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“The beach?” Inez rested her guitar on her knees as she swayed round a little, switching her phone over to the other ear. Grace’s voice came through from the other end, only slightly muffled. “It was Lyra’s idea. She said it wasn’t fair that she missed out on the big tamer night out so wanted to head out with all of us. She picked the beach. Said it was a nice day.” Inez turned around, glancing out the window. The weather was indeed nice, with bright sunlight streaming through her curtains and forming patterns of light on the wall as it shone through Syngnamon’s tank. No complaints on the weather front, aside from one thing. “Lyra...does know it’s December, right?” “...yeah...” “Just checking.” Grace snickered from the other end of the phone, before carrying on. “I mean, you don’t have to. I know you’re not such a fan of the sea-“ Inez spun round, “Oh don’t worry, I’ll come. I go all the time. Just probably isn’t healthy to swim at this time of year. Who else is coming?” “Jack’s at school, and Mark said he wasn’t interested. So it’ll just be us girls.” “No Owen?” “Pwft. He’s locked himself away again. Wouldn’t even answer.” Inez scowled. “Ah, that sucks. But at least we can have a good time on our own. What time are we meeting?” “Give it an hour or so; I know you’re slightly nearer than we are. We’ll meet down at the grandstand.” “Alrighty then. See you then.” “Will do.” The line clicked off, and Inez placed the phone down next to her. She swung around on the chair, holding the guitar between her legs for a while as she looked out the window. She raised it again, and began to pluck at it absentmindedly, the loose notes turning into a quiet ditty. There was the sound of water rippling in the tank as Syngnamon pulled himself up to the edge, mane glistening as he listened to his partner’s tune. She glanced up at him, and the two exchanged a quick smile, before Inez played a little faster. Her fingers slipped on occasion, but two years of practise were coming through, and the resulting melody was pretty and fluid. “I hope you have fun later.” Inez’s hand slipped, and the song ended abruptly. The seahorse looked away. “Sorry. Bad timing.” “No worries.” Inez rolled her fingers, and placed the guitar on its stand. “You could always come down, you know. Maybe go for a swim yourself.” Syngnamon gently pulled himself out onto the towel beneath the tank, rolling his tail back and forth on it so as not to leave damp marks on the carpet. “I shouldn’t. It’s your personal time.” “It’s...okay. I don’t mind.” Syngnamon’s eyes flickered up, noticing the delay in her response. He thought for a moment, before there was a knock at Inez’s bedroom door. “Come in.” The door opened, and Inez’s father stuck his head in, smiling warmly at his daughter. “That was very pretty. You should come down and give us a concert this evening.” “Oh please...” Inez blushed, scratching her cheek. “I’m not that good yet.” Leandro laughed, before his eyes flicked sideways and fell upon Syngnamon. The laughter died away, and he cleared his throat. “Everything okay? I’m going into town; can I get you anything?” “I’m alright, thanks.” Inez leant back. “I’m going to be heading out later. Meeting my friends down at the beach.” “When you say meeting...” Inez shook her head. “Not a Digimon fight. Just a bit of fun.” Leandro breathed out. “I’m glad. It’s not good for you...” “I’ll be careful, papa. I promise.” Leandro laid one last look on Syngnamon, who shrank back a little from the man’s gaze. The man raised his left arm, running over his chin with the loose sleeve where his hand should have been. Then Leandro closed the door, leaving the two alone in the room again. Inez let out a sigh, her hand going up to her neck and tugging at her scarf. Syngnamon saw the movement, and found himself staring, until she caught his gaze and turned away. “Sorry.” “No, not your fault.” Syngnamon braced himself, and tiptoed forwards ever so slightly. “Are you...alright? Seriously?” “I’m fine. Just a little tired.” “It’s just...you’ve seemed a little tired for a while now.” Syngnamon held one hand over the other, looking down at the carpet. “Since that incident with Gerridamon. Whenever I fight...you know I can feel how you feel, don’t you?” Inez held her arms closer to her chest, her eyes flickering around everywhere but her partner. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a burden-“ “You’re not! Please, no, you’re not, don’t ever-“ Syngnamon’s words were more intense than he intended, and as he stepped forwards, so Inez rolled back, her chair banging against her desk. The seahorse looked up into her eyes, but she was blinking, the glare from the sun reflecting from her glasses, and hiding her expression. Syngnamon stepped back, his tail flicking back and forth. “Have I...done something wrong? Something to hurt you?” Inez looked into the seahorse’s despondent eyes, swimming with guilt. Even now, she could remember the same gaze, staring at her through the darkness outside as she ran through the garden. That same haunted look. Just as Syngnamon could remember hers as she had caught sight of him, moments before running. He could still remember the fear in her eyes. LEAVE ME ALONE... He turned back, but Inez reached out, gently stroking his mane and pulling his snout towards her. “You haven’t done anything wrong at all. I promise.” Syngnamon looked down at her fingers, letting out a small whinny. “Are you really okay with me like this?” “Of course I am.” Syngnamon glanced up, and saw Inez beaming from behind her glasses. “You’re my partner, aren’t you? You look after me and keep me safe. Don’t be silly.” The seahorse sighed, and nuzzled his snout further into Inez’s palm, allowing her to stroke him. That was best right now. Everything was alright. Although the tense way she held herself, and the slight tears welling in the corner of her right eye, told him otherwise. The unexpected appearance of the shining sun, a bright blue sky, and a temperature in double digits above zero had done its work, convincing a multitude of the town’s residents to wrap up and head down to the beach despite the harsh windchill. Probably to avoid the worst of the overcrowding from when the tourists were around. A nice idea, indeed. Slightly flawed in execution when everybody has thesame idea, but props for trying. So by the time Inez joined the others down at the edge of the promenade, the whole length of the beach was already rather full with people setting up picnics, building sandcastles, and doing every summer activity outside of actually touching the freezing waters. It may have been the vague British delusion that sunlight equalled warmth, but sometimes ignorance can lead to happiness, no matter how forced. Inez rushed up to the others as Lonnie waved at her, dressed in a mishmash of jogger bottoms and a summer blouse which she was determined not to regret for the duration of the day. Grace was decked out in a sunhat, pale shirt and sweeping green skirt, and Lyra, determined not to be outdone in her first major meet-up with the girls, wore a blue minidress, a dark waistcoat embroidered with gold stitching, and black tights studded with stars. Inez let out a breath, pulling her bag over her shoulder. “You sure about this?” “Of course? Why not?” Lyra grinned. “There should not be a yearly limit on how much we can get along.” “You seem to be doing well.” The musician placed her thumbs in her belt, and grinned ecstatically. “Do you know how much I’ve wanted a beach holiday? For...like...my whole life?” Grace rubbed beneath her chin. “Just you wait a few months. It’ll blow your mind when it’s actually warm.” “Oh come on. Can’t I have a little fun?” Lyra peered around, before pointing over at one of the stands. “Who would like chips? I haven’t had seaside chips before.” Grace looked a little apprehensive, but Lonnie threw her arms up, her arms sparkling. “Woo-hoo!” The two ran off in unison, instantly hitting it off, as Inez sidled up next to Grace. She cleared her throat in a tactful manner. “Do you reckon this might be why the boys didn’t come?” “How do you mean?” “I mean they did have a few more nasty run-ins with her more than we have...kind of...” Inez planted her hands in her pockets. “Sorry, I’m speculating. I’m just so glad she’s away from that nasty business with Rhyncomon.” Grace sighed, watching as Lyra and Lonnie barely held each other back in the queue as the poor server questioned the life choices of everybody who came to her stand. “People do weird things for weird reasons. Kai did the same, back in the day.” Inez blinked. “Really? He seems so normal.” Grace raised an eyebrow. “With the stuff we do? Nothing’s normal. Talk to Eloise sometime; she loves him dearly but they’ve fought to the death on more than one occasion.” She pulled her lips in, realising from Inez’s expression that she might have revealed a little much, so she hurriedly changed the subject. “But I’m glad Lyra’s come around. It’ll be good for us. And fantastic for her.” Inez looked behind her, pointing towards the beach. “I think a spot’s clearing up. Shall we secure it?” “Hurry!” By the time the other two girls had returned, the tide was already coming in, and the beach was getting ever so slowly more crowded. They sat together, sharing stories and chips; a little awkwardly at first, but getting more accustomed to one another. Eventually the subject of music came up, which Inez grabbed onto with gusto, accidentally revealing just how much a fan of Lyra’s work she was. The two broke off, discussing bands and instruments and a level of nerdery far too advanced for Grace to keep up with. Eventually she stopped trying to follow it, sitting on the wave break with the cardboard chip tray on her knees. The atmosphere was calm, despite the large amount of talking going on all around her. She enjoyed it down here. Boats in the distance, the gentle crashing of waves, and a sense of community. She’d never really sat and listened to it before. It was relaxing. Nostalgic. A break in the constant noise of her life. “Smile!” ![]() Grace yelped as she was pulled aside by Lonnie’s arm, and looked up just in time to hear her friend’s phone click. The other girl shuffled closer, swiping through the gallery and scowling. “You blinked.” “I was ambushed!” Lonnie hummed, and looked the other way, before passing her phone to Grace. “I think the light’s better from your side. Would you?” Grace sighed. “I didn’t agree to photos.” “Aw, but you look so pretty in them.” “I don’t do photos.” Lonnie held out her bottom lip, fluttering her eyelashes, until Grace finally relented. The girl tentatively held the phone out as Lonnie scooched closer, holding up two fingers in a peace sign. The wind caught the two of them just as Grace took the picture, and she nearly dropped the phone in an attempt to stop her hat from flying away. “Whoops.” Grace held the phone back to Lonnie, grimacing slightly as she looked at the picture. “It could be worse, I suppose...” Lonnie leaned on the beam over her. “Don’t worry about it so much. You look great. You always do.” Her eyes flicked down, and she lashed out with a finger and thumb towards the tray grabbing a chip. “Yoink.” “Hey!” “Hey nothing, I bought them all.” Grace raised a finger, but shrugged. “Good point.” She placed the tray on the wood between them, and leant back, running her fingers through her bangs. “It’s nice, isn’t it. Just having a chance to hang out.” Lonnie rested her chin on her hands, staring ahead. “You have no idea. It’s all been very exhausting as of late.” “Yeah.” Grace wrapped the end of her hair around one finger, tugging slightly. “I’m glad you’re here to help, though.” Lonnie blinked, leaning over. “Really?” “You’re keeping me on the straight and narrow.” She leant over, smiling at Lonnie. “I’m grateful, you know. I’d be finding all this far harder if you weren’t there as well.” Lonnie blushed a little, scratching her cheek. “Well...you know...you’re a good teacher. You put up with my screw-ups.” “Please. You’ve come on so well.” Grace laughed a little. “You’ll make a great leader. And you’re already a great friend.” Lonnie went even pinker, and looked back into Grace’s warm hazel eyes. The breeze picked up again, catching the brim of Grace’s hat and knocking it off for real, but Lonnie caught it with one hand, passing it back down to the other girl. “Thanks.” “Don’t mention it.” Lonnie bit her lip, before leaning further forwards, pinching another couple of chips. “So how are things with Nicholas?” Grace shook her head sadly. “I haven’t seen him since...that time.” “Oh Grace...” “Oh, we’ve been texting. He’s out of hospital. He’s fine.” Grace stared forwards. “We just haven’t found the time yet. With everything. And...I guess I still feel a bit guilty.” Lonnie sighed. “You know he doesn’t blame you, right? You didn’t do anything wrong. Well...a bit. Maybe a few mistakes, but...not what happened to him. You had no control over that.” Grace winced. “Smooth save.” “I’m good at that.” Lonnie nudged the girl on the shoulder. “You should meet up with him. Kickstart the dates again.” “It’s a bit awkward at the moment-“ “It always will be. Putting it nicely, you’re a weirdo. But if he cares about you then he can live with that. Love blossoms through mutual weirdness.” Grace pulled her lips in. “I’ve never been insulted in such an inspiring way before.” She smirked. “You’re right. I overthink things way too much. I’ll go and meet up with him soon.” “Tomorrow. It’ll be good for you.” “I don’t...” Grace looked up at Lonnie, who was waiting expectantly. She relented. “Alright. Tomorrow.” “That’s my girl.” Lonnie grinned, looking down at the sand as her pigtails whipped to the side, hiding her expression momentarily. “I’m...sure it’ll work out.” “What’s up?” The peaceful chat was promptly interrupted as Courtney barged in between the two girls from behind, throwing her arms around them. Grace yelped, and the chip tray slipped from the wood beside her, falling downwards. Lonnie’s eyes flashed in a rare moment of coordination, and she threw herself down, scooping up the tumbling tray and managing to save a majority of the remaining snacks. “Hi there...” Harriet wandered up in a slightly more appropriate manner, shaking her head. “You only have yourself to blame, Lonnie-locks. You’re rubbing off on her.” She looked downwards. “Ooh, chip.” She reached down and snagged one just before Lonnie leapt up, pulling them out of harm’s way and pouting. “Do you mind?” “Not at all.” Harriet sat down between the two as Courtney swung her legs over to sit next to Grace. “So what’s up? What are you doing down here?” Lonnie shrugged. “Stuff. Hanging out with people. With mates.” She gestured over to where Inez and Lyra were still knee-deep in nerd-dom. “Catching the nice weather while we have it.” Courtney squinted, blinking at the other two. “She looks familiar...have I seen her?” Grace gave Lonnie a panicked look, causing the latter to wave her hands nonchalantly. “Just new in the area. We’re getting to know her.” Courtney shrugged, and went back to her phone. “Cool. You should introduce us sometime.” “Yeah, when we see you.” Harriet nudged the two girls, her face looking remarkably strained. “What’s been happening with you two anyway? We barely see you anymore, not even at college. It’s like you’re avoiding us.” “I promise we’re not.” Grace rolled her fingers. “Just studying. Trying to catch up with a few things.” Harriet narrowed her eyes. “I never thought you’d be one to study that much. And I know she definitely isn’t.” Lonnie folded her arms. “I can be responsible as well, thank you very much.” Grace and Courtney laughed, causing the redhead to go even pinker. Harriet, however, was less mirthful as she held her hands together. “I’m serious, you two. It’s getting worse around here. Those monsters could attack at any time. You saw that thing with the giant dragon that levelled a building, right?” Lonnie could feel Grace’s body tensing next to her, as she replied. “I was watching it.” “My father got caught up in something as well. Those freaks in the leather jackets fighting off some kind of goat in the middle of the high street.” Harriet sighed. “I’m just...I just...don’t want you two to get hurt, alright? We need to stay safe. Promise me that, will you?” She gave a hopeful smile at the other two, waiting for a response. Grace looked at Lonnie, who shook her shoulders, pulling her arms further in. “I don’t think we can stop it entirely. Something big’s going down at the minute. I can feel it.” “Lonnie...” The girl reached out, placing her hand over Harriet’s. “We’ll do what we can, alright? We’ll stick together. Sisters.” Harriet didn’t seem convinced. But she decided not to argue, pulling her hand away. “Well, at the very least, let’s do coffee again at somepoint, alright? It feels like it’s been ages.” Lonnie leant back, nodding at Lonnie. “We’ll be up for that, right?” “Of course.” A good distance away from the others’ awkward encounters, Inez was walking with Lyra, still deep in discussion about the intricacies of indie bands and alternative punk rock. “So you met Concrete Playground?” “Sure did.” Inez raised her fingers. “Twice, actually. I got a free ticket after their lead guitarist fell off the stage onto me. Clumsy girl.” “Holy crap.” “I’ve had a fun life. More so now I’m friends with one of my musical icons.” Inez held her cheeks, barely holding her excitement. “Ohmygod i still can’t quite get over this please excuse me.” Lyra pressed her lower lip out. “I’m sorry I can’t live up to the glamour of all that.” “Come on, you’re an awesome talent! You could sell out a stadium with the right backing. I mean...if that’s what you’d want to do...” “Well....” responded Lyra, as she rolled her neck. “It would be nice, I’ll admit. I love playing; always have since I was tiny, and I’d love to share it more. But Rhyncomon would never have allowed that. Too much presence. An occasional club here and there, fine, and of course I had my videos. So I could still reach people. More than I ever imagined really...” She stopped, twisting her toes against the sand as she looked out towards the sea. “I won’t deny there were a lot of nice moments. Even after all that, I still prefer it to where I came from. But it’s just so freeing to be away from it.” Inez looked up at the young woman, seeing the look in her eyes betraying her true uncertainties. Inez held the back of her head. “You know...there’s nothing wrong with taking a bit of time to get used to us.” “A bit of time?” Lyra puffed her cheeks out. “I tried to kill several of you. I know you’re all still worried about me. So am I.” “It wasn’t your fault.” “Was it?” Inez pressed her bottom lip out. “Not...entirely...at least...” Lyra sighed. “It’s fine. You’re right; I’m not used to this. I may not ever be a part of your group, no matter how much I want to pretend I am.” She looked down, giving a weak smile. “Just so long as you’re cool with having me around, then that’s fine with me. Honestly.” Inez opened her mouth, but didn’t quite know what she was supposed to say. She looked out at the sea, watching as the tide slowly made its way in. A stray wave caught the breaker with some force, sending a claw of white up the beach, and making her jump. She found herself staring out again, feeling the blueness engulfing her mind. Her body. She clutched her elbows, taking an instinctive step back. “Inez?” The girl snapped out of it, and looked up at Lyra, who was peering at her in a concerned fashion. “Are you okay? You look pale.” The young woman peered back, before pulling Inez to one side. “Is it the sea?” “It’s nothing.” Inez swallowed, and clutched the wood behind her. “I have bad memories myself. I like the sea...no, I love it. It’s a part of me. But...every time I look at it, it just...feels...painful...” Lyra held her teeth together. “I mean, we can go if you want-“ “No. Please.” Inez held up a palm, before adjusting her glasses. “I want to be here. With you guys.” “But if it’s making you feel uncomfortable-“ “That’s my failing!” Lyra stepped back at the outburst, and Inez cleared her throat, holding her wrist. “That’s my failing. Nobody else’s. I need to work through it on my own.” She held a knuckle up to her mouth, staring out into the wide blue void. “Trust me, Lyra...we all of us have our failings.” Syngnamon was safely away from the hustle and bustle of the beach. Even when it was busy, he knew exactly where to stay out of sight. It didn’t bother him. He could still feel when Inez was close by. He could feel a lot these days. Her pain in particular. He sat back, holding his midriff as he clenched his eyes tightly. It was getting worse each time. Not a physical wound, but something just eating away at him, refusing to disappear or lessen. “Inez...” The sunlight on his face was cast over, and he looked up to see Vulpimon, Orizumon and Dendromon looking over him, concerned. There was sufficient room in the little hiding place for all of them, which was just as well, since although the crane and the fox had managed to master the art of shimmering, Dendromon was still getting used to it, especially in such a busy place. It didn’t help that she was significantly chunkier than the others. Still, she sat down, legs crossed and shoulders hunched. “You look distressed.” Syngnamon snorted. “Is it that obvious?” Dendromon thought for a minute, before shaking her head. “Not really. You never really look distressed. Or happy or scared or...anything. But you’re acting a bit mopey, which probably means something’s incredibly wrong.” Orizumon cocked his head, looking sideways at the salamander, impressed by her cognitive skills. He rearranged his feet, looking down at Syngnamon. “Is it anything we can help with?” “Possibly. Probably not.” Syngnamon leant forwards. “How does...Inez come across to you? Be honest.” Orizumon thought for a second. “Very diligent. Helpful. Kind, and willing to give people a chance, and-“ “But how does she come across?” Syngnamon pried. “What do you know about her?” Orizumon paused, and looked over at Dendromon, who was still in thought herself. “She is rather withheld, isn’t she...” “There shouldn’t be an issue with that,” said Vulpimon, as she wandered over into the conversation. “Humans are curious creatures who do things for no reason. You don’t need to know everything they’re thinking.” Syngnamon held a hand over his muzzle. “I wish it was just that. But something’s wrong. I know it. Something she’s been hiding, possibly for a long time, and, I just...it’s affecting what I do, and I feel like I can’t be strong for her but...she won’t talk to me.” The seahorse crouched up, his tail sliding over the ground. “What am I doing wrong? It’s my fault. It has to be my fault. Am I not good enough to be her partner-“ ![]() “Stop that.” Vulpimon reached out and batted the seahorse gently in the head, before sitting down next to him. “It’s frustrating. Believe me, I know. But Inez has to make her own decisions. They may be wrong, but you have to stand by her. And if she falls, you need to be there to catch her. Help her do the right thing.” Syngnamon pressed his teeth together, avoiding the fox’s stern gaze. “I would. Of course I would. But...you haven’t seen the way she looks at me. The slight distance she keeps from me.” The seahorse looked up. “What if the right thing for her is...for me...not to be there?” Vulpimon didn’t answer. Neither did the other two. They looked among one another, looking for the right words, but there weren’t any. Eventually Syngnamon looked away again. “You’re right. I need to work through this. With her as well. Whatever the answer is.” Vulpimon gently reached out, patting the seahorse on the back. “We’re here for you, you know. The humans help each other out all the time. We can do the same.” “I’m grateful. Thank you.” Vulpimon smiled, the wind blowing through the bushes all around and jostling her ears slightly. She raised an eyebrow, sniffing at the air. “The tide’s definitely coming in now-“ She jerked, and twisted around in an instant, causing Dendromon to yell and roll backwards. “Woah, watch it!” Vulpimon was deathly alert, sniffing at the air as her hackles twitched. “Oh no...” Dendromon pushed herself up, looking around at the others. Orizumon was holding himself straight, his eyes closed as he pointed his beak out towards the sea. Syngnamon was also alert, his jewels pulsing and his muscles tensed. “No...not now...not here...” “What?” Dendromon looked between the three, her eyes wide. “What’s happening?” Vulpimon twisted round, her hackles fully up now. “It’s coming back.” “Dustin, step back from the water a little sweetie.” Paying absolutely zero attention to his mother’s half-hearted request, the kid wandered forwards, kicking at the sand as he played chicken with the waves. The water whipped out farther than he expected, catching him on the leg. “Yow. Cold.” Dustin stuck his hands in his pockets, and crouched down, staring at the waves. There did seem to be something slightly off about them; not travelling in a consistent pattern, but instead erratic. No, more of a criss-cross pattern, sweeping one way and then another. He glanced up, and held his hand over his forehead, staring out towards the sea. He found it hard to make out; everything past about fifty metres was getting very blurry for him nowadays. The boy squinted. There was something there. A dot, darting back and forth on the surface of the water. A boat? A kitesurfer perhaps. No...there was no kite. The dot stopped. Darted back. Further away. Then it turned, and whatever it was began to sprint at a breakneck speed towards the beach. And as it got closer, so Dustin could make out more of its shape. Four spindly legs, resting atop the waves. A dangling jaw nearly full to bursting with a bulbous tongue. And blinking against the bright sunlight, a myriad of tubular eyes, swaying back and forth independently. “YEEEEEEES I FOUND YOOOOU!” The boy’s scream caught the attention of the beachgoers nearby, with some of them just noticing the freakish leviathan which was getting nearer by the millisecond. Inez froze where she stood, eyes widening as she heard the clicking. “Oh god, not now-“ “Dimension Ripple!” Gerridamon reared up and slammed both front legs against the water’s surface, releasing a wall of spray and a devilish crack that shot between the breakers. Already people were running back, but some of them had been caught by the shockwave and sent sprawling. Gerridamon’s eyes swivelled in their sockets, before snapping over towards the nearest person as one. “You! I choose you will you come with meGET UP! Putrid Proboscis!” “DUSTIN!” The boy’s mother rushed forwards as he scrambled in the sand, but the water strider’s body split open as its tongue shot out, slamming into the boy’s legs and encasing them in flesh. He was yanked back in an instant, too shocked to scream as he reached out for his mother. In one terrible instant he was pulled towards the beast’s quivering mouth, the jaw closing reflexively around him in a single slippery gulp. Then Gerridamon paused, and reached inside its maw with three of its dangling arms, pulling the boy clear and holding it in front of its eyes, which twitched back and forth. “You might do I wonder does it know who cares can’t it be any one of them what did he say how do you work?” The kid squirmed in his grip, trying to free himself from the serrated claws as Gerridamon babbled meaninglessly, growing angrier by the second. “HOW DO YOU WORK ANSWER ME!”” The beast shook its arms back and forth, throwing the kid around like a ragdoll as it growled, before staring into the boy’s face. Dustin was crying, tears flowing freely as he tried to form words and failed. “You’re broken, aren’t you?” Gerridamon spat, and threw his arms to one side like a petulant toddler. The boy flew through the air, and crashed into the wooden breaker with a crack, where he fell still, whimpering. Gerridamon frowned as best as it was able, trying to ignore the wails of distress and shock that were coming from its left as it paced back and forth. “Think, think think, think think think what did he say can it be anyone? No. No, that’s...oh, stupid Gerridamon, stupid, maybe it’s just luck. That’s it. Luck. Just need to keep trying.All of you.” He swivelled round, eyes fixing on the crowds as they tried to run, and he let out a little scream. “Where do you think you’re going Dimension Ripple!” Gerridamon splayed its front legs out again, sending vast shockwaves that slammed into the swathes of people scrambling on the sand, sending multitudes of them sprawling, temporarily stunned by the noise and the G-force. It leered back, before bouncing forwards like an excitable puppy, reaching out and grabbing its next victim. “Aqua Dance!” There came a flash of blue from on top of the breaker, and a series of glowing orbs struck Gerridamon’s flank. Syngnamon leapt forwards, skidding between the onlookers as he rushed forwards, with the other three Digimon in hot pursuit. Tsurumon rose up, holding his wings out and throwing blades at the beast’s eyes, while Vulpimon and Dendromon ran beneath, slicing at Gerridamon’s legs with fiery and frosted claws. The water skater hissed, backing into the surf with piercing, deliberate movements. “Go away, I’m not doing anything with you at the minute!” Gerridamon raised a hind leg and slammed it against the sand, creating another shockwave that blasted the ground-level attackers away. It returned to its focus, shaking the man in its front claws and screaming in his face. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME he said it would be easy did he really WILL YOU BE MINE?” Inez held back, watching in shock as the beach was ravaged in front of her. Lyra reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her back as she looked down at the other tamer. “They need help, right?” “But...all these people here...” Inez held still for a moment, looking at her surroundings. Some of the beachgoers were cowering, or standing in front of loved ones. Others were throwing whatever they could at the beast, only to quickly become its next victim. And Gerridamon was multitasking with great efficiency, corralling off people using sand and shockwaves, ready to sort through them at its leisure. Another blast of sand, and series of screams. Already people were lying all around, discarded roughly by the terrible creature in its incessant search. Many were already writhing in pain and shock. Some weren’t even doing that. Inez balled her fist, and pulled out her D-SEND. “Now’s not the time to worry about that. This is serious.” There was a blast of energy, and Syngnamon rolled back towards her, skidding in the sand. He looked over at her, nodding as she raised her device, while Tsurumon swooped in above. “Syngamon, Soul Accelerate! Evolution Activate!” “Tsurumon, Tamashi no Oto! Shinka!” With great bursts of energy, Kampoimon and Orizumon rushed towards Gerridamon. Kampoimon spun his spear with precision, aiming for the beast’s legs, while Orizumon curved around, releasing trails of golden light that wrapped around its neck. “Regal Spinner!” The strings tautened, yanking Gerridamon away as it choked and dropped the tourist it was holding. It staggered, before bracing itself against the sand, its pad-like feet rippling menacingly. “Hey, no fair, I was leaving you aloneI’m in the middle of something can’t you let me have thisSTAY OUT OF MY WAY DIMENSION RIPPLE!” Orizumon swung to one side to avoid the hind leg lashing out, but the first swing was just a feint. Gerridamon twisted mechanically, throwing its body upside down and pushing a front leg directly into Orizumon’s chest. The shockwave blasted out, causing the crane to spiral away, floating over the water’s surface. Gerridamon shrugged away the threads, but before it could get back to its work Kampoimon slammed into it from the front, grasping its legs with his webbed claws as he stared the beast down. “You...are not...welcome here!” Gerridamon pushed. Kampoimon resisted. They tussled, spinning around and kicking up great swathes of sand. But Gerridamon had the power of multiple limbs on its side; it tilted upwards, levering Kampoimon to one side and thrusting a serrated knee into his midriff. Kampoimon went down, with several shockwaves from Gerridamon sending him skidding over the sand. From further back on the beach, Lonnie and Grace looked on at the battle, where Gerridamon was blasting back the attackers without even watching. The people at the edge of the beach were retreating, or staying at a safe distance, doing what they could. But even that wasn’t enough, and Grace screeched as Gerridamon’s fleshy bulbs flew out and grabbed an onlooker before she could even react. Lonnie leapt from the breaker, landing on the sand as she cursed inwardly. “Of all the times-“ “Lonnie, stop!” The girl felt a hand grab hers, and she looked back to see Harriet tugging her further backwards, with Courtney and Grace just behind her. “We’re not safe here. Come on.” “Harriet, let go, I have to-“ “Lonnie, this isn’t the time-“ “You don’t understand-“ “No! I don’t understand!” Lonnie looked up, seeing the tears in the corners of Harriet’s eyes as she remained clinging on. The girl’s expression twisted, and she pointed over at the battle. “This? This is beyond us. There’s nothing you can do! For god’s sake, Lonnie, I don’t...I can’t...you’re gonna get hurt! Or worse!” Lonnie glanced over at Grace, who was frozen stiff, mouth opening but with nothing coming out. Lonnie shut her eyes. “It’s too late for that.” “What...what do you mean? What’s going on? Tell me!” With a swift movement, she pulled her hand away, grabbing the D-SEND from her pocket and rushing off down the beach, yelling at the top of her voice. “DENDROMON!” Harriet stared, helpless to stop the girl as she ran. Then Grace rushed past her, and she held out a palm, gritting her teeth. “Not you too!” Grace turned around, her face grave as she too held her D-SEND. “I’m sorry. I’ll explain everything later, I promise.” Harriet tried to run, but Courtney rushed in and grabbed her from behind, holding her back. “Harriet, no, leave them. It’s not safe for us.” Harriet didn’t answer. She just stared, eyes shimmering as she saw the remaining two Rookies grow in a flash of light and sound, with Grace and Lonnie standing at the edge of the battleground, their bodies seeming to glow. “You’re...you’re kidding me...” “Dimension Ripple!” “Crushing Tide!” The column of water struck the rippling barrier as Grace joined Lonnie at the edge of the battlefield, covering her face against the blow. Grace looked at the redhead, nudging her shoulder. “Hey, you alright?” Lonnie gave a twisted half-smile. “This is gonna be hell later, isn’t it...” “Don’t worry about that now,” said Grace, looking around at the multitude of distressed people around them. “We’ve got to get everyone out of here.” Lonnie glanced up, refocusing in an instant. “On it.” “Lethal Edge!” Orizumon’s slender form shot over their heads, the air slicing past them as he tried to strike Gerridamon’s legs. But it was only a glancing blow, as he found himself thrown away by the beast’s swinging limbs, reforming in an unstable manner overhead. “It’s no good. I can’t get close enough to do any proper damage.” There was a scraping sound as Andriamon skidded into view below, her crest flapping in the breeze. “Let me take over. You just focus on getting the bystanders out the way.” “Be my guest.” Orizumon swooped sideways, aiming for the nearest group of onlookers, as Andriamon bounded forwards like a silverback gorilla, raising her arms and wrenching Gerridamon to one side with her momentum. It twitched, and threw her away as it screeched in her face, but she landed on all four feet and leapt forwards again, pressing against the sand as her skin heated to a blistering temperature. “Putrid Proboscis!” Gerridamon gurgled, and opened its mouth wide, firing a bolus of flesh into Andriamon’s midriff and driving her into the ground. She rolled away, as Gerridamon’s eyes flicked towards the nearest person, its tongue swinging around. “You’re RUINING EVERYTHING I just need one GIVE ME ONE I BEG YOU I’ve seen how you work now, it’s alright, I can make this work, you have to trust me-“ ![]() The tongue flew around, aiming directly into the centre of the group, but Alopemon rushed forwards, slicing at the bolus with a blade of frost before landing between the beast and the beachgoers. She glanced down, her yellow eyes flashing. “Go! Now! Get back!” “Dimension Ripple!” The fox twisted sideways, but not fast enough to stop the blast of spatial energy ramming into her side, sending her crashing back into the wood. But she’d completed her task, as the onlookers were already scrambling back as fast as they could manage while carrying the disorientated and the injured. But Gerridamon wasn’t about to give up yet, treading against the sand and ploughing forwards. “I JUST NEED A PARTNER!” “Crushing Tide!” With a roar, Kampoimon charged forwards, barging into the water strider with his entire bulk and forcing it backwards. He grunted, and turned to Andriamon beside him. “We have to get it back into the sea! It’ll be out of the way from everybody there!” Andriamon nodded, and arched her back, grinding her teeth together. “You may want to duck!” “Pyro Spires!” Three spikes blasted forwards, slamming into Gerridamon’s side and making it stagger. It rolled over, squirming out of Kampoimon’s grip as it raised two shimmering pads to blast the seahorse away, but the explosion was just enough to send it off balance, allowing Andriamon to leap forwards and wrap her arms around its wedge-like head, pushing towards the sea with all her might. Gerridamon wrung its central body from side to side, but Kampoimon was already behind it, grasping its two hind legs and flinging it backwards into the water. “Crushing Tide!” Gerridamon rolled, getting to its feet, but it had to dart sideways as a column of water exploded from the surf, causing it to yell and screech. “What’s wrong! Why are you doing this to me? I don’t want to hurt anyone!No, I’ve changed. He told me I should. Why are you picking on me?” “Picking on you?” Kampoimon snorted, galloping through the spray as he swung his spear behind him. “You are nothing but a beast! A monster who knows nothing but violence and cruelty! That you are still allowed to roam free is nothing short of my own failure! Equus Harpoon!” Gerridamon ducked, the blast of energy sailing over its head as it lunged towards Kampoimon, planting both front legs on the seahorse’s chest and blasting him down into the sea bed. “It’s not like that anymore I was wrong! I thought I was wrong. It’s the humans. They’re amazing. I want one.I want my own partner, do you see? DO YOU SEE?” Kampoimon shuddered, his eyes narrowing. “A partner? You? What gives you the right?” He rose up, holding his front claws and striking Gerridamon across a cluster of eyes, screaming as he did so. “You are nothing but atyrant! What gives you the right to a loving partner?” Gerridamon coughed, its feet scrabbling against the water’s surface. Kampoimon bobbed up and down in front of it, but he pulled back a little as Gerridamon began to laugh; small gurgling convulsions that dropped mucus into the rolling waves. “He asks me? He asks me. Do I have the right? What gives him the right?What has he done to deserve the power of this world? Of these people? NOTHING! Nothing at all...” Kampoimon flinched, and Gerridamon took advantage of it, lunging forwards and striking the seahorse across the head with powered-up blows from its two front legs. At the edge of the beach, Lyra directed her partner as he and Alopemon pulled the last of the bystanders out of the way. She let out a breath, before turning towards Inez, who was staring out into the surf, her hands clutched against her chest. “Inez? It’s not safe.” The shorter girl looked up, her glasses sparkling from the spray. “He’s struggling out there. That thing’s still too strong.” Gerridamon powered forwards, striking Kampoimon again and again, just like before in the arcade. Even as the seahorse tried to counter, the water strider simply darted to one side, faster than Kampoimon even in his element. “How unfair. How really unfair. I do all the work and yet you’re the one who ends up with the partner. Did you even have to look for them?Did you? Why was I left out?” “Maybe ‘cause you won’t bloody shut up!” Gerridamon’s eyeballs swivelled sideways as Andriamon shot out from the spray, raising her arm ready to pound the beast away. Gerridamon held up a leg, blocking her downwards blow, but she rolled to one side and struck the beast’s head in a brutal uppercut, causing it to stumble sideways. “You want a partner? Maybe stop acting so gross!” “But it’s part of who I am,” replied Gerridamon, shaking out its lower jaw as mucus fell from its teeth. “Putrid Proboscis!” It swung its head sideways, and Andriamon ducked as the tongue flew out over her shoulder. But it kept going, and before she could take in what was going on, it swung round and slammed into her head, before wrapping itself around her upper body. Gerridamon growled, and bit down, severing the lump of flesh and sending its entire weight crashing into Andriamon, sending her falling under. She struggled, clawing at her upper body as the mound of flesh constricted and twisted, tightening around her neck. “ANDRIAMON!” Kampoimon yelled out, watching as the amphibian sank, before he turned around just in time to block another brutal blow from Gerridamon. The beast leered forwards with its mouth half ajar from its last attack, but Kampoimon was undeterred. He backed off, before diving sideways and slashing at Gerridamon’s lower jaw. The water skater hissed, striking the sea’s surface, but Kampoimon dived left and right, dodging the worst of the blows before breaching upwards directly beneath Gerridamon’s head. He grabbed the beast’s lower jaw and yanked sideways, and as its head swung in his direction, he brought his own forehead forwards, his single horn impaling three of Gerridamon’s eyes. “AAAAAIIIIIGH!” The water strider staggered back, blood spurting from its face as it held its legs wide. It shook its head, babbling under its breath. “Even now, I don’t believe it, even now it keeps going what manner of power is this, what manner of strength is it calling upon-“ It paused, and all of a sudden its limbs flicked upwards, as its remaining eyes blinked wildly. “That’s it!Gerridamon, you are stupid, you are so stupid. You won’t get it from just anyone! No, you won’t. It’s only someone. Someone who can give that power. He has it at the moment. You can take it from him.The source. Her.” Kampoimon hovered in the water, reclaiming his breath as he held his head down. “The source...what are you...” “Dimension Ripple!” Gerridamon launched itself forwards, holding both front legs out and blasting the seahorse at point-blank range. He fell back, winded from the sudden blow, and unable to stop Gerridamon as it skated away, back towards the shoreline. “That’s what I need! For power. For purpose. That’s it.” It chattered, legs skittering back and forth as it homed in on a single target. “I need HER.” Inez’s eyes widened as Gerridamon skidded rapidly over the surf, sending out swells either side as it leant forwards, zoning in on her. She began to run, stumbling backwards as it became clear she was its target, its entire body swinging from side to side. “Regal Spin-“ “GO AWAY!” Gerridamon veered sideways and clamped a wide foot over Orizumon’s chest, plucking him from the sky. The water skater twisted, and threw the crane in a wide arc, blasting him with a pulse of pressure directly into Alopemon. The sudden ripples in space caused Inez to stumble, and before she could stop herself Gerridamon was on top of her. She found herself being lifted up, grasped in the beast’s claws. She struggled, twisting around, but the two were already gaining speed and she saw the shoreline shooting away behind her, her chest tightening as she realised she was being carried at breakneck speed over the water. She screamed, looking behind her to see Andriamon and Kampoimon trying to pincer the beast off, but Gerridamon chattered as it ran, several of its eyeballs swinging down towards her. “You don’t have to worry I’ll keep you safe I promise.” It snickered, and bent all four of its legs, before leaping skywards, the pressure cracking across the water. Inez felt the spray against her face, watching as they flew high, far from the shore and even from the two Champions. They began to descend again, and the girl held her breath, preparing for the worst. Crash Gerridamon landed squarely on the water’s surface, but its central module was carried by momentum and submerged itself and the girl. It kept sprinting, raising itself up as its smaller arms shook her. “I’m sorry about that I forgot you people don’t like to be all wet please forgive me-“ “Let...GO of me!” Inez twisted in the beast’s grip, smacking its hands away as it tried to reposition her, attempting to multitask and failing miserably. “Will you stay still?” “Put me...down! Send me back! Now!” “No, you’re mine now, don’t you know,we’re going to be partners! It’s gonna be great!” “What the hell...are you talking about?” Inez tried to fall out of the water strider’s struggling hands, not even caring how far out she was. But it grabbed at her as she wriggled, the serrated blades catching the edge of her scarf. “Stop struggling! PLEASE! HE PROMISED.” “I...don’t belong to you!” “STOP IT!” roared Gerridamon, thrusting two arms forwards and grabbing her around the middle. It pulled its other arms free, and as it did so, her scarf fell away, falling into the inky blue yonder. Inez didn’t notice, clawing and smacking at her captor’s hands, until all of a sudden it stopped of its own accord, swinging her forwards from the impact. “I don’t...you’re not...you’d better-“ “SSSH.” Gerridamon’s legs stiffened, and he paddled to a stop, staying stock still in the middle of the rippling sea. Without a word, he raised a free hand, nudging the girl’s head to one side. Realising her scarf was gone, Inez raised a hand instinctively, but the water strider held it back, staring at the young woman’s bare neck. “Oh no.” Inez struggled, trying to twist out of his sight. But his eyes were focused on her. On the pattern of white scars that ran from her collar bone all around her neck, and stopping just below her chin. Thin, sharp scars, like a series of tiny knives had been run across the skin. Old scars, but vivid. Inez felt her chest pulsing up and down, her breathing growing erratic. She pulled an arm free, and held it in front of her face, shaking her head. “Don’t...don’t look at me...” “No...no, no, this isn’t right at all...” Gerridamon gave a gurgle, and lowered itself down, its eyes flickering independently as it stared into hers. “No, I didn’t realise, oh I’m sorry, it doesn’t...this isn’t going to work, no it isn’t...” “What...w-w-what do you...” Inez felt her hand trembling against her face. Her whole body was trembling, in fact. So much so that she couldn’t even speak, her teeth just clattering against one another. Gerridamon sighed, almost sadly. “You don’t belong to me. It’s not right. I can’t have you. You already belong to someone else. No...no, this is...I need to get you back to him, that’s what he said, yes...” Inez’s lungs locked up. The sound of the sea seemed to pound her senses from every direction, with only Gerridamon’s gurgled whisper piercing through. Clear as day. “I mean...you’re her, aren’t you? You have to be.” Gerridamon smiled, almost apologetic and tender as the girl felt her body stiffen in its grip. “You’re...you’re Little Ini, right?” I will find you again. You belong to me. Oh, my poor little Ini... I love you. So much. Inez tried to breathe, but her throat wouldn’t move. Her limbs locked up. Gerridamon’s face began to swim in her vision, with only the sound of her own racing heartbeat ringing in her ears. She opened her mouth, trying to force a breath out as Gerridamon watched her, curiously. “...p....p-p......p-please...” “Crushing TIDE!” Gerridamon screeched as a column of water struck it in the side, sending it careering over to one side. It reared up, roaring at Kampoimon as he rushed through the waves, with Andriamon keeping pace just behind him. The water strider hissed, raising a palm, but the distraction and its own confusion got the better of it, and its smaller arms opened. Kampoimon’s eyes widened as he saw Inez slip out of his grip, falling into the water below. “INEZ!” “I’m on it! Get that thing away from her!” Andriamon dove down after the fallen girl as Kampoimon rushed forwards, wrenching Gerridamon by the central module. They staggered sideways, the seahorse pulling the beast under, before being thrown away, but Kampoimon galloped over the top of the water and struck the beast across the head. He descended, catching his breath as Gerridamon twitched, still disorientated by the whole affair. “I’ve got her!” Andriamon resurfaced, holding Inez in her arms as she looked down at the girl. “It’s alright, we have you-“ Her eyes widened, and she nudged Inez gently. The girl’s eyes were wide open, staring ahead emptily. Her hands gripped tightly into Andriamon’s forearm, pinching it. A small trickle of blood ran down from the corner of the girl’s mouth, spreading out against her wet cheek. “Inez...answer me...” Kampoimon’s eyes widened, and he swung round to face Gerridamon. “What have you done to her?” Gerridamon chattered, and raised a hand, the flesh rippling. “Dimension Ripple!” “ANSWER me!” Kampoimon reared up, and slammed his head directly into the shockwave as it struck him. It jolted through his body, cracking the horn on his head, but he remained standing long enough to swing his lance around and slash Gerridamon over the upper lip. The beast staggered backwards, screeching and dripping blood. “I told you to answer me! What did you do with her, you demon?” Gerridamon’s ragged breaths gently morphed, turning into harrowed laughs as its eyes swivelled round. “You think that woman belongs to you?I’m so sorry.” “You...how can you possibly still be so heartless-“ “I’m heartless? Yes I suppose I am. But I’m honest. With myself.Always have been.” Gerridamon giggled, staggering forwards as blood oozed from its lower jaw. “She doesn’t belong to you.” Kampoimon twitched, steam pouring from his nostrils as he gripped his lance tighter. “Quiet.” “I’m sorry. I made that mistake too.” “Be silent!” Gerridamon grinned, laughing hysterically. “That human is special. She doesn’t belong to you. You are nothing but a liar.” “I told you to be SILENT!” With a roar, Kampoimon swung his lance round, and stabbed forwards, impaling Gerridamon in the jaw. The creature gagged, but Kampoimon grabbed the shaft with both hands and powered forwards with a massive sweep of his tail, driving the weapon deeper as fire flashed in his eyes. “I SWORE TO PROTECT HER. THAT IS MY DUTY, AND I WILL STAND BY IT. AND AS SUCH, IT IS MY DUTY TO SLAY IRREDEEMABLE BEASTS LIKE YOU!” Gerridamon gargled, unable to form words as its legs all quivered in unison, blood pouring from its mouth. With a final flash of the jewels over his body, Kampoimon let out a roar, driving the spear forwards with all his strength. “EQUUS HARPOON!” With the sound of rending flesh, the spear burst out the back of Gerridamon’s body, sending blood spraying far and wide as the beam shot into the sky. The creature’s limbs stiffened, thrown backwards by the force of the blue blast, as Kampoimon held it aloft with ease. The light dimmed. The beam dissipated, and Gerridamon’s form went limp. All its limbs fell downwards, and its eyes clouded over. It slid sideways, falling into pieces and sinking beneath the waves, leaving faint trails of silvery dust clustering on the surface. Kampoimon sank down slightly, eyes still wide as he held his lance with both hands. “I...I will slay the monsters...” “Kampoimon!” The seahorse snapped out of his stupor, and looked down at Andriamon, who was treading water, her face grave. She held up her arm, where Inez still clung on, too catatonic to do anything else. “This is really bad.” Kampoimon reached out a hand, but paused, seeing the flecks of blood splattered all up his arm. He clenched his fist, and descended. “Get her back to shore. Now!” The group stood back, making room as Andriamon bounded ashore, followed by Kampoimon, who devolved in an instant, breathing heavily. Andriamon held her form, gently coaxing Inez down on the sand as the girl began to cough. Lyra knelt down beside her, looking up and down. “Oh geez...what happened out there?” “I...I don’t know...” Andriamon’s fingers tensed, gripping into the sand. “She fell into the sea, but...I don’t know what else.” Lonnie stood forwards, looking down at the girl, when she heard the sounds of clicking. She turned, raising a palm against camera flashes as she saw a crowd of people edging closer; the bolder of the beachgoers, or those just desperate to know the truth. Harriet stood at the front, with Courtney just behind her. Out of nervous instinct, Lonnie gave a small smile. “Hey...” Harriet shook her head. “Lonnie...what...what is this?” “Who are you?” “What are you doing with these things?” The crowd shuffled forwards, all talking in unison as Lonnie raised both palms. “Please...please, don’t take pictures-“ Lyra looked up, holding Inez in a sitting position. “She’s coming round.” “Inez!” Syngnamon wandered forwards, gently holding out a hand as the girl twitched in front of him. “Inez, I’m glad you’re okay-“ “NO!” The girl’s body jerked, and the seahorse flinched, the sound piercing his ears. Lonnie and Grace looked down with a start as Lyra stared in shock, struggling to hold the young woman. Flailing wildly, Inez kicked out against the sand, staring in terror at the seahorse at her feet. “DON’T! NO! D-DON’T TOUCH ME!” ![]() Syngnamon stared, aghast, still holding his hand out. “Inez...I...” “I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!” Inez’s foot shot out, slamming into Syngnamon head and sending him falling backwards. He lay there, his hand going up to his cheek, as behind him he could hear Inez falling into another coughing fit. Grace knelt down next to Lyra as they tried to hold her in place, but Inez was screaming now, tears running down her cheeks. “Inez, it’s okay, I promise, we’re here, we’re-“ “NO! NO, DON’T...GET HIM AWAY FROM ME...NOT AGAIN...” Inez convulsed, and retched, a spray of seawater and stomach contents falling from her throat. She fell backwards, her body crouching up as she continued to howl, although so hoarsely now that she could barely get any noise out. “Oh god...” Lonnie turned back, seeing the crowd edging forwards again. “I said no pictures! Not now! Please not now!” “Lonnie!” Harriet stepped forwards, holding her teeth together. “Is this...what is this? You? Grace? What are you doing?” Lonnie blinked, looking back and forth between Inez and her friends. “Harriet, I...you...” “Have you been lying to us all this time?” “This isn’t the time...” “Answer me, Lonnie!” “Everyone just BACK OFF!” Lonnie swung an arm wide, her voice ringing out over the sands. In an instant, Andriamon lunged forwards beside her, slamming her arms into the sand and letting off a horrifying roar directly into the crowd’s faces. They dispersed in an instant, running from the beast as she continued to scream. As Lonnie watched, only Harriet looked back, staring at the girl with tear-stained eyes. Courtney nudged her, and pulled her away, leaving the group of tamers alone on the beach, with the surf gently breaking behind them. Lonnie let out a breath, and looked up at Andriamon, who crouched down, placing a hand over her muzzle. “I’m sorry...it was all I could think of.” Lonnie didn’t reply. She looked down again, down to where Inez was still crouched, her chest rising and falling rapidly, and her arms still trembling. Syngnamon sat off to one side, staring hollowly into the sand, as Tsurumon and Vulpimon sat either side of him. Lyra sat beside Inez, gently holding her shoulder, while Grace just looked down at the sand, her hands clasped over nothing. A gust of wind blew up, and she raised her head, her pleading and hurt gaze meeting Lonnie’s. Lonnie balled her fist, looking out towards the sea. “Now we’ve done it...” 12:12:36:39 |