, and Satyriemon’s breastplate closed over the mass of ribbons that remained, closing with a click. “True Companion, Hidden Worlds Yearning To Be Free.” The performer stood tall, ribbons falling down like long hair as Comediemon and Tragediemon’s faces pressed outwards, twisted upside down, and linked up with the third mask below, forming the completed mosaic of a face, that was cast by the shade of a multicoloured hood. “Greater Knowledge, Lost and Gained Newfound Paradise.” The eyes flashed, and Dramatismon’s new form raised his arms slowly, a cloak of ribbons billowing out behind him. “Strike the Matches...” “Forge the Horn...” “With His Sacrifice.” Without warning, Dramatismon leapt high, casting a shadow across the arena. The group staggered out of the way as he descended, the impact shaking the last pillar and causing it to crumble to the ground, removing the wall of fabric. Dramatismon stood slowly up, fire burning in his mouths and his cloak blowing in the non-existent wind. He turned slowly, looking at each one of them in turn with an almost pitiable expression. He stopped, and raised his left hand, holding out a single finger as he pointed at just one of them. Grace’s eyes widened, and she stepped back, but the digit followed her movement. “You.” Alopemon stood in front, but Dramatismon kept moving, raising his other finger and pointing in a different direction, focusing on Lonnie. “You.” The two girls stared at one another as the group huddled closer, unsure what to do. Lonnie stared up at the performer, his masks eternally uncaring. “...what do you want from us?” Dramatismon’s eyes burned away. His cloak whipped, and fell. “Die.” Before either of them could even take a breath, the gauntlets opened up, and two spears of razor-sharp ribbons shot out, aiming directly for their hearts. Lonnie hit the deck as the ribbons sliced over her, and she gasped as a stray piece of material cut into her cheek, drawing blood. But she rolled, yelling out as she stared over at the other girl, her eyes wide. “GRACE!” Grace had been thrown back at the last minute, with Alopemon wrestling the tendril to one side, her bone mask split apart by the impact to reveal a serrated jaw as she pulled with all her might. “You...MONSTER! ICICLE BARRAGE!” ![]() The very air cracked and popped as a circle of ice shards flew out at Dramatismon, slamming into his chest. He didn’t even flinch, instead twisting his arm and tightening the spire of ribbons around Alopemon’s chest and throwing his arm high. “Away.” The fox spiralled uncontrollably before crashing down to earth, her breath being knocked out of her. In front of her partner, Grace stood up in a temporary stupor, before Lonnie’s voice burst through the fuzz of her brain. “Run! He’s coming for you!” The girl flinched, and powered backwards towards her fallen partner as Dramatismon’s mighty fist slammed down where she had been seconds before. Lonnie let out a breath, but Dramatismon’s head turned silently towards her and she realised she was in just as much trouble. She turned and sprinted, but the area was opened out now, and there was nowhere to hide. The huge Digimon powered after her, his gauntlets opening up. “Genre Recollect! Digital Blitz!” He threw the gauntlet to one side, and a volley of explosions erupted in the gravel, knocking the girl off her feet and causing her to roll over the sharp stones. Dramatismon turned to a run, raising his hand, but something shot past his vision and he felt a blast from his shoulder. He stumbled, and Sapiamon swung around on two of his ribbons and landed a sharp kick right between his face. “Hey wanker; I have copyright on that!” She leapt out the way as a series of ribbons came towards her, but a flat palm shot out and knocked her off her trajectory, as well as knocking her rifle out of her hand. But as she fell, Kampoimon rushed forwards, swinging his tail around and embedding the lance into Dramatismon’s midriff. “Equus Harpoon! ” “Karma Houdini!” The blast lit up Dramatismon’s body, but disappeared in an instant, along with the lance itself. Dramatismon turned, his eyes scanning the distance until he saw Lonnie, with Dendromon running beside her. He raised his gauntlet, the glove opening up and glowing blue as he aimed. “Leave them alone!” Mistramon’s body powered forwards, grabbing the arm and pulling it wide, sending the blast into the sky. Dramatismon twisted his hand and pulled Mistramon back, who retaliated with a headbutt and a pair of savage pecks to the head, before twisting himself away. Dramatismon took a step, but yet again he was held back as Kampoimon and Ceratomon grabbed a hold of his body, struggling but determined as ever. The Ultimate level sighed, his eyes dimming in their sockets. "This No Longer Concerns You. I Have Named My Price. You Are Irrelevant.” “Like...FUCK...we are!” yelled Mistramon, returning and digging his talons into Dramatismon’s shoulders, his eyes harsh and piercing. “You pick a fight with one of us, you pick a fight with all of us!” "I Require Two Souls For All Your Futures. No More. This Is Final. Rejoice In That Solution.” Jack poked his head over Mistramon’s shoulder, his goggles reflecting the Digimon’s eyes. “Stay away from my goddamn sister, you creep! And Lonnie as well!” “Break Your Attachments. This Is The Best Outcome.” “Why the hell would we ever do that?” Dramatismon twisted his head around, staring down as Mark, Inez and Owen grouped together, glaring up at him. Mark raised a finger. “You clearly don’t understand a single thing about any of us!” “You Will Not Yield?” “We won’t abandon them. Ever.” Dramatismon let out a breath, and straightened up even against the pressure of the Digimon around him. “Then Sleep.” Dramatismon twisted wildly, thrusting out a pointed leg and sending Ceratomon reeling back. Unable to hold him himself, Kampoimon nonetheless gripped tightly, trying to slash Dramatismon’s legs as he was lifted off the ground and catapulted over the bard’s shoulder. “Nebula Blaster!” Sapiamon leapt up again, firing a blaze of pellets down into Dramatismon’s three masks, but they were absorbed in seconds, and released in a flash of light that shot past her as she descended. She dodged effortlessly, but the lights were a distraction; Dramatismon’s right gauntlet came out of nowhere and punched her hard in the back. She flew sideways, crashing into the ground and rolling several metres, temporarily immobilised by the attack. “Crushing Tide!” “Pressure Wave!” Water and wind collided in mid-air as Dramatismon ducked, holding out both arms and sweeping the attacks away. He became aware of Kampoimon rushing up next to him, but he didn’t make a move; instead turning his head towards Inez as she rushed forwards. The girl looked up, her eyes catching Tragediemon’s before she could comprehend what was happening. “Heroic Bluescreen!” Inez could feel her legs slowing, the ground no longer solid beneath her feet. Kampoimon’s attack seemed to grow in strength and girth, but it curved away from Dramatismon and came straight for her, submerging her in an instant. She screamed silently, kicking and struggling against the oppressive ocean as she fell down...down... No, not falling... Dragged...drowning...choking...tightening around her throat... “No...not again...” “INEZ!” Kampoimon was stunned out of focus as he watched Inez fall to her knees; shaking wildly, and holding her hands to her neck. The seahorse rushed towards her, but he was halted by a brutal kick to the flank, sending him down. “You have no honour! Equus Harpoon!” Kampoimon roared and thrust the lance up at Dramatismon’s throat, but the warrior caught it with both hands, twisting it and pulling it out of Kampoimon’s grip. He swiped left and right, slashing the sea beast across the shoulders before throwing the lance heavily to the ground, snapping it in two. Wounded but still furious, the seahorse clamped his palms together, ready to summon another torrent, but not before Dramatismon lunged forwards and grabbed both his wrists, the ribbons at his shoulders rippling. “Focus On Those Close To You. Forget The Others.” Kampoimon clenched his fists, but he couldn’t stop Dramatismon, and yelled out in pain as the titan bent his arms around, the joints cracking. Dramatismon lunged out with a kick, before releasing one arm and grabbing the seahorse by the neck, ribbons erupting around his gauntlet. With one vastly strong hand he raised Kampoimon off the ground, wrapping the ribbons around his opponent’s neck and shoulders as the seahorse struggled to breathe. “Take Care Of Yourself, Herald.” Dramatismon threw his arm sideways, ripping the ribbons away as he did so. Kampoimon landed several metres away, coughing blood and coiling up as his form shimmered against the gravel. Up above Jack’s eyes widened, and he held tightly to Mistramon’s mane. He watched the seahorse convulsing, barely keeping his adult form together, and a few metres away Inez still bent double, panic holding her in its clutches as Mark and Owen knelt beside her, trying to calm her. Jack ground his teeth together, and tugged at his partner’s mane. “He’s not getting away with this!” “Agreed!” The eagle dived, swooping past Dramatismon in a shallow feint before swooping around, his tail blade glowing an intense pink. “Spiral Force!” The trail of energy dug into Dramatismon’s shoulder, and he reared back, staring up into the sky with Tragediemon’s face as the eagle prepared for another pass. “Heroic Bluescreen!” Jack covered his face, but Mistramon spat, his head twisting to one side. “I...won’t...let you...break me...” He cawed as he dove, letting gravity aid his charge, but this time Dramatismon ducked, reaching out with one gauntlet. Mistramon’s eyes widened, feeling Jack’s weight disappear from his back in an instant. “You bastard...” “You Will Still Suffer The Nightmare. But In Your Case The Nightmare Is Real.” “BASTARD!” Mistramon coiled back, burning himself on his own energy trail as he shot towards Dramatismon, who held his partner in his left hand. Dramatismon threw the boy to the ground, before ducking again, reaching upwards and grasping the bird by the blazing tail. The energy made his gauntlets glow and a few ribbons snap, but it was enough to bring Mistramon to a halt. The eagle swung around, veering downwards and crashing into the ground. He let out a hoarse breath, but Dramatismon arched his back, throwing Mistramon over his shoulder and slamming the bird’s great bulk into the gravel again. “Let him go!” Jack had gotten to his feet, bruised and bleeding but miraculously not as hurt as he could have been. He held his upper arm, looking up at Dramatismon then all around, his eyes settling on Orizumon who was hung in the sky, watching the display. “What are you waiting for? Help him!” Orizumon pressed his beak together, and lowered himself, the edges of his wings fluttering. “Lethal-“ He froze, Dramatismon’s head snapping towards him. On his back he could feel Lyra, holding his neck. Holding him back. Her hands were shaking. “This Is Not Your Fight, Nomads. Save Yourselves.” The actor raised a gauntlet, squeezing it tightly as red ribbons flowed from the fingers like blood. “Or You Will Not Survive.” Jack and Mistramon looked up helplessly as Orizumon hovered in mid-air, his eyes darting all around. Lyra looked away on top of his head, her eyes closed. “...Orizumon...we need to go...” “Lyra?” “...I’m sorry...” Orizumon cursed, and turned away, flapping his wings with a great motion as he and the girl shot skywards getting smaller by the second. “NO!” Jack watched helplessly, before throwing his D-SEND to the ground with a yell of fury. “You...COWARDS!” “Pressure Wave!” Dramatismon’s body was buffeted as Mistramon’s bloodied form spread his wings wide, sending a blast of air into the actor’s torso. He tried to pull himself away, but Dramatismon grasped him by the neck and threw him sideways, colliding with Ceratomon as the latter rushed forwards. The two crashed to the ground, and Mistramon rolled away, all his energy dissipated as he began to lose his form. “Shit! Not now! I can keep...going!” Beside him, Ceratomon pawed the ground, summoning a chrome shield in front of him as he began to run forwards, his shoulders steaming. “Silver Siege!” He crashed into Dramatismon at full pelt, knocking the demon off his feet and tearing through his chest, even as Mark called out after him. “The eyes! Don’t look at the eyes!” “Fakeout Victory!” Dramatismon crumbled to dust in Ceratomon’s arms, and he turned just in time to receive a brutal right hook across the face. He raised his own arms, but Dramatismon struck him again and again, his ribbons rippling like powerful muscles and his gauntlets easily overpowering Ceratomon’s mechanical arms. Metal bent, tubes broke and the fingers shook loose, until finally the dinosaur was sent down onto one knee, his arms reduced to wrecks. He pressed a splayed palm against the ground, thrusting his forehead forwards in an attempt to ram Dramatismon. But he only succeeded in bringing his head into the oncoming uppercut, which sent the dinosaur tumbling down for good. Dramatismon stood up, staring into nothing. He almost didn’t seem to notice the four brutalised Champions, spread out and ruined around him. He just turned, and focused his attention on the other side of the yard, where Lonnie, Grace, Dendromon and Alopemon stood, staring in horror. “Witness Your Salvation.” Ceratomon reached out, but he couldn’t even close his hand, let alone stop the actor from walking off. Kampoimon was barely conscious. Sapiamon pounded the ground as she struggled to stand. Mistramon had lost his Champion form completely, leaving Perimon breathing raggedly on the gravel. Their tamers were sprawled around them, in various states of shock and pain and utter fear themselves, and completely powerless to stop the demon from taking their friends’ lives. Dramatismon strode forwards, rolling his fingers back and forth as Dendromon and Alopemon stepped up. “Icicle Barrage!” “Acid Arc!” Biting ice and pitiful fire struck Dramatismon’s torso, but he moved his arm to one side and swept it away, breaking into a run. Even as the two Digimon kept firing, he gained speed, raising his right fist as he aimed directly for the two girls beyond. The fox and the salamander planted themselves in front; knowing full well they couldn’t stop the titan but willing to try at all costs. Dramatismon’s voice echoed out again, still surrounding the railway yard. “I Ask For Forgiveness-” There was a blur of colour, and before Grace, or either of the Digimon could hold her back, Lonnie had rushed out in front of everybody, throwing her arms wide and yelling out at the top of her lungs. “WHY?” The wind from the attack whipped past the girl and she flinched, waiting for the killing blow. But it didn’t come, and she opened her eyes, looking up as Dramatismon hovered over her, his gauntlets twitching at the knuckles. Lonnie stared up, and swallowed, holding her arms down. “Why are you doing this? Why...do we need to die?” Dramatismon lurched forwards. A centimetre. Then stopped. Pulled back, still holding his arms up. Lonnie could hear the murmur in his voice; three different voices talking with one another. “We Have A Duty. Release Me.” “She has a Right To Know.” “It Won’t Change A Thing.” “They must Disappear Anyway.” “Do Not Doubt Us Now.” “They should know. It is Not their Fault.” “It Is Not Our...Duty...” “They Deserve An Answer!” Dramatismon rocked back, placing one gauntlet on the ground and staring down at Lonnie. The girl backed away, but felt a pair of arms around her shoulders. Grace clung onto her, her own stance brave as Alopemon and Dendromon flanked the both of them. Dramatismon looked between the two girls, and sighed resignedly. “We are Sorry for Your Futures.” “ What about our futures? What...do we do?” Lonnie swallowed, and looked down at the ground. “We only want to help your kind to live with us; to help your world and ours. How is that a bad thing?” “Raindrops Become Floods. Snowflakes Lead to Avalanches. And The Noblest Of Deeds Can Lead To Devastation Beyond Your Comprehension.” Lonnie gave a short, humourless laugh, and pulled at her mask, sniffing as she did so. “Isn’t there anything I can do? So that Grace doesn’t have to die? Or me? Or...anyone else here?” “Can You Swear Off This Life?” "Can You Forsake The Bonds You have Formed, The Duties you Have Submitted To, The Life Of A Tamer? Forever. Never To Return.” Dramatismon leant back, looking at both girls in turn. “It Is Never Too Late To Walk Away From This Life.” Lonnie stepped back, still looking at the ground. She wanted to say something, but she wasn’t sure what. She found herself thinking about how to explain all this to her family, but then her mind wandered away. It wouldn’t exactly be her job at that point. She scrunched her face up, unable to focus as Dramatismon stood up in front of her. She felt a hand crawl over the back of hers, and looked beside her. Grace nodded, her own body wrought with pain. But she held tightly, staring up at the actor. “We don’t have the strength for that. So sorry.” “We Know.” “Tail Frost!” Alopemon rushed forwards, her tail shimmering with ice, but Dramatismon swung his arm sideways and knocked her away with a single movement. Lonnie and Grace ran in opposite directions, trying to dive low and away from danger, but Dramatismon was quicker as always and thrust out a gauntlet, plucking Grace up from the ground. Lonnie twisted on her foot, reaching out an arm, but the other gauntlet came down and scooped her up as well. They struggled, the grip growing tighter and tighter as Dramatismon held the two of them close. "There Will Be No Pain. You Will Disappear. Our Worlds Will Be Saved. Rejoice.” Lonnie felt her heart going into overdrive as the ribbons caressed her lower body, constricting harder and harder. And yet Dramatismon was right; there was no pain at all. Only a loss of self, slowly creeping upwards. Her vision blurred and her cries of anguish fell away, a strange whistling filling her mind. “Please...I...just...” It hit her again; the fact that her family wouldn’t see her again. Her friends would wonder what had happened. Alasdair. The others. Would they be sad? Angry? Would Dramatismon die for this? Perhaps he’d be okay with that. She wouldn’t be. But then...she wouldn’t have a say... And yet...it all seemed so insignificant. So unimportant in the grand scheme of things. What was her life anyway? Who would actually care, at the end of the day? If it meant the world was okay... Maybe she never had the right to begin with... “LET MY PARTNER GO! ACID ARC!” A powerful blast of fire struck Dramatismon in the chest, and he looked down, almost pitifully at the Rookie trying to crawl up his leg, scraping and slashing as tears fell down her face. “I Am Sorry You Were Pulled Into This.” Dendromon shook her head, and pounded against the ribbons, crying up at the top of her voice. “She can’t die! Not now! I...I...I haven’t done anything for her yet! I never got the chance to...thank her! To help her! Be a hero with her! You have to let her go; I won’t let you do this-“ Crack Dramatismon’s foot shot out, and the salamander was thrown away, crashing against the gravel as blood fell from her head. Lonnie turned her head through the crushing apathy, staring down at her partner. “Hero...” Dendromon raised her head, and held out an arm, the fingertips glowing as she cried. “Lonnie...don’t go...” The fog over Lonnie’s mind solidified, cracked, and fell away like glass. She blinked, staring down at herself, her arms caught up in the web of silent destruction. “What am I doing?” She felt the D-SEND in her right hand, and yanked it away before the ribbons could hold it in place. Her other hand grabbed at the fingers of the gauntlet, and she pushed with all her might, scrabbling wildly as Dramatismon turned his attention towards her. “Accept It. This Is For The Best-“ “Oh, shut up you overgrown party popper!” yelled Lonnie, as she knocked one finger out the way and pushed herself up with all her strength. “I was just about ready to believe all your nonsense about the future and the greater good but you know what? That’s not...your...gosh-darn DECISION!” Dramatismon’s eyes flashed, and he squeezed harder, but a blast of ice suddenly struck the back of his palm. It spread, and he looked down to see Alopemon on her feet; unsteady, but still fighting. Lonnie pressed against the ice, taking advantage of the temporary restraint on the cold metal. “Not about me, not about Grace, not about anyone here! We’re gonna destroy everything? I don’t believe you!” “I Have Seen The Future. It Is Inevitable.” “Well then I’m gonna bloody well change that future and make sure it doesn’t happen! Do you know why?” “This Is Futile-“ “That’s right!” proclaimed Lonnie, as she finally snapped out of the gauntlet and clambered up on the top of Dramatismon’s hand, slamming her fist into her chest as a wide smile spread across her face. “Because I’m gonna be a hero! Whether you like it or not!” ![]() Dramatismon lowered his head, the ribbons around his neck fluttering. “Be At Peace.” The ribbons shot forwards, but Lonnie was undeterred. She bent her legs, and leapt forwards; not out of the way, but directly towards Dramatismon’s three masks. She pulled her right hand back as her D-SEND rumbled in her palm, and brought it forwards with all of her strength. “Leave...us...ALONE!” The device slammed into the centre mask, and a jolt of pain shot through Lonnie’s body as she bounced backwards. She flailed wildly, and landed on her back on the gravel. Pain. A white flash and a juddering sensation in her head, as she stared up, breathing rapidly. Dramatismon’s whole body convulsed with an anger she hadn’t seen before, and he dropped Grace, instead raising both gauntlets above his head. “YOU’RE GOING TO RUIN EVERYTHING!” “Acid Arc!” Dendromon leapt forwards and fired all her charged shots up at the descending fists, but it did little to stop the titanic descent. She stood between Lonnie and Dramatismon, raising her arms as she called out. “PLEASE GIVE ME THE STRENGTH I NEED!” Grace’s eyes fluttered open, and she sat up just in time to see Dramatismon’s hands crash down on top of her friend and partner. She held her breath, shaking her head as Alopemon rushed over to her. “No...it can’t be...” “Grace, look!” The fox helped the girl up as they stared at the glow emanating from beneath Dramatismon’s hand. He strained, and pressed downwards, but finally he was blasted back by a rush of fiery energy, his gauntlet smouldering. “What Have You DONE?” Dendromon blinked, and looked at her own palms, which were surrounded by an orange glow. She looked back, her eyes wide as she saw Lonnie still lying there. “Lonnie, you...you did it...” The girl stared at her palm, the energy flowing around the D-SEND as the mysterious blocking force fell away. At first the fire trickled out in sparks and spurts. Then, in an instant, it was like a floodgate had opened. Lonnie’s back arched as energy exploded from her arm, sending her body skidding backwards. The energy twisted and writhed in the air, before condensing itself and forming a single spiralling arrow, which bent downwards and flew directly into Dendromon’s body. The salamander screamed, her entire body shimmering and vibrating and lifting off the ground. And Lonnie’s voice echoed hers as her arm was dragged forwards, the D-SEND glowing white-hot in her palm as the symbol of a bow and arrow shone on the circular screen. “Dendromon...Soul...Accelerate!” ![]() TO BE CONTINUED... |