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The sky was overcast, with little fuzzy breaks where the clouds were overlapping. Despite that, though, the air was still, if chilly, and the surface of the river was deceptively calm. Nicholas shrugged his shoulders, letting out a breath as he stared down into the still. He appreciated it down here, having not grown up near the sea as a young child. Standing here, at the end of the pier, he felt one step away from the unknown. He closed his eyes, allowing the gentle lull of the waters to rush through his mind. “Sorry I’m late.” The young man turned, and smiled as Grace ran up to him, only slightly flustered. She adjusted her hairband, and brushed one of her bangs away from her eyes, blushing a little. “I lost track of time. I hope you haven’t been waiting long.” Nicholas shook his head. “It’s a nice place here. I didn’t mind.” He stared out again, as Grace stood next to him, resting her forearms on the fence. Nicholas pushed his glasses up, glancing over at her. “Do you often come down here?” “Sometimes. It’s a little far from my house, so we always needed to drive.” Grace rested her hands on her chin. “I like it more this time of year though. Summer’s always really busy. When it’s like this you’re allowed to just enjoy it.” She leant back. “How about you?” “I never had those memories. I grew up in the north. We had hills and sheep instead.” “Did you like it there?” Nicholas thought for a moment, before wiggling his fingers in an indecisive way. “Sort of. Everything’s just much harder to get to. You had to hike everywhere. Or cycle. I could never cycle well. But I have to admit, everything looked really nice there in the summer.” “You’ll need to show me one day. I don’t think I’ve been further north than London.” Nicholas laughed. “Sure thing. Just don’t get your hopes up.” “So when did you and your folks move down here?” asked Grace, curiously. She waited, but Nicholas didn’t answer, suddenly going very quiet. The girl swallowed. “I mean...I don’t mean to pry if it’s something personal.” “I don’t live with my parents anymore.” “Oh.” Grace looked down. “Sorry.” “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about.” Nicholas turned around, smiling warmly. “It’s just the way it is.” The girl held up a palm. “I won’t ask more then.” “Thanks.” Grace shivered, pulling her coat further in as a sudden breeze picked up. “So what’s the plan? Swimming might be a tad hazardous.” “The minigolf’s closed as well...” Nicholas rubbed his hand over his chin, before looking up hopefully. “Should we just walk down to the arcade?” “I’d like that.” The two set off, with the wind behind them as they walked down the smooth brickwork. Grace reached out tentatively, and Nicholas obliged, running his fingers through hers as the two walked hand in hand. They weren’t in much of a hurry, just taking their time to stroll and enjoy the late-autumn atmosphere around them. Grace felt the warmth of Nicholas’s palm against hers, and brought herself closer to him, letting out a little laugh. The young man looked down, smiling. “What is it?” “It’s nothing.” “No, go on?” The girl shook her head. “I’ve just...missed this. So much. I didn’t realise how much. Thank you.” The boy looked at her, leaning on his arm as they walked down the riverside. She looked so at peace. A far cry from the young woman he’d seen not even a week ago; standing up against a terrifying bestial clown out for her blood. Behind his smile, Nicholas’s mind was racing. He could still see them all standing there, only a few dozen metres away. He gently brought her hand up, clasping his other one over the top. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right? If it hurts too much.” The girl didn’t answer. She just stared down. But Nicholas felt her fingers tighten a little around his palm. “I want to be a part of your life too.” Still no answer. Nicholas came to a gentle stop, and the girl looked away, not wanting to meet his gaze. He gently turned her around to face him, trying to make sense of her expression. The girl looked every which way, before settling on him, staring into his glassy blue eyes. She opened her mouth. Then closed it again. Shook her head. “You’re not the only one with...painful things you want to keep to yourself.” Nicholas sighed, and brushed a hand down the girl’s cheek. “It’s not good for either of us, you know.” Grace laughed. “So everyone tells me.” “Alright then, I’ll wait. But will you promise you’ll tell me? When you’re ready? I want to be someone you can trust.” The girl took in a breath, and nodded firmly. She never broke his gaze, and found herself leaning in before she realised what she was doing. She kissed him on the lips, feeling a tingle pass through her body with the touch. After a few seconds, she pulled back. Nicholas was blushing, holding his shoulders awkwardly. “I...er...um...got a little caught up in-“ “Ssh, ssh, no speaking.” The girl put a finger on his lips, grinning. “Besides, I still need to win you something in return for Cuthbert.” “...you called the dolphin Cuthbert?” “I already have a Debbie. It just felt right.” Nicholas had a hearty chuckle, before gesturing forwards. “Shall we continue, then?” “I’d love to.” The two walked off, hand in hand, towards the arcade, joining in with the gentle lull of passers-by. They passed the pond, not even looking sideways as the bushes stirred gently. Vulpimon wagged her tail as she rested her paws on her chin, smiling to herself. “That’s my girl...” Jack wasn’t entirely sure why he’d left the house, other than to give Perimon a bit of fresh air now he had returned to his normal airborne state. This was mostly due to him feeling sorry for the bird after spending the last week and a half being cooped up and flightless, and also partially due to self-preservation, as he felt if he had to hear one more complaint about ‘what use is the life of a bird who can’t fly, Jack’ he was going to grab two penguin documentary DVDs and brain his partner upside the head with them. Okay, maybe not that bad. But the bird could still get irritating at times. The boy felt he empathised with Velocimon more with each passing day. However, now that they were outside Perimon was much more cheerful, swooping and diving high in the sky, away from prying eyes, while Jack walked slowly along the path. It gave him a little time alone in his thoughts as well, for better or for worse. Memories kept flooding back. Bad ones. That same, infernal pain, pulsing through his leg, immobilising him at every crossroad in his life. No matter how strong he felt, it would only take one wrong move to send him clattering back to square one again. Jack was so caught up in his inner thoughts that he lost track of where he was going, until the act of walking into a signpost brought him back to reality. “Ow, crap...” Rubbing his smarting forehead, he realised he was down on the promenade, with the distant jangling sounds of the arcade emanating from the distance. He shrugged, and began to walk slowly that way himself, feeling the wind picking up behind him. He wondered how Grace was getting on with Nicholas. She’d seemed happier of late. He was glad of that. Or at least, that’s what he told himself... He shook his head, angry at his own selfishness. It hadn’t just been about him when they’d travelled the digital world together, and it wasn’t now. But if that was the case, why had she been seeming so distant nowadays? So far ahead of him? He sighed, and turned away, walking through a gap in the promenade wall and into a little closed-off plaza area. There he stopped, surprised as Inez glanced up from her book and smiled up at him. “Hello there.” “Yo.” Jack sat down, resting his forearm on the table. “Sorry, I didn’t know you’d be here.” “I always come here a couple times a week,” replied Inez, placing a fancy bookmark inside the pages and resting the hardback beside her. “Unless it’s raining. It’s a day out.” She nodded. “You guys should know; this is where you first met me.” Jack placed his palm over his mouth. “You can’t expect me to remember that; it was over two months ago.” Inez raised her eyebrows. “Well darn...so it has...” Jack shrugged. “I guess time goes quickly when you’re always saving the world.” “How long have you and Grace been doing it again?” The boy frowned, and did a quick count on his fingertips. “Four and a bit years, now? Off and on. We used to have Eloise and Kai do more with us, and even Kent early on. But you know, we’re all that’s really left from our lot.” “Do you need to sound so world-weary about it?” Jack pulled his lips in. “You whippersnappers don’t know what you’re doing without us.” The girl smirked at his impression. “I’m older than you, you know.” “Yeah, yeah, I know...” Jack drummed his fingers on the table. “Older, wiser, better-“ Inez’s eyes widened, and she quickly shook her hands, “Oh, please, god, sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I promise.” “I’m kidding.” Jack grinned halfheartedly, before looking around for something to change the subject, settling on Syngnamon, who was coiled up like a snake next to Inez, sleeping peacefully. “He looks slightly better.” Inez smiled weakly, as she reached out and stroked the seahorse over the crest. “He found it very hard.” “He’s not the only one. But I’m sure he complains less about it.” Inez nodded. “”He’s very good about it, but he does like to try and hold everything on his shoulders. He feels guilty about not being able to fight to the end.” Inez leant forwards. “I wish I could do more to make him feel welcome...” Jack looked at him thoughtfully. “Do you get along well?” Inez stared down for a little, her eyes darting back and forth. Jack noticed, but said nothing, even though it looked for all the world like she was trying to pick the safest answer to give him. “I think he feels like he owes me a lot. And he does as much as he can, and...it’s...not what I need. Not that I don’t appreciate it, but sometimes it’s...well...a lot.” “Have you told him about it? If he’s making you feel uncomfortable you need to say so.” Inez gritted her teeth, her hand clenching involuntarily next to her. Jack waited patiently, as the girl tried to find the words again. He was just about to retract the question “It’s gonna sound weird, but I...I just...I need to be able to trust him. For my own sake.” Jack looked away, not sure what to make of the young woman’s cryptic answer, when there came a flapping of wings from above him, followed by a louder-than-desirable clang as Perimon landed cleanly on the top of a nearby lamppost. Jack winced, and glared up at him. “Do you have to start crashing again so soon?” Perimon swayed, as the lamppost wobbled precariously beneath him. “Pardon me, Mr Respectable. I was in a bit of a hurry.” There was a rustling from beside Inez, and she jumped as Syngnamon reared up, sniffing the sudden breeze with a keen look in his eye. Jack got to his feet, looking up at his own partner. “What is it? What have you seen?” Perimon cawed nervously. “Trouble.” Since the temperature was dropping outside, the arcade was beginning to fill up with more people than usual, everybody from young couples to young families. Grace and Nicholas didn’t mind so much, as they currently stood in front of a claw machine, with the girl trying and failing to get a return present for Nicholas. The rest of the arcade fired up around them, with the sounds of chinking coins and the happy jingles echoing around the place. So much so that nobody noticed the slight rustle from the bushes from just outside the far window. Liopramon pressed his nose up against the glass, squeaking it left and right as he gawped in wonder. “Lookit all them coins, Yethmon! It’s a true paradise.” ![]() Yethmon just grunted next to him, and punted his foot into the window frame, cursing out loud. “There’s too goddamn many of them! Why is this place such a goddamn plague-infested shitheap?” The leprechaun tutted, and waggled a finger. “Y’know, you should really stop with all the hooting and swearing, it really isn’t doing you any favours. It’s as me mammy always said; the more you swear in public the more it just makes you sound like a right cunt.” Yethmon ignored him, sniffing around the brickwork as he tried to find another entry point. Liopramon folded his arms. “Shall we call the guys away? Again?” “I’m not giving up. I got given an ultimatum to deliver and I’m gonna make sure we goddamn well do.” He just kept mumbling to himself as he stormed round one side to the back of the arcade, with Liopramon following on behind him. “Ah jaysus, Yethmon, they’ve managed t’get properly under yer hide this time.” The hound stuck his head forwards and tried to wrest a grille away with his bare claws. “Are you gonna actually help or are you gonna just sit there and run your mouth, cause I am this close from opening up a new one.” Liopramon didn’t answer. Yethmon growled, and was about to yell again, when he felt a sharp jab in the small of his back. He yelped, and whirled around. “Right, I warned you-“ He stopped, staring up as it became clear that Liopramon had long since scarpered. Standing beside him instead were two much larger Digimon, leering over him with smirks on their faces. Floating at the front was a large flying fish-like creature, with stripy skin, shimmering spines and an oddly feline face that was peeled apart in a smarmy grin. A Cho-Hakkaimon stood just behind him, standing a good eight-foot tall and rippling with muscles as she swung what could only be described as a giant meat hammer over one shoulder. The lionfish, Pteroimon, sniffed snootily, and folded his wing-like fins. “Looks like someone got here before us.” He cocked his head, and clicked before Yethmon could reply. “Ah yes, I know what you are. You work for Rhyncomon, don’t you. Do all the legwork. How quaint.” Yethmon twitched. “I don’t work for Rhyncomon. He just hires us.” “Uh-huh, yeah, sure, so right, would you kindly leave? We’ve got some work to do.” The fish sashayed forwards, but Yethmon barked and he pulled back with an offended look. The hound stood his ground, shaking his coat to make himself look bigger. “I was here first! This isn’t your job!” There came a groan from Cho-Hakkaimon. “Aw crap, does that mean I went to the trouble of putting this guy to sleep for nothing?” Yethmon recoiled as the giant raised her other hand, holding a man in a security guard’s uniform by the scruff of the neck. He was clearly in a bad way, bleeding freely from a head wound. Pteroimon rolled his eyes, and ruffled out his frill. “Move aside.” “No-“ Snkt Yethmon stopped, his hands falling down next to him as Pteroimon held a razor-sharp quill against his neck, forcing him back against the wall. “I don’t have time for your shit, filthy one. It’s a simple deal. Your boss gives us the equipment we need, and we give him the occasional hand getting it. But we have our own tasks going on and we do not have the time to be standing here making up for your incompetence.” He pulled back, and effortlessly swept the hound to one side with a flick of his tail. “But here we are anyway. Our cause is bigger than your petty pride.” The hound growled, still not backing down as he picked up his machete. “How do you plan on getting in then? We’re small. We can sneak places you lot can’t.” Pteroimon shrugged. “Call it a more direct approach.” There was a slithering sound, and Yethmon stood up as a third Digimon pressed its way into the alley. It was a bizarre, pallid yellow insectoid creature, standing over twelve feet, but a good chunk of that height was taken up with four elongated, stilt-like legs, tipped with gelatinous webs. Four other legs hung down from its body, twitching and grabbing out at anything as if they had a mind of their own. The beast had an angular head and a plethora of eyes, and as it moved forwards its body pulsated. It chattered to itself, seeming more distracted than anything. “I appear to be stuck in what looks like a house no wait it can’t be a house there isn’t a roof perhaps a very red garden who would have thought a place like this could be so roomy and spacious it’s so cold why are we here again you promised me a meal.” Two of the eyes swivelled down towards Yethmon, and all of a sudden the creature stiffened, its body splitting apart to reveal a terrifying two-jawed mouth half the length of its body. “Oooh you promised you promised and it came I knew it was worth coming with you I’m GONNA DEVOUR YOU!” “Shit!” Yethmon ran for his life as the creature squeezed itself forwards at a frightening pace, all reason and logic gone from its expression. It got stuck at the exit to the alleyway, its claws just raking the back of Yethmon’s cloak as he ran into an equally scared (but somewhat amused) Liopramon. “Yeah, sorry boss but it looks like we’ve been booted out.” “This isn’t fucking over!” yelled Yethmon, but he grabbed the leprechaun and legged it away from the scene, leaving the giant water skater to twist itself free. The beast pulled its body out, standing motionless for a minute as it tried to process its own thoughts, before turning in the direction of the fleeing Rookies. It made to pursue, before there was a sharp whistle from Pteroimon. “Excuse me, Gerridamon, look at me. Will you kindly focus on the task at hand.” Gerridamon stopped so abruptly that it nearly toppled forwards, before plodding around again, looking remarkably composed. “I’ve done it again, haven’t I I’m not sorry I’m sorry.” Pteroimon rolled his eyes, hovering in front of the window. “Leave them alone. Rhyncomon will sort them out. We just need to do our job right.” Something twitched in the corner of her eye, and she looked through the window, locking gaze with a small child that stood just beyond the glass, staring up at the three of them. He smiled, and began to wave. The lionfish just snarled in return. “Disgusting creatures. How did this verminous species spread so far?” There was a damp thud as Cho-Hakkaimon dropped the unconscious guard and stepped forwards, making a cooing expression. “Are we good t’go?” “Seems as good a place as any.” The giant pig woman snorted in approval, and raised her meat hammer with both hands, spinning it dramatically with eyes of fire. Behind the glass, the boy screamed, and scrambled back just moments before Cho-Hakkaimon brought her hammer swinging wide. “Open says’me!” SMMMAAAASSSSH The entire glass panel shattered inwards with the blow, and the synthesised arcade music was suddenly intercut with the sounds of shocked screams and blaring alarms. Cho-Hakkaimon stepped back, as Gerridamon placed a claw on the end of its mouth, with a pondering expression. “Is it time for my sustenance at last please say yes please say yes please say yes.” Pteroimon rolled his eyes, as he and Cho-Hakkaimon retreated back into the alleyway, their bodies already shimmering out of sight. “Be my honoured guest.” All the water skater’s eyes dilated at once, and with a mighty scraping screech it squeezed itself through the window frame, pressing its body against the ceiling as its legs snapped out in all directions. “COME TO ME YOU DISGUSTING DELICIOUS SQUEALING RATS!” The arcade was in uproar, as the people inside rushed for cover, screaming and trying to keep their loved ones out of harm’s way. Gerridamon pushed itself forwards, its eyes darting every which way with sickening glooping sounds. It barged into the large coin machine in the centre, which promptly started playing a heavily synthesised version of Clementine in the insect’s face. Gerridamon responded by leaping atop the machine, digging its claws into it and ripping it from its base. Drops of drool fell from its mouth, leaving melt spots on the plastic and making the metal frame steam. Gerridamon hummed to itself, lost in its own little world. It didn’t get to eat out much, but with several dozen people and a selection of colourful machines in the arcade it was currently spoilt for choice. Its eyes caught something shuffling in one corner, and it immediately leapt after it, ripping through glass and acrylic and plastic as it squeezed its body into the casino area. “I’m COOOOOMMIIINNG!” Grace grasped Nicholas’s hand as they were caught up in the panicking crowds. The girl was shaking her head, holding her palm against her mouth. “No...no, NO! Not again!” Somebody barged her, and she nearly went over, before finding herself pressed up against the only exit. The crowd was desperately pressing against the doors, but with so many trying to push through at once they were getting stuck, and Gerridamon was still edging its way leisurely towards them. The girl looked around, and saw the emergency fire alarm just on the wall within her reach. Gritting her teeth, she reached out and banged her knuckle against it, causing another siren to go off and freeing all the doors at once. She was released from the wall and held her knees, staring inside the already wrecked games area. “I swear to god...whoever’s done this...” “Grace!” She turned around, and saw Nicholas holding his own against the pressing crowds. He glanced backwards, before pointing. “It’s them. Someone’s coming.” “It’s who?” “The tamers.” The girl saw movement at the window, and watched as Kampoimon burst through the window, with Mistramon tentatively hovering outside. “They’re here...” “Grace!” The girl jolted to attention, and grabbed her boyfriend’s hand, rushing out the doors and joining the crowds. But Grace couldn’t focus ahead, even as her legs carried her swiftly forwards. She kept glancing back, as the horrific sounds of the arcade still pounded in the distance. Jack and Inez rushed forwards, having hastily donned masks and jackets as their partners had led the way. Kampoimon was already stepping inside, gripping his lance tightly in his prehensile tail. “I could have sworn I sensed a group of them.” Jack made his way through the shards of glass and metal as he looked around. “Maybe we got lucky.” “No, there! In the corner!” Inez pointed, and Jack saw Gerridamon stagger back, holding its arms in front of its giant mouth. With horror the boy realised that there was something sticking out of the multi-jawed maw; a pair of human legs, kicking wildly as the corrosive drool splashed every which way. “Get them out of there!” Mistramon gave up his inhibitions about tight spaces, and charged forwards towards Gerridamon, lowering his helmet with the sharp end pointed at the beast’s swaying head. “It is not nice to EAT people!” Gerridamon whirled towards him just as the bird’s bulk struck it, sending it staggering away. It retched, and the person inside its mouth fell downwards as drool sprayed everywhere. Gerridamon laughed, and raised a couple of arms to parry the bird as Mistramon raised his wings. “It’s you! I never thought I’d find youI really always hoped you’d come It’s the tamers the tamers the partners they’re all coming to see me MEEEEE please let me join you no wait I shouldn’t really forgive me.” The beast babbled, but even despite being distracted it was able to hold Mistramon away, kicking out with its vast forelegs that left great scraping gashes against the bird’s chest. But Mistramon rolled with the blows, moving steadily further and further back as Inez and Jack rushed forwards to the bug’s victim. Inez fell to her knees, pulling the young woman’s arm away and gasping behind her mask. “Oh no...” The woman’s chest was moving up and down jerkily as she stared upwards, her upper body already heavily burned by beast’s corrosive saliva. She opened her mouth a little, and let out a tiny whine, in too much pain and shock to form words. Jack knelt down, as Inez looked up at him. “She’s in a bad way. We need to get her out of here.” “...help us...please...” The two tamers looked up to see a man crouched beneath an overturned slot machine, clutching his son in his arms, no more than six. Jack cursed, and looked around him, taking in the several other people hiding around the area, who hadn’t managed to keep up with the others, or who had hidden in the wrong places. “This is worse than I thought. Everyone here’s in real danger.” “I CAN SEE YOUR LITTLE FRIEND!” Jack jolted upright as he turned to see Gerridamon wrest his partner away, immediately followed by the bug cannoning towards him with great plopping footsteps. “You’re gonna be so tasty!” Jack pointed at Inez as he ran backwards down the steps. “Run! Try and get people out the building!” “It can see us!” “Look how many eyes it has; it can see everything! But at the moment it’s after me!” Jack lunged forwards as Gerridamon’s legs swooped over his head, and he crawled beneath a machine as the beast turned, confused and still dropping great globs of saliva. “So much CHOICE so much POTENTIAL I need to do this more this is so much fun THERE YOU ARE.” Gerridamon dived backwards, contorting its body in a revolting way as its small arms scraped at the casing of another machine. Jack barely had time to react, and stumbled backwards. He found himself wedged up against a fallen machine, stuck in place as Gerridamon’s bulbous central head bent towards him, the eyes spinning in their sockets. Jack closed his eyes as the beast lunged, but with a clattering of hooves Kampoimon leapt over the top, his tail held back with a vast energy in the lance. “Equus Harpoon!” Gerridamon caught the lance in three of its claws, just bending it out the way enough to avoid being fully impaled, but the energy and the momentum of the lance still flew past it, making its flesh sear and bubble. It croaked, and pushed back, its huge legs slamming down against the ground as it wrenched its assailant to one side. “I’ve got it now I’ve got you now isn’t this just so interesting?” Kampoimon snorted. “You are a deeply troubled beast.” ![]() He reared back, kicking out at Gerridamon and grabbing his lance back, but Gerridamon took the opportunity to swipe upwards at the seahorse’s underbelly. Kampoimon ducked down, keeping his body away from Jack as the boy tried to stay out from under his feet. When he saw he had room, Kampoimon made to launch another spear attack, but Gerridamon reared back itself, raising its two front legs and splaying the pads in mid-air. Kampoimon rushed forwards regardless, lunging out with the spear directly towards the centre of Gerridamon’s head. “Dimension Ripple!” Kampoimon’s attack didn’t connect, as Gerridamon’s feet twitched, and the air suddenly blew outwards like a bubble being popped. The wave of spatial disruption caught the seahorse square on and sent him flying as if he’d been hit by a freight train. He landed directly in an arcade racing game, crushing the seat beneath his bulk and yelling out from the impact. Gerridamon grinned, as much as its giant alien dripping maw would allow. “You’re really really fun!” “Damn...you... “Dimension Ripple!” Gerridamon flicked its feet outwards again, this time firing the walls of disruption into Kampoimon’s body with an almost childlike snicker. They were smaller than the first one, but each one flew through the air and crashed into Kampoimon’s flank like shot-puts, cracking his ribs. He managed to narrowly deflect the fourth blow from his head, before yelling out. “Please may I have some assistance!” There came a rumble from one side as Mistramon rushed forwards on both legs, both his wings splayed and a keen growl coming from his beak. “Don’t worry, I got this.” “Oh HELLO there!” Gerridamon’s bulbous body swung sideways, completely forgetting about Kampoimon as its eyes converged on the charging eagle. “Putrid Proboscis!” The mouth opened like a flower, and Gerridamon coughed up a vast globule of phlegm and flesh on the end of a long, dripping rod. Mistramon veered sideways, but the tongue curved round and landed squarely on Mistramon’s leg, wrapping around the bare skin. Mistramon flinched, and made a horrified face. “Oh god that’s disgusting...” Soon however the wince of squick turned into one of pain, and he began shaking his leg as the globule of flesh began to burn his flesh, letting off wisps of white smoke. Gerridamon swayed jollily as it beamed, babbling on continuously. “Isn’t this cool? Am I doing it right? Can I be one of you, will you let me, please say you will, it’s cool, right?” At least, that was what it attempted to say, but given that most of its mouth was full of sticky tongue the system of words mainly came out as a garble of squeaks, pops and squelches. Still, Mistramon got the gist of it, trying to flap backwards as he glared at Gerridamon. “I think your social skills need some goddamn work first!” “JOIN ME!” “Oh crap-“ Gerridamon’s body swung backwards, and its tongue retracted like a tape measure, pulling Mistramon off his remaining foot and dragging him along the ground, with corrosive liquid pockmarking his armour. He spluttering and choking as his entrapped leg began to twitch. “Right, that’s it, I’m not doing this, I need some space!” “No!” came Inez’s voice from the other side, as she gently held someone’s arm over her shoulder as she led them limping out towards the exit. “We’ve still got people around!” “I need to do – oh god it went in my mouth FUCK ME OW!” Jack peered out from a damaged machine, and pointed towards the broken window. “At least try and keep it to the bits which are already messed up!” “You think I can aim in this situation? Why don’t you come over here try and do the masochism tango with the world’s prettiest stickbug over here?” “Perimon, please!” Gerridamon giggled, and started slamming its feet down on the bird’s chest. Kampoimon staggered forwards, but another leg shot out and caught the seahorse in the neck, winding him for a moment. “Let’s keep going am I doing this right I hope they like it, OH YOU’RE ALL SO COOL I WANNA DO THIS TOO.” Mistramon spat, and finally managed to free both his wings, the air curling beneath them. “That’s it, I’m doing it!” “Hold on!” “Now!” “Just a minute!” Gerridamon leered over the bird, its teeth brushing his helmet just as Jack and Inez got the last remaining person out of the ruined arcade. “Now!” “Pressure Wave!” Grace could barely make out the yells of the other people as they ran across the promenade, some of them already splitting off and trying to call for help. She felt her hand, limp in Nicholas’s grip as he led her forwards. She knew she was running, but her legs seemed alien to her. Again. It was happening again. No matter how much she tried to avoid it, to move on... But how could she just move on... She stopped, and her arm jerked as Nicholas stopped in front of her, looking back. His eyes were piercing behind his glasses, intensely focused. “Come on, we have to get someplace safe.” “I...I...” Nicholas’s shoulders stiffened as he felt Grace pull her hand away from his. “I have to go back!” “Wait!” The girl turned on her heels, running backwards through the crowd as they jostled and shook, yelling at her to get out the way. Nicholas stood still in amidst the chaos, watching for several seconds. He shook his head, clenching his fists. “What am I doing?” He began to run himself, but somebody grabbed him from the front; an elderly man with fear in his eyes. “Please, ha...have you seen my grandson? I can’t find him!” Nicholas shook his head, vigorously, trying to stare through the crowds. He thought he could just see Grace pull sideways into the overgrown plaza, with a flash of white and red following her at her heels. Nicholas apologised, and rushed backwards, running after his girlfriend. All the while he muttered under his breath, almost for reassurance. “I know what you’re doing, I know how much you’re doing. I don’t...you can’t keep hiding it...Grace, I know everything...” He rushed into the plaza, the deadwood bushes all around muffling the panic from the crowds. He didn’t care, chasing after every sound he could think of. He thought he saw a flash of blue, and felt a sudden cold chill. But as he turned a corner, there was no-one there. Only a set of frosted footprints sparkling on the brickwork. Out of breath, he cursed inwardly, resting a hand on a nearby bench. Then, all of a sudden, he became aware of more noises behind him. Turning around, he saw two small Digimon standing there, staring up at him. Liopramon whistled, while Yethmon’s eyes narrowed to dangerous slits. “What the fuck are you looking at?” The air pressure blasted through the wrecked arcade, flinging Gerridamon backwards in a flailing ball of legs. Finally free, Mistramon rolled up onto his front and pushed himself up, shaking rubble off his back. “Now, where were we...?” “I’M GONNA KILL YOU FOR THAT why are you being so mean I’M ONLY DOING WHAT I WAS TOLD it is fun though.” “Ah right. Kicking your arse. Do you even have an arse? Imma kick it regardless.” Mistramon turned around, his tail blade swinging across the floor as Gerridamon shook itself off and began to charge again. The bird smirked. “Putrid Proboscis!” “Pressure Wave!” Mistramon flung his wings wide again, blasting the offending tongue away from him with such force that it threw Gerridamon itself off balance. Mistramon took a step back, and threw a wing forwards, gathering just enough air pressure beneath the wing to land a slicing blow on Gerridamon’s front stilt. It buckled, but the water skater righted itself and swung out with a hind leg, slamming it into the bird’s belly. “Let’s have some FUN!” “Nothing about you is ‘fun’, my friend.” Mistramon pulled a face, but recovered from the blow and slammed his shoulders forwards, before stabbing upwards with the edges of both his wings, each one charged with his own swirling air pockets. It was surprisingly effective, at least in dealing with Gerridamon’s own erratic slashes. Hardly the most elegant fistfight ever witnessed, but it did the job, pressing the insectoid beast further back against the shattered windows. Gerridamon gurgled, and ducked suddenly, thrusting a knee up into the bird’s neck. Mistramon choked and staggered back, giving Gerridamon enough time to raise a rear leg, splaying it against the air. “Dimension Ripple!” The hand clicked outwards, thrusting the space forwards and knocking Mistramon back again. Gerridamon gave a little hop up and down in glee, but it stopped when it noticed Kampoimon just behind, rearing up as his jewels glowed intensely all over his body. “My apologies.” Mistramon groaned, but coiled himself up, awaiting the blow as Kampoimon slammed his hands down on the floor. “Crushing Tide!” The water shot forwards, catching Gerridamon square on and sending him crashing through the window frames, along with Mistramon and several pieces of broken arcade machines. The water dispersed outside as Gerridamon tried to untangle itself, with two of its large legs twitching against the sky as it kept babbling. “Bright light bright light that HURT you MONSTER really cool though I WANNA HAVE POWER LIKE THAT.” Kampoimon would have responded, but he was distracted by an ominous groaning coming from the structure above him. He whipped his head to one side, catching both Jack and Inez standing to one side, with the various bystanders in sat in a group behind them. “Get out of the way! It’s going to come down!” He rushed forwards as the metalwork of the arcade snapped, sending plaster and concrete crashing down as one side of the building caved in. Jack and Inez rushed out of the far entrance, with the victims of the attack behind them, helping those who were struggling. They reconvened on the promenade outside, catching their breath as they witnessed Gerridamon untangle itself, its eyes still spinning in their sockets. It jerked to one side, and focused all its attention on the group of humans. “Oh yes that’s what I was doing!” Screams rose up from the group as Gerridamon powered forwards again, taking vast, uneven strides across the sandy pavement, but there came a beating of wings from behind it as Mistramon rose up and grabbed the water skater’s front legs in his talons. “You...are on a...friggin’ timeout! Pressure Wave!” He beat his wings downwards, the air pressure causing Gerridamon to groan and its body to convulse. It tried to stab upwards, but Mistramon just gripped tighter, beating his wings harder now he was freed from the cramped arcade. There was the sound of crunching brickwork from behind him, and the bird turned to see Kampoimon gallop out of the rubble, clearly severely exhausted by the endeavour. “Dimension Ripple!” “Shit!” Mistramon was thrown off balance by Gerridamon, only barely holding onto it as it threw blasts of spatial disruption up at him. He steeled his gaze, and yelled over his shoulder. “Mate, you’ve gotta finish it off!” Kampoimon started, glancing at Inez, then up at Mistramon. “Can’t we send it back?” “Back where? And through what?” Mistramon strained, yelling out through his strained breaths. “We can’t just drive it off; it’s too dangerous! It’s gonna kill someone at this rate! We have to finish it now!” Inez placed a palm over her mouth, but before she could say anything, Jack grabbed her shoulder, shaking his head. Kampoimon pressed his palms against the ground, before spinning his lance behind him and charging, the blade glowing as he reared back. “Equus-“ “Icicle Barrage!” Digimon and tamers alike whirled round as Alopemon shot out of nowhere, with Grace atop her back. The ice shards slammed into Gerridamon, but the impact sent Mistramon flailing wildly off balance. Jack held out a hand, yelling out, “Stop! Get back!” It was too late; Gerridamon had seen her first, and was already swinging its bulbous head back, drooling acid on the pavement. “Putrid Proboscis!” Nicholas looked down at the hound, hearing his breaths emanating from beneath his facemask. Yethmon didn’t break eye contact, even turning further towards the young man, in an effort to assert his dominance. But Nicholas just stared back, rolling the fingers of his hand. “This is all your fault, isn’t it...” Yethmon raised an eyebrow, almost quizzically. Then he scoffed. “What’s it to you? Shouldn’t you be running for your life right now?” Liopramon leant forwards, and nudged the hound on the shoulder. “The others are waiting. Perhaps we should toddle off.” Yethmon growled, but Liopramon turned away behind him, wandering out of sight. Yethmon turned after him, when Nicholas spoke again. “Are you all like this? Is it fun for you?” The hound stopped. His ears twitched, and he turned his head slightly to one side. “Excuse me?” “Causing chaos. Hurting people.” Nicholas folded his arms. “I don’t know anything about you other than the damage you cause. There must be a reason for it. Tell me.” “...you think this is chaos?” Yethmon’s shoulders began to shake, and he turned back towards the boy, his pupils dilating in fury. “Do you have any idea the kind of shit I’ve gone through? In my world? I came here for a change, and instead I’m having to run around in between the boots of your people just to stay alive. You have death squads running after us and suddenly we’re the ones ruining your lives?” Nicholas took in a breath. “I don’t know about any of that. But people I care about are risking everything to stop this. I’d be remiss if I didn’t do what I could to help.” The wind blew through the plaza, whipping up Yethmon’s cloak as he twitched. “Are you...threatening me?” ![]() Nicholas just stared down at him, the light reflecting from his glasses. He pulled a foot back, balling his hands up into fists. He looked down at the hound, who was shaking dangerously, his shoulders heaving up and down. “Those tamers...Rhyncomon...these damned ‘clients’...every single one of them is looking down on me...and know I’m being stepped up to by one goddamn human?” Liopramon backed away, palms raised and whistling nonchalantly, as the last drops of civility falling from Yethmon’s face. “I’m gonna KILL YOU!” Yethmon got down on all fours and rocketed towards the boy, slamming into his abdomen. Nicholas stumbled, and reacted quickly, kicking outwards into Yethmon’s chest. But despite his small stature, Yethmon was stocky, and he raked his claws over Nicholas’s shin, before leaping upwards and digging his feet into the boy’s stomach. Winded, Nicholas fell backwards, landing against the small wall as he tried to push the hound off him. He balled his knuckles into points and tried to jab them into Yethmon’s eyes. One hit its target, and the hound howled, reaching inside his cowl for his dagger in a blind rage. Nicholas caught sight of the glint, and threw his palm out as it came for him, throwing Yethmon’s arm to one side. But it wasn’t far enough, and the young man gasped as the blade sliced into his upper arm. Pain shot through his body, but he retained just enough control of his senses to reach up and grab the hound’s arm. He wrenched it upwards, the knife clattering to the ground, and with a twisting motion the young man managed to kick it away. But Yethmon just carried on, tooth and claw, swiping and punching and shouting in fury. Nicholas fought back less and less, just holding his wounded arms in front of him in an attempt to protect his face. But even as he fell to the ground, curling up as much as he could go, Yethmon just continued his assault, with each blow more breathless and more desperate than the last. Eventually, ragged and worn out, Yethmon pulled back, falling to one knee in exhaustion. One hand went beneath the cowl of his cloak, clutching something unseen as he winced himself. For a moment he stood there, his bloodlust waning. There were splatters of red decorating the brickwork. His knife lay a couple of feet away, sparkling in the sun. There came the sound of clapping beside him, and Yethmon looked aside to see Liopramon giving a very slow round of applause. “Finished? Excellent performance. Top notch. I’d expect nothing less.” Yethmon didn’t pay the leprechaun any heed; he simply walked to one side, and picked his weapon off the floor. Liopramon waddled on behind him, holding his hands behind his head. “Who knew you had such a thing out against humans? Honestly, it’s as if you had absolutely no self-control there. You must reeeeeeally hate them.” Yethmon cracked his neck from side to side. “Liopramon, you’ve seen what I just did there. Don’t fucking push it.” “Ah jaysus...” The leprechaun’s smile faded, and he stuck his hands in his pockets. “Wouldn’t dream of it, boss.” Yethmon turned back, his gaze back to its normal, focused self. “Let’s get out of here. The others will be waiting.” He rushed off, with Liopramon watching his back as he ran. The leprechaun smirked. “They certainly will be...” The imp gave a final look at Nicholas’s quivering body, still coiled up against the brickwork and letting out pained breaths. His eyes flicked down, and he whistled, before reaching out into the young man’s pocket and retrieving his wallet with a quick motion. “Aw sweet, cash. Ta very much. If anyone asks, the fairies did it.” Liopramon tipped his hat, and gave a quick flick of his fingers, before vanishing into thin air, leaving only the faintest shower of golden data behind him. The fleshy polyp shot out towards Alopemon at lightning speed, encasing itself around her front legs. Before she could react, the tongue retracted, pulling her forwards with such force that she was literally ripped from beneath Grace, causing the girl to hit the ground hard. “Grace!” Alopemon called out in vain as she shot backwards, crashing into Gerridamon and knocking it seriously off balance. But the water skater’s arms latched around her, and held her in front of it right in the path of Kampoimon’s oncoming attack. “STOP!” Kampoimon lunged wildly to one side, the lance scraping against one of Gerridamon’s legs, and the energy shot out in a scattered beam, throwing Mistramon wildly to one side and sending him, Gerridamon and Alopemon all crashing into the brickwork. The water skater wriggled free, still holding Alopemon as it giggled. “Let’s do it again! Again! That hurt. More!” “Tail Frost!” Alopemon yelled as she spun, the icy energy gathering around her body and slicing into the fleshy mass which encased her. Gerridamon let go of her with a yelp, but the polyp still remained latched to her front, biting into her fur even as she pulled and pulled. “Let...go...of me...” “I’m coming!” Kampoimon lunged forwards again, raising his lance as he watched the fleshy snake lurching back and forth on the ground. With a yell he stabbed downwards, hitting the tongue directly and severing it. There was an explosion of blood and pus as Gerridamon recoiled in pain and shock, its limp appendage swinging wildly back and forth. “Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow OW OW! DON’T DO THAT!” Alopemon struggled on the ground as her own end of the tongue was still convulsing and spasming wildly, although its grip was slowly peeling away. Eventually she pulled it off, and got to her feet, fur ragged and ripped but still standing alongside the other two. Gerridamon pulled back, muttering under its breath as the remains of its tongue lolled out the side of its mouth. “Oh dear oh dearie dearie dear this wasn’t supposed to happen I was supposed to cause damage that’s what they said you all shouldn’t be here but it’s been so fun I need to come back I should go now.” Without warning, the water skater raised both forelegs, splaying the feet against the air. “Dimension Ripple!” It was a wide blast, knocking all three of the Champions back. Mistramon recovered first, just in time to see Gerridamon turning tail and running for the beach, taking huge strides with its elongated legs. Jack rushed forwards, pointing after it. “Don’t let it get away!” Kampoimon shook his mane out, and began to gallop, his jewels pulsing with light. “I’m going! I’m going!” “Kampoimon, wait!” yelled Inez, as she ran after her partner, who was just about keeping pace with Gerridamon. But as the beast hit the water, its legs splayed out further, and without breaking its stride it began to skate across the top, its arms rolling beneath its head module as it peered back. “We are pursued we are hunted what a marvellous miraculous thing you are I told you to GO AWAY! DIMENSION RIPPLE!” One leg shot out, and slammed down against the surface of the sea, blasting the water out like an tidal wave. Kampoimon was swamped, knocked aside by the force of the water. And Inez saw the blast as well, bearing down upon her. The sea seemed to rise, the ends of the waves forming grasping claws as they rushed towards her. She froze, and the blast hit her square on, taking her clean off her feet. “INEZ!” Kampoimon turned around in a second and rushed backwards, standing alongside his partner as she lay in the sand, coughing and spluttering. “Oh my god, are you alright? Please tell me you’re alright.” “I’m...I’m...” Inez blinked wildly behind the eyes of her mask, and her hands went up to her scarf, pulling at the fabric with shaking fingers. Kampoimon whinnied fearfully, pacing on the ground. “I’m...fine. I’m fine. It was just a shock. I’m alright. I’m fine.” “Inez, I-“ “Don’t worry about me!” The girl pushed herself up, her arms clearly shaking but just steady enough to hold her up. “You have to chase after it. You have to...catch it...” She and Kampoimon looked out towards the sea, where the distant figure of Gerridamon could be seen, dancing elegantly over the swells of the rough seas. It was too late. It was already out of reach. From up on the promenade, Jack watched as Gerridamon made its escape. He made a noise, and kicked the pole of the lamppost “Damn it.” Mistramon waddled up beside him, clucking apologetically. “That could have gone better...” Jack turned around, pulling his goggles up as he looked at the smouldering arcade, and the ambulances already gathering outside. Jack’s shoulders slumped. “Yeah...it really could.” Inez and a devolved Syngnamon walked back up the beach, both of them looking immensely downhearted. Syngnamon rubbed his muzzle. “I’m so sorry. I should have stopped him when I had the chance.” Grace walked forwards, holding the hem of her skirt. “It happens. We fail sometimes. It’s not your fault.” “...no, it’s not.” Jack suddenly turned around, staring at his sister in the face. “Why did you come? You got in the way!” Grace bristled, and her hand went to her shoulder. “I was coming to help-“ “We had it! You didn’t need to be there, and because of you we ended up letting it escape!” Grace’s shoulders locked up, and she flung an arm out towards the carnage at the arcade. “You call this alright? We need to be better than this! We need to stop this from happening sooner!” “We got here as fast as we could! There was nothing else we could do!” Jack slammed his foot down. “And we would have won if it wasn’t for you!” Inez stood beside them, her hands clasped in front of her chest. “I’m sorry...I’m really sorry, it was my fault, not yours...please stop this...” Neither Grace nor Jack paid any attention to her, as Jack stepped forwards, throwing his arms out. “You were supposed to be with Nicholas! It’s our job to handle it; you have to trust us, Grace!” “I made my-“ Bzzzzt. Grace felt her phone ringing, and pulled away, seeing the number even as her brother followed her, still yelling at her. She whirled around, snapping back at him. “It’s my responsibility as well! I have to be here!” The girl pulled the phone to her ear, speaking into the receiver. “I’m so sorry Nicholas, can I talk with you later? I have something I really need to do-“ “....help...” The girl stopped, straightening up in an instant. Jack squared up in front of her, still yelling. “We wouldn’t be in this mess if you had just-“ The girl held a palm out, listening intently as she heard ragged breathing on the end of the line. “Nicholas, where are you? What’s going on?” “...courtyard...behind arcade...Digimon...please come-“ The line went dead. Grace’s arm fell. Then, without another word she ran, back towards the ruins of the arcade. With a flash of blue, Vulpimon rushed after her, followed by the others as Jack called out. “What is it? What’s going on? Grace, don’t run away from me-“ The girl didn’t reply, turning into the bushes and through the maze of courtyards and small gardens behind. She turned again, and froze. The other two walked in behind her, seeing the scene and grinding to a halt. Inez held her hands against her mouth, while Jack shook his head. “Oh no...” “NICHOLAS!” Grace rushed forwards, crouching down beside the young man as he lay sprawled out on the brickwork. His phone nestled in his hand. He was breathing, but unconscious, his broken glasses at an angle. There was a pool of blood beneath his left arm, and his entire body was covered in scratches and deep bruises. “Oh god...oh god no...” Grace’s hands were shaking as she looked over her boyfriend, as Inez gingerly walked forwards behind her. “We need to get him to a hospital. We need-“ “Get away from him!” Grace whirled around, eyes blazing as the other girl stopped in her tracks. Grace pointed a shaking finger. “Don’t touch him!” “He needs help-“ “It’s my fault! I left him! I...I have to do something...I have to...” Inez gently held out a palm. “Please calm down-“ “This wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for you!” The words caught Inez’s ears, and she flinched, stepping back and holding her hands to her head. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it! I promise!” Grace saw her own shaking hand, and pulled it back, the effort taking a lot out of her. Jack reached out and gently held Inez’s shoulder, as he looked down at Nicholas, then into Grace’s panicked eyes. “The paramedics aren’t far. I’ll send someone over.” “Just leave me alone.” “Grace, your-“ “GO!” Jack closed his eyes, on the verge of tears. He pointed up at his face. “You’re still wearing your mask.” Grace raised her hands, and slowly took it off, her hair falling over her face as she placed it beneath her coat. She heard the steps of Jack and Inez walking away, leaving her alone with Nicholas. Vulpimon stood behind her, giving a small whine. “I’m so sorry...” “Go back with Jack, Vulpimon. You...you can’t be here.” “Grace, really, I’m so sorry...” It was no use. Grace wouldn’t look at her. Vulpimon’s ears pricked up, and she heard the sounds of other people approaching. She rushed off to one side, shimmering into the background, leaving just Grace alone with the unconscious boy. “It’s going to be alright. I promise. It’s going to be fine...” After allowing himself a couple of hours to lay low, Yethmon felt it appropriate to return to his new base, where the rest of his gang would no doubt be waiting. As he made his way slowly through the back alleys, Liopramon popped up beside him, hands behind his head as he clomped along in his great boots. “Are we all calmed now?” “Piss off.” “The swearings have gotten less intense. I’ll take that as a yes.” Liopramon placed a finger on his lips, looking up at the sky. “I wonder if he’s alright?” “I don’t care. Today’s been a farce from start to finish.” Yethmon growled, looking to the right. “Who do those pricks think they are?” “The humans? Well they do live here.” “Not them. Pteroimon and Hoatzimon and that noise. Marching around doing whatever they feel like. Aren’t we all on the same side?” Liopramon shook his head. “Yer asking Digimon to get along without any squabbles. It’s a tall order, it is.” The two slipped through a small hole, and into their new base; a disused back yard of some old office buildings. Yethmon could already tell something was up as he smelled the scent of smoke walking inside. He stopped at the entrance, as the group turned to him, save for a familiar shape currently lounging on top of an old fountain, puffing away into the air. “This is unexpected.” Liopramon popped up beside him, and scratched his cheek. “Oh yeah, fergot to mention. Mr Reynie said he’d be dropping in for a little chat.” Yethmon shot the leprechaun a look, causing him to hop away and take his place next to MudFrigimon and Suricamon. Reynarimon finally turned around, and crossed his legs on top of the fountain, looking down at Yethmon. “Long time no see.” “Not long enough.” “Oh come on, why so harsh all the time?” Reynarimon took a drag, puffing out a cloud of smoke which formed into a single Kankomon, clutching onto his shoulder. “Any luck today?” Yethmon folded his arms. “We would have done. But Rhyncomon’s precious clients got in the way. We couldn’t get a look in.” “Didn’t they tell you? There had been a change of plans.” There came the sound of snickering from amongst certain members of the group; a noise which Yethmon found particularly insulting. He flexed his claws, and the sound stopped. The hound looked up at Reynarimon again. “So what? You want me to do my job, right?” “Yeah, doesn’t look like you’ve been having much luck with that of late, I’m afraid.” Reynarimon made a tutting noise, and wiggled a finger. “Rhyncomon doesn’t particularly like dead weight. So you’ve been assigned something different.” He snickered, laughing into his sleeve. “Of course, only should you choose to accept it. I’m very well aware that we only hire you.” The fox man slid off the fountain, and sauntered forwards towards an oddly silent Yethmon, who just stared ahead. Reynarimon blew smoke in his face, and smirked. “I must say though, your little squad seem to be up for it. I understand they’re getting a little tired of current things themselves...” Yethmon looked past the other Digimon at the faces of his gang. Some were inexpressive as always. A few were excited. And a couple – Alraumon, Suricamon and certainly Liopramon – were giving him some very odd looks indeed. Yethmon sighed. “What do we need to do?” “I’m glad you’re with us.” “Cut the crap. What’s the job?” Reynarimon straightened up, and tapped the end of his pipe on Yethmon’s head, dropping ash down his muzzle. “Let’s just say, we need to take care of some...pest control.” It was past ten when the door latch opened, and Grace walked inside, gently unravelling her scarf and hanging it over the banister. She noticed a light on in the kitchen, and walked inside to see her parents sitting at the breakfast bar. Her father had a dressing gown on, and was holding his mug with both hands. Her mother just sat there, fingers clasped in front of her. “Where have you been?” Grace didn’t answer. She shrugged her coat off her shoulders, and gently hung it on the hook, before staring into the room with grey, dead eyes. “Where’s Jack?” she asked, monotonously. Her mother pulled her head up, ready to retort, but Paul leant across the table and clutched her hands. “He’s upstairs. Waiting for you.” The girl nodded, and walked away, leaving her parents still waiting in the kitchen. They closed their eyes, waiting for the inevitable. Grace walked into her room, seeing Jack sitting on her bed, palms pressed against the duvet. Perimon was sat next to him, shoulders hunched, while Vulpimon lay down in the corner. Her tail gave a single wag as Grace walked in, although her expression was grave. Jack looked up at his sister. “How’s Nicholas?” Grace dropped her bag on the floor. “He’s okay. Just in shock, and had lost a bit of blood. He should be out in a couple of days.” “That’s good.” Jack tapped his feet on the floor. “Did he say anything?” Grace shook her head. “I don’t know. He didn’t wake up while I was there.” She stared down at the carpet. “He shouldn’t have been in there in the first place.” Jack bristled, and looked away. “He wasn’t the only one. Thirteen people hospitalised, they said.” “This was a bad attack, huh...” The boy gripped the duvet. “We should have finished it there and then. Gerridamon’s still at large. It’s a dangerous creature.” Grace walked over to him, her eyes stinging. “Why didn’t you stop it then? Before it caused all that damage?” “I told you before. We came as fast as we could.” “It wasn’t fast enough.” “What do you expect me to DO?” Jack’s voice exploded outwards, as he stood up, staring directly into his sister’s eyes. “We did everything we could! We got there as fast as we could and we saved as many as we could! You’re the one who ran in and ruined it all! It’s not my fault! It’s definitely not Inez’s and you screamed at her for nothing!” “Whose fault is it then? My boyfriend could have died today!” “So could so many other people! Don’t you care about them?” “Of course I do-“ There came a snort from Perimon. “Do you really? ‘Cause right now this sure sounds like it’s all about you.” “Hey!” barked Vulpimon. “We wouldn’t be in this mess had you managed to catch that thing.” “I know I messed up! I’m admitting to it! I do it all the damn time-“ “Then you need to get better at it, Perimon! We’re supposed to be taking the lead here.” “Taking the lead?” Perimon hopped up and swung a wing out at Grace. “When did you start following her so blindly? Taking the lead? If she’s not happy then why isn’t she actually doing her goddamn job and leading everyone else?” Grace slammed her fist down on her desk. “I didn’t ask for this in the first place! Why should I have to give up my own life for something I had no choice over?” Jack grabbed her shoulder and pulled her round to face him. “You don’t have to! If you wanna step away, fine! Go for it, everyone else already has! But you have to be able to trust us! Trust me, trust Inez, trust Nicholas for god’s sake!” “What does he have to do with it? He wasn’t even supposed to be involved!” “Why don’t you tell him the truth then?” “I don’t want him to get hurt!” “Great job with that.” Grace’s expression darkened, and she stormed off as Jack rushed after her. “What is your problem? You want your own life back but you can’t trust us to take your place?” Grace whirled around. “If we can’t stop disasters like this from happening then no, I can’t. I’ll never be able to give this up if I can’t even protect my own damn boyfriend!” “It’s not just about you!” Jack leant backwards, staggering a little. “I thought we were getting better at this! After everything we went through together, you and me. Why...why does it just keep getting worse?” ![]() Grace turned around, her eyes moist as she looked down at her brother. “Do you see now? Why I can’t give up? Why I’m not allowed to walk away? Because...because things like this just keep happening. And I can’t abandon you to do this on your own, no matter what-” “Cause I’m never going to be good enough?” The girl flinched, and shook her head. “Jack, I-“ “No, I...I get it.” Jack looked away, his eyes stinging. “Yet again, it’s all because of me.” “No, it...it’s my fault!” “You don’t really believe that.” “Jack!” “Neither do I.” The boy rushed out the room, with Perimon flapping in the doorway. He turned back to Grace, staring at her with a mixture of hurt and anger. But he couldn’t think of anything to say. He just followed his partner, and there came the slam of Jack’s bedroom door. Grace raised her shoulders, and marched forwards, throwing her own door shut. “Fine!” Crash. The impact knocked several things off her shelves, and she stood in the doorway, fuming. But her shoulders began to convulse up and down, and she turned and pressed her face into the bed linen, screaming and crying into the fabric. Vulpimon gently padded up next to her, and leant against her partner’s slouched body. She couldn’t think of anything to say, only that she needed to be there. Jack kicked his computer, swore, and sat down on his chair, resting his shaking head against the windowsill. “What the hell happened to us? Why is it all going wrong?” Perimon hopped up beside him, gently brushing his beak against the boy’s moist cheek. “Hey now, hey. It’s alright. Things go wrong.” Jack sniffed, and looked up, staring out at the starlit sky. “It’s not her fault. I know that. I know I need to be better.” “You’re doing more than anybody your age should be,” reassured Perimon, hopping up on the windowsill. “No matter what, it’s not your fault either.” Jack looked up, staring into his partner’s kind eyes. He tried to smile, but his jaw was tired. Too much shouting. Too much of everything today. Something caught his eyes through the window, and he pulled the lace curtain back, staring out. “No way...” Perimon turned around, his beady eyes staring through the glass. The night sky was clear, and there was a full moon. And between that and the streetlights below, there was a figure flying through the sky. Long, gliding strokes of paper-thin wings, and above, the telltale silhouette of somebody riding on top. “Is that...it has to be...” “Lyra.” Jack stood up, his gaze darkening over red-raw eyes. “Of course. Attack in a public place, all that electronic crap lying around...somebody’s behind this. They always are. Why. I thought...I thought she was on our side.” Jack yelled, and planted his hands on the windowsill, staring forwards. His grip tightened, and he stared upwards. “No.” “Jack?” “I’ll show you who’s good enough. I’m not standing for being played like this. Whatever she’s doing, we stop it tonight.” He immediately started rummaging around, throwing his mask and goggles on the bed, as Perimon hopped onto the back of his chair. “Are you sure about this?” “If we leave it, we may not see her again until another disaster happens.” “Are we really gonna take the fight to them though?” “Those two? They’re causing damage. They lied to us. I thought...I thought we were getting somewhere but I was wrong. I’m not gonna stand for this.” The boy whirled around, staring into Perimon’s face. “Aren’t you mad at them as well?” Perimon looked down for a moment, his face uncertain. Then he breathed out, and his mane of feathers bristled. “Bro, I’m goddamn furious.” He hopped on the windowsill, and pushed the wide window open, hovering just outside. Jack pulled his goggles over his eyes, and stared up at the distant silhouette, unaware of his movements. “I’ll show you I’m still strong enough.” He looked down at his partner, and raised his D-SEND, the red energy already swirling around his hand. “Let’s do this. Perimon, Soul Accelerate!” “Evolution Activate!” There was a flash of deep red and a rush of wings, and with no hesitation, Mistramon and Jack flew off into the night sky, aiming straight for their target. TO BE CONTINUED... |