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April, 2013 Tsurumon bowed his head as he stepped forwards, feeling his feet clicking against the smooth floor. A couple of generators worked away to the side of the chamber, with a few small Digimon working around them. A couple of lone lightbulbs swung from the ceiling, resonating with the sounds of the machinery. The crane glanced sideways, watching as a Kokuwamon stumbled over, dropping a couple of widgets. It hurriedly picked them up and started moving again, giving Tsurumon a glance at the gashes in its metal back. He pressed his beak together, and kept walking. Turning a corner, he slowed, keeping his wings against his sides and his head lowered as he walked in front of the handrail. “<You’re late.>” “<Please excuse me.>” Rhyncomon turned around, and rested back against the guardrail, his eyes only half-open. “<I got your request. It was unexpected.>” Tsurumon pulled his feet together. “<You should know I had absolutely no intention of intruding upon your business.>” “<I expected as much. You’ve made no qualms of your disdain for my methods. >” “<The feeling is still the same.>” “<I appreciate your honesty, old friend. And I appreciate your non-interference. You’ve kept out of my way, and as per our agreement, I’ve kept away from the two of you, much though it disappoints me.>” Rhyncomon raised an eyebrow. “<May I speak with her?>” Tsurumon flinched, and held his head lower, pressing his beak together. “<I...came alone...>” “<Don’t lie to me. You would never come if left to your own devices. She’s here herself. She chose to come. So I want to speak to her.>” The magpie raised his foot, and tapped it against the ground. Tsurumon pressed his eyes shut, letting out a breath, before he walked back. Rhyncomon waited patiently for a few minutes, until the crane came forwards again, with a sixteen-year-old girl holding him by the end of the wing. Her mat of hair was brushed forwards over her face, and she was dressed in a thick woollen jumper, but from her tentative steps and the grey, pallid nature of her skin it was clear she was in a bad way. Rhyncomon raised a palm, and the two stopped some way away from him. “<So. You must be Ayumu->” The girl flinched, and stamped her foot forwards, yelling out with a pained, croaking voice. “<DON’T call me that! It’s not my name! It’s Lyra! Lyra!>” Rhyncomon’s eyes widened. Then he shook his head. “<Lyra. I apologise. Please forgive my rudeness.>” Lyra stood breathing heavily for a few seconds. Then she pulled her foot back, standing upright and coughing gently. Rhyncomon reached inside his cloak, and pulled out a small paper bag. “<This is what you requested.>” The girl nodded, her eyes clogged up and her face covered in red feverish patches. Rhyncomon pulled his hand back. “<You must really have had trouble if even Tsurumon couldn’t find these.>” “<I could find them,>” said the crane, the shame coming through in his words. “<But things have become more difficult. The humans know about us now. About you. I can’t stay hidden like I used to.>” He raised one wing, revealing a multitude of gashes down the side of his body, sparkling with data. Lyra looked up, balling her hands together. “<We can work out how to pay you though. It might take a while, but we can give you whatever you ask for.>” Rhyncomon sighed, dangling the paper bag in his talons. “<I don’t need money. I need resource. Tsurumon in particular.>” Lyra looked sideways, as Rhyncomon stood up to his full height, beating out his wings slightly. “<It will only get more difficult. You’ve been doing this for a long time; believe me, I know. I’ve been watching. And Tsurumon has been protecting you from my existence, as is his right. But even with his help, if you continue to struggle on your own, it will only end up in your cold, frozen body curled up in some back alley. You know that, right?>” Tsurumon pulled Lyra back, holding his head close. “<Lyra, don’t listen, I beg you. I told you he would do this.>” Lyra didn’t answer. She looked down at the ground for a moment, before glancing up. “<And?>” “<Do you want to die, Lyra?>” “<Of course not.>” “<I can offer you protection. Finance, and any medicine you need. The freedom to go wherever you please.>” “<And what do you need from me?>” Rhyncomon sighed, and looked up at the ceiling. “<As I said. Resource. Times are changing. Digimon are no longer urban legends. The gate is open and the hidden world I’ve built here is in jeopardy.>” He stepped forwards, looking down at her. “<You and Tsurumon would keep it safe. You will work for me, in return for compensation. Should you accept, you will be my property. I don’t ask for your worship, or loyalty. Only your obedience. From now, until I decide you are no longer needed.>” “<Sounds like a fun deal.>” “<I believe in honesty. But I also believe that you don’t have anywhere else to turn.>” ![]() Tsurumon held his wings around her, pulling her back. “<That’s enough->“ “<Tsurumon, wait.>” The crane shook his head, looking desperately at her, but her face was steeled. Rhyncomon gave a ‘hmph’, and threw the paper bag towards her. “<You may have those regardless of your decision. I don’t know if it will be enough. Human medicine is still new to me.>” Lyra reached down, picking the antibiotics up from the floor. She held them in her hands, as Tsurumon watched her, shaking his head. She looked over at him. “<You don’t have to go through with this. Not for my sake.>” Tsurumon pressed his eyes shut. “<I promised that I wouldn’t let you come to harm. I intended to keep it. No matter where you went, no matter what happened. I know...I know full well how much I’ve failed there. But this Digimon...he will discard you and me as soon as we become difficult. I’ve worked by his side for long enough; I can promise that as well.>” “<Tsurumon...look at me...>” The girl smiled weakly, and opened her arms, revealing the dreadful state of her skin, clothes and body. Her face was smiling, but her eyes were red raw and pained, as they had been for months now. “<I need help.>” Tsurumon closed his eyes. Without another word, he stepped back, and Lyra looked up at Rhyncomon, who was still waiting patiently. “<What do you need from me?>” “<I assume this means you will accept the contract?>” “<One condition. Whatever you provide for me, also goes to Tsurumon. He has the same protection.>” “<Of course.>” Rhyncomon nodded, and turned his back. “<Rest. Recover. Find me if you need more of those.>” He took a couple of steps, befor pausing tapping his geta against the metal railing. “<Try and heal quickly. In a few weeks I’ll need you to be ready to move.>” “<Move? Where?>” “<There’s a lot of activity going on over where the main gate has opened up. I feel it’s time for me to make a move as well.>” The magpie looked over his shoulder, his eyes glinting. “<We’re going to England.>” The wisps of smog licked inwards as the cry sounded out again, creating swirling patterns within the black mass. Mistramon stared around, eyes glaring through the fog. Something burst through once again; the wisp of a razor-like fin, followed by a sweeping fluke. The bird held his legs close, feeling the burns pulsing with pain on his legs. He snarled, blinking as he tried to track the silhouette in front of him. “You can’t hide from me. I know your games.” There came another hissing from beside him, and he swooped right as a blast of steam shot past, leaving turbulence in the clouds. Mistramon felt the presence of something large above him, and he twisted around, balling air beneath his wings. “Pressure Wave!” A blast of wind shot forwards, spreading out wide and striking a section of the black mist. It rolled and parted spectacularly, and the creature beyond was revealed, blinking against the light. Mistramon’s beak drooped. “Ah. There’s our problem.” The Digimon was huge, as big as a semi-detached house. It looked like some sort of enormous fish, or perhaps a dolphin, with a dark green pallor to its scaly skin and a large barrel-shaped body. It had a huge tail that swung lazily from side to side, but its front fins were static; four, sharp points that stuck out of its body for stability, as well as another one on its dorsal. Sticking out from either side of its back were two vast tanks with vents alongside them, which were turning slowly and releasing the noxious fog in little clouds. The beast’s jaws were long and thin, laden with hundreds of needle-sharp teeth, and its eyes were perfectly round tubular orbs that hung on the side of its head, so wide that they seemed almost glazed over and dead, were it not for the pupils expanding and retracting. It convulsed, and swung its jaws sideways. Mistramon lunged out of the way again, firing another blast of air out and breaking back into the enclosed dome atop the roof. The beast’s bulk burst through after him, causing billows of acrid smoke to fly downwards, engulfing the two tamers and the wounded crane below. Lyra held her shoulder, but Jack reached up, holding his D-SEND up towards the beast. “Shonimon. Ultimate level. Virus type. No real quirks, generally used for sky assaults among the more warmongering Digimon. Heavy, armoured, difficult to bring down...” He grimaced, lowering the device. “Wonderful...” Lyra looked down in disappointment at her little golden triangle, which wasn’t doing much save for beeping in distress. “...my one doesn’t do that...” “Whoa! Get back!” Mistramon dropped down as the Shonimon swung wildly, the great beating of its tail disrupting the air even more. It opened its jaws, calling out with a strained, hissing voice far unbecoming of its vast bulk. “Hydro Geyser!” Black fog spewed out from its mouth, and the tamers and their Digimon covered their heads and chests as the hot asphyxiating gas blew over their heads, only cooled slightly by mixing with the air already there. They coughed and spluttered for several seconds, and when they looked up, Shonimon had gone. Swallowed up by the fog again. Lyra held her head, staring down at the roof. Her knees bent, and she fell to a crouching position, rocking gently back and forth. “It’s done. It’s finished. He’s gonna kill me this time.” Tsurumon knelt down beside her. “Lyra...” “I knew it was gonna happen. He was always going to turn on me. You told me that much.” Lyra looked at the crane. “Why didn’t I listen to you? I’ve pulled you into this as well...” Tsurumon opened his beak, but didn’t really have an answer. He just sat, brooding to himself. There was a slight huff from behind them, and Lyra turned to see Jack folding his arms. “Oh, I see, don’t mind about us two then, that’s fine.” “Gangway!” The boy looked up, and then took two hurried steps back as Mistramon descended in an ungainly manner. He landed on the roof with a bump, and shook out his feathers. “If we ever get out of this, I’m gonna be shedding ash for a month.” Jack punched his chest playfully. “When we get out of this, you mean.” “Your mum’s gonna kill me if I mark her carpet.” “Well then, that’s something to look forward to.” Lyra leapt up, stamping her foot down and glaring at the boy and the bird in turn. “You’re just about to die and you’re making jokes? Is this kind of thing normal to you?” Jack and Mistramon looked at one another, before nodding in unison. “Yeah.” “Kinda.” “Well...well...what about me?” Jack raised an eyebrow. “What about you?” “It’s my fault you’re all in this mess...I think. I don’t know. But I’m feeling very sad about this right now so why aren’t you being all supportive and shit like earlier?” Jack gave a strained smile, and pointed first up, and then down. “We’re...busy?” “I...well...I hate you!” Lyra threw her hands down, and began to pace, holding the bridge of her nose. Jack wandered forwards, hands in his pockets. “I mean, I can give you a hug if you want, but...I’m not very good at it...” “Don’t bother. The moment’s passed.” “Awesome.” Jack stuck his thumb up. “Keep being angry. It keeps you alive. Trust me.” “Fine. Wonderful.” Lyra held her thumbs and index fingers together, taking a deep breath, before pointing down at the teenager. “What do we do? How do we get out of here? Do you actually have a plan?” Jack popped his cheeks out, before rattling the three points off on his right hand. “I don’t know, I don’t know, and I don’t do plans.” Lyra narrowed her eyes, and Jack responded with a cheeky grin, before turning back to his partner. “What’s the aerial sitch?” Mistramon sighed. “Look, even if I can get through this stuff, and it’s gonna damn near kill me if I try, there’s no way I can get the three of you through in one piece. Especially not paperman there. He’d rip if I looked at him funny. No offense.” “Full offense taken, but carry on.” Jack rubbed his chin. “And taking Shonimon out?” “It’s a big ask. Bigger than I’ve ever handled in your world.” Jack began to point all around him in a slightly dazed circle. “Alrighty, so that leaves up as a no-no, as well as north, south, east, west and everything in between. Which only leaves...” His finger bent downwards, and he gave Lyra a quizzical look. “How strong is this Rhyncomon, exactly?” Lyra folded her arms. “If you don’t want to fight the Shonimon, you really don’t want to fight Rhyncomon.” Mistramon looked down tiredly, before letting out a breath and staring up at the fog as Shonimon’s silhouette drifted past again. “Well...guess I’ll try and take the high road then.” Jack took a step forward as his partner rose into the air again, clearly still tired but head down and focused. “You saw what it is. It’s an Ultimate. Plus it could like...eat you in two bites. Can you really handle it?” “I’d rather take on an Ultimate than have to fight indoors again.” Mistramon blew a raspberry, before shrugging. “Hey, at least I can actually let loose a bit more. And besides, if I don’t, then...well...we’re all kinda screwed.” Jack’s shoulders fell, and he sighed. “Don’t do anything stupid.” “Too late!” Mistramon gave a triumphant caw and shot forwards, swallowed up by the black smog once again. Lyra stood beside Jack, and the two stared up into the smoke as there came some more ominous flashes and crashes. Jack winced, and held his shoulder, before looking up at the woman. “Sorry. This is the best we’ve got at the moment.” “Maybe. But maybe we can buy ourselves some time.” “Tsurumon?” The crane stepped forwards, shaking his wings out and looking up at his partner. “Send me down into the building. I can find whoever’s coming for you and I can slow them down.” Lyra’s fingers rolled nervously. “What if it’s Rhyncomon?” “It doesn’t matter who it is. I won’t let him do as he pleases with you like this.” Tsurumon bowed his head. “Please. Mistramon’s up there risking his life. It’s only fair that I do the same.” Lyra pressed her lips together, before pulling the golden triangle out of her pocket. “Why do you have to be so kind all the time?” ![]() The crane blinked, and gave a small smile. “Apologies. It must be in my nature after all.” He spread his wings, nodding. “Do it.” “Tsurumon, Tamashi no Oto! Shinka!” There was a flash of gold, and Orizumon unfurled in front of the two tamers again, with the golden triangle glowing in Lyra’s hands. The crane was looking a little worse for wear, but still better than he had an hour ago. Orizumon shook his head, before looking down at Jack and Lyra. “I’ll clear them out of the way. You stay up here. Shonimon seems to be stuck quite a lot higher than the roof, so you should be out of its way at least.” Jack folded his arms. “And what if someone gets past you?” “Use whatever you can find. But I’m not going to let them get to you.” Orizumon turned himself around, aiming himself at a little shed just behind his and Lyra’s residence. He zipped forwards, folding his body up and slicing through the old hinges with ease, before holding his wings out. Orizumon held back, looking back at Lyra with dark eyes. “Stay safe. I’ll handle this. Don’t worry.” He disappeared before she could reply, and she just watched his tail disappear into the small space. The girl held her arm, and looked back at Jack, who was fiddling with his D-SEND. “I can’t help but feel like they’re desperate.” The boy stopped pacing, and held the device to his forehead, staring ahead. “You noticed, huh?” “Is there anything else we can do?” Jack placed a hand on his palm, and gently held his D-SEND out towards her, revealing the deep, red glow of the screen. “No. Not really, unless...” “Unless what?” Jack pulled his lips in, holding the device in his palm. Lyra watched as the boy’s shoulders moved slowly up and down, “Unless I can call the same miracles I did before. A long time ago. In another world.” He caught Lyra’s intrusive gaze, and grinned up at her, the fear evident in his eyes even though his voice was still calm. “It’s a real long shot...” Inez was the first one to pick up the local social media buzz, and as such was the first one to peer out her bedroom window and notice the large swirling vortex of terror hovering over the large block of flats, obscuring the entire building. “Ooh dear...that’s not good...” Syngnamon poked his head up beside her, ears flicking back and forth. “That’s a bit of a trek away.” Inez pulled her phone out. “I’ll see who else is around.” In minutes the message had been sent, and Lonnie and Mark were already on their way. Grace paced in her room, gathering her jacket as she typed frantically. Vulpimon stood with her hands on the windowsill, her tail swinging. “Grace? Are we doing anything?” “It’s over in Eloise and Kai’s direction. I’m just letting them know.” “What about Jack?” The girl opened her door and made her way down the corridor, opening the door without thinking. “Jack, I-“ She stopped, her phone falling from her hand as she saw the open window and the fluttering curtains. “Oh, no, no no! You idiot!” Vulpimon bounded in, but Grace barged out again, pulling her jacket around her and grabbing the mask in her hand. She powered down the stairs, heading for the front door when she heard her father’s voice from the kitchen. “What are you doing?” “Digimon emergency. Again. I need to go.” She pulled her fleece from the hook, but paused as her mother walked forwards, standing in the hallway. “I think you’ve both done enough today. Let someone else handle it.” “Mum, I...can’t. I need to go.” “No you don’t! You’re still angry. You’ll hurt yourself." Grace gripped the edge of her fleece, biting her lip. “Jack’s gone.” Jade’s eyes widened. “...what?” “I don’t know. I think he went earlier. He’s probably involved in this; I’m gonna get him-“ “You can’t DO THAT!” Jade stepped forwards, pulling a hand back, before gripping the banister, her fingers trembling as she glared at her daughter. “We heard everything, you know! About today. About how things went wrong. Again. How often does that happen? Tell me, Grace!” Grace’s shoulders stiffened, but she turned towards her mother, her face pointing down. “None of this is easy, mum.” “It’s happening more and more! I can’t take this!” Tears started welling up in the corner of Jade’s eyes as her husband peered into the doorway behind her, rubbing behind Skye’s neck and looking at his feet. Jade just carried on, gripping the wooden rail. “Every day, it seems. Something happens. The Digimon...they’re getting worse. More dangerous. Why do you carry on like this; haven’t you done enough? Hasn’t Jack?” Grace snapped back, “I didn’t make Jack go anywhere! It’s his decision! Not mine!” “You’re the older sister!” “He’s thirteen! And he saved the world with me before. He knows what he’s doing! It’s his fault!” Jade’s eyes flashed. “You can’t treat him like that! He wouldn’t keep trying to prove himself if it wasn’t for y-“ The woman gasped, and planted both hands over her mouth, but it was too late. Grace flinched. Her hands remained poised for several seconds, as she stared down. Then they relaxed, and she clenched her teeth together. “If it wasn’t for me. Yeah, I know that.” “No, Grace, I’m sorry, I-“ The girl turned away, pulling the door handle down as she looked back. “It’s alright. Don’t worry. I’ll fix this. Come on Vulpimon.” “Grace, wait-“ Click. The door shut, leaving Jade staring at an empty white frame. The woman’s knees buckled, and she planted a palm over her face, already feeling the tears streaming out like they had done for so many nights for so long now. Paul walked forwards, and held his hands over her shoulders, whispering in her ear. “Don’t worry. It’s going to be fine. She promised.” “I...I...just...I can’t...I can’t go on like this...what am I supposed to do?” She turned around, and buried her face in her husband’s chest, the sobs coming loud and fast as he held her tightly. Grace ran as fast as she could, with Vulpimon bounding along beside her, trying to get the girl’s attention. “You really need to slow down. It’s like you said. He’s your brother. He’s fine. He can handle himself.” No response. Grace just pulled the zipper of her fleece further up, her breath making clouds against the cold. “Grace, stop!” “It’s fine.” The girl looked back, her eyes hidden by the mask. “I said, didn’t I? I’m gonna fix this. Don’t talk to me. I just need to do the job.” Vulpimon slowed a little, staring after her partner as she ran further forwards. The fox cursed under her breath, before speeding up again, her paws leaving little patches of frost on the pavement. BOOM A door flew across the room as Kokabuterimon burst through the archway, followed by Alraumon, Suricamon, Hyokomon and Troopmon. Yethmon and Liopramon flanked the crew, while MudFrigimon brought up the rear, keeping his head low and his mouth shut, as per usual. Suricamon paused, and sniffed the air, before waving her shovel upwards. “We’ve got company!” “Bringing the fight to us, then?” Yethmon growled, and bore his claws. “Leave no prisoners.” Alraumon unfurled her flower, coiling spiny vines around her arms. “I take it this time we don’t retreat.” Liopramon shrugged. “Seems so. We’re on a job now. We’re being reviewed.” Kokabuterimon buzzed, looking all around before focusing his attention on the ceiling directly above. “Incoming!” Smash Half of the ceiling caved in as a large thin bird burst through the beams and plaster, sending dust in all directions as he called at the top of his lungs. The more agile members of the assault group flew, dived or swung out of the way, taking their positions in the middle of the spiralling stairway as the crane gripped the rail, keeping himself balanced with an expert skill. He stared around, blinking through the dust. “I presume Rhyncomon sent you?” “You!” Yethmon growled, flicking his dagger out from beneath his cloak. “You heard the terms. Bring the girl down.” “And if I said no?” “Then you’re a moron. Nobody says no to Rhyncomon. Nobody can.” Off to one side, Liopramon leant back, stealing a glance at his boss with a curious – or possibly a disappointed expression. Orizumon just raised his head in response. “How sad. As much as you and your little group are trying to break away, he still has you wrapped around his little finger.” His words broke the stalemate in an instant, as Yethmon flew forwards in a bristling ball of rage. “I don’t have time for your GAMES! Get out of my way!” Orizumon shifted sideways, and opened his mighty wings, aiming at the largest cluster of assailants as they too began to advance. But Yethmon leapt up onto the rail, ducking beneath his wings and perching himself at eye level with the crane. “I never liked you, bird. Deadeye!” Orizumon was hit by the paralysing wave, his muscles locking up as he swung sideways. Yethmon scampered up the handrail, before leaping down upon the crane, pulling his knife back as a red glow surrounded it. “Rabid Ripper!” The crane struggled, swinging his whole body left and right as the hound went for his face. Eventually he broke out of the grip, and snapped his beak upon Yethmon’s cape, throwing him to one side. “Nemesis Ivy!” “Mad Rocker!” Vines and earth shot out towards Orizumon, striking him on the wings as he turned towards the others on the stairs. He screeched at them, but all of a sudden there was a puff of smoke and a giggle by his ear. Orizumon turned to see Liopramon balancing on the edge of his wing, brandishing coins between his fingers. “You’re gonna have a bit of a struggle now you’re all outta airspace, right? Lucky Doubloon!” The crane bent down, feeling the shots pierce through his head crest, before he pulled his wings open and sent the leprechaun tumbling away with a rolling string of light. Orizumon let go of the rail, holding himself up as the gang reformed in front of him again, keeping the high ground. Suricamon chuckled, swinging her shovel around her shoulders as she stuck her tongue out. “Not so tough now, huh birdie? We can take you down now you’re all on your lonesome!” “I’d like to see you try.” Orizumon hissed, bending his neck down and lunging forwards towards the staircase, causing the gang to scatter once again. He swung his head sideways, and stabbed out at the nearest Digimon, which happened to be Kokabuterimon. The insect tumbled back through the air, but he was replaced by Troopmon and MudFrigimon who thrust their arms out, going for his papery chest. But the crane turned, folding himself away and deliberately falling down into the stairway, before flapping his wings and rising up again, his whole body turning. “Regal Spinner!” Yethmon and Liopramon dived, but the rest of the assailants were caught by the golden light and sent slamming into the wall behind them. Suricamon and Hyokomon were already up on their feet, rushing upwards and holding blade and shovel in their arms. “Karatakewari!” “Devilish Digger!” They never made contact; Orizumon saw their approach, and swept his wing sideways, the air movement throwing Hyokomon off balance and sending her tumbling into the meerkat. Orizumon dived again, but ended up falling right into the path of Liopramon’s coins, several of which peppered the skin of his right wing. The crane arced up, folding his body inside out as he aimed at the sniper. “Lethal Edge!” “Vanishing Cap!” Liopramon docked his hat with a grin, and vanished in a flash as Orizumon slashed the rails in front of him, sending them clattering down towards the lower floors. The crane unfolded, legs scraping over the stone as he found himself faced with a charging Yethmon. “Rabid Ripper!” “ENOUGH!” Orizumon’s wings flew outwards, but Yethmon was as relentless as ever, throwing swipe after swipe at the crane’s chest, neck and legs. Several times he hit, leaving gouges through the papery flesh, from which a thin trickle of data spilled out. But Orizumon was stronger, more experienced, and more determined. With a booming call he stabbed out again and again, tearing Yethmon’s cloak and slashing his arm. The hound backed away, but Orizumon took his chance, lashing out with a leg and sending the hound tumbling off the side of the stairs, only just holding on with his claws. He scrambled onto a lower floor, barking up as Orizumon turned to the other gang members. “Is this how you fight, Rhyncomon? Do you do nothing but send the weak and the naive to fight your battles? Do you have a spark of honour left, or did you leave that back in the Digital World as well? Regal Spinner!” The crane spiralled up, sending out waves of energy that struck the scattered gang head on. Hyokomon and Suricamon rolled backwards into MudFrigimon’s arms, where he held them tightly, defending them from the falling rubble with his broad back. Alraumon hissed as she deflected what she could, and Troopmon and Kokabuterimon took the brunt of the lights, falling back down into the wall. Orizumon remained airborne, holding his wings out as he hissed at the assailants. “Go! Now! You do not have the power to get any further!” He went to dive again, but all of a sudden he felt a cold grip on his neck. Then again on his wings, and his back. He looked around, in time to see a grinning fox-like face staring into his, giggling as it tore into his papery flesh with hooked claws. Three Kankomon clung to him, pulling him left and right as a smarmy voice whispered in his ear. “Well now, I wouldn’t call the game just yet...” “Reynarimon! You coward!” Orizumon swung his wings around, throwing off one of the gremlins into the wall, where it popped with a puff of smoke. But the other two readjusted their grip, and the crane could already see two more wisps of smoke floating up towards him. Reynaromin stood just a few floors down, twirling several pipes around his fingers as he tapped his foot, humming to himself. “Cowardice is such a strong word, mon frère. I would prefer the term ‘liberal co-ordinator’. It would be inefficient for me to be micro-managing everybody up there, now, wouldn’t it?” Orizumon hissed, and flew up as one of the new Kankomon made a swipe for him. His body inverted, and the momentum sent his current stowaways flying away, chuckling with the movement. Orizumon barrelled forwards, planting his feet against the wall and launching himself off as his body flattened out. “Lethal Edge!” Thin as a blade, he shot past the two, his wings severing their bodies outright. He heard the giggling from behind him, and turned his rush into a spin, sending a volley of golden spears into the other two Kankomon just as they formed behind him. They screeched, and dissipated, leaving only floating silver particles where they had been. Down below, Reynarimon crushed the pipes in his hands, cursing to himself. “Ah merde...” He fumbled in his gown, trying to find some more pipes, but Orizumon had spotted him and was already readying his body, aiming himself directly for the fox man. “I’m coming for you first! Lethal-“ He was stopped mid-transformation, as something grabbed hold of his wing and held him in place. He swung wildly, looking back to see MudFrigimon holding onto him and pulling with all his might. “Leave...our...boss...alone!” The great earth golem swung the crane sideways, slamming him into the wall. Orizumon spun, but coins shot through his wings, and Alraumon saw her moment and leapt forwards, blowing a hallucinogenic powder into his face. He backed down, coughing and spluttering as his vision began to sway, but he remained just enough cognition to block a tackle from Kokabuterimon and another punch from MudFrigimon, although only just. “Regal Spinner!” “Rabid Ripper!” Orizumon shot upwards, corkscrewing up the stairs and sending more golden ribbons out towards his assailants. But Yethmon caught up with him before he could get out of range, taking a ribbon to the chest as he dragged his serrated claws across the crane’s face. Orizumon gave a mournful cry, and barely managed to rise out of reach, looking down as he saw the gang reconvening once again, persistent to the end. Below them, he could see the telltale signs of smoke rising, as another volley of Kankomon swerved up towards him, giggling maniacally. The crane hovered as still as he could, but he could tell he was tiring again. His eye hurt. His wings were whistling from the number of holes and tears. His whole body felt more fragile than ever, and as he looked at the gathering enemies he knew he was losing his upper hand. But as he heard the distant booming from way, way up above, he steeled himself, ready for another volley. He took in his breath, and bellowed at his assailants, the lights dancing at his wingtips. With a great sweeping movement, he charged, aiming for the nearest enemy as they spiralled up the stairs around him, getting ever closer. “I won’t let you HAVE HER!” ![]() “Hydro Geyser!” Mistramon held his wings up as the rush of steam shot out at him, scorching the metal of his breastplate. The eagle ducked down, before banking upwards, ramming the underside of the ichthyosaur’s jaw with an almighty clang. He flew around again, aiming for the creature’s neck, belly and as many vulnerable-looking spots as he could. But despite Mistramon’s more-than-generous physical strength, it wasn’t making a difference. Shonimon was just sweeping through the sky, blasting vents of steam out every which way it could. “Where the hell did this a-hole manage to hide you all this time?” Mistramon ducked down, but Shonimon’s massive eye snapped towards him, and it swung around with a remarkable turn of speed, slamming its tail into the eagle and sending him spinning away. Mistramon righted himself, winded, and newly angered. “Right! Nobody rear-ends me and gets away with it! Spiral Force!” He shot forwards, trailing energy behind him as he aimed for the beast’s face. He spun in front of its eyes, sending arcs of pink energy out in criss-cross waves, where they crashed into Shonimon’s flesh, causing it to hiss and shake its massive head. But aside from a few cosmetic wounds it seemed to have no effect. With a roar it swum up towards him, opening its vast jaws, but the eagle shot forwards just before they snapped shut. He breathed a sigh of relief, but that was cut short as he found himself flying straight into the cloud of smog being spewed out by Shonimon’s right tank. The eagle gagged, and arced away, still throwing energy out from his tail. An arc smashed into the tank, and it paused, spluttering as the flow of smoke stopped. Mistramon readjusted himself, shaking the ash away from his face as he stared forwards. “That’s worth knowing.” With an instinctual caw he dove forwards, but Shonimon’s eyes snapped back, and it beat its tail again. Mistramon was faster this time, diving out of the way of the great fluke and blasting waves of air at the right tank, trying to disrupt its flow even more. But as he rose for another assault, Shonimon dived down, out of his way. “Hey! What’s the rush?” yelled the eagle, but he froze as he suddenly became aware of a melancholic cry, and a growing hissing coming from above him. As one silhouette disappeared into the smog beneath him, he looked up to see an identical one suddenly and quickly bearing down at him from above. Shonimon was not alone. “Oh COME on!” “Hydro Geyser!” The blast of steam struck the eagle across the face, sending him spiralling away. He righted himself, but his vision was blurred, and he was unable to dodge the air pressure from the new Shonimon’s fluke as it blasted him away. “Pressure Wave!” Mistramon fired wildly, carving a tunnel through the smog. The new Shonimon circled around, hissing as it swam in again for a lunge with its jaw, but Mistramon spun in mid air, slicing the jaw with the edge of his wing. But it didn’t do much to deter the creature, and as Mistramon watched its movements he became aware of the fog rippling behind him, as the first Shonimon returned to the battle. “Spiral For-“ “Veil Asphyxiation!” The moment he looked away, the Shonimon behind him let out a blanket of smog, which instantly engulfed the bird, entering his eyes, mouth, feathers; completely stopping him in his tracks. For a moment he tried to struggle, but when that didn’t work, he dropped like a stone, desperate to get himself out of the black cloud. But the moment he left its range, he saw one of the Shonimon dive down, its jaws opening wide and clamping down over his right wing. The giant creature swung him left and right, like a puppy with a chew toy, wrenching his shoulder joint all over the place. Mistramon yelled out, kicking and scratching, and eventually gathering enough wind beneath his wings to blast himself away, although not without losing several feathers. He hovered in place, watching as the two ichthyosaurs circled slowly around him. They clearly didn’t need to rush. Against one, he was already fighting an uphill battle. Against two, he was just treading water. Down on the roof, Jack watched as the flashes and rolling smog betrayed only snapshots of the brutal battle going on above. He could feel his head pounding, and his breathing going more rapid with each new impact. And as the battle raged on, he could feel his D-SEND becoming more irate, as his partner was worn down bit by painful bit. “Come on...come on...please...” Another crash, and a cry from far above. He felt it pierce his heart; a jolt of feedback through the device in his hand, and yelled out himself, dropping the screeching instrument. Letting out a slow breath, he relaxed his shoulders, becoming aware of Lyra staring at him. She was holding her own digivice, which despite its limited functionality still seemed to be going through the same painful motions. The girl bit her lip, looking down. “It’s over, isn’t it...” “Like hell it is.” “What are we supposed to do, kid?” She saw Jack’s nostrils flare, and raised a palm at once, “Jack. I’m sorry. You deserve to be called by your name.” Jack looked down. “Why are you looking at me for an answer? I don’t know. I’ve never known how I ever got through anything. All I know is that I have to face it head on.” He looked up at her, and pressed his index fingers against the corners of his mouth, pressing them up into a smile. “Look up. Stay positive. Believe that you’re gonna get through. Because I swear to god, that’s the only way I’ve managed to get this far. So no matter what, I have to keep trying now.” He gave a half-laugh. “But I get it. It sounds stupid. I know.” His voice trailed off, and he grabbed the bridge of his nose, feeling the pangs of pain striking his heart through his D-SEND. But then there was a bang from nearby, followed by a couple of clicks. The boy looked down at Lyra, who had opened her violin case and was holding the instrument in her hands, adjusting it on her neck. The boy had to hold himself back from bursting out into laughter. “Whu...what are you...” “I don’t want to die here tonight either, Jack.” Lyra grinned. “I’ve made a bunch of stupid decisions to bring me here in the first place. And if stupid’s the way to go, we may as well go all the way.” She raised the bow to the bridge, and began to play. It was a rough song. Messy melody, slightly out of tune, and all but drowned out by the commotion all around. But it struck Jack’s ears and dug deep, echoing around his head with the pain and anguish and doubt he had been feeling for so long now. He let out another laugh, before clamping his hands over his mouth. But he released them, listening to the melody as it grew more earnest. More pleading. Emotions cutting through the air, reaching everyone who would listen. Jack felt something well up inside him; something he hadn’t felt for over four years. And he reached down and grabbed his D-SEND back into his hands, before reaching up towards the sky. “Hey, arsehole, can you hear that?” The feeling spilled out throughout his body, from his legs to his arms and his fingers. He thought, for the faintest of moments, he could see a red glow just beneath his skin. But the boy kept shouting regardless, calling into the rolling clouds. “I don’t know how the heck we got in this mess, but right now we’ve got an audience, and she’s actually willing to believe we can get out, like we always did before!” It was intense now; that same, exhilarating feeling rushing through his body in time with the music. He could see the skin of his fingers glowing intensely through his glove as he reached up further, and his D-SEND screeched in his other palm, as circuits activated within it that had lain dormant for over four years. “So you know, I guess we really do need to look cool this time. You with me?” ![]() A flash lit up the rooftop, as the fog began to swirl, no longer following the paths of the two Shonimon, but instead spinning around Jack as the epicentre. Squinting, he could just make out Mistramon far above him, bruised and beaten but still airborne. The eagle closed his eyes, feeling his tattered feathers rustling. “You’re god damn right I am...” “I said are you with me?” Mistramon threw his wings wide, flapping downwards as he entered a freefall. His body began to sparkle, letting off flecks of red light as he cried out into the air. “BRING IT, MY DUDE!” The D-SEND flashed in Jack’s hand, resonating in time with the music. Lyra stared in awe, but she kept playing, getting faster and faster as she did so, not daring to stop. Jack grinned as the fog spiralled down around him, his eyes wide as his entire body glowed red. “Mistramon...Soul...Reverberate!” ![]() Space seemed to warp, splitting into two, then back into one, and Jack screamed towards the sky as a column of red light erupted from his hand, blasting the nearby fog away in great waves. The red light struck Mistramon as he descended, utterly engulfing him as he began to spin, drawing the wind behind him. “Evolution Activate!” The red lights were caught up in the spiralling wind, and they grabbed Mistramon and pulled him around, sending out waves of data that cut through the fog. The two Shonimon backed away, hissing in a distressed fashion and releasing even more of the smog, but it wasn’t enough to drive away the light as it grew and pulsed, Mistramon’s form all but lost inside it. The sound was intense, drowning out Lyra’s violin. She stopped playing, stepping back as Jack joined her, watching the great spectacle above. The column slid sideways, whipping back and forth like a tornado. From deep within, there came a rumble, and four bright white lights began to shine through, one by one. Then, all of a sudden the column burst into life, stretching out down towards the roof and bending away like a skyward waterfall. It shot into the smog, then out again, bursting between the two Shonimon and sending them listing wildly. The column disappeared again. Then reappeared. Spiralling up, further and further and faster and faster, with the wind following its movement as the red glow trickled away, revealing crimson skin and rings of gold and bronze. Jack and Lyra ducked in unison as the column above them shot past, tapering off into a golden tail blade, with two ornate wing-like structures either side. And that travelled up as well, following the head as the fog dispersed, giving the two of them a clear view of the sky, and the huge creature that now engulfed it. The last of the red data fell away like miniscule droplets of water, as the great sky serpent slowed at the top of his ascent, thrusting out four grand golden wings. He raised his serrated beak to the heavens, and cried out; a vast roar that echoed for miles. Some people were watching already, woken by the commotion, or trying to figure out what was up with the freaky cloud formation surrounding this single building. Others were woken by the cry, staring bleary-eyed at the phenomenon. And the other tamers and their partners stared up towards the sky as the great shadow – familiar to some – loomed over them. They all of them saw something bigger than they ever thought they would see again. Eloise grabbed Kai’s wrist, holding it tightly. Lonnie gazed in awe. Inez held her breath. Watching from his bedroom window, Alasdair’s hand went to his chest, with tears dotting the corners of his eyes. From beneath a starlit sky, Trevor Ashbourne watched, silent and still, as he felt the primal fear rise within him again. And as they ran through the city streets, Alopemon skidded to a stop, watching the sky-serpent’s form unfold. Grace pulled her mask down, blinking as she watched the spectacle. “Holy hell...” She looked down at her partner, who gave a tired sigh. “Well, I guess we know where your brother is.” “I guess so.” Grace pushed her mask back on, feeling a strange sensation within her as they began to run again. “I don’t believe it. He actually pulled it off...” Up on the roof, Lyra was blown back by the sudden gust of wind, feeling thousands of crimson particles swirling around her. Jack leant down, and helped her to her feet, as she squinted against the rushing winds. “What...what on earth is that...?” Jack gave her a look of confidence, his own hair blowing in the wind. He pointed up, doing his best to look nonchalant, but unable to hide the sheer joy on his face. “That...is my partner.” “Cyclomon!” ![]() The wind direction changed, and the two rushed for the cover of Lyra’s shelter as the titan began to tilt sideways, pulling his wings in and spiralling downwards towards the two Shonimon as they stared, smog billowing out from their bodies. One of them swam to one side, whereas the other one beat its tail, rushing up to meet the sky titan as it opened its jaws wide. “Hydro Geyser!” The jet of steam shot out, striking Cyclomon square in the beak. The sky-dragon squinted, and banked upwards, striking the Shonimon with the edge of his wing. By the time he’d made it round, the black smog had returned to its full force, engulfing the both of them. Cyclomon took another high pass, beating his wings deliberately and cutting swathes through the cloud, but the two Shonimon passed by wherever he broke through, fixing the shroud again. He flew too close to one area, feeling the acrid material sting his eyes and throat, as another blast of steam struck him along his body. “You two are really throwing off my groove, y’know!” Cyclomon twisted, letting eddy currents roll down his body and clear a hole through the smog. He saw the tail of one of the titans disappear, and with an effortless flick he slammed his own tail sideways. It connected, and the Shonimon emerged from the other side, hissing in distress as smog billowed out from a ruptured tank. After a few revolutions it righted itself, taking on a surprising turn of speed as it disappeared back into the safety of its haven. Cyclomon was forced to turn around again, staying wide this time as he saw the fog grow bigger and bigger, making the two more difficult to locate. He hummed to himself, his four eyes darting left and right. He may have dwarfed the both of them in size now, but it was clear they were going to be no pushover. Before they had been conserving energy, just there to prevent escape. But now something was out to threaten them, they had turned on the offensive. And despite their own considerable size they were clearly agile, and were moving in tandem, making up for each other’s shortcomings. Yes indeed, this still wasn’t going to be easy. But at least he stood on a slightly more level playing field now. Cyclomon shook out his head feathers, and rose higher, his body shaking and losing its corporeal form. Slowly he turned, eyes focused on the centre of the growing fog as his head seemed to split into three shimmering copies of itself, growing in speed and rupturing the air around them. He focused himself forwards, and dived. “Hurricane Helix!” The rushing winds made their way all the way down to the base of the building, blowing Rhyncomon’s hair back and forth. He scowled, squinting up at the sky, where his perfectly formed barrier was looking less stable and more turbulent than ever. Even from down here he could see glimpses of the titanic battle above, drowning out the sounds of the smaller skirmish from only a few floors below. “I don’t have the patience for this...” He pressed his black beak together, rolling his fingers on his sword’s handle. For a moment he looked behind him, considering slipping back into the shadows and cleaning this up at a later point. He knew for sure Reynarimon would do the same. And the others’ problems were their own responsibility. The moment the doubts entered his mind, he saw Lyra’s glare burning into his, and stiffened, his muscles tensing. “I was hoping you’d be sensible about this, Lyra. I didn’t want to have to damage you.” The doors clattered in front of him, the entire building being buffeted by the high winds above. Rhyncomon glared, and lunged out with a brutal kick, breaking the remaining door in half and sending it clattering down. He stepped inside, his sword swaying at his side as he looked up. “But we have a contract, and I will make sure you pay.” TO BE CONTINUED... |