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A great rumble echoed through the tower block, the combination of the Shonimons’ ambush and Cyclomon’s appearance shaking it to its very core. Dust fell from every ceiling. Lights swung, fell and shattered in each room. The plaster cracked. The beams groaned. And on the stairwell, the mighty structure shivered ominously, twisting at the top and being picked apart piece by piece at the bottom, as the internal battle continue, out of sight of the titans far above. Orizumon fought ferociously, leaping from rail to rail and single-handedly fending off each of the enemies that came for him. Every blow took a little more out of him, but he remained standing every time. He lunged to one side as Troopmon fired energy blasts above, before kicking off the banister and up into a spiralling charge. Troopmon was forced to run itself as the crane aimed directly for him with a piercing peck. MudFrigimon reached up, grasping hold of the crane’s wing, and Kokabuterimon latched onto his back, holding him in place as Yethmon ran in with another glowing blade. “Rabid Ripper!” “Lethal Edge!” The crane twisted in his assailants’ grip, slipping out of their hands, and Yethmon had to hold out a hand to stop himself from plummeting over the edge. The crane meanwhile slipped forwards, twisting around and reforming behind MudFrigimon. He stabbed forwards, his beak passing through the golem’s shoulder. “No! Devilish Digger!” Suricamon leapt down from three floors up, holding her shovel behind her head. Orizumon glanced up, and MudFrigimon saw his chance, grabbing his beak and pulling him forwards. But the crane managed to twist himself around at the neck, holding out a spindly leg and catching Suricamon’s descending weapon. It still dug in between his toes, and he hissed, before twisting again, flashing his fan-like tail in a feint as he yanked Suricamon aside. “Hey-“ “Stay out of my way!” Orizumon slammed her body into the wall, knocking the wind out of the meerkat’s lungs and causing her to drop her weapon. He raised his beak, but MudFrigimon’s hand shot forwards, connecting with the side of his head. “Get away from her!” “Regal Spinner!” “Heavy Punch!” The golem reared back, striking Orizumon in the throat before he could get any speed up, with a damaged Suricamon scuttling up his back, yelling encouragement into his ear. He was certainly strong, but Orizumon quickly recovered his style, jabbing and kicking and countering the golem’s brutal attacks. A spinning one-two kick sent MudFrigimon tumbling backwards, clutching his marked face, as Orizumon raised his wings to take off. “Oh no you don’t!” Serrated claws grabbed at the crane, and he yelled in pain as three Kankomon grabbed him from below, trying to drag him down towards the stairs. Orizumon freed a leg, and kicked out in an arc, severing two of their arms, but one of them reared up and wrapped its body around his neck, blowing smoke into his face. Orizumon staggered back, glancing left and right as he saw Alraumon rushing in his direction, swinging one of her arms. “Nemesis Ivy!” The crane dived down as the thorny vines shot over his head, before moving his head in a circle. The vines encircled the neck of one of the gremlins latching onto his face, and the crane flew upwards at a high speed, garrotting it and making it dissipate in mid-air. The two other Kankomon down below grabbed on for dear life, scraping and slashing at his vulnerable underbelly, and drawing sparkling blood. “You can’t run away forever.” ![]() “We will drag you back.” “And the little girl too.” Orizumon’s eyes flashed, and he spun in mid-air, the momentum throwing both spirits away. Keeping himself going, he brought his legs around, slamming into them and sending them careering into the rail with enough force to send the whole panel crashing down. There was a yell from below, and the two Kankomon vanished, returning to their master in an instant. “You will never reach her! Regal Spinner!” The crane flung his wings out, throwing trails of golden light at Hyokomon, Suricamon and Yethmon, blasting all three of them back. Another volley of vines shot out at him, latching around his leg, but he pulled it back, sending Alraumon tumbling over the edge herself, swearing all the way down as she just barely managed to catch onto the next floor. “Vanishing Cap!” There was a puff of smoke from behind him, and a gold-studded fist struck the back of his head, temporarily whiting him out. The crane spun around, but Liopramon had already vanished. “I know your games now!” “Vanishing-” Orizumon spun in mid-air, lunging out with his beak and slicing it across the leprechaun’s arm, causing him to leap back in surprise. Orizumon thrust out a wing, buffeting Liopramon away, where he crashed into the stairs and promptly vanished again in a shower of coins. “It doesn’t matter how many you send!” There was a buzzing behind him, and Kokabuterimon barged straight into his back, making the crane stagger as he was slammed into the wall. He regained his breath, and pushed back against the beetle’s strength himself, spinning out of his grip. “Regal Spinner!” Orizumon corkscrewed up, blasting the beetle away at point-blank range, although his own attack was significantly weaker. Still, he watched Kokabuterimon descend, holding his chest as Alraumon staggered up to him, beaten up herself. “Rhyncomon, if you’re listening...and I know you are...” “Lucky Doubloon!” “Rabid Ripper!” “Devilish Digger!” Attack after attack, still, from every direction. But Orizumon pulled his wings in, summoning the power he still had within him as he roared. “I...will...NEVER...YIELD...TO YOU! REGAL SPINNER!” The crane thrust his wings outwards, barely even able to turn but throwing out every bit of energy he had in a vast wave. The golden assault sent Liopramon and Suricamon crashing down, but Yethmon threw himself to one side, crashing into the wall. He bent double, and retched, a faint splatter of blood staining the white linoleum of the staircase. But even though his legs were shaking the hound remained upright, and he glared up at Orizumon with a crimson stare. Too tired to keep flying, the crane perched on the rail, letting out great breaths as he glared back at the hound. “I said enough.” “Don’t tell me what to do. I...I have a job...” “How much is this worth to you?” “For a chance to...make a mark? Against you? Against your...sickening need for this world – these people – to like you?” “You petty creature...” Yethmon’s hackles raised, and he bounded forwards, barking out as he did so. “Don’t look down on me! Rabid Ripper!” Orizumon bent backwards away from the wild swipe, but the blow was a feint; Yethmon scurried up above the crane and latched onto the rail above him, his eyes flashing. “Deadeye!” The crane froze, just momentarily, as Yethmon leapt down on him, pulling him from the rail and sending them both crashing down to the next floor. They rolled, and struck the corner, with Yethmon ending up standing on the crane’s chest, holding one splayed claw up just under Orizumon’s chin. “Still not gonna yield?” “Never.” “I swear, I’ll-“ “Kill me?” Orizumon glared, feeling the curved hooks digging into his neck. “You don’t have the conviction.” Yethmon stared back, his own breathing rough. He could feel the rest of his gang staring at him, silently waiting. The hound growled. “Neither do you.” “I never made it my life’s ambition to be a brute.” Yethmon closed his eyes. For a moment his wrist relaxed, as his face scrunched up. “What...what else am I supposed to do?” “Oh, enough of this!” There came a hissing noise, and Yethmon was thrown backwards as three Kankomon emerged from the staircase, clamping around the crane. The hound struggled to his feet, but the three spirits turned and hissed in his face, one of them swiping at his muzzle. Down below, Reynarimon multi-wielded the Kankomon’s pipes, his voice taking on an irritated tone. “You are all completely and utterly useless! Is it really up to me to have to take out one measly-“ “Where are they?” Reynarimon let out an eep and jumped out of his skin, before twisting towards Rhyncomon and lowering his body just slightly. “Ah, wonderful, you see, I’ve just about got him on the ropes so you can-“ “Be silent!” Rhyncomon’s taloned hand swung out and struck the fox man upside the head, catapulting him to one side and straight into the foyer wall, with enough force to crack the plasterboard. His pipes fell from his hands, and up above the three Kankomon jerked, and dissipated, wriggling back down the stairs in sad smoggy puddles. As Reynarimon went limp, Rhyncomon stepped forwards, his wings flicking outwards as he glared amongst the survivors. Liopramon gulped, and tipped his hat, reappearing next to Yethmon. “We should probably make a move. I don’t think we’re needed no more.” “Let me go...I have...to...” “You have t’what? Wuss out on killing him again?” Yethmon flinched, and looked up into Liopramon’s eyes. The leprechaun was staring at him with an odd expression. Not fear. Certainly not concern. Almost a kind of triumph, one which he made no efforts to hide. “TSURUMON!” Rhyncomon bent his knees and launched himself upwards, clearing a floor in a single bound and landing on the rail, where he balanced perfectly. He began to sprint, his sandals clacking against the metal as Orizumon tried to push himself up. Further up, Yethmon ran for the rail and called out. “Scatter!” Tired and desperate, the renegades threw themselves to one side as the magpie shot past them. All except for Suricamon, who stared in awe. “Omigod, this guy is gonna be so cool!” Orizumon twisted himself around, feeling his feathers reacting as the footsteps got closer. Rhyncomon appeared on the corner below him, and rushed upwards at an incredible speed. Orizumon held his breath, and slid downwards in an attempt to escape the magpie’s lunge, but Rhyncomon ducked down and threw him upwards, before slamming him, one-handed, into the wall. The crane coughed, and threw out a leg in a wide kick, which the Mega level blocked with ease, before bringing his scabbard forwards into the crane’s sternum. Orizumon backed away, staggering, but just about still standing. Rhyncomon’s eyes narrowed. “Stand aside.” “Never. Not after what you’ve tried to pull tonight.” “I will have her either way. She is irreplaceable. You both are.” Orizumon stumbled, and just for a moment his gaze slid sideways. His eyes widened, and Rhyncomon caught the movement, whirling around and grabbing Suricamon from off the rail with a squeak. She winced in pain, but giggled in his grip. “Show me how to be a badass like you, pretty please?” Rhyncomon’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “I don’t owe you anything. You failed the task I gave you.” “No!” MudFrigimon rushed forwards, staggering up the steps as panic rose in his voice. “Let her go! It’s not her fault! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry-” Orizumon’s eyes opened, and he saw the magpie’s temporary distraction. The Digimon lowered his head, and just for a moment the crane could see his neck. Orizumon’s resolve hardened. He called upon anything he had left. Anything at all. “Lethal...Edge!” Rhyncomon glanced backwards, before tossing the meerkat to one side. MudFrigimon skidded to a halt, but not before Rhyncomon turned his attention to the golem, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck. The magpie twisted, throwing the golem over his shoulder and directly into Orizumon’s oncoming attack. Orizumon gasped, his body reforming as MudFrigimon staggered forwards, dazed and wounded and SNKT Pain. Orizumon convulsed, and looked down, seeing the long katana piercing out from MudFrigimon’s barrel chest, and into his own, golden liquid adorning the silver. MudFrigimon coughed, his own eyes wide and surprised. “How did-“ The blade swung upwards, tearing through the golem’s body. He fell sideways, and Orizumon staggered back, his own chest torn open from bottom to top. He tried to stand, but Rhyncomon’s blade flashed out again, tearing through his right wing, then his left. Then he reached out, grabbing the crane by the throat and holding him close. “I missed your core. You’ll walk again. But you’re not protecting anybody now. I’ll be back for you once I’ve taught your partner a lesson in discipline.” With a spiteful yell, the magpie threw the crane sideways, where he tumbled over the edge, a ragged mass of feathers and papery skin. Rhyncomon straightened up, flicking the sparkling blood away from his sword, before resheathing it. He glanced down at the fallen earth golem at his feet, and sneered. “Blame yourself.” With another flick of his wings, he launched himself up again, aiming for the roof as fast as he could go. As the building rumbled, Yethmon turned around, calling over his shoulder. “Suricamon! We’re finished!” The meerkat didn’t listen; she bounded up the steps, stopping just in front of MudFrigimon’s fallen form. She held her hands in front of her, and gently gave the great pile of earth a little shove. “Come on big guy, we’re done here. Let’s go.” There was no response. Suricamon scurried on top of him, looking down at his face and shaking her head. “Come on, come on, you’ve pulled me out of worse scrapes than this one...” There was a little clop-clop on the stairs, as Liopramon wandered up, holding a hand in his pocket, and with a forlorn expression on his face. Suricamon ignored him; nudging the golem’s muzzle, and trying to push him down the steps with her own strength. Then she stood, stock still, in front of him, holding her hands in front of her. They were sparkling with data. “Hey now...that’s enough, alright...that’s enough pretend...” Her hands shook in front of her, and she slowly brought them to her face, her voice trembling. “You were...just standing there...right now...come back...” Her voice gave out completely, breaking into bawling sobs. Liopramon wandered forwards, and gently rested his arm over her shoulders. He reached out, and patted the golem’s dissolving form on the back, sighing. “You did a good job, friend.” Down below, the others were already escaping out the front door, looking away from Orizumon’s tattered body, sprawled out on the linoleum. Yethmon peered up, staring with tired eyes at the remaining two a few floors above. Liopramon stood at the edge, and looked down, their eyes locking. The leprechaun was no longer smiling. He reached up, and pulled his cap down, and within seconds he stood beside Yethmon, still holding Suricamon in his arms. “Nice work, boss.” Yethmon didn’t answer. He just stared ahead, his eyes a deep crimson. Liopramon smirked mirthlessly. “We’re leaving now.” He didn’t wait for the hound to answer. He just walked out, leaving Yethmon bathed in the destruction. The hound closed his eyes, his claws reaching up beneath his cloak, and holding the object within tightly. “I guess we are.” With a mighty roar, Cyclomon shot over the heads of the two tamers and slammed his body into the nearest Shonimon, sending it spinning to one side. It descended slightly, before straightening its fins out and blasting a spray of steam into the sky-serpent’s face. Cyclomon arced away, twisting around the giant beast and spinning it further, until the other one broke his circle with a well-placed fluke to Cyclomon’s beak. Down below, Jack felt the tension building as he watched what he could, with the smog parting on occasion to reveal a brutal blow or a fast movement. The steam-powered titans may have been slow, but there were real tactics in their movements, as they split apart and circled and countered with their own terrible attacks. Cyclomon was able to fend them off for now, but not without gaining his own wounds in the process. Jack held his breath, feeling the energy being pulled invisibly from him as he stared up. “Come on, come on, you got this.” All of a sudden there was a scream from beside the boy, and he turned towards Lyra, who was staggering back and clutching her chest. The boy pulled himself away from the aerial battle and rushed towards her as she fell to her knees, breathing heavily. “What is it, what’s wrong? Are you feeling okay?” Lyra stared at him with panicked eyes. “Something...something’s happened. I can feel it. I’ve never felt anything like it.” “Something where?” “Down below, you idiot!” Lyra thrust out her hand, showing her digivice as it flashed a dangerous red. “Something’s happened to Tsurumon!” “But...how? Orizumon’s strong. Damn strong.” “I don’t know! I don’t...I don’t want to think about it...” Jack felt his heart rising up towards his throat. He’d felt Orizumon’s full wrath head on, and he didn’t want to see what it was that had managed to overcome that. Slowly he pulled out his D-SEND and swiped towards the map, seeing a red dot moving back and forth, seeming to circle around his own. Something was climbing the building. Very quickly... Jack grasped Lyra’s shoulder, pulling her back towards the hideout. She reached inside, grabbing a gas bottle which she handed to Jack, and a stray plank of wood, which she held up herself. “He’s coming, isn’t he...” “Something’s coming. You know him?” “I have a feeling.” Jack grinned. “Well that’s good. I’m sure we can talk this out.” “No. You really can’t.” BANG Through the great cacophony going on above, the noise was still intense. A great slamming of doors and ruckus, getting closer and closer. No voices; just an endless barrage of destruction. Another bang. The noise grew louder, only two floors down. Jack was sure he could feel the roof itself shifting, although he calmed himself and held the gas bottle with two hands, looking in all directions. A third bang. A halt in the noise. Then again, more clear than before, moving decisively. There was the sound of cracking wood and plaster, and doors being wrenched from their hinges, and then... Then... Clack-clack Footsteps on stone. A sharp sound, coming from the open door. Getting louder. More focused. Lyra and Jack turned towards the entrance, watching as slowly, and deliberately, the shadowed figure appeared on the stairs. Lyra tensed, gripping the plank with such force that her knuckles turned white. “Hello, Rhyncomon.” The figure paused for a moment, his wings flickering behind him. Then he stepped forwards onto the roof itself, his sandals clicking against the roof tile. He flexed his wings, his braids blowing from the wind above. Gently he raised his beak, his eyes flashing yellow. “Lyra.” The wave of menacing aura burst out, shuddering through the bodies of Cyclomon and the two Shonimon above, and pausing their battle for a second. Cyclomon twisted around, squinting through the fog as he saw the new figure on the roof. Comparitively tiny, but even at this distance the sky-serpent could feel the intense presence coursing through his blood. “Crap. That’s not good.” ![]() Jack shifted his feet, feeling his partner’s discomfort coursing through his own body. He raised his arms instinctively, and the magpie’s gaze fell upon him, his eyelid twitching only slightly. “I’d have hoped you people would be smart enough stay out of my business.” Jack gave a nervous laugh. “What can I say? We’re nosy. Lyra’s figured that out already.” Lyra nodded. “Yeah, I hate these guys. This kid in particular.” Slam. The two tamers flinched as Rhyncomon raised his sandal and brought it down, marking the roof tile as he raised his voice momentarily. “Don’t play games with me. You know why I’m here.” Lyra’s smile faded, and she swallowed. “Where is Tsurumon?” “Not coming.” “What have you done?” “Irrelevant.” “You bastard, I’ll-“ Slam. Rhyncomon moved again, pulling his sheathed sword back as his wings blew out either side of him, flapping ever so slightly. “I wouldn’t be concerned about him, Lyra. It’s you I’m here for.” “I...I swear...if you’ve hurt him...I will make you regret it...” Lyra pulled her lips apart, holding the plank of wood back as she stared at the magpie. He clacked his beak in a contemplative manner. “That fool. He genuinely cares about you.” “He’s...he’s the only one in my life who ever did...” “Caring is weakness. I told him that long ago. Everybody who tells you they care will betray you.” Rhyncomon straightened up, staring at Jack. “You think these people are different? Don’t be naive. There’s no such thing as nobility in a world as torn as this one. Them, me, you; everyone’s only out for themselves.” Lyra side-eyed Jack. “They’re not as bad as you think-“ “Are you sure about that? After what they put you through?” Jack looked uncertainly at Lyra, but she didn’t meet his gaze. Her arms lowered, the wood touching the roof. She glared again at Rhyncomon. “Any one of them is better than you.” “I was honest. I told you what I expected. What I’m after. And you joined me anyway, of your own free will.” The magpie held himself upright. “You still have value to me. I can offer you what you need. Money, medicine, shelter. Better shelter than this. I don’t need your love or loyalty, only your sole obedience. And if you won’t offer that, then I have ways of taking it by force.” Lyra felt her heart beating so fast that it racked through her entire body, sapping away her ability to move. Rhyncomon tapped his sandal, slowly and deliberately. “You made your choice. Your life is mine either way. Accept it.” Lyra stared at the ground, her eyes flicking back and forth, no longer meeting Rhyncomon’s. She felt the digivice in her pocket, vibrating, sending waves of panic and fear through her. “I...I...” “Hey, prick, you give birds a bad name!” Rhyncomon’s eyes snapped sideways as he saw a blue gas bottle flying through the air towards his face. His arm came up instinctively; slicing through the metal, but the pressurized gas inside blew it apart and sent him stepping back, coughing slightly. He recovered in an instant, and his glare shot towards Jack, who stood with his shoulders raised, a look of defiance on his face as he pointed. “Don’t act like you’re better than everyone! You’re not special! I’ve fought both heroes that destroyed the world and monsters that ate it whole and all kinds of Digimon that you could never dream of, and you think just ‘cause you have a fancy sword and a few pets and nice threads that it gives you the right over someone else’s life? I’ve seen people sacrifice their own lives ‘cause they were desperate to change the world, but all you wanna do is be all safe and comfy and have someone else do all the work for you? You’re pathetic! Bad polly, no cracker!” Lyra’s eyes were wide as Jack gestured out with two hands towards her, still ranting at Rhyncomon. “Lyra’s amazing. Really annoying and rude and, like, does crimes and stuff, which isn’t great, but she’s made her own life and she can play violin really, really well. She’s worth far more than you could ever pay for her, she doesn’t deserve to be living like this, and she really doesn’t deserve to be kicked around and tossed aside by a bully like you!” Lyra held her hand to her chest. “Jack...what the hell are you doing...” The boy gave her a quick smile, before stepping forwards, placing himself between Lyra and Rhyncomon and holding out his arms. “You want her back? You’ll have to go through me.” Rhyncomon raised an eyebrow. Jack didn’t move, pressing his mouth together as he looked the magpie in the face. Eventually Rhyncomon let out a small breath. “I don’t have the words to explain to you quite how stupid that was.” Jack grinned. “Don’t worry. I’m real good at stuff like that.” Rhyncomon rolled his shoulders, and he stepped forwards, staring down at the boy with a cold impassiveness in his eyes. “I’ll bite, you impertinent ten-year-old. What exactly are you planning to do to stop me?” Jack looked down at his own hands, before clapping them together and raising both forefingers. “Oh that, oh, right, see, yeah, I know all that but to be completely honest I was just trying to make a lot of noise and keep you looking at me so he could get behind you.” Rhyncomon stopped, feeling his braids quivering with the rising air pressure. He looked over his shoulder, in time to see Cyclomon bearing down upon him, already splitting into three great wind dragons as he roared downwards. The magpie’s eyes widened, as he heard Jack’s voice practically lost in the wind behind him. “Hurricane Helix!” As the magpie looked away, Jack lunged to one side and dragged Lyra along with him, yelling over his shoulder as he did so. “Also, I’m thirteen, you fuckwad! Lyra didn’t have the capacity to really comprehend what had just happened; she stared up in awe at Cyclomon’s descending form. “Nice work...” “Eeeeh...don’t thank me yet. This could still be a really, really bad idea.” They leapt behind the shelter, and clutched onto the rails with all their might as Cyclomon descended at a frightening speed, roaring in the magpie’s face. Rhyncomon didn’t flinch. He turned deliberately, facing the sky-serpent head-on, with his sword in hand. His expression was calm, and his hand steady as he began to pull his sword from its sheath. “Iron Eclipse!” The world seemed to focus in on Rhyncomon, just for a split second. In one moment, his hand was by his side. And then, in an instant, his arm was wide, the blade glowing in his hand. It shuddered, the speed of the blow cutting through the immense roar. Then the shockwave hit. First, utter silence. The world in stasis, held in a negative field that held everything back, gathering potential energy and building in strength and ferocious chaos. Then it all came crashing down in a millisecond. The sound was unbearable, and it sliced through the atmosphere in a manner stronger than any of Cyclomon’s attacks. Jack and Lyra clutched onto anything they could, but the sheer force of the blow still struck their bodies and sent them sprawling on the ground, closing theire eyes as the wind whipped past them. But the focused force of the blow was fired up at Cyclomon, slamming directly into the centre of the three whirling serpents as they barrelled downwards. They were forced apart like an arrow splitting through wood, spiralling off into the air. One shot upwards, shuddering and dissipating as the two Shonimon fired jets of steam at it. But the other two careered wildly sideways, one of them striking the roof of the building, and one crashing into the side. The noise was unbearable; a great blow, followed by a creaking and a juddering as the impact travelled all the way down to the base of the abandoned apartments. Inez, Kai and Eloise stepped back, staying clear as rubble slammed down around them, no longer able to cope with the continued blows. Eloise held her mask down, staring up into the clouds above, with Ladomon coiling around her neck. “I know it’s been a while since he’s reached that form, but Perimon does know that it’s a little more fragile in this world, doesn’t he?” Colchimon shimmied up beside her, trying to focus through the smog with a grim expression on his face. “I’m not sure that was entirely his fault...” “Guys!” The group turned around as Alopemon leapt forwards, skidding on a thin shower of ice crystals as Grace leapt from her back. Eloise turned towards her, adjusting her own mask. “This looks bigger than we’ve had for a while.” Grace held her elbow. “I know, I know, get it all over with, I promise, I know.” Eloise looked tentatively at Ladomon, before she scratched behind her head. “You haven’t had, like, any kind of argument with your brother recently, have you-“ “Yes I have! Yes this is my fault! Yes, I’ll sort it later! Hopefully! I didn’t expect him to get involved in something like this! I’m sorry I forgot that we control huge digital powerhouses that end up screwing around with massive elemental forces and I’m sorry I don’t have one hundred percent control of my emotions or my goddamn family and-“ “Woah, woah, okay, timeout!” Eloise held both her palms up, waving them up and down as the fox-masked girl started to shake before her. Eloise stepped forwards, planting both palms on Grace’s shoulders and holding her in place. “Twelve seconds, alright?” “I...I didn’t...” “Grace, what did we say? Breathe. Once per second. We have plenty of time for the blame game later but it’s better if we wait until we don’t have a block of flats about to fall on everyone.” Grace sucked her lips in, before letting out a long breath. “...alright, I’m counting. Carry on. I’ll multitask.” “Good enough.” Eloise stared up at the building above, and stepped back as a roof tile fell at her feet. “Cyclomon’s already up there, and he’s not moving too weirdly or about to fall on us so that means he’s okay for the moment. Which also means Jack’s fine for the moment.” Grace let out another breath, before leaning back on Alopemon’s back. “I knew that. But to be fair, that also means there’s something up there that was strong and dangerous enough to mean Perimon needed to evolve to Ultimate.” “You have any idea what it could be?” Grace shook her head, but there came a whistle from nearby as Kai turned towards the others. “We might have a lead here.” The two girls, along with Inez, rushed over, before stopping in front of the entrance to the building. With a series of pained wheezes, Orizumon dragged himself forwards, only barely holding onto his form out of sheer spite and determination, but still a ragged mass of fragile feather and paper that fluttered in the restless wind, completely unable to fly. Alopemon and Syngnamon tensed, staring at the crane as he crawled out, but Kai held out his palm, addressing the crane directly. “I’ve heard about you. You’re the partner of this other tamer. Lyra, isn’t it?” “...please...” Orizumon squinted, his eyes jet black and almost lifeless as his head fell down. “...please help her... I can’t reach her anymore...” Kai and Eloise looked at one another, before turning to the other two tamers. Inez rubbed her palm over her mouth, before looking over at Grace. “You don’t think...” “Lyra’s up there?” The crane nodded, before his head fell again, resting his beak on the ground. “...your brother...my partner...they can’t...they can’t beat him...you have to...you have to help them...I can’t anymore...” Inez bit her lip. She looked over hopefully at Eloise and Kai, but they shook their heads. Too far. Too high. They wouldn’t get there in time. The girl stepped forwards, holding Orizumon’s cheek as she looked up. “Whatever it is...I hope they can beat it.” Orizumon held his eyes shut, and held his wings out, blowing the girl backwards. She stumbled, with Kai holding her upright as the crane tried to take to the air again, but the wind just whistled through his tattered skin and he remained planted on the ground, completely stranded. Tears were falling down his beak, as he shook his head. “You don’t understand. Without you, or...anybody else...they don’t stand a chance...” Jack and Lyra held onto the shack, and each other, as the great building swayed left and right. Lyra screamed as she felt the roof give way beneath her, tilting very definitely to one side. The entire structure roared, tilting on the edge of collapsing from the impact but just about holding upright. Jack held his shoulders up, and threw his head back, screaming into the ether. “Cyclomon, you’d better be about to catch us!” A roar sounded from a few floors down, and all of a sudden the sky serpent rose, spiralling upwards in a slightly lopsided fashion as the building rocked back into a temporary equilibrium. Lyra and Jack toppled back, and caught their breath, Lyra scrabbling for any kind of more solid purchase and coming up nought. Jack was more concerned by his partner, who was sporting a great gash over the front of his face. The triple attack had shielded him largely from the blow, but not entirely. It was clear, size difference or no, Rhyncomon was not a Digimon to be taken lightly. Jack called up again. “Stay up as far as you can! We’ll think of something else.” “Like what?” “Give me a minute! Just don’t knock this place again; we could-“ “Veil Asphyxiation!” The two Shonimon burst out of nowhere, blasting a thick cover of choking smog directly into Cyclomon’s face. Instantly blinded, the sky serpent convulsed, the effect only made worse as one of the Shonimon twisted around and latched its needle-like teeth around his wing, wrenching him sideways. “Cyclomon!” “Look out!” Disorientated, Cyclomon lost control of his movements just for a split second, and his tail swooped wildly to one side, the blade slamming into the edge of the roof and crashing through the supports. Already battered by the first impact, the second accidental assault solidified the damage to the building as it shook dangerously. The roof creaked, and split down the middle, both edges tilting sideways. Lyra held on for dear life, but Jack missed his hold and went sliding back, scrambling wildly against the concrete. Through pure luck his arm grasped around a rail that was swinging down, still half-attached, and he clung on with both hands as he watched the concrete and metal and gas bottles tumble sideways, the building seeming to lurch with every new movement. “Lyra...hold on...I’m gonna get us out of here...” The boy pulled himself to his feet, his legs shaking as the floor veered, throwing off his balance. He held on, trying to focus himself and praying that his own knee would hold, let alone the structural integrity of the thirty-storey residence. The roof juddered, and fell still; a temporary lull in the carnage. Jack saw his chance, and rushed forwards, his shoes slipping against the dust as he tried to travel up the slight incline towards Lyra. Her eyes widened as he approached her, and she shook her head, her entire body coiled up against the wall. He held out a hand, smiling friendlily. “Don’t worry. We’ll jump down to the next floor. We’ll go through the inside. It’s gonna be alright-“ “Not that! Behind you!” Smack Jack hadn’t even had a chance to turn before Rhyncomon’s palm cracked across his face. He felt a spasm of pain, his teeth crashing down on his tongue as he spun back, and fell down. He blinked, trying to recover from the shock, but before he could do so he realised he was slipping once again, the impossible drop awaiting him. Not that he reached it, as all of a sudden Rhyncomon landed beside him and grabbed him by the collar, holding him up with one taloned hand. Jack struggled, a purple welt already forming on his cheek from where the magpie had struck him. Rhyncomon held him close, before turning to look at Lyra. “What did I tell you about distractions?” Lyra pressed her teeth together, glaring up at Rhyncomon and not daring to answer. Jack merely struggled in his grasp, kicking wildly and grasping at the hand which held him tightly, but all to no avail other than getting the magpie’s attention. “Leave...her...alone, you creep!” With a twist and a nasty bite to Rhyncomon’s wrist, Jack freed his windpipe, screaming into Rhyncomon’s face. “She doesn’t belong to you! You don’t get to-“ “Stay out of my god-damned BUSINESS!” Crack Rhyncomon brought his forehead forwards into Jack’s and the boy gasped, whiting out for an instant. Lyra yelled his name, watching helplessly as the magpie held the disorientated teenager high, his palm hovering over his katana. Then he paused, bringing his hand back down. “No. I will not sully my blade with the blood of a child.” Rhyncomon pulled Jack up to his face, his eyes flashing malevolently. “Serve as a warning, boy. I won’t let you get in my way again.” ![]() With a single, fluid motion, he thrust his arm forwards, throwing Jack through the air. Lyra watched him land, sliding down the incline as he desperately scrambled for anything. Failed. And slid over the edge without even a scream. “JACK!” Through the grime and the dust and the chaos, something snapped inside Lyra. Something that spurred her into life. She stood, rubble falling from her shoulders. Her head was pounding and her vision was blurring, the adrenaline barely holding her in one piece, but she didn’t let it take her. She planted her foot down, and began to run before she knew what she was doing, even as Rhyncomon held out his clawed hand. “Do NOT disobey me again!” “No!” Lyra twisted, the talons of Rhyncomon’s hand tearing through her sleeve and into the flesh of her arm. But she ignored the pain, picking up speed as the magpie pursued her. “LYRA!” She looked over her shoulder, rummaging inside her pocket and pulling out her small, golden digivice, feeling its warmth coursing through her fingers. “I...am not...your...PROPERTY!” Rhyncomon swiped, but grasped only empty air as Lyra disappeared over the edge in front of him. His wings spread out, holding him in place as he watched the girl in freefall, tumbling after Jack just metres below. Lyra’s eyes were streaming, but she held out her hand, the triangle wedged in her palm as she tried to catch Jack in her sights. Up above, Cyclomon strained against the grip of the two titans, constricting them so tightly that the tanks began to rupture. But he knew, in his current size and situation, there was no way he could reach them in time. Down below, there were gasps of horror and shock as the group pointed up at the two freefalling figures, one of which was glinting with a golden light. And in the centre of the doorway, Orizumon stirred, feeling a new power coursing through him. He weakly raised his head, staring up with broken, bleeding eyes. “Lyra...I promised...” Far above the ground, Jack’s eyes opened, meeting with Lyra’s as they fell in unison. What did you do that for? What are you gonna do now?” Lyra’s eyes fuzzed up, tears whipping up into the sky above her, as her palm shone with an intense light. Anything I can. All of a sudden golden light burst from her hand, reaching out towards Jack. It flew past him, splitting into hundreds of shining threads, which spread out on the ground below, draping over everything and everyone, and shimmering like water. The tamers watched as they converged, spinning around in a vast twisting sculpture, as Orizumon stood up at the epicentre. His legs shuddered. His wings were ragged, and his neck was crooked. But surrounded by the light, he called up into the night sky, and beat his wings with a newfound strength. “Orizumon...Tamashi no Ongaku!” ![]() Driving his wings to their limit, he rose in a flurry of twisting threads, his form getting fuzzy and distorted as he shed feathers behind him. But it didn’t stop him; he reached out, the two tamers falling into his broken wings. “Shinka!” The lights spun upwards, splitting apart and reforming, countless times. Lyra opened her eyes, finding herself embraced by the threads, with Jack next to her, clutching on weakly but firmly. They shot upwards, caught in a spiralling web of gold and yellow and red. Rhyncomon hissed, and stepped back as they breached the top of the building, spinning away and sending out a display of dazzling light and sound. The lights descended, and the two tamers shut their eyes tightly, mesmerised by the whole affair. The threads stopped holding them, and they held tightly to each other, not wanting to look. “Open your eyes. I’ve got you.” Lyra blinked, for a moment seeing only white and gold. Then she looked down, and flinched, seeing the crevasse of a drop beneath her. Except...she wasn’t falling. Neither was Jack, as he gingerly peered over the edge. They were being held aloft by a nest of golden threads, swirling beneath them and forming a solid platform in mid-air. Lyra gawped, and looked up, taking in the new Digimon stood before her. He was smaller than Orizumon, and vastly different in shape; humanoid, wearing a flowing robe from which protruded two thin, bandaged feet, standing on tiptoes on a cushion of threads much like their own. Five long, papery feathers fluttered out beneath the robe like banners on a kite. His arms were sleeved, with smooth, crimson hands. One of them was clenched tightly, held in a cage, with the golden threads emerging from between his fingers, reaching and splaying out into their current platforms. The other hand held his weapon; a long, bamboo staff, and at the end, a large, folded paper windmill, which turned slowly with the breeze. The Digimon raised a hand, and pulled down a wide-brimmed kasa hat, his face covered with a paper veil inscribed with a mystical symbol. Although the paper didn’t obscure the long golden beak that protruded outwards, glinting in the dim light. When he spoke, it was a thinner whisper than before, like the rustling of a thousand sheets of paper all at once. “Senbazumon.” ![]() Jack looked between the new Digimon and Lyra, pointing in both directions. “So...you...this is your first...” Lyra didn’t answer. She just gawped, her eyes wide as Senbazumon turned back towards her. “I will not let you down again.” Lyra’s face scrunched up, and she burst into tears; a loud wail that echoed through the sky. Senbazumon held out a hand, but he suddenly flinched, hearing the sound of scraping steel. Staring down, he readied himself as Rhyncomon drew his sword from the rooftop. “So this is your decision.” Without warning, the magpie threw his arm forwards, the space between him and the group warping as he swung. “Iron Eclipse!” “Hold on.” Senbazumon thrust his caged hand out, and the two platforms holding the tamers swung out as the lethal blast shot past. Several of the threads were broken from the blow, but they were replaced in an instant before the two humans had even begun to fall. Jack held tightly to Lyra nonetheless, and he reached out towards the crane, but Senbazumon had already turned, holding his hand out in front of him as he ran down towards Rhyncomon, baskets of thread forming instantly at his feet. Rhyncomon narrowed his eyes, and turned again, swinging with a greater force. This time the blow shot towards Senbazumon’s feet, and he leapt, straddling awkwardly mere metres away from the magpie. Rhyncomon’s wings stretched out, and he flew backwards, watching as Senbazumon spun the windmill in his other hand, releasing a sharp symphony that blossomed in beautiful patterns in front of him. “Severing Song!” The pattern spiralled out, expanding and circling around Rhyncomon, as the song grew sharper and more focused. The magpie’s eyes widened, and without warning he lunged forwards, just as the snare snapped shut with a flash of light. Senbazumon stepped back again, spinning his windmill and bringing it upwards as Rhyncomon lunged with his katana. The two weapons flew sideways, and Rhyncomon thrust out a leg, but Senbazumon jumped over him, wrenching his windmill back and planting it in the small of the magpie’s neck. Rhyncomon flinched, but his eyes flicked backwards, his hand reaching inside his robe. “Obsidian Mist!” He flung his hand out in an arc, and a ray of black light followed its movements, catching Senbazumon’s mask. He brushed it away, but the attack was already working, his vision slowly darkening as Rhyncomon’s form rushed towards him. “You should have stayed down.” A glint of metal in the black haze, causing Senbazumon to jump back, but he felt the slicing pain in his leg. The haze began to crack, his other senses taking over as the pain increased, but he still wasn’t fast enough to dodge the second swipe, which cut into his wrist. Still half-blind, Senbazumon took a run, stepping upwards and spinning around, watching for Rhyncomon’s shadow. He held out his caged hand, flicking his fingers open as a myriad of lights danced on the threads. “Thousand Star!” He brought his hand down, releasing the lights as they erupted into hundreds of little birds of light, fluttering in the air as they converged downwards on Rhyncomon. He began to swipe at them, but the deluge was immense, each tiny crane scorching his feathers and skin, and overwhelming his senses with an inaudible sound. He blinked, and thrust his blade sideways, clearing a swathe of them, just as Senbazumon rushed forwards once again. “Severing Song!” The threads swooped around the magpie as he leapt to one side, but Senbazumon saw his move and threw the windmill on a twisting path, sending a ripple of sound and light down the threads. They shot sideways, catching Rhyncomon in the face and wrenching his head sideways with a harmonic screech. “SHIT!” Rhyncomon stepped back, dazed, and he swung his sword at random, firing off a cleaving void into the air. But Senbazumon had already retreated, hanging just below the tamers as he held his hand to his eyes. Jack peered over, concern mounting on his face as he saw the dripping wounds the crane-man held. “He’s still strong. You can’t fight him and protect us at the same time.” Lyra held the teenager’s shoulder. “Jack, I don’t-“ “He’s right. I’m just buying time.” Senbazumon looked up, and Jack caught a glimpse of golden eyes glinting behind the inscribed mask. “It’s you who needs to end this battle.” Jack leant back, before peering up into the black smog above, where his partner’s silhouette was still writhing and whirling, latched in place by the two Shonimon. The boy let out a breath, before nodding. “Take me higher.” “Iron Eclipse!” The spatial blade shot past Senbazumon as he and Lyra swung sideways, but the crane still held his hand up as Jack’s platform rocketed up towards the smog. Jack winced, and pulled his goggles down as he yelled into the darkness. “Cyclomon! Come on, dude, speak to me...” “Hurricane Helix!” The smog dissipated as one of the Shonimon was blown back, freeing the ragged sky-serpent as he pulled upwards. “Please tell me things are going alright down there. This is taking me a while; I can’t risk the building.” Jack grimaced. “Forget about that. Just do what you have to.” “But...we...?” “I know, I know, just...” Jack held his mouth, breathing out into his palm as he looked downwards. “Go for it.” “...geezus, the others are gonna kill me for this...” Cyclomon began to climb, feeling the trails of wind coursing over his coils, when he felt the disruptive particles begin to shoot past him as his pursuers regrouped again. “Hydro Geyser!” The two Shonimon shot towards him, but the great winged beast suddenly twisted down, grasping one of them in his huge beak. It gasped, releasing clouds of smog as the other one turned around, but Cyclomon twisted quickly, his wings cutting through the smog as he sent the free Shonimon spinning. The other flailed in his beak, letting off hisses as the sky serpent gained speed, twisting round faster and faster, until he reached the end of the circle and released the Shonimon into the sky. It flew away, its eyes flicking backwards as it realised it was tumbling, full speed, into its partner. The two great beasts crashed together with a splintering of metal and a horrific release of pressure, and they spun lazily, stunned by the impact as mist leaked from their wounds. Tired and bruised, they fell downwards, locking together as they hovered just over the roof. Rhyncomon glared upwards, before turning his attention back to Senbazumon, who thrust out a barrage of threads in his direction. The magpie leapt to one side and rolled, before throwing the flat of his sword out, blocking the crane-man’s cage. Another sweeping leg, followed by a brutal backhand from the magpie, a blast of glistening mist, and a swipe from his blade that nearly took the crane’s head off. Senbazumon slid back, clearly already tiring as Rhyncomon stared him down. “It doesn’t matter if you’ve evolved. I’ve always been stronger than you. You can’t defeat me.” “I know that.” “Then why are you fighting so hard for something so pointless?” Senbazumon’s beak cocked to one side. “ Because it’s not my job to defeat you.” Rhyncomon raised an eyebrow. Then, he felt his braids whipping to one side, and glanced up as Senbazumon leapt back. The Shonimon were spinning above him, barely moving as they were caught in a whipping whirlwind. A whirlwind caused by Cyclomon as he climbed higher and higher, calling into the night sky. A whirlwind that caught the entire building and made it shudder back and forth, tearing panels and breaking windows. Rhyncomon rushed forwards, but Senbazumon was already airborne, holding Lyra in his arms as he reached Jack and pulled him from the platform. The teenager looked down, knocking the crane on the shoulder. “We have about five seconds by the way, and I will warn you now this is gonna make a lot of people really angry.” He wasn’t exaggerating. People all around were watching the spectacle with awe and horror, as the smog was blasted away and the sky-serpent’s path became clear. Down below, Grace gaped up at the sky, with the eddies even reaching all the way down to her and the others. “Oh, Jack, you...had to, didn’t you...” Inez scratched her cheek. “Er, what exactly is going on-“ “No time! We’re in trouble!” Grace leapt atop her partner’s back, and beckoned the others with panic in her eyes. “This is gonna be messy. Time to go!” The others didn’t hesitate, getting away from the base of the building as fast as they could, just as Cyclomon reached the very top of his climb. He called to the sky, before tilting down. “Vortex BREAKER!” Rhyncomon cursed as he felt the immense blast of pressure strike him, nearly crushing him into the roof. The Shonimon caught the blast as well, slamming down into the roof at an immense speed, and rupturing both of their bodies in a volley of smog. Rhyncomon spluttered, and for a moment stood where he was, trying to see any sign of his quarries within the night sky. But as he looked up, he realised the sky serpent was nearly on top of him, the roof already collapsing beneath his feet. “You...MANIACS!” He ran, lost in the carnage as Cyclomon arced away, the full length of his body nonetheless crashing down into the building and tearing it apart in a single blow. Glass, metal and concrete flew wide, and the entire structure caved in on itself in a dervish of destruction. Cyclomon’s form dissipated from the sheer power cascading from his body, letting off one last, melancholic cry into the night. There was an immense boom. A cloud of dust, billowing up into the night. And then, slowly, a dying ringing sound, as Rhyncomon’s elaborate snare was finally no more. Up above, Jack and Lyra rested on Senbazumon’s platforms. The wind reached them, making them sway gently back and forth. Lyra let out a breath, staring at the mass of rubble. “It’s kinda beautiful, don’t you think?” Jack paused, and turned towards her, a questioning expression on his face. She shrugged dramatically. “Oh come on, it’s not every day that you see something as cool as that.” “Yeah, ‘cause it’s something we try not to do on a regular basis. People get annoyed about having entire tower blocks knocked down for some weird reason.” Lyra let out a giggle, before suddenly going dizzy and wobbling precariously, her platform bending to keep her contained. She veered towards Jack, who held her steady. “Easy now, alright?” “My head feels weird.” “You’ve officially joined the Constantly-Falling-From-High-Places club now. You’re gonna need to look out for that.” Lyra smiled, before her gaze lowered towards Jack’s side. She frowned, pointing at his jacket. “Are you hurt? You’re holding yourself weirdly.” “Oh yeah.” Jack gently opened his jacket, and pulled out a small bruised instrument, gently passing it over to Lyra. Her eyes widened, and she reached out, pulling her violin close as the boy scratched his cheek. “I grabbed it when I could. Didn’t want it to get damaged. I...thought it was important to you...” “Jack...you...you didn’t...” Lyra’s face cracked, and without warning she immediately lunged forwards, throwing her arms around him as he gabbled up in surprise. “Whoa, I...whoa, okay, I didn’t...I mean...you’re welcome.” There was a whistling and a hurried flapping from beside him, and Jack turned to see Perimon lurching forwards with his helmet on lopsided, slightly unable to fly in a straight line. “That...was...painful...why did I sign up for this...” He just about managed to focus, and his eyes widened as he saw Jack flailing uncontrollably in Lyra’s arms. Perimon pressed his beak out. “Am I interrupting something?” “...not one word...” There was a chuckle from above as Senbazumon slowed down, bringing the platforms to rest beside him. “Amateurs.” “WOZZAT?” Perimon flew up in Senbazumon’s face, trying to look him in the eyes and failing miserably. “After all I’ve done for you, you’re really going on with...this...wow, okay, I need a lie down...” Lyra began to laugh, and Jack leant back, freed from her embrace. “I’d watch your mouth now, dude. It looks like we’re no longer sole kings of the sky around here.” Perimon’s beak dropped open, and he pointed out a hooked claw. “Betrayal!” Lyra raised her palms. “Wait, are you...serious? You still want me around?” “’Course.” Jack rubbed behind his head. “I mean...let’s be fair, do you really have anywhere else to go right now?” “...oh yeah...” “I won’t force you. You’re older than me. It doesn’t work that way round.” Jack clasped his hands together. “But if we can at least be alright to work together, that’d be cool.” Lyra held her violin tightly against her chest, glancing up at Senbazumon for support, but the crane man said nothing. The silence was broken by Perimon giving a whistle, and pointing downwards. “Looks like the others are calling us down. They’re all in the field just over there.” Senbazumon nodded, and slowly began to descend towards the direction Perimon was pointing. Jack winced. “Be honest, how mad does Grace look right now?” The group had all gathered down in the centre of the park, and together they all stepped back, feeling the wind brushing against their face as Senbazumon lowered himself down to the ground. Lyra and Jack landed with a bump next to him, with Perimon nailing the landing perfectly, and looking remarkably smug about it...until he saw Grace marching forwards with an intense expression. “Oh phooey...” Jack was more brazen about it, standing up and looking at his sister in the eye. He rolled his fingers, and gritted his teeth together as he spoke. “Sorry about all that. Things got out of hand. I didn’t have a choice but-“ He was stopped, standing in place as Grace threw her arms around him, holding him close. He could feel her chest shaking and her heart pumping, but as he gently pulled himself back he noticed that she was laughing rather than crying, albeit still with tears in her eyes. “You’re...not mad?” “Of course I am. But with myself as well. I lost it and I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.” “Yeah, well...I did as well.” Grace shook her head, and pulled back, resting a hand on her brother’s shoulder. “We have to stop making bad decisions like this. People are looking at us funny.” “People look at us funny anyway.” The girl pouted, but she couldn’t hold the expression, and just reached up to wipe some stray tears from her eyes. “You did good. Really good. You should be proud of yourself.” Jack pulled his jacket out, and held his arms open. “Not-mad-anymore sibling hug?” “Go for it.” The two leaned in again, holding on tightly to each other. Alongside them, Perimon waddled over next to Vulpimon and nudged her, and the two looked on proudly at their partners. Unfortunately there came a coughing from nearby from Inez, who gestured outwards as the others turned towards her. “So...how are things going? Are we making any progress? Please tell me we’re making progress.” Jack pulled away, and stepped back next to Lyra, who was holding herself awkwardly. Tsurumon stood behind her, looking more ragged and damaged than ever. Jack cleared his throat, and addressed the waiting group. “I don’t think we ever did the proper introductions. This is Lyra. We had a fight, and she’s done some stupid things, but she’s alright. And the bird’s a cool dude. I know it’s been a bit rough, but...would you all be alright if she joined us?” Lyra bit her lip. “Jack, I...” The boy turned around, smiling up at her. “We don’t know what we’re doing half the time, but we can help where we can. If you’ll let us. But it’s your choice.” Lyra looked down, feeling the wet grass through her socks. She held her violin close to her, taking in the expressions of the people before her. There was a nudge at her side, and she saw Tsurumon’s brown eyes looking into hers. “We can still find our own way, if that’s what you want. I can still look after you-“ He stopped, as the girl held out a finger, resting it on his beak. She smiled weakly. “Thank you, Tsurumon. You’ve always been there for me. But I need to face the things I’m scared of. For both our sakes. Both our lives. Otherwise it’s never going to get better for us.” The crane looked hurt. But he lowered his head, watching as Lyra stepped forwards. Her leg fell inwards and she stumbled, but the crane caught her, holding her up. “I’m sorry for the things I’ve put you all through. But...I need help. Please. I don’t know what you can do, but...I just...right now...” She trailed off, looking down, but Eloise stepped forwards, placing a hand on the young woman’s shoulder. “Of course.” “I...I don’t need-“ “Stop right there. You don’t even need to ask.” ![]() Lyra stared into the redheaded woman’s face, and stumbled again, with Eloise catching her. “Come with me. We’ll sort you out with everything you need.” “...thank you...” Jack smiled, as Eloise slowly walked Lyra to one side, with Grace and Inez following onwards, and Lonnie pulling out her phone to talk to Alasdair. Jack felt somebody shimmy up beside him, and felt Kai’s hand patting him on the shoulder. “I’d say that’s a job well done.” “...I did knock down a building...” “And you also might have saved someone’s life.” Kai smirked. “Guess you’re gonna take over my job as the responsible one now.” Jack’s smile froze, and he looked up into Kai’s knowing expression. “Wait...no...you mean I have to be responsible now?” Kai grinned. “How’s it feel to be team dad now, little dude?” Jack’s face fell, and he buried his head in his hands. “...aw nuts...” The dust had already cleared by the time the police had arrived. There were still elements of the structure that hadn’t completely fallen down, and they kept people away, both concerned citizens, and the hunters. Not that there was anybody left nearby. Reynarimon had long gone. Rhyncomon was nowhere to be found. The few people who were able to describe the event still seemed to be in shock; a single creature, larger than a jumbo jet, taking down a building in a single blow. How much longer do we have to wait? How much longer before they start coming for us for real? In the shadows, the hunters watched, taking in as much as they could. And further in the shadows lay other Digimon, planting themselves far and wide in response to this call to arms. And yet further, further afield, a hound paced the rough grounds of his hideout, ears pricking at the sounds of the distant sirens. It had been a long night’s running, but finally his group had managed to escape and get far away from the chaos at the tower. Although clearly not without somebody missing. “So what do you expect us to do now, Yethmon?” The hound stopped, and turned, looking at Liopramon from beneath his mask. The leprechaun was lounged against an old bin, lazily spinning a coin through his fingers. The rest of the posse was spread out as well, holding closely to each other, with few words but many, many cruel looks. Suricamon had planted herself on top of a nearby lamppost. She hadn’t said a word. Yethmon exhaled, his breath making clouds through the air. “Do as usual. Recover, and carry on.” He walked to the edge, beckoning the others. When nobody came, he turned around, pulling at his scarf. “You going to let them get away with this? We need to reclaim some ground.” He sighed. “I’ll go myself if I have to. I...have to do something...something to help...” “Help who?” Liopramon grimanced, and pushed himself to his feet, rolling the coin angrily around his knuckles now. “The humans? Rhyncomon? The clients? I dunno if you’ve noticed but not one of them gives a shit about us. What are y’trying to prove, Yethmon? How many of us d’you need to let die before you’re happy?” Yethmon flinched, his claw scrabbling at the object beneath his cloak. “I’m sorry. We got unlucky. But if we...if we keep fighting back then someone’s gonna notice...someone who will give us the freedom we need...” “Is that really gonna happen?” “I don’t know.” Yethmon clenched his fists. “But nobody’s gonna get away with this...insult. None of them are. I swear it.” He turned again, stepping slowly out of the door. Liopramon tilted his head left and right, grasping the coin in his fingers in a thoughtful fashion. “No, you’re right. They’re not.” “Shut it, Liopramon, just-“ “Lucky Doubloon!” Yethmon gasped, feeling a sharp spasm of pain in the small of his back. He twisted, raising a hand, but another coin shot forwards, slamming into his palm. The hound staggered back, swearing as blood dripped down, but all of a sudden the leprechaun appeared in front of him and brought a knee up into his face. Yethmon blinked, reaching out to one side, but he felt a vine reach out and wrap around his wrist, wrenching his arm back. A reinforced claw came down, slamming his palm into the concrete, as Liopramon reached back again and slugged the hound in the throat. Yethmon went down, bright lights flashing in his vision as he heard the rain intensify around him. He blinked, and looked up as he saw the posse gather in front of him. Some of them held back, merely looking on in disdain, apathy or hatred. But up front stood Alraumon, Kokabuterimon and Liopramon, surrounding him, pinning him down. “I...didn’t....mean for this to...happen...” Alraumon hissed, and pulled her arm back, wrenching Yethmon down onto his side. Liopramon bent down, resting an arm over his knee as he tutted menacingly. “But it did happen. Didn’t it, boss?” “It...wasn’t my...fault...” “Really? Well. You’re the only one here to take the shit for it, so tough break. Lucky Doubloon!” Another barrage of coins slammed into the hound, and all of a sudden the three members of his posse bore down on him, whaling on him with kicks and punches and chokeholds and bruising blows. Yethmon barely fought back. He just found himself curling up, holding his arms in front of his face as coloured spots splashed through his eyesight. The onslaught of pain stopped temporarily. Yethmon reached out with a hand, grasping at the ground, but the leprechaun’s great boot slammed down on it, and the hound found himself being pulled up by the scruff of the neck, staring directly into Liopramon’s wounded expression. “Y’know what I just don’t get? We’ve been doing this for a year. I’ve known you for longer. What in god’s name is so important to you that you would let one of us just die?” Yethmon ground his teeth together, blood oozing from beneath his gums. He held his hand to his scarf, grasping at something beneath. “The...humans...aren’t...gonna stop...” “Again with the humans? What is it about them? What is your damned obsession with-” Something glinted in Liopramon’s eye. His gaze travelled down, seeing Yethmon’s motion, and he reached forwards and yanked the hound’s paw away, tearing the scarf as he did so. Yethmon struggled to pull the fabric back, but Liopramon had seen enough, and he reached forwards and grasped the object, pulling it clear of Yethmon’s body with a snap. Liopramon held it in front of him, his eyes flashing golden as he shook his head. “Oh...oh dearie dearie dear...” There were gasps as he held it high, for all the posse to see. Yethmon fell back, looking up helplessly as he saw the glinting device. It was grey and colourless, and completely dormant. But the group had seen and experienced enough with the tamers to know a digivice when they saw one. Yethmon’s head fell. He crawled to his knees, grasping Liopramon’s jacket, pleading, “Please...it’s not what it looks like...” Liopramon’s eyes narrowed. “You were chosen? You had a get-out clause all this time?” “I rejected it...I never wanted anything to do with it...with them-” “Really? How fecking noble of you, you dumbass.” Liopramon reached out all of a sudden, grabbed Yethmon’s scalp and brought the hound’s face slamming into his knee. Yethmon crumpled in an instant, landing in a puddle on the ground as Liopramon swung round in front of him. “Come on, everyone. No use for a coward and a liar.” “No...wait...” “All votes we ditch the puppy and let me be y’boss for a bit?” “Liopramon, I’m gonna fucking kill y-“ CRACK Yethmon let out a gasp as the shovel connected with his skull, and he crumpled to the ground, blood pooling in his vision. He looked up, and saw Suricamon staring back at him, the bloodstained tool dragging against the wet concrete. “It should have been you.” She spun around, slamming the flat of the blade against his face again, before marching off after the others. Liopramon winced dramatically, and he wiggled the dormant D-SEND over his shoulder, where it glimmered in Yethmon’s fading vision. “I’m gonna keep a hold of this. You’ll only fuck it up like you did with everything else.” He snorted, and placed the digivice beneath his cap, tapping it with a pudgy finger. “Think of it as a blessing. Y’never have to deal with humans ever again...” His voice turned into hoarse, humourless laughter, as the footsteps of the posse gathered around him, trudging away into the darkness. Yethmon could just hear the sounds of the group disappearing into the distance, being swallowed up by rain on concrete. Then he was completely alone, sprawled out and helpless on the ground, as the rain and the darkness took over for good. 17:01:36:58 |