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“Well?” “It’s...uh...that was quick.” “It was a bit, wasn’t it...” Grace and Jack stood along with several other bystanders behind a barrier, looking at the wreckage where the block of flats had been standing not four days earlier. In amongst the dust and the beams and the yellow tape were several placards, adorned with symbols, and a couple of them with motorcycle helmets balanced atop them. They Won’t Stop Unless We Bring It To An End That was foreboding enough on its own, if not for the vast letters scrawled over them, and large chunks of the remaining wall, in which somebody had written rude replies in spectacularly messier writing. WE WILL TEAR YOUR BLOODSTAINED EMPIRE DOWN, ONE STRONGHOLD AT A TIME Several of the helmets had been removed, and speared on what looked like huge quills, embedded into the earth. Silvery dust lay around, along with dark stains on the ground; enough to mark a skirmish, but no deaths. Possibly. The unseen antagonism was so blatant it was almost comical. Grace and Jack gave each other a tired look. Then they scooted backwards, leaving the scene without another word. Jack felt a heavy temptation to start whistling innocuously, but he felt that would probably be pushing it. The two wandered in silence for a couple of blocks, before sliding into an alleyway on the way towards Eloise and Kai’s neck of the woods; thankfully slightly less hectic than the rest of the town, in no small part due to Alasdair’s connections. As the two tamers walked out into the back alleys there was a flash of silver and a burst of red above them, and suddenly they were joined by their partners, staying close by but still inconspicuous. Jack looked up at his partner, winking. “Recovered from the other night yet?” The bird flapped downwards, trying to hide the slight disorientation which was still plaguing him. “Of course I am? What do you take me for? I’m absolutely fine.” Vulpimon pouted, and rolled her eyes sideways; a look that did not go unnoticed by the bird above. He huffed dramatically, and hovered just in front of the group. “Excuse me, who was the first one to reach Ultimate level in this world? Who is currently winning?” Vulpimon planted her front paws together. “Who ended up crashing into the roof and getting stuck through the attic window about six hours afterwards?” Perimon gave a small coo, seeming to go an even more intense shade of red than he usually did. “...I’m rusty, alright? Give me a few tries.” “Aren’t you supposed to be the one showing everybody else how it’s done?” “Yeah...well...you haven’t evolved that far yet. Here, I mean.” Vulpimon splayed a paw on her chest, throwing out her head. “I am perfectly happy to go at my own pace, thank you so much.” She winked, and stuck her tongue out, as Perimon’s mane fluffed up wildly. But the two backed off a little as Grace started to laugh, holding her hand over her mouth. “Oh my...never change, you two.” They crossed the road, with the fox and the bird darting out of sight expertly. Jack wandered up to Eloise and Kai’s front door, and went to knock, but he seemed a little nervous; a fact that Grace picked up. “What’s wrong?” “I dunno. It’s just been a couple of days. I hope she’s alright.” “She’s got good people looking after her now, Jack.” Grace placed a finger on her cheek. “Though I can understand if she’s taking a little while to get used to it. But either way she’ll appreciate you caring about her.” Jack made a face. “Why do I have to be team dad again?” “Do you really want Owen or Mark taking it on?” “...fair point.” Jack sighed, and knocked, smiling as a tired Kai opened the door. He gave a friendly wave, beckoning them in, as the Digimon followed quickly. “Hey there, I wasn’t expecting you. Come in.” “Cheers. How’s it going?”Jack wandered into the living room, looking around in a slight concern. “How’s Lyra? She is still with you, isn’t she?” Kai looked up at the ceiling, where the two noticed a slight murmuring and the sound of splashing. Kai sat down. “You came at the wrong moment. She’s in the bath at the minute.” “Ah nuts.” Jack leant on the table. “How’s she...getting on? I was worried.” Another bout of noise from above, followed by a loud call which the two siblings realised could only be something that was, quite possibly, the most tone-deaf bout of singing they had ever heard. Kai smiled warmly. “I don’t think you need to worry about her.” Jack breathed a sigh of relief, but Grace joined the two, clasping her hands in front of her. “It can’t be easy though. On you I mean. And also for her, I mean...not to be presumptuous or anything but aren’t there any sort of...legal issues with her being here?” Kai held out a palm. “I get you. But Ali’s been really good. He’s supporting Eloise and me as it is, and he told us he can sort everything behind the scenes.” Jack smirked. “Good old Ali and his magical mystery contacts...” “Well think about it; technically she’s doing the same work as you now, right? A few words with the right people and it’ll be like she was always part of the group.” “Is it really that easy?” “It’s how he explained it to me. I...try not to dig too deeply into the finer details. Sue me; I’m lazy.” Kai leant back, wiping his brow. “Though between you and me, it’s not the easiest living with six.” “I do appreciate you putting up with us.” The group looked towards the doorway where the low voice had come from, and Jack smiled. “Oh hey, Tsurumon, I’m glad you’re doing-“ He stopped, and his eyes widened as he caught sight of the tiny ball of fluff on stilts who was currently stood in the doorway, still wrapped in a few bandages. Tsurumon, or Kuchimon in his In-Training form, blushed, and pressed his knees together. “Please forgive my appearance. As it turned out I was slightly worse off than I thought at the end of-“ “BIRB!” Grace shot out of her chair and immediately scooped up the tiny crane, nuzzling him close to her chest with stars in her eyes. “ Omigod why are you so cute this has to be a crime.” “Er...I’m...so sorry...” Kai chuckled under his breath as Jack’s eyes were sparkling, while behind him, Vulpimon was sat up, fur bristling with agitation as she stamped a paw against the ground. “Excuse me, I am right here, miss!” “I know, right?” There was a slight shimmer of gold as Ladomon appeared next to the fox, head feathers in a mess and clearly in a strop. “Usurped in my own house...” ![]() At the end of the line, Perimon felt a single tear roll down his cheek. “This is my life now, isn’t it? My days as best birb are behind me.” Eventually, with a little prompting from Jack, Grace was pulled away from the confused little egret, and he sat cross-legged on the table, occasionally sticking his beak into a mug of cocoa. When he spoke, it was with the same deep politeness that he’d had before, but more reserved now. “I didn’t realise quite how much needed to get organised for this. I feel like I owe you more with each passing moment.” Jack held his palms up. “You don’t need to do anything else. You’re one of us now. We look out for each other.” Kuchimon lowered his gaze, tweeting slightly. “I am just so thankful. She seems happy, and safe, for the first time since I’ve known her. I don’t know what to say.” Jack tapped his fingers on the table. “What about...you know who?” Kuchimon glanced up. “I don’t know. But I know enough about him to know that falling thirty storeys will barely scratch him.” Grace placed a hand on the side of her head. “That figures. It seems like bad guys don’t stay down easily.” “I didn’t expect him to. But Lyra’s safer in here than she would be out in the streets. For that, I am grateful.” He went back to his cocoa, while Grace and Jack smiled at one another. Kai stood up, beckoning at them. “You want something to drink?” “Thanks, but we’ve got bits to do this afternoon,” said Grace, as she pushed the chair in. “You’re still up for later though, right?” Kai nodded. “Of course. Ellie’s got to take Lyra to the doctor’s later, but afterwards we’re clear.” “I’m glad.” Grace pulled her bag onto her shoulder. “I was worried. After everything. It just feels like we’ve kept missing this...” “Don’t worry about it,” said Kai, pushing his glasses up. “It’s important to us as well. Short of a massive annoying digital outbreak, I promise, nothing is gonna get in the way of it. Not this time.” “...multiple eyewitness accounts have been confirmed of a large digital outbreak in the north side, where a lone creature is currently blocking the road and has caused several damages already. People in the area are advised to stay away as the sounds the creature is making are at hazardous decibels and may cause physical injury. Rhys Waters, bringing you up to date information as it arrives-“ Courtney turned the radio down, before resting her chin on her knuckles. “Guess there’s gonna be no hockey tonight then. Nobody’s gonna make it down there.” Harriet blinked. “And...well...you know, people might be in danger but then go off I guess.” “I know, but...like...” Courtney ran a fingernail against the smooth table. “This happens all the time now and, like, it’s reached the point where it’s not something I’m really bothered about so long as it’s a bit further away from me. No-one likes the north district anyway. And it’s not attacking anyone yet so, like, it’s not too bad?” She frowned, placing a finger on her lip. “Is that horrible?” “...a bit, yeah.” “Oh dear.” Harriet sighed, before glancing over at Grace, who currently had her face planted firmly into the table, gently knocking her forehead against the wood. Harriet gingerly reached out and poked her in the shoulder. “You alright? You look like you’re taking something very hard.” There was no reply. Only the continued head-bashing and the quiet repeated phrase of damn it, damn it, damn everything, damn it all etc etc. Courtney leant in, her lips curling up in a smug smirk. “Boy troubles, perhaps?” “DAAAAAAAAA!” The sudden outburst made both girls jump back, but thankfully they were spared from any life-threatening rage as Lonnie stumbled in, tripped, and nearly face-planted on the table herself. She grinned sheepishly, holding up her phone. “I’ve seen the report. I was wondering if...oooooh ...” Grace pulled her head up, and gave Lonnie a withering look, as the other two girls looked between them in confusion. Lonnie sucked her breath in through her teeth, before pointing over her shoulder. “Do you wanna have a chat?” Grace grunted, stood up, and marched into their usual empty classroom without a word. Lonnie gave the other two an apologetic smile, before rushing off after her, running halfway into the doorframe as she did so. Harriet’s face twitched as she stared at where the two had disappeared. “We really need to drag them both out one evening. Their weirdness is beginning to resonate.” Lonnie walked in gently to find Grace pacing, biting her thumbnail and swearing under her breath. “Of course it is. Of course. Why wouldn’t it be? Every time I think I’ve got some space then no, something else comes up, something that I have to deal with again-“ Lonnie held her hands behind her back as she leaned on the door. “Guessing you heard the news.” Grace stopped, and sat down, putting her head in her hands. “I was hoping it wouldn’t be tonight. Just one night. I need to be somewhere. I can’t push it back again. It’s important.” “Alright. Then go.” Grace looked up, her expression twisting as Lonnie looked down at her. “...there’s a large unidentified creature sitting in the road singing at people. That takes priority.” “Sure it does. But it doesn’t need all of us.” Lonnie brushed a pigtail away. “You don’t have to rush to everything yourself. Sit this one out. Do what you need to do. Jack as well; he’s done far too much over the past few days.” Grace ran her tongue over her lip, desperate to agree but struggling to get the words out. “I don’t know...this guy sounds like he could be a problem...” “You said you wanted me to take over some of the leadership, right? Leave it to me. I’ll grab the others and we’ll handle it.” “...you sure?” Lonnie knocked her shoes together, and held up three fingers. “Scout’s honour, ma’am. I promise.” For a moment Grace seemed hesitant, staring up at the other girl’s eager eyes. Then Grace stood up, nodding. “Alright. You’re right. We need to rely on each other more, otherwise we’re gonna end up getting in each other’s way all the time.” She clutched the strap of her bag. “Please, let me know if you need me though, alright?” Lonnie brushed a palm down. “No worries. The four of us can handle it fine.” “You going to try and drag Owen along as well?” “Sure. Why not?” Grace raised an eyebrow. “That could be fun. He’s been skipping out a lot recently. Ever since that Dramatismon stuff.” Lonnie stuck her thumbs in her pockets. “I’m sure I can come up with something. I do have my own persuasive ways.” “Pretty please with a cherry on top?” Owen blinked multiple times as he stared at his phone, with the icons of Lonnie, Mark and Inez blinking in and out of the chat. “You’ve gotta be kidding me...” The young man let out a long breath, and leant against the wardrobe, a damp towel hanging round his bare shoulders from where he’d just showered. Kevin was sat up in bed, tapping away at his laptop in an attempt to break the back of an essay. Lonnie’s picture flashed up again, the whole message dotted with emojis. “ I promised Grace we’d handle it ourselves. I know we got kinda messed up after Dramatismon but we need to get ourselves back together again. That means you too.” Owen snorted, and tapped away with both thumbs. “Who said I wasn’t handling it?” “The fact that we haven’t seen you for days?” “Cheers for the input, Mark.” Inez’s icon bobbed up. “ I think Lonnie’s right. We do need to do this together.” Owen muttered angrily under his breath. “What is this, the Spanish Inquisition? You don’t need me there; I’ll join you when I feel like it.” There came a cough from behind the laptop screen, and Kevin glanced up, pulling his glasses down. “Owen, dearest, are we skipping out on work again?” “Oh not you too...” Kevin closed the lid, fixing his boyfriend with a stern look. “You have been hanging around doing nothing for several days. You have a duty you know.” “I know, I know. It’s just awkward right now.” “It’s always awkward with you.” Kevin sighed, and leant back. “You’re stressed right now and you’re pushing people away. That’s not helping them, and it’s not helping you.” Owen seethed, pulling the towel from round his neck and dropping it on the floor. “Why do you have to bring common sense into everything?” “Because it’s something you tend to forget.” Kevin pulled the lid back up and began typing again, while Owen looked at the bouncing screen icons again, with Lonnie taking the lead. “I’m heading over there right now. When can y’all join me?” Then Mark. “ I’m going to struggle. I’m far away from the north side.” “Don’t worry. I can pick you up.” “Inez, you can drive?” “...yeah? My parents bought me a hatchback. Didn’t I tell you?” “...why have we been walking everywhere for so long?” “You didn’t ask.” Lonnie’s icon butted in again. “ Okay, cool, so sort that out and meet me up there. I’m just gonna be on my lonesome till then. I’m sure nothing bad will happen to widdle defenceless old me.” “Oh for the love of...” Owen stabbed at his phone with both thumbs, muttering as he did so. “ Okay, fine! I’m coming. I’m not far away; I’ll be there in like a minute, alright?” “Thank you kindly, Owen, you’re a treasure.” “Son of a...” Owen threw his phone away, before whistling. “Hey, Simeamon, duty calls. We’re off on a noble quest to save this town once again.” He began to march towards the door, when Kevin raised a finger, not looking up from his screen. “Er, Owen?” “What now?” “...pants?” The taller man looked down at himself. Then he wandered back towards the phone, typing away sheepishly. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” There was a clattering outside the window as Simeamon descended, peeked in, before retreating rapidly, her muffled nope sounding through the glass. Owen rolled his eyes, and marched into the other room to get dressed. “I’m still worried...” Jack placed his hands behind his head, looking up at the purple sky as he walked alongside his sister. “No, you? Really? I’d never have guessed.” Grace paused for a moment, before sighing. “Am I that easy to read?” Jack avoided her gaze. Grace looked with concern down at Vulpimon next to her, but noticed that the fox was doing the same. “...wow. Snubbed by my own dang partner.” “It’s not a bad thing, Grace,” said Jack, sticking his thumbs in his pockets as his breath made little clouds in front of him. “This ain’t never gonna be an easy thing, no matter what we do. But that’s why we need to rely on other people now and then.” “...like you running off to fight Lyra on your own?” “I’m a dumb kid. I have an excuse.” “I thought you didn’t want to be a dumb kid?” “Only when it’s not convenient.” Jack stuck his tongue out, and his sister smirked and playfully nudged him. Vulpimon smiled, padding along beside the two as she shook her head. “Our heroes, ladies and gentlemen.” There came a rush of wind from up above as Perimon swooped down, hovering just above them. “I can see the others.” Grace pulled her jacket in as she made it up the hill, her brother taking the incline slightly more cautiously beside her. It wasn’t a far walk from the edge of the town; occasionally travelled by hikers and dog-walkers. Over on the far side there were a series of picnic benches and fire pits, which were often quite populated during the summer months. But now, with the ground crisp underneath, it was fairly empty. All except for one pit on the far end, on which there was a glimmering orange flame, lighting up the grass with the shadows of people and Digimon around. Jack raised an arm and waved, and the others turned towards them. “Thank goodness,” said Kai, as the fox and the two tamers approached. “I saw the news earlier. I was worried you wouldn’t make it.” Jack shrugged. “The others are gonna take care of it. This was important.” Kai smiled, and around his neck, the glinting purple eyes of Colchimon peeked out, glowing with a deep warmth. “Glad you could make it, little dude.” There was a scuffle to one side as Perimon fluttered down, landing on a log and flicking his wings out. The sudden air movement made the growing fire unsteady, leading to a flash of yellow as Velocimon lunged forwards. “Watch it, you maniac! I just got that going!” “Oh...sorry...” Velocimon huffed, and held out an arm, firing a few sparks into the base of the wood pile to stabilise it again. “Honestly, all this time and I’m still being used as firelighter.” Aaron chuckled, leaning forwards on his own log and resting his chin on his fingers. “But you do it so well though. And it’s a cold day.” Velocimon huffed, folding his arms as he sat down next to a sheepish Perimon. Grace shuffled up next to Eloise, looking around. “Is this everyone?” Eloise ran a finger through her hair, as Ladomon sat draped around her shoulders, her white down seeming to glimmer in the shade. The young woman looked sad. “We’re not sure. I’d have hoped we’d have been able to catch him before he had to head off again, but...it doesn’t look hopeful...” Grace stared out sadly into the late-afternoon glow, seeing the distant lights of the town. “...I guess that’s just how it goes...” “Come on now, everyone, where’s the hopeful spirits?” Eloise jumped with an eep, so abruptly that Ladomon slid off her shoulder and barely managed to stop herself from falling on the floor in a heap. They all looked down at the woman’s feet, where a pair of familiar jewel-green eyes was staring up them. Trilomon clicked delightedly, and beamed, running amongst everyone present. “It’s felt like so long! Where have you all been? How have you all been?” Jack gave a little yes, and one by one the tamers stood up, watching as, just behind the insect, a lone figure made his way up the hill. Tall, and stocky as well, with a healthy beard growing around his chin. But as he reached them and let his bag fall gently to the ground, it was as if nothing had changed in the four and a half years since that fateful day. Kent gave a smile, his eyes reflecting the firelight. “Sorry I’m late. And sorry I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye before.” Aaron placed a hand in his pocket, sniffing. “...I’d have thought you could at least drop round and say something...you know...” “Oh come here!” ![]() The two young men grinned, walking towards each other and embracing. The others joined in, the Digimon watching on warmly as the six old friends held one another, together again at last. Six kids who had walked together through wasteland and firestorm, and had emerged the other side, heroes. It wouldn’t last. It couldn’t. But they held on regardless, knowing that it wouldn’t. A friendship that transcended worlds, burning brightly. Even if just for this one moment. “It’s been too long,” said Kent, brushing the underside of his eyes as the group drew apart. “It’s great to be back.” “I should think so,” said Eloise, placing a hand on her hip. “You’ve got a lot to catch us up on.” “I figured as much. I’m just sad I can’t stay for longer,” replied Kent, reaching down and opening up his bag. “Anyone for s’mores?” Lonnie heard the problem long before she saw it. She rushed through the streets, in and out of people hiding around corners, and becoming very aware of a deep, resonating ringing coursing through her body. She turned a corner, and nearly skidded over as she caught sight of the vast creature, sat bang in the middle of the roundabout with a series of upturned cars all around it. “Oh lummy day...” The beast was about the size of a two-storey house, and that was sat down. It had a bulbous, crimson body, with two spindly legs crossed in front of it, and two spindly arms with its palms rested on its knees, as if it was in the middle of reciting a poem. Its hands and feet were webbed, tipped in bulbous digits. It had a ruff made out of broad leaves, two cylindrical horns poking out of its shoulders, and an expression on its moustachioed face that gave the general air of ‘I may have just sat in something but I am too Important and Lazy to get up and check’. Lonnie sighed, and rummaged in her pocket for her D-SEND. “Yeah, right, of course, the one time we could probably do with a big-arse sky dragon and I send them off on holiday. What are the chances?” Dendromon skidded up next to Lonnie, brushing herself off before looking up and groaning. “Ah no...” “ShogunGekomon. Amphibian Digi-hey, look, Dendromon! It’s your cousin!” Dendromon’s head snapped round, and her arm shot up, raising a glowing claw at her partner. “DON’T even joke about that!” “Whoa...uh...sorry...” “I’ll forgive you.” Dendromon grimaced. “We don’t talk about these guys...” Lonnie stuck a hand in her pocket. “Well at least he’s not hurting anyone, right?” No sooner had the words left her mouth, than the giant amphibian had opened his. With his double-chin vibrating in a manner akin to water, he threw back his head, and emitted a loud, operatic note into the sky. If by ‘operatic’ you actually mean sixteen K-pop stars drowning in a blender filled with porridge. In stereo. Girl, salamander, and nearly everybody in earshot bent double and clutched their ears as the sound rocketed through the streets and resonated through steel and concrete, shaking everything with the ferocity of an earthquake. The ShogunGekomon shut its mouth again, and seemed to swallow the offensive lyric back into itself, before sitting back with that same dazed, yet satisfied expression on its face. Lonnie felt her eyes spinning in her sockets as she looked back up, resisting the urge to immediately empty stomach contents and pass out. She smacked her cheeks, and stared at the frog-creature, before her attention was stolen by a series of figures running towards her from beneath the creature’s bulk. She blinked, gawping beneath her mask. “You guys as well? Aw crap...” She raised her hand as the figures ran towards her, giving her best commanding voice, “Hey you people! Stop right-“ They didn’t. The leather-clad vigilantes just ran past her, not even looking in her direction, with the exception of Nile at the back, who paused for a moment and looked into her mask. “We give up. You deal with it.” “I...er...will...hey WAIT!” Lonnie spun round to shout at the escaping vigilantes, but she span slightly faster than intended and staggered sideways as her eardrums popped. She ran into a lamppost, and clutched it for safety. “You look like you’re having fun.” “Owen?” Lonnie pushed herself up, pointing at him. “Where have you been?” “You made me come in the first place! Where are the others?” “I don’t know; I thought they’d be here before me.” Owen ran his palms down the visor of his mask, before holding both hands out straight. “Alright. Simeamon and I came from the other way. Good news, there is still a massive portal open, and it’s just a few blocks away.” Lonnie raised a thumb. “Great stuff. Good work. What’s the bad news?” “I forgot my crawler crane. Left it parked on the driveway.” “Funny. Helpful.” “You’re supposedly taking charge of this whole thing. You have any suggestions?” Owen and Simeamon raised their arms simultaneously, gesturing at the massive amount of bad news sitting the middle of the roundabout and currently chewing thoughtfully on a car. It sucked it in through its lips, swallowing it in one, before its head snapped open again and it gave another little operetta. “HONK HA-HONK DONK-AHHONK DONK!” Oh, this melody was even better. It came in waves. Lonnie picked herself up as the lamppost leant dangerously to one side, and she huffed under her hoarse breath. “Right, okay...” The girl marched forwards, standing at the edge of the kerb and yelling up at the giant frog through cupped hands. “OI, MISTER, WILL YOU PLEASE PUSH OFF? YOU’RE MAKING EVERYONE NERVOUS!” Simeamon watched on in an exasperated manner at the girl’s attempts to communicate, followed by slamming her palm into her face as her own partner, with nothing else of value to contribute, decided to join in. “AND GET SOME GODDAMN SINGING LESSONS!” “Owen!” “What? I’m helping!” “I’m trying to get him onto our side. Then maybe we can have a normal, civilised discussion for on-“ HOOOOOOOOOOONK Both tamers and Digimon were picked up off the ground and thrown backwards several metres, where they lay sprawled out on the grass. Lonnie coughed, and raised her D-SEND. “Well, I’m out of clever ideas. Shall we go for the punchy-punchy?” “You read my mind.” The two sat up as their Digimon partners leapt forwards, each one veering wide as ShogunGekomon swivelled itself round, getting slightly irritated by the tiny things that kept poking it and hurting its feelings. Lonnie and Owen backed off, holding their devices high as the lights gathered around them. “Dendromon...Simeamon...Soul Accelerate!” “So how’s Colorado, Kent?” The young man tilted his head from side to side in response to Grace’s question, before shrugging. “Interesting in places. But really it’s not much different from here.” He leant forwards, rescuing a marshmallow from the flames. “I have to admit, I don’t get to see too much of it, or at least the ‘normal’ side. I’m on emergency shift with the Digital Intelligence Committee like...24/7.” Aaron winced, and sat back, brushing his fringe from his eyes. “Sounds mighty rough to me. Are the incursions that frequent over there?” Kent smirked. “Honestly, no. They tend to come in, take one look at the neighbourhood and immediately scarper. Though I have seen a few doozies...” “What keeps you so busy then?” “Bureaucracy. And programming. And crying into my coffee.” “Oh.” Kent laughed, before lunging forwards as he realised his s’more was disintegrating. “It’s fun. I do miss it here. But...I really need to be over there. This job’s too important for me to be siloed away.” He glanced down at Trilomon, who was curled up at his feet. “Besides, there’s a bit more open space for my buddy to go tunnelling.” Trilomon nodded and squeaked. “I’ve made friends with the prairie dogs.” Eloise wiped her fingers on the grass beside her, before resting her chin on her knuckles. “Do they have another Alasdair over there?” “They have Alasdair’s boss over there. There’s a reason I have the money to jump back for a weekend.” “Bloomin’ heck.” Eloise stared into the flames in a thoughtful fashion. “I’ve gotta say, it’s nice not having to worry about...budgeting and the like. Though I do feel bad for the new guys. We’re sitting back all pretty and they’re just starting. And we know it’s not easy.” Kai reached over, nudging her hand and running his fingers through hers. “We made our decision, remember? Ali said he’d support us all the way through. There’s nothing to be worried about; nobody expects any of us to be fighting forever.” Beside them, Ladomon stirred, sharing a glance with Colchimon, but saying nothing. Kai leant back, before winking at Jack and Grace next to him. “Besides, it’s not like the new recruits don’t have their own resident experts now.” Grace blushed, pulling her hat over her eyes, while Jack winced. “Ah come on, we can be as bad as they are.” Aaron had been sitting back, mainly listening to the others talk without interjecting much himself. He had to admit, while he knew he needed to be here, it didn’t come quite as happily to him as he would have liked. He gently poked the fire, letting sparks flicker up from the base. “How bad can they be? We weren’t exactly top of the range.” “That’s true,” said Grace, “but we also weren’t bothered by the rest of the world getting in the way.” Velocimon raised an eyebrow. “How do you mean? You guys fought through a world that was constantly trying to kill you.” “Yeah, and this one isn’t. That’s part of the problem.” The dinosaur looked confused, but Eloise sat forwards. “I think I get it. Back then, we just wanted to save your world. We didn’t have time for our own lives, or our own feelings. We just needed to survive, even if we ended up doing things we now regret.” A twinge of sadness fell across her face as she avoided Aaron’s gaze, before continuing. “These guys don’t have that luxury. They can’t just save this world, or bring it back from the brink. They have to preserve it, and everyone in it.” Jack leant back, staring at the starry sky. “It ain’t just Digimon now, either. We’ve got Vex’s gang as well. And everyone else seems to like to get in the way. We can’t go all out like we used to.” Grace nodded. “And I don’t think it’s just the hunters. I have a feeling something else is out there.” Jack sat up. “Like Rhyncomon?” “Maybe. He might be part of it. But...something. Digimon gathering around. You’ve seen those ones which have been sneaking about, hitting and running away, right?” “Grace, I see so many Digimon per week that I struggle to keep track of them.” Grace sighed. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me.” Kent frowned, running his hand over his chin. “I’m inclined to agree. I might have seen some...worrying things myself. It’s worth keeping an eye out.” He looked up. “But it’s as you said; we were new and inexperienced ourselves, once. We made mistakes. But we all made it through. I have faith they can do the same.” He smiled warmly. “Besides, we can always give them a hand now and again, right?” Kai frowned. “Well, Ellie and I can. Aaron’s retired, and you’re buggering off to the US again, aren’t you? It’s easy to be helpful from a distance.” Kent raised an eyebrow. “Oh trust me, I’m being very helpful. I’m making sure the FBI stays off your backs.” He paused, aware that the atmosphere had just gone very quiet. He looked up at the suddenly fraught faces, and smiled nervously. “That was a joke, by the way. Too much?” “Nebula Blaster!” ShogunGekomon reared back as a winding spray of light struck its vast belly, leaving a constellation of faint burn marks. It didn’t seem to cause any further damage, but it clearly caused the great amphibian some distressed as it promptly wailed and blurted out a volley of atomic falsettos at Sapiamon as she dived down. The wall of sound send her spinning away through the air, but Andriamon rushed up to take her place, holding her glowing hands together and arching her back. “Pyro Spires!” Her spines shot forwards, mostly deflected by a waving arm from ShogunGekomon, but a few got through and hit their mark, causing him to slide sideways. Owen watched the whole display with an amused expression. “Gotta say, I’m glad your partner’s managing to stay vaguely focused now.” Lonnie rubbed behind her hood. “Yeah, the training with Uncle Ali’s really coming on well.” BOOM “Hey, watch it, Freddo!” Lonnie winced. “Sort of...” Owen shook his head, before stepping back as a piece of automobile shot in the direction of the two tamers, embedding itself in the building behind. It was a marked improvement over previous battles, with Andriamon and Sapiamon working in tandem and countering each drive back with a new assault. The problem lay in the fact that ShogunGekomon was adamantly refusing to even get up, and given his bulk and internal power, it didn’t seem like there was a lot they could do to move it. Lonnie tapped her foot impatiently, her shoulders bouncing. “Where the heck are the others? They should be here by now.” “Look out!” The tamers ducked as a car boot flew over their heads, thrown petulantly by ShogunGekomon as he warbled angrily. Sapiamon fell from the sky, bouncing off his belly and throwing a volley of miniature explosives towards his mouth, but barely any of them even got close. The sky erupted with sound and bubbles of light as she landed, tutting angrily. Then she tilted her head, and glanced behind her. “Hello...” A car came screeching through the blocked streets, swinging left and right before skidding to a halt a few metres from the giant frog. ShogunGekomon burbled curiously, reaching out towards its new toy, before Andriamon bounded forwards, wrapping her arms around its hand and leaping behind it in an attempt to get it in a stranglehold. “Oh no ya don’t!” Sapiamon considered helping, but she found herself more drawn towards the bizarre scene in the car as it shook back and forth, with muffled Spanish expletives sounding from inside. Eventually the driver’s door burst open, and Inez stormed out, her face practically purple. She slammed the door, marched sideways and wrenched the back door with such force that it seemed to buckle the frame, pointing towards the road. “OUT! OUT! GET OUT NOW!” Mark unfolded himself from the back of the hatchback, looking remarkably subdued. Read: petrified. He took a few steps forwards before turning around, clasping his hands in front of him and nodding his head. “...thank you for driving...” The peace offering did little to placate Inez, who reached in and threw Chromon out by the scruff of the neck, with the dinosaur stuttering so much he couldn’t get any words out. Syngnamon slid out of his own accord, coiling up on the roof and uttering no comment, but Inez was clearly still pent up as she slammed the door, pacing and clutching her head. She looked up, and noticed Sapiamon staring, before thrusting a finger out at the taller boy beside her. “These two are the WORST backseat drivers you have EVER seen!” ![]() She fumed for a few more seconds, before holding both palms down and letting out a breath. She looked up at Sapiamon. Then at ShogunGekomon. The girl raised a thumb. “This our problem?” Sapiamon nodded. “Excellent. Now we can be productive. Syngnamon?” The seahorse leapt from the roof, slithering through the cars as ShogunGekomon promptly threw Andriamon across the road. Mark started out of his daze, and headed back himself, as Chromon braced himself in front, his shield glowing. “Chromon, Soul Accelerate!” “Syngnamon, Soul Accelerate!” “Evolution Activate!” ShogunGekomon gawped, and kicked out with spindly legs as the balls of aqua and purple shimmered beneath him. In a matter of minutes, Ceratomon stood amongst the wrecked vehicles, shoulders steaming as he flexed his newly-healed arms, while Syngnamon rolled to one side, holding his lance out straight and true. Sapiamon shook her head, a hand on her hip. “It’s no good posing now. You guys were late. End of. You’re buying the pizzas.” HAAAAAAAAA ShogunGekomon let out a note, and the four Champions split, all bickering over. Further away, Lonnie got to her feet as she noticed Inez rushing towards them, fumbling to get her mask in place. “Sorry about that, we got a little lost.” Mark twitched, and was about to make a comment, but a sharp glare from beneath Inez’s mask promptly silenced him. He cleared his throat, and looked between the two. “What’s the situation?” “Portal is a few blocks behind, the giant frog doesn’t want to move.” Mark hummed. “To be honest, I expected worse...” The four turned, looking on as their partners, now doubled in number and in strength, tackled the frog as one. As ShogunGekomon swatted Sapiamon away, so Syngnamon leapt into battle, countering the webbed hand with a barrage of energy blades. Andriamon planted herself behind a car, sniping at the giant frog’s digits with increasing accuracy. Ceratomon reared back, snorting as his shoulders wound up to full energy, before he charged, his body glowing bright metallic. “Silver Siege!” He struck the great beast in the centre of the chest, and with a distressed blurp ShogunGekomon rolled backwards, finally dislodged from his throne. He trundled a few feet, before stopping, going limp, as Ceratomon pulled back. They could see the flickering lights of the portal from here; so close, and yet so desperately far. Syngnamon grimaced. “I feel like this may take a while.” “Well, little by little, right?” said Andriamon hopefully. “He’s at least taking it quite well.” “AaaaaaAAAAAAARGH!” Andriamon shut her eyes tight, cursing inwardly as she heard ShogunGekomon’s feet slamming against the ground. Slowly, but with purpose, the giant amphibian stood to his full height, and glared down at the four of them, the rims of his horns vibrating as he opened his mouth. “Symphony Crusher!” The sound was brutal; ringing through the Champion’s bodies and the surrounding infrastructure, causing cracks and shattering metal. But the four stood standing, staring up defiantly at ShogunGekomon. Sapiamon twirled her rifle, before cocking it with a click. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve had enough of having my arse kicked.” Andriamon grasped at the ground. “Amen, sister.” Ceratomon nodded, while Syngnamon merely bowed his head, focusing his gaze into the giant toad’s crazed one. “On three then. One...two...” ShogunGekomon opened his mouth wide, storming towards them as they rushed forwards as one to meet him. “Barberous Blaze!” “Equus Harpoon!” “Nebula Blaster!” “Silver Siege!” The group sat and spoke for a long while; catching up on old times and new, on new friends, some slightly more questionable moments, and old memories. They were so engrossed in it that they didn’t notice the time getting on until the sun was just beginning to dip over the edge of the horizon. Kent looked at his watch, and winced, before looking apologetically at the others. “I’m really sorry. I have to go.” “Aw...” Jack stuck his lower lip out, as the young man closed his bag up. “I wish I could stay. I’m supposed to be catching up with Salma this evening.” Kent smiled at the others, bowing his head slightly. “It’s been fantastic. Thank you so much.” The others waved their farewells, with Eloise giving the man a goodbye hug. Kai sat in a ponderous manner, watching as he turned and beckoned Trilomon on his way. Kai stood up, brushing himself down. “I’ll walk with you to the bus stop, if you don’t mind.” Kent blinked, but nodded. “Cool.” Colchimon slithered away, giving Ladomon a look as the two young men walked down the hill, with Trilomon scampering between them. He eventually settled on a trot, whistling happily. “I do miss it here. I mean...America’s great. But I miss home.” Kai stuck his hands in his pockets. “So the Digital World’s not home for you?” Trilomon poked the ground with each step, trilling contemplatively. “I only really have bad memories of it. Before you all came, at least. So...not really...I guess...I don’t feel of it that way.” Trilomon huffed. “I still don’t know what I’m supposed to feel about any of this.” Kent let out a breath, which formed a cloud in front of his face. “You and me both, little buddy.” Kai adjusted his glasses, looking behind him, before focusing on Kent. “So, are you seeing Mark while you’re down?” Trilomon squeaked, and Kent slowed mid-step, looking ahead at the horizon. “I haven’t told him I’ve come.” Kai rubbed his teeth together. “I see. Do you want it to stay that way?” “Please. I’d appreciate it.” “Of course.” “Thank you.” Kent pushed his bag up his shoulder, looking at Kai’s inquisitive eyes. “How’s he doing?” “He’s keeping up well with everyone. Chromon’s strong. But then we knew that already.” “No I know about that, I just mean...” Kent rubbed his neck, trying to find the words. “...how’s he doing? Himself?” The young Scotsman stared at him, his gaze as impenetrable as Kent always remembered it. Finally Kai exhaled. “I couldn’t tell you. He clearly has some issues. We all do. But really that’s something you should be talking with him about yourself.” “See? Kai agrees with me.” Kent paused, giving his partner a posed look. Trilomon sat down, gently poking at the grass as he gave Kai a wide-eyed look. “I do remind him. A lot.” “Every time we mention his name.” Kent sighed. “I know. You’re right. But I can’t...he wouldn’t...it isn’t...he needs some time without me. To understand things a bit better.” “Careful. Your thinky brain is getting in the way of your feely brain again.” Kai placed his hands in his pockets. “He’s just as smart as you and just as noble, but he’s not like you. Seems to me like he needs some time with you more than anything.” “I’m pretty sure he’d hate that...” Kai raised an eyebrow, and was about to reply, but he shook his head. “Then I’ll leave it between you and him.” He reached forwards, and patted the other man on the shoulder. Kent leant in, giving Kai an embrace of his own, before drawing away, but Kai held his hand in place, his face concerned. “Be careful, mate. Whatever you do, you don’t want to lose him.” Kent tensed, and pulled away fully, smiling warmly. “I have faith in him. I always have.” “I know.” Kai stood in place, giving a small salute. “Stay safe, alright? Don’t go causing trouble.” Kent stuck up both thumbs as he wandered backwards down the path. “Too late for that, my friend!” Grace blew on her palms, holding them out against the dying flames as she began to shiver, when she became aware of her brother shuffling up beside her, resting his shoulder on hers. “Cheers. I appreciate the warmth.” “Oh charming!” The girl stuck her tongue out, and he retaliated, before rolling his hands up inside his shirt, watching the embers glowing. “It’s been a long week, hasn’t it...” Grace nodded, looking down at her brother’s tired eyes. “I’m so proud of you, you know? You rescued someone in trouble, all on your own. And you deal with me on a daily basis.” Jack tilted his head from side to side, before smiling sweetly up at her. “You’re not that bad really.” Grace looked exasperated, before breathing out. “You know what? I’ll hold onto that. I could use the vindication on occasion.” “Sorry I’m such a brat still. I didn’t mean those things I said.” “I’m sorry I’m a pain and a nag.” Grace leant forwards, clasping her hands. “It’s been tough recently. But I do belong here, with you guys. I can keep fighting for a little while longer, if it means we can keep helping people.” “Oh Grace...” Jack stretched, before leaning back, staring at the darkening sky above. “Never change, alright?” Eloise leant forwards as she watched the others across the embers, holding her arms close to her body. She noticed Aaron doing the same, and shuffled up next to him. He smirked. “We were so much younger then, weren’t we...” “Sure were...” Eloise sighed. “I’m glad they’ve come on so well. They really can handle the new guys well.” Aaron nodded. “Better than I ever could.” “Don’t say that!” Eloise nudged the other man, who raised a palm, “Okay, okay, but you I never planned to do it in the first place. Of course someone else is going to be better than I was. You know that.” Velocimon huffed beside him, folding his arms. “Don’t put yourself down. You did well. You saved so many people. It’s not a competition.” “I...didn’t mean...never mind.” Aaron gave an exasperated look, staring down into the ashes. “I’m glad, is all. Don’t take it the wrong way. I’m so glad I met you all, and I’m happy we did what we did, but...I’m also glad to be past all that.” He looked to his partner for reassurance, but Velocimon just shrugged. “I’m not arguing. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t somewhat miss my time there, but not having to run away from flaming death on a daily basis is a bonus.” “What about you, Eloise? Do you miss it?” Aaron glanced over at the young woman, but she was looking away, not meeting his gaze. He waited, until she turned back of her own accord, running a finger beneath one of her eyes. “Maybe. I don’t know. The more I go on, the more things become fuzzy for me, aside from...that moment.” She tensed with the words, coming out as a whisper. But Aaron knew well what she was talking about. He still felt the pain, just momentarily, but frequently enough. And as his hand went to his chest, feeling the unnatural hum coming from within, he knew full well that it would be following him for his years to come. Eloise seemed to be following his thoughts, and she looked away again. “I know what you’re going to say...” “Eloise-“ “You always do. You’re always so kind.” The woman sighed. “But no matter how many times you tell me it’s not my fault, I’m never going to believe you.” Aaron let out a breath, before holding his old friend close, patting her on the shoulder as she stared into nothing. “Well then, I’ll just have to keep trying until you do then, won’t I...” Eloise laughed. “You’ll get bored.” “Never.” As the two gently looked into the darkening surroundings, a pair of bright blue eyes was watching them from above, as Ladomon coiled around a branch, with Colchimon wrapped around her, resting his beak on her wing. “Look at them all, Ladomon. Who’d have thought this is where we’d all end up.” “The s’mores were good, weren’t they?” “They were indeed.” Colchimon smiled, before nudging the side of his partner’s head. “Something’s bothering you?” “Nothing ever gets past you, does it?” “Never has. Never will.” Ladomon smiled softly, before readjusting herself, looking into the other dragon’s eyes. “How long has it been since we left the digital world, Colchimon? Since we joined Eloise and Kai here?” “Four years. More than that.” Colchimon ruffled his wings up. “It feels like nothing.” “Yeah.” Ladomon glanced down at Eloise. “But the humans change. I guess we all do, but...I’ve seen Eloise grieve and recover and better herself. And Kai as well.” Colchimon sighed, the end of his tail flickering. “They’re spending more time together than ever.” The dragon looked away. “I guess it can be a little cramped...is that what you’re thinking?” “I don’t know what I’m thinking.” Ladomon held her wings close, the down glistening over her slender body. “Am I the only one who feels we’ve...well...backed off from them a bit? Like they have their own lives now, and it’s...it’s...” “Not quite the same?” Ladomon didn’t answer. But her guilty silence told Colchimon all he needed. He edged slightly closer to her, resting his head next to hers. “We’ve been with them for this long. It’s just become normality, that’s all. For them and for us.” “Do you really think so?” Colchimon raised an eyebrow. “You never know what I really think, do you...” “I know. It’s not fair. Especially when you can apparently read me like a book.” Colchimon giggled, and shuffled around Ladomon for a little, before resting again. He noticed a figure walking closer, as Kai rejoined the others below him. “No matter what happens, we’ll always have each other, won’t we...” D-dnk The sound surprised the two dragons as they glanced down at Jack, who pulled out his phone. He let out a little victory whoop, and held it out for the others to look at. “I think you’ll find we have ourselves a victory.” Kai leant in, nodding in an impressed fashion as he saw Lonnie’s triumphant selfie next to a nearly-closed portal, with the others standing around candidly, clearly not expecting the ambush. “ Little problem now dealt with, mess’rs. Not too many cars written off. All in all a success.” Grace let out a sigh of relief, as Eloise gave a little round of applause. “I think things are going to be alright after all.” Aaron stood up. “Shall we meet up with them? Give them a little thank you party?” “I think they’d appreciate it.” Vulpimon finished off the fire, before running up next to Grace as she, Jack and Aaron began to descend the hill. Kai reached out, helping Eloise up and holding her hand. Then the two of them glanced up into the trees, beckoning their own partners. “Shall we join the others?” Kai placed his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, no good being antisocial up there.” Ladomon beamed, and fluttered down, circling her partner’s head in a quick hug, before hovering just behind her. Colchimon followed suit, holding out one ragged wing. “March on then, old friend.” Hand in hand, the two tamers walked down the hill, with the dragons smiling warmly behind them. ![]() “...and then the seahorse jumped off the dinosaur and double-kicked the big froggie in the face and then it fell over but got back up again so we went around the other side and hit it again which meant basically-“ Grace held the bridge of her nose at Lonnie’s frantic explanation, and raised a palm. “Wait, so, is this pretty much what I think it sounds like?” Lonnie tilted her head. “What’s that?” “Playing giant frogger pinball?” Lonnie raised a finger. Lowered it considerately. Then puffed her cheeks out. “I guess it kinda was...” “...honestly, I’d have liked to see that.” “It was pretty awesome.” “I’m sure.” Grace held her hands in front of her, shaking her head and laughing quietly. Besides her Jack and Aaron were watching, impressed, as Inez gave a slightly more comprehensive overview of their eventual tactics, while Mark and Owen stood off to one side, looking around slightly awkwardly as their partners sat in a huffy mood at their feet, throwing each other dark looks from where Ceratomon had accidentally dropped his mace-tail on Sapiamon’s foot. Eventually Kai straightened up, clearing his throat before clasping his hands together. “It sounds like you managed pretty damn well. The ShogunGekomon survived, and so did most of the town around that area.” Mark promptly shook his head, and Inez wiggled her fingers in an uncertain fashion. “Oh dear. That bad?” “There may be a few insurance claims...” Inez place her hands behind her back, making a whistling motion. “I mean...nothing fell down this time...” “Hey!” came the indignant shout from Jack and Perimon in unison, which caused a ripple of laughter around the group. Kai looked over at Aaron, who shrugged. “Sometimes you work with what you get.” “True,” piped up Eloise, “and honestly it could have gone far worse. You should all be proud of yourselves.” Lonnie shook her hands excitedly, before bounding up to the others, fistbumping them all in turn. “See? I told you we could handle this. We’re gonna be just fine.” Mark gently adjusted his collar. “You know it’s not always going to be like this, right? We’re going to have bad days.” “We already have.” Lonnie gave a reassuring shrug. “I guess that just means we’re gonna have to try harder. Every bad day leads to another one to get better.” Owen let out a sigh. “How do you have so much energy like...all the time?” “Don’t knock it, Owen ol’ buddy,” came Simeamon’s voice as she knocked his leg. “It’s good for ya. I tell you every day.” Lonnie grinned innocently, and even Mark cracked a small smile. Grace and Jack wandered forwards, standing with the new tamers. Grace looked brightly into Lonnie’s eyes. “Don’t forget you’ll still have us. We’re not going anywhere.” “Neither are we,” said Eloise, placing her hand in Kai’s. “Though...maybe see how far you can get on your own feet first. We can get a little busy.” Kai tilted his head. “Don’t you have a deadline tomorrow-“ “Don’t remind me and don’t ruin the moment!” Aaron smiled gently, backing away from the group as they continued to laugh and share stories. Velocimon walked up beside him, swinging his tail left and right lazily. “So what do you think? Do we still have a shot?” Aaron placed his hands in his pocket, where even now he could feel the small, familiar shape of his D-Nexus, still humming ever so slightly after all these years. “I think the future seems pretty bright, old friend.” Pain. Stabbing, aching, draining pain with every step. Yethmon didn’t know how long he’d been moving for. Sometimes he was walking. Sometimes crawling. And other times just coiled up, as far out of sight as he could get. He hadn’t seen any of his posse since they’d left. Not that he had the energy to chase them. Or the will. Not anymore. He felt his feet trudging ever so slowly forwards, still moving even after all this time. The world was a blur around him. He knew it wouldn’t be long. Already his arms felt as numb as his legs. His breathing was ragged and pained. He wondered what would happen to him here. He’d seen the results, but what of his soul? His essence? Where did that go? One step too far. His right knee collapsed, and he tumbled forwards, head slamming into the freezing tarmac. Gently he raised a claw, bringing it to his neck, where he’d been carrying the device for...for... How long had it been? Since he’d arrived? Just before? Hearing the voice calling to him. Telling him to find...someone... It didn’t matter now. It never mattered. Something moved in his vision, as his eyes blurred over. It was tough to make out. Legs. Shoes. Footsteps. Someone walking towards him. Human? Possibly. Whatever. He didn’t have any more fight to give... As the gentle lights of the cars whipped by, Yethmon’s body lay motionless against the pathway, out in the open, with a faint shimmering glow, ready to give up at any time. With only a sole witness. Nicholas rubbed a palm over his mouth, letting out a long breath. “Well now, hello again...” 14:05:13:36 |