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A Grizzlymon ran through the streets, crashing into walls as she felt the sting of the lead pellets in her back. She turned a corner, but found herself in a dead end. Wasting precious seconds, she clawed at the concrete, but it only left dusty grazes, not even making a significant dent. There was the sound of shouting behind her, and she turned to see the three people block her only exit, holding garden tools and an air rifle as they stood their ground. Her hackles rose up, and without warning, she charged. The old man held the wardrobe door tightly, feeling the heat as the flames outside licked the wood from outside. His mind was screaming at him to make a run for it, run for the window, do anything, but in betwixt the flames he could still hear the voices, and the other sounds. The rasping of claws on plaster. Makeshift firearms blasting through walls. The deep breaths from their monstrous draconic snouts. The smoke seeped through the cracks in the cupboard, and before he could stop himself, he was choking. Beneath the bent ornamental archway, the woman held the golf club aloft, surrounded by her neighbours as she stared down at the frightened Kotemon before her. They nudged her. They shouted. They tried to snatch the weapon away from her but she held it away, just staring into the terrified yellow eyes. The same ones she’d been getting to know for the past few weeks. The woman felt her daughter clawing at her leg, screaming incoherently. Begging her to stop. She shut her eyes tightly, and brought the club down. The two brothers pressed their bodies against the door, the effort causing spasms up their arms as the shouting grew to an intolerable level outside. There was a horrendous banging as clubs cracked against the flimsy plastic door, each one harder than the last. But they kept pressing regardless. One of the young men stared back, watching as the Mothmon and the three Kunemon huddled in the coats upstairs, shielding their eyes with the Mothmon’s torn wings. The man smiled kindly, and redoubled his efforts, even as the first of the bludgeons broke through the door. The girl ran, clutching the Pagumon to her chest as she felt the clumping footsteps behind her. A man stepped out in front of her, arms wide, but she dived sideways, crawling down the tiny passageway she always used with her friends. She emerged from the other side, grazing her arm but still running. She turned a corner, and stumbled backwards, her legs giving way beneath her as she crashed to the floor, the Pagumon letting out a cry of pain. She looked up, just in time to see three Digimon turning in her direction, bearing their teeth as the lights of bloodlust danced in their eyes. “Max, I won’t let you do it!” There was a bang, followed by the fourteen-year-old pulling a dark red hoodie on over his shoulders. He was clearly lacking in sleep, and his complexion left a lot to be desired. But as he turned to look at the middle-aged woman wobbling in front of him, there was a hardness behind his eyes. “Mum, you don’t get it-“ “I get it enough! I’ve seen the news! I know what’s out there and I...I know it’s you. You’re one of the ones fighting them every night.” “Someone has to.” Max gave a rough smile, his teeth crooked. “It’s my job.” “No!” The woman rushed forwards, grabbing her son’s arm. “It’s not! It never was! Please, stay here; you can’t-“ “Let go of me!” “I can’t lose you as well. They’ll kill you. They’ll all kill you!” “They’ll have to catch me first.” “Max!” The young man looked down, holding his free hand behind his neck and straightening out the hood of the jumper. He turned his head to the doorway, his mouth twitching upwards nervously as he heard the rush of noise and yells from outside. “It’s gonna be fine.” He twisted his hand, and strode backwards, grabbing his helmet from the box by the door. Angela reached out, but the young man held out a hand, shaking his head. “No! Don’t come out, not for anyone or anything.” “Max, I-“ “You have to promise, alright?” “Max!” His mother’s cries fell on deaf ears as the door closed in front of her, the latch locking into place. She stumbled back, leaning against the wall as her shoulders shook from rage and terror. She slipped down, her legs buckling beneath her, and held an arm to her face as she felt the tears already running down her cheeks. Not ten yards down the road, Max marched forwards fumbling with the knackered leather strap around his chest. He laughed hysterically, finally pulling the offending device together, only for the clasp to break in two in his fingers. He dropped the useless pieces of metal, swearing under his breath. That would need to be fixed later. His pace slowed, and he looked over his shoulder, staring up at the large house he’d known since he was a child. He gritted his teeth, before pulling on his helmet, buckling the strap beneath his chin. He began to walk again, his vision encased in a dark ring as he held a phone up to his ear. “Hey Nile, this is Jai. Where is everyone?” There was the sound of scuffling at the other end of the phone, a distant cry of pain, before Nile’s bedraggled voice sounded, seeming to be on the verge of choking. “There’s no time to get together. They’re everywhere. Find the nearest one and start there; you know what to do-” The line went dead, and Jai lowered his arm. He looked around, already smelling smoke, sulphur and oil through the early morning air. He grinned; a nervous reaction more than anything else. “Sorry mum. I have to go save the world.” He flicked the visor down, and with his homemade hatchet in hand, started to run towards the nearest noise. It was a bright, early morning, and the world was only just beginning to end. An explosion of lightning rocketed down the high street as Grace ducked wildly, Alopemon’s paws pounding against the brickwork. The young woman held on with one hand as she pulled her phone up to her cheek, trying to talk amidst all the noise. “I don’t want you out here! It’s dangerous!” “It’s going to be dangerous everywhere. I can help; trust me!” Grace hissed, and ducked again as a bolt of lightning arced overhead, knocking a section of guttering from a nearby roof. She yelled as Alopemon veered sideways, raising a wall of ice shards against the debris. “Are you okay? It sounds like there’s a lot going on.” “Y’think?” Grace sighed. “If you see someone who needs rescuing, get them to safety. Take them to the outskirts or something. And stay away from anyone bigger than you. I’ll come and get you when I can.” “Roger.” Grace pocketed the phone, ending the call as she stared ahead through the eyes of her mask. “One thing at a time, girl.” “Watch out, we have incoming!” Jack’s voice came from above as Mistramon swooped downwards, trailing airstreams behind him. Grace’s eyes widened as a small hatchback sped out in front of them, scraping to a halt on the brickwork. Alopemon’s tail whipped round, but the door shot open and Mark tumbled out, holding his hands up. “It’s alright! Just us. We needed to get through.” Chromon and Syngnamon tumbled out after him, straightening up as Inez pushed the driver-side door open, getting it wedged on a pile of rubble. She stood up, and looked down at it, sticking her lips out. “I don’t think my insurance is gonna cover all this...” Mark looked back sheepishly, but she shook her head, running up to Grace and Jack as their Champion Digimon reconvened. “Please tell me we have backup.” “You have whoever you need.” ![]() Inez shielded her eyes as the iridescent figure of Luminemon flew above her, with Achromon and Orizumon on his trail. The white dragon landed, and Eloise and Kai leapt off her back, as she spread her wings out. Mark nodded. “How’s it looking from up there?” “Not good.” Kai ran his hand beneath his chin. “We can’t tell quite how much it is but whatever the case we’re going to need to split up.” He looked around. “It doesn’t help if we’re missing people. I’ve tried to get hold of Aaron but he’s stuck out of town; the trains are fucked.” “Shoot...” Inez made a quick headcount, before raising a hand. “Has anyone seen Lonnie?” Crash. A wall exploded nearby, and a Raidramon shot out, being grappled by the vast hands of Andriamon as the salamander pushed back. The Raidramon growled, releasing a bolt of lightning into her chest, but she held out a palm and wrapped it over his face, pressing him down into the concrete. “That’s it, calm down boy, that’s enough...” There was a slight wisp of steam as Raidramon scrabbled, but his struggles grew less, and finally he collapsed. Andriamon hurriedly pulled her hand away, and held the back of her fingers over his chest, confirming he was still breathing. Lonnie poked her head over her partner’s shoulder, before giving a quick wave to the assembled tamers below. “Didn’t mean to jump the gun. My apologies.” She leapt down, joining them in an instant as she raised her mask. As chipper as her voice was, her expression was firm. “How bad is it?” “We’ve done a quick circuit.” There was a flutter as Orizumon lowered his neck, allowing Lyra to poke her head up. “There are a lot of patches of fighting; mostly around the town, but still scattered all over the place.” Grace looked over at Lonnie. “Any ideas?” “It’s better than nothing.” Lonnie planted a fist in her gloved hand as she looked around at everyone. “Right all, main priority is to stop the worst of it. Not everyone’s out there fighting; if we kind of corral the hunters and the crusaders into the main town centre area place, we can block off the edges and let everyone not involved in all this get out of the way into the fields and woods around the outskirts.” Eloise placed her hands in her pockets. “That lessens the problem. But what do we do once we have them all in place?” “I haven’t got that far yet. Calm them down how we can.” Eloise looked at Kai, who nodded. “I can get behind that. If you’re facing any Digimon, knock them out rather than kill them.” “Same for any of Vex’s gang or other idiots out there with crowbars as well.” Mark rubbed behind his neck. “We can just disarm as best we’re able. They’re less liable to blow up the town hall if all they’re armed with is a leather jacket and rage.” Lonnie nodded, looked amongst everyone. “It’s not perfect, but it’s a start.” She pointed among them, allocating their quarries in an instant. “North, south, east, west, and those of you who can fly for a while help out where you can. Stay in touch, and go in any direction you’re needed. I don’t know what’s gonna happen today, but we’re gonna stop it before it goes too far. Sound good?” The group nodded, and there was a flash as Inez and Mark evolved their partners to Ceratomon and Kampoimon. Without even a parting word, the group split, each small group heading towards the nearest boundary. Alasdair ground his teeth as the tremors hit once again, shaking the server in front of him as he desperately tried to hold it in one piece. The equipment itself was exposed to the elements; all his and the others’ efforts had gone into locking up the gate. He looked over his shoulder as Perez pressed the interface, closing breakers everywhere she could. Salma and Dominic were out by the equipment itself, fixing shorts and powering up the guard units that suppressed the gate into its closed state. But still Alasdair could hear the messages blinking as they came up on Isabella’s station again and again. There was a clumping sound as Salma rushed up, clearly out of breath as she mopped her brow. “It’s chaos out there. They’re waiting for the saviour.” “I know. The tamers have a handle on it.” “Are you sure about that?” Alasdair looked down as he forced the server door shut, the enable lights blinking on with the motion. He wheeled sideways, looking up at her with desperate eyes. “I have to be. Whatever’s going on out there right now, I can guarantee you that our friends will make the situation ten times worse.” He moved forwards, Salma helping him along to Perez’s station. “How can you be so sure?” “You have to believe me...” Blink. Perez swore as another box opened itself, setting off yet more alarms and causing some distressing sounds within the gate area. Alasdair leaned forwards as the messages flashed up in his face, one after the other. We are coming Open the gate You can’t stop us Alasdair please. We have to come through, we have to make it right Alasdair Open this gate Alasdair Perez looked sideways, her eyes wide behind her glasses. “Ali...” BANG The tremor shook the facility, and the faintest hint of an electronic wail spiralled through the air. There was a yell and Dominic leant out, patting away flames on the sleeve of his shirt. “Another regulator’s bust. I need a spare now!” Salma rushed back to help, while Isabella leant forwards, her hands clasped in front of her. “I don’t think we can keep this up for long, Ali.” “We have to.” Alasdair closed his fist, and looked up at the locked-up gate as it strained against the unseen forces beyond the void. “We have to hold out for as long as we can. Nothing...nobody...comes through that gate.” There was another bang, as if in response. Alasdair watched as the guard split just a tiny bit, revealing the doorway to another world beyond, just for a split second. Please Alasdair this has to stop you have to let us in I’m begging you Alasdair PLEASE Crash The wall caved in, sending dust everywhere as the people inside raised their hands. They peeked out, seeing the imposing form of Ceratomon as he stared down at them, pushing the great beams out of the way. A child started to cry, and the dinosaur quailed, dropping back a little. “This isn’t r-really working...” “Oh, for crying out loud,” Mark leapt down, holding out one hand towards the family and one on his partner’s side. “We’re not here to hurt you. There’s a path outside the city but it won’t be there for long. You need to go now.” He stood back, allowing the people past him, out towards the outskirts of the high street. He watched them run, before Ceratomon placed the beam back down, forming a barricade across the road that he’d been trying to make. His frill glowed, and he held both mechanical palms against the pile, the pistons working. “Silver Siege!” The silver glow shimmered for a moment, before it transferred down his arms into the pile of rubble, seeping into the surface and forming a chrome coating. He pulled back, and tapped it with one finger, the barricade staying solid. “That’s one down.” Mark nodded, rubbing his hands together as he looked around at the wreckage. “This is going to take a while.” A little chirping sound came from his D-SEND, and he held it up, looking at the sky. “How are we doing, Jack? We haven’t missed anyone have we?” There was a rush of wind from above as Mistramon swooped overhead, with Jack replying on his back. “Nobody who doesn’t have another way out. We’re just gonna need to keep blocking off the big roads.” “Jack, watch out!” “Shit.” Mistramon dived sideways as a series of pellets came flying out in a spiral, scraping along his wings. He turned round to see a collection of FlyBeemon wielding repeating shrapnel guns behind him, trying to pierce his wings. They buzzed forwards, turning in formation and firing a number of spikes straight upwards. One of them pierced its target, shooting through Mistramon’s feathers and past Jack’s head as he yelped. “Spiral Force!” Mistramon corkscrewed, allowing his tail to play out as the twisting energy shot out in a front, scattering the three insects. Jack leant forwards, and knocked his partner upside the head. “Easy!” “I’m doing all I can!” Mistramon cooed in an irritated fashion, before something flashed in his vision and he whistled. “Uh-oh...we have bigger company.” Jack followed his gaze, before pulling his D-SEND up. “Mark, you have someone on your tail, you need to get out of there.” The older tamer nodded, and turned towards the incoming noise, when he suddenly felt something large and blunt strike his back. He stumbled forwards, and felt an arm lock itself around his neck, squeezing tightly. Ceratomon turned towards him, but a silver dart shot out of nowhere and struck the dinosaur on the neck, sending him staggering sideways as the volts made his body convulse. “Hey!” Mark heard hoarse laughter in his ear, and he ducked down, rolling his assailant over his shoulder before they could react. He threw them against the ground, where they cowered; a young man in a face-mask and holding a length of steel tubing staring up at him. Mark bent down, but another figure rushed out beside him, grabbing him by the collar and pushing him down with a far greater strength. Mark squinted behind his own mask, recognising him as one of Vex’s own. “I can tell...who’s had the practise here...” The hunter, Rick, turned sideways, throwing his baton to the other young man. “Quick, take down his pet before-“ “Incoming!” A flash of grey shot down from the sky, hooking itself onto the nearby roof as it stared down at them. Hoatzimon’s crest raised, and she flicked a series of valves on her battle-vest, her wings flickering. “BZ Blitzer!” Mark dived backwards, but the two humans were less lucky, caught by the explosion as it blew them backwards. Instantly there was a squeal as the younger of them doubled over, retching dryly from the acrid smog that billowed out from the impact zone. Mark was holding his breath, but he could feel his eyes watering from the stinging gas even as he tried to climb up and away from the dense cloud. He could see Hoatzimon still clinging to the roof, but she saw him, and flapped her wings as she made a dive for him. “I’ve spotted a tamer! Don’t let him escape!” Mark held out his arms as the bird tumbled into him, pressing him right back into the smog cloud. He kicked upwards, causing her body to convulse, but she raised her claws and scraped at his coat, aiming for his neck as her eyes flashed behind her gas mask. “Piston Punch!” With a roar, Ceratomon shot out from one side, his fist pounding into Hoatzimon’s wing. There was a crack, and she let out a caw, holding the buckled limb as she kicked outwards with both sharp legs. There was a whistling sound from up above as Mistramon flew downwards, Jack holding on tightly. “Hang on, we’re on our way!” “You’re not going anywhere.” In a flash of gold, yet another Digimon was in front of them; the Butterflymon from before, wings flickering as he held a thin tube in his arms. Another one of Rhyncomon’s devices; more responsive than it ever was. He raised the tube, and fired, a burst of flame erupting from the end as Mistramon curved upwards. “Pressure Wave!” The wind blew out in an arc, knocking back the flames and blowing a majority of the flame away. Mistramon cawed in triumph, when suddenly a stream of powder fell over his head and he felt his vision beginning to blur. Banking sideways, he flew directly into Butterflymon’s grasp as the insect stared into his eyes. “Your treacherous blood will perish.” “Honestly?” Mistramon moaned, and twisted to free himself from the bug’s grasp, flying upwards again far out of his reach. The eagle muttered to himself. “What is it about these guys and the dramatic? ‘Your treacherous blood?’ Why not just be honest and say you hate my guts?” He felt a pat on his shoulder, and glanced back to see Jack shaking his head. “We can argue about the wordplay later, I promise.” Down below, Hoatzimon found herself being pressed back by Ceratomon’s onslaught, although she kept him at bay with a few well-aimed pellets. That is, until she found herself in the clutches of Rick as he dragged her backwards, holding a small dagger against her other wing. She yelled, the charge making her feathers wilt. Rick yelled over his shoulder. “Now! Get the baton!” “Don’t even think about it!” Mark rushed forwards, barging into the other hunter and making him stumble. Mark reached out, wrapping his hands around the weapon and threatening to pull it from the others’ grasp. He was so preoccupied he didn’t notice Hoatzimon coughing maliciously, the cloud around her turning from yellow to orange. “Hazmat Haze!” ![]() The world turned purple as gas spiralled out from around her, hanging heavy in the air. For a moment the three humans and Ceratomon looked around, unsure what was happening as they covered their mouths. It seemed to be more docile than the other gas. More innocent. Then they looked up, and saw Butterflymon hovering overhead, his tube pointing straight down. “FUCK!” Rick figured it out first, kicking Hoatzimon away and making a run for it. Mark and the other hunter were bowled backwards by Ceratomon as he charged forwards, lifting them off the ground as, high above, Butterflymon pulled the trigger. “Burn.” Inez looked over her shoulder as the explosion billowed outwards, shaking the ground beneath her feet. For a brief moment she hesitated, pulling her hand up to her chest, before she heard a flapping of wings beside her and looked up to see Achromon flying by, with Kai balanced on his back. “We can check it out later. We have our own people to save.” The young man pointed forwards, to where a pair of small Digimon – a Hawkmon and a DemiVeemon – were clamouring against a fence, shaking the bars as they tried to get through. Inez clutched onto Kampoimon’s back as the seahorse began to canter forwards, spinning his great spear as waves whipped beneath his feet. “Out of the way!” The two Digimon looked back for a second, then leapt sideways as Kampoimon brought the lance down, splitting the railings down to the ground. He wrenched the lance sideways, forming an opening as Inez raised a hand. “Go. Get out, while you still can.” The Hawkmon nodded, picking up his friend, but the DemiVeemon squeaked indignantly, panic in her eyes as she pointed. Inez looked between them. “What’s wrong with her?” “There are several of us still stuck.” Hawkmon lowered his head as he pointed. “That...that man won’t let us out.” He looked hesitant for a moment, as if he was about to run back, but Achromon swooped down rapidly, blocking his movements. “Save yourselves. We’ll get them out. I promise.” Kai nodded at Inez, and she and Kampoimon began to run again as Kai ushered the two Digimon to safety. But he and his partner caught up in seconds; flying above the other two once again, having a slight mobility advantage over the seahorse. Inez smiled beneath her mask. “I suppose you must be quite used to this.” Kai scratched behind his head. “More than I’d like to be, honestly.” “I’m just happy to have someone around who know what they’re doing.” Inez looked down. “I haven’t been all that useful as of late.” “Can I give you some advice? Don’t beat yourself up in the middle of a battle.” “Right. Sorry.” “That’s no problem.” Kai laughed as they turned a corner. “Just some personal experience.” “Uh-oh...” Achromon’s beady eyes blinked forwards, and he pointed with a slender talon. “There’s our problem.” The four caught sight of Moda up ahead, one baton raised above him as a Dracomon tried desperately to stand between him and three other Digimon, who had been corralled back into a corner by the imposing hunter. The Dracomon had his fists raised, but the slashes and burns over his panting body showed that he wasn’t able to carry on for much longer. Achromon hissed, and swooped forwards, picking up speed. “Why don’t these guys ever quit?” “It is an obsession.” Kampoimon replied as he slowed, allowing Inez to slide off his back. “Allow me a second or two. Then please get the Digimon to safety.” Up ahead, Achromon was already making a beeline towards the man, his wings flapping more viciously as black flames erupted beneath them. “Darkfire Pulse!” Moda looked up, and held his arms as the waves of darkness slammed into him, knocking him back. The Dracomon dove to safety as the black dragon flew in, slashing at Moda’s hands as the man immediately tried to turn on him. Achromon was just slightly quicker, even with Kai holding onto his back, but Moda was no slouch to hand-to-hand combat, holding in a defensive position and lunging forwards with quick, wide swings. Kai leant too far sideways and one of them caught him on the leg, causing him to yell as the hot metal burned through the fabric of his trousers. Achromon’s eyes flashed, and he planted a palm forwards, knocking Moda back again. “Crushing Tide!” Achromon swooped sideways as the waters came flooding forth, catching Moda in the midriff. He held on for about a second, before he was knocked off his feet, the flash flood slamming him back into a wall. Kampoimon rushed forwards to join Achromon in battle, while Inez crouched next to the oppressed Digimon, raising her mask and smiling. “Hi there. Your friends have a way out; they asked us to come and get you.” The three Digimon behind looked at one another in fear, as Dracomon held one shoulder, sniffing. “I’m...I’m sorry...I tried but I wasn’t...strong enough...” “Hey, hey hey.” Inez reached out, patting the little reptile on the shoulder. “Tears later, alright? We’re gonna get you all out.” She held the dragon’s hand, and the three other Digimon followed as she ran back the way they’d come. Behind her, Moda was struggling to get up, winded by the sudden blow as Achromon hovered in front of him. “What do we do with him? He’s not giving up unless we make him-” Snck “Agh!” The spine shot out from one side, slicing past Achromon’s arm and slamming into Moda’s side. The hunter let out a yell of pain, and held out a hand, but another spine shot forwards and caught him in the wrist, wrenching his arm backwards. Achromon and Kampoimon turned, but they missed the flicker of light as it flew sideways, before unfurling itself in front of Inez and the escaping Digimon. Pteroimon made a little cooing noise, his fins flickering. “Oh, dearie dearie dear. This just won’t do at all.” Dracomon pulled at Inez’s hand, but she was frozen in place as she looked up at the leering lionfish above her, his lips parted in a hideous grimace. She could feel her vision going dark, her heart tightening in her chest. “No...not here...” “Inez! No!” Kampoimon thundered forwards with a roar, spinning his lance behind him as lights danced around the end. Dracomon shoved the girl sideways as her partner reared up, fixing Pteroimon with a dead-eyed glare. “Equus Harpoon!” Lyra ducked down, pressing her head into Orizumon’s neck as he swerved back and forth. She groaned, clenching her stomach as she felt the contents shifting – due to the motion, possibly, but the stress certainly. “Please tell me why I volunteered to do this?” Orizumon’s beady eye flicked back. “ Are you having second thoughts?” “I am having all the thoughts and they keep changing and I want to cry.” Orizumon frowned, as much as he could manage with his elongated beak. Lyra held onto his neck, staring out at the buildings whipping past. There was a flash of white, and Luminemon rose up beside her, holding Eloise on her back. The dragon pulled in closer, allowing the young woman to raise her mask, showing her look of concern. “Are you doing okay? You haven’t been in anything of this scale before, have you.” Lyra stuck her lips out. “Is this the kind of thing you people enjoy?” “What do you mean, ‘us people’?” Luminemon gave a sheepish smile. “You’re one of us now.” “Hnnnmnmnmn.” Lyra stuck her neck into her partner’s ribboned mane, feeling the weight of her violin over her back. Orizumon bumped his wings up a couple of times, shaking her back to reality. “It’s going to be fine. I’m with you, always.” “Thanks.” Lyra peered over the side, watching the roads below. “I really appreciate that right now, to be honest.” “DUCK!” Luminemon shouted, dropping like a stone as he wings spread wide. Lyra didn’t even have time to comprehend the motion before Orizumon was doing the same, just fast enough to stop his partner being decapitated by a flying piece of road. The crane spiralled sideways, dodging yet another one, although Luminemon was less lucky this time as it struck her tail, causing her to lurch upwards. She squinted down, and nodded. “Someone’s having fun.” Cho-Hakkaimon was stood in the central plaza, currently mashing up the brickwork with her vast meat hammer. She reached down, picked up a chunk of concrete and looked around with an evil glint in her eye, fixing them on the dragon and the crane up above. She hoisted the chunk of rubble upwards, spun on the spot, and hit it towards them like a bullet from a cannon. They split, watching the shard fly over the high street and embed itself in a church roof, causing the bell tower to bong ominously. Eloise pulled her mask back down. “That’s a health hazard and a half. We need to put a stop to that.” Lyra squeaked. “We?” “Between the two of us, we can probably slow her down at least.” Elosie looked over at the younger woman, her eyes sharp. “If it’ll stop more people dying, we have to do what we can.” Lyra swallowed, gripping onto the crane’s neck even more. But she nodded, beckoning him on. The two dived, with Orizumon swooping either side of the slightly less agile Luminemon, forming a more difficult target for Cho-Hakkaimon to home in on. She saw their approach, and grinned to herself, swinging her hammer wide and spinning it in her hands, little rockets bursting from the ends. “Come and ‘ave a go then, ya bastards!” With a grunt she slammed the spinning mass into the remaining pavement, ripping up further chunks and pebble-dashing them upwards towards her assailants. Luminemon flew forwards, her eyes glowing as she blasted through the worst of it with an arc of light. Eloise kept her head down, pointing frantically. “Find a blind spot, find a blind spot!” “On it.” “DADADADADADADADADADADADA!” Orizumon’s wings whistled, already full of little holes as he spiralled sideways. He arched his body, pointing his beak down at Cho-Hakkaimon from the side, where her massive pig-mask prevented her from seeing him. He held his breath, and nudged Lyra. “You know how tight you’re holding right now? Even tighter.” He began to descend, folding his wings back as Lyra clung on for dear life. “Lethal Edge!” The crane folded at the last second, shooting past Cho-Hakkaimon. She barely dodged him, but it wasn’t quite quick enough, as his bladed wing shot through the side of her mask, causing it to deflate with a sad little whimper. Cho-Hakkaimon held a hand up to the torn garment, before glaring up at him, steam pouring from her nostrils. “I DON’T LIKE YOU!” She roared, raising the hammer above her head and slamming it into the ground, causing blocks of concrete to flip upwards. She twisted the weapon and brought the shaft forwards like a pool cue, shoving the block upwards into Orizumon’s flank. The crane let out a pained sigh, his side crumpling a little as he crashed and stumbled off a nearby roof, just managing to remain airborne. “Photon Cannon!” With a snort, Cho-Hakkaimon raised the weapon again, but a blast of light struck the head and caused her to stagger sideways. Luminemon dove in, slashing with her bronze talons, but Cho-Hakkaimon just spun the shaft, before shoving the dragon away, giving her a punt in the chest for good measure. “An’ stay out!” “You need a time-out.” Orizumon flew dangerously low, striking out with his own claws that raked the pig-woman across the shoulder. As she raised her arm, Orizumon spun, trails of light already unravelling from his wings. “Regal Spinner!” Cho-Hakkaimon swung forwards, but her arms were caught in trails of light, wrapping around her and scorching her flesh. She hissed, but the crane was faster than she was, turning around and around as the ribbons tightened further, binding her arms inwards. Luminemon landed for a brief second, giving her wings a momentary rest as she grinned. “That’s it. Don’t let her go anywhere.” There was a squeal as Cho-Hakkaimon turned her head towards the dragon, the ribbons twisting the battered pig mask. “That’s what you ‘fink.” She charged forwards without warning, her legs still just free enough of the ribbons to ram directly into the dragon’s chest. Luminemon fell backwards, Eloise rolling off her and crashing to the rough ground with a whoof of pain. “Eloise!” Lyra held out her hand, forcing Orizumon to back away as Cho-Hakkaimon launched a spinning kick at it. It missed, but the movement gave her enough strength to break one arm out of her bindings, her great hammer bursting free. Driven by manic rage and momentum, the warrior spun on her tiptoes and launched the flat of the hammer directly into Orizumon’s chest. “Kyoushin Homerun!” “LYRA!” The impact sent the crane flying skywards, his already-light body fluttering behind him as Lyra clung on with everything she had. Eloise could only watch as the two sailed over the rooftops, with Orizumon desperately trying to right himself the whole way. “Photon Cannon!” Eloise leapt back as her partner spread her wings, firing light into Cho-Hakkaimon’s face, but it did little more than singe her as she swung the hammer again, cracking it beneath the dragon’s chin. Luminemon coughed, but remained standing, her wings glowing. “White Lightning!” Cho-Hakkaimon spun as more trails of light followed her, continuing the job that Orizumon had started. She struggled, Cho-Hakkaimon trying to spun herself out of her multiple bindings as she swayed and gnashed at the air. Eloise looked between her partner and towards the roofs behind her, staring to see any sign of Lyra or Orizumon. Luminemon saw her, gritting her teeth as her feet dug into the ground. “I’m sure...they’re fine...” “Did you see that hit? It almost tore through him!” “Eloise...” “I don’t...I can’t-“ Eloise took a step, but froze in her tracks, watching as a group of people burst around the corner. Vex stood at the head, his shoulders heaving as he held his arm awkwardly, still injured from a couple of nights prior. But he turned towards them, and pointed, his new hunters already moving at his command. Eloise backed away, holding onto her partner. “Oh no...” A cacophony of sounds erupted from outside the covered market, and Sara held her arms out. She looked up, stopping the group of teenagers from going out as a Parrotmon tumbled overhead, one wing currently aflame. She peered out as it crashed a few streets away, before looking across the street. “Come on, come on, anybody, please...” “You look like you need some help.” Sara turned, nodding as she saw Kevin approaching with his own group trailing behind him; a couple of children, all holding In-Training Digimon in their arms. The young man himself adjusted his glasses, looking inside at the woman’s own charges. “I guess you had the same idea. Are you sure you’re up to it?” “Excuse me, I probably have more stamina than you,” huffed Sara, rolling her fingers. “I do pilates.” “Capoeira over here.” Kevin tilted to one side, beckoning the people in hiding and pointing. “Can you guys look after each other? There’s a free path down Edmund Street; get out of here as soon as you can.” A couple of the teenagers headed forwards, but froze, looking at the cowering creatures in the children’s arms. They looked at Sara for assurance, but Kevin planted his hand against the wall. “I know what you people are thinking and stop it. They’re as much victims in this as you are. I’m not having anyone else get hurt because you can’t see past that.” The two at the head still looked uncertain, but one of their party pushed past them, standing in front of the children as she looked back. “He’s right. First priority is to get everyone out of here.” She narrowed her eyes, her hair blowing to one side. “Everyone.” Kevin stood back, as the two groups converged, heading down a road to the left and sticking as close to the buildings as they could. Kevin sighed, leaning back against a wall. “This really shouldn’t be my responsibility to be doing this...” Instinctively, his hand went down to his pocket, and he pulled out the black D-SEND, looking at the dulled screen for any glimpse of life. Sara caught his expression, and gave him a quick pat on the shoulder. “We’ll find Owen, alright?” “Yeah, yeah, I know, hope springs eternal and all that, but still...” The boy looked up. “He’s caught up in this as well, somewhere. And he doesn’t even have Simeamon with him.” “Lucky Doubloon!” “SHIT!” Kevin lunged forwards as Sara pushed him, the coin barely missing the back of his head. He turned, and began to run, but a whipping sound came from behind him and he found himself crashing to the ground, his legs entwined in stinging vines. Rolling over, he saw Liopramon and Alraumon bearing down upon him, with hardened stares on their faces. Liopramon grinned, completely without his usual humour. “I never realised until now how much you were all so god-damned annoying...” “Get off him!” Alraumon flinched, but didn’t release her grip as she turned towards Sara, who was holding an umbrella out in front of her, keeping herself as sturdy as she could. She jabbed again, but Alraumon just brushed her away, grinding her teeth. “Liopramon, can you hurry it up?” The leprechaun cast a sideways eye towards Sara, before tutting, raising a shimmering glove. “One after the other. Always the same story.” He sneered. “You people are just...pathetic.” “Icicle Barrage!” The leprechaun jerked as the ice slammed into him, sending him off his balance. Alraumon twisted, but also caught a face full of ice which slammed into her, sending her into the wall and locking her in place. Her vines shrivelled, snapping as Kevin pulled himself out of her grip. She watched in irritation as Alopemon rushed forwards, Grace perched on top of her back with her hair whipping out behind her. “Bastards! Vanishing Cap!” Liopramon flicked his hat and disappeared in a puff of smoke, reappearing beside Kevin as he held his gloves out. “Don’t come any closer, or I’ll-“ He didn’t get any further as Kevin thrust his elbow up, slamming it into the leprechaun’s chin. Liopramon staggered, and the young man pushed himself to his feet, swinging his leg out as he did so and knocking the leprechaun down. He took three steps back, holding a bruised arm as he pointed. “I am not gonna be your hostage, dude! I utterly refuse!” “You little...Lucky Doubloon!” Liopramon raised a glove, but a sudden strike to the chest made his aim go wild, the shot slamming into the brickwork above Sara. The leprechaun stared up as Alopemon reared over him, holding her feet up and slamming them into his head. He swayed, unable to dodge as yet more ice slammed into him, pinning him down to the ground. Alopemon landed again, her breath coming out in clouds as Grace dismounted from her back, looking at the two civilians. “If I told you both you weren’t supposed to be out here, would you listen?” Sara scratched behind her head. “Not really. There’s a lot of people need help out there.” “That’s fair. Just try not to become part of them; there are far more dangerous guys around than-“ BOOOOM The three humans and the fox stumbled mid-sentence as the ground beneath them shook with a horrific impact, and they looked up towards the epicentre. From his icy prison, Liopramon snickered, his breath coming out in compressed gasps. “You’re done for now...all of you are done for now!” A shadow passed over the road, followed by the huge, hulking body of Sciamon as he turned the corner, his great arms sweeping through nearby roofs as if they were made of matchsticks. He seemed to move as if in a dreamlike state, his single leg rolling forwards and chewing up the ground beneath him, like a great earth mover. Grace, Sara and Kevin stared in horror at the leader of the Sanctuary Crusade. Then their horror rose further, as they saw the shivering figure of one of Vex’s army crawling in the grip of one of his hands, and the pathetic sparks coming from another one as they desperately slashed at his single leg. Sciamon paused, bringing his left hand up in front of his helmet as his eye focused on the squirming man in his grasp. “Your resolve is admirable. But your time is up.” ![]() “Grace!” Alopemon knelt down as her partner leapt onto her back, before she immediately began to run, ice spinning around her as she tried to get close. But the giant was already holding his arm up, the fist glowing with a blinding light and obscuring the hunter’s figure. Alopemon fired a spiralling barrage of shards, but it was too late. From down below, Nile held up his arm as he yelled out. “JAI!” “Stardust Resonance!” Sciamon swivelled on his leg as he brought his arm down, releasing Jai from his hand and flinging him into the nearest wall. There was a blinding light as the wall collapsed inwards, leaning sideways, and Grace found herself staring as Jai’s body slumped forwards, tumbling down the brickwork and landing in a broken heap on the ground, his scorched red hoodie letting off smoke. Grace felt her breath catch in her throat, but a jolt from Alopemon brought her back into focus, and she stared up as Sciamon looked first at his palm, then down at her, his eye seeming to refocus. “I see. The traitors are out in force.” Grace stepped back, looking over her shoulder as she pulled out her D-SEND. “Sara, Kevin, run! Now! Don’t look back!” Kevin stood rooted in place momentarily, until Sara reached out, pulling him backwards and into the covered streets where Sciamon – for the moment at least – couldn’t follow. Not that he intended to, as his blazing gaze was focused entirely on the ground in front of him, where Grace and her partner were resonating with blue energy. “Alopemon, Soul Reverberate!” Sciamon straightened up, rolling his shoulders as Alopemon morphed into Tupilamon in front of him, her icy spines quivering and her eyes flashing yellow. Grace stood just behind her, her mask discarded as she stared up at him with defiance in her eyes. The giant let out a rumble, his single leg smoking from the sheer effort of keeping him upright. He held up his arms, clasping his fists together as lights spun around them from his gauntlets. “For your sake, I pray that your deaths will be quick.” “Screaming Storm!” “Stardust Resonance!” “Rogue Blade!” Highwaymon dived down, holding a dagger in his right hand as he slashed forwards, leaving a trail of red energy in its wake. He didn’t get far before the blade was stopped dead in its tracks by Oryxmon’s horns, and the goat shoved her head upwards, knocking the bandit’s arm away. “Mystic Bell!” Highwaymon grimaced as the great bell around the goat’s neck swung, sending out a ringing toll that echoed through his head, blocking out his senses in great waves. Temporarily frozen by the sound, he was unable to dodge as Oryxmon reared up and slammed her head into Highwaymon’s chest, throwing him backwards. Oryxmon huffed, swaying her head back and forth. “Please reconsider. We shouldn’t be fighting like this. We are of the same blood.” Highwaymon cackled, sheathing his dagger and holding his hand beneath his jacket. “Yeah, um...unnecessary violence is kind of my thing.” “I see. Then I give you my apologies.” Oryxmon began to gallop forwards, holding her head down as his horns threatened to crack the bandit’s body open. But Highwaymon rolled out the way just before impact, his tail coiling around the goat’s hind leg. Oryxmon stumbled, but remained standing, the barbs from Highwaymon’s tail drawing blood. She turned, and readied herself to charge again, but Highwaymon was on one knee with both flintlocks in his hands. “Purgatory Pistols!” He fired, but Oryxmon swept her head left and right, deflecting the red energy as she got closer. She reared, and Highwaymon saw his chance, firing again directly into the great bell around the goat’s neck. The tone bellowed out, causing Highwaymon’s eyes to water, but it also distracted Oryxmon as pain rocketed through her own head. The split second was all Highwaymon needed to reach out and grab the goat by one horn, wrestling her down and pointing a pistol down at the jewel in the centre of her head. “Highwaymon, wait!” “Purgatory Pistols!” There was a flash of red, and Oryxmon’s eyes glazed over as she went down. Highwaymon hopped off, brushing down his jacket as Nicholas marched up to him, punching him in the arm. “I thought we agreed we were gonna be gentle!” Highwaymon blinked. Then he held an arm out behind him, gesturing at the goat’s body; completely out cold, but heaving up and down as she breathed. “I know, I know, no killing. I do remember.” Nicholas folded his arms, letting out a breath from behind his scribbled-on mask. “That’s still a funny interpretation of the word ‘gentle’.” Highwaymon raised an eyebrow. “You’re making a funny interpretation of the promise ‘ I’ll stay out of trouble Grace, don’t worry, I won’t get involved. ’” “Well, yes, but that was never going to happen. And Grace isn’t here, so...no harm no foul, right?” “You’re a bit of a dick sometimes, you know that?” Nicholas gave a half-shrug, before the shattering of glass behind him got his attention. He beckoned the bandit as he began to run. “Come on, we have more work to do.” “We?” Highwaymon rolled his eyes as he rushed forwards, his jacket tails flapping behind him. “Where’s the ‘we’ in all this?” Nicholas turned the corner first, skidding to a halt as he saw the other battle going on. A Lilamon was crouched on one knee, driven into a corner as she held her hands up in front of her. The petal-like skin was scorched and blackened as it was slashed by the two hunters in front of her, striking again and again. Highwaymon caught up, and loaded his guns in an instant, aiming while on the run. “Purgatory Pistols!” The red pellets shot forwards, flying just in front of the hunters and driving them backwards. One of them flailed wildly, grabbing the other as she raised her fists against the boy and the bandit. “Idiots! What do you think you’re doing?” “Brom, watch out!” Without the constant pressure, Lilamon unfurled beside the two, her innocent face twisted in contempt as she pulled a string of devices out from beneath her petals. There was a click, and the devices burst open with a horrendous flash, sending both the hunters staggering back. Nicholas winced beneath his mask. “Oh dang...” Raif held her lance up hesitantly, but Brom grabbed her arm and pulled her away, still holding an arm over her face. “Get out of my way!” “Lila Shower!” Brom ducked slightly too late as the petal-filled beams dug into her left shoulder, searing through the leather and skin. She hissed, and lunged out, striking Lilamon’s thigh with her wired gauntlets. The dryad fluttered upwards, strafing the pair with more energy beams as her eyes twitched. “You...you pitiful creatures...you hateful creatures...this is too good for you!” Nicholas nudged Highwaymon on the back, but before his partner could move there was a flash of red as somebody barrelled past them, a ring of blue circling around his midriff. “Royal Flint!” Brom turned on her heel as she saw Martyaxmon approach, the chain of beads spinning around him. She tried to back away, but the chain crashed into her side, sending her stumbling into the wall. Raif ran towards her, but Brom held an arm out, pulling her out of harm’s way as the bead chain flew downwards. “You’re all the same! You’re all nothing but miserable piles of dust!” Brom raised her gloves, but the chain swept by again, knocking them away with a crack. “Fight me!” Martyaxmon huffed, and padded at the ground, his paws heating up with a flaming energy. “I don’t have time for someone like you.” “Bastard! I’ll-“ “Crimson Wrath!” Martyaxmon punched the concrete with a crack, sending a shockwave of flame flying out towards the two hunters. They backed away, unable to penetrate the heat, before retreating for good, Brom’s hand clutched around Raif’s as she dragged her back. Martyaxmon snorted, releasing a puff of flame from his nostrils. Then he turned, staring up at the Lilamon as she stared down. Her face twisted again, this time into an expression of abject terror. “It’s...it’s...it can’t be...not you...” She shook her head, clutching her arms as she squirmed in mid-flight. “Not again! Not...the Red Beast...not again...no...NOOOOO!” She turned on her heels with a scream, and flapped away into the air, little segments of petal fluttering away behind her. Martyaxmon tilted his head, before sighing. “I suppose that reaction’s not going away anytime soon.” “You!” The manticore turned, and stepped nonchalantly through the flames as he saw Highwaymon blocking his path, his pistols dangling beside him as he stared in shock. “You...we...what are you still doing alive?” Martyaxmon growled. “I don’t appreciate people butting into my business.” “You’re a war criminal.” “And you’re a crude bastard. What’s your point?” Highwaymon loaded one of his pistols, his tail swerving behind him, when all of a sudden a little head popped out from the back of Martyaxmon’s mane, holding a hand out in peace. “Woah, woah, big guy. It’s alright. You guys too.” Nicholas raised his mask, squinting. “Monkey-lady? From the other night?” “It’s Simeamon, dickweed.” “What are you doing?” Martyaxmon looked behind him at the monkey. “You know them?” “Ish.” “Are they the ones causing trouble around here?” Simeamon gave a non-committal shrug. “Honestly? These two? Jury’s still out on that.” Nicholas raised a finger, before curling it up again. “You know what? That’s probably fair.” Martyaxmon ran his tongue over his teeth, before walking ahead. “I’m going to assume you two are trying to calm things down a little.” “And what about you?” Highwaymon folded his arms, still keeping a hand on the handle of his pistol. “This place has seen enough death today without you getting involved.” “Wazzat?” Highwaymon looked down, seeing Simeamon’s own laser gun poking out of Martyaxmon’s neck fluff. But the manticore let out a low growl, and she lowered it again, merely fixing the boy and the bandit with a hard stare. Martyaxmon looked over his shoulder. “Just stay out of my way.” He ran off, leaving flaming pawprints behind him as Nicholas and Highwaymon stared. The boy rubbed beneath his chin. “Well he seemed pleasant enough.” “Don’t even start.” Highwaymon pulled the brim of his hat down. “Just when I thought this situation couldn’t get any more messed up...” “I’m sure there’s time for thinking about that later.” Nicholas pulled his mask down, and pointed over his shoulder. “Shall we continue?” “Sure. Whatever.” Kokabuterimon wheezed as he fell backwards, his front armour cracked by the intense blow. He tried to open his wings, but his rear carapace was buckled from the repeated onslaughts and wouldn’t respond. He could only stare up as Dula stood over him, her lance in her wounded hand, releasing sparks. “You won’t sully my home anymore.” “Karatakewari!” The woman looked to one side as Hyokomon ran forwards as fast as she could, her tiny sword raised above her head. She huffed, and kicked outwards, sending the chick rolling back into the ruined school hall, where Suricamon scurried after her in a panicked manner. Kokabuterimon rolled over, reaching out with a claw as he tried to get up, but he felt Dula’s foot press against his back, pinning him in place. “You should never have come here.” “NO!” Suricamon held her hand out as Dula brought the lance down into the small of Kokabuterimon’s neck. He jolted, the charge coursing through him and cracking his joints. Then he fell still, silvery dust already pouring from his dead-eyed carcass. Suricamon ground her teeth together, holding her shovel in a shaking paw as she yelled out. “Troopmon, do it now!” There was a burbling from behind a curtain, and Dula turned just as a barrage of plasmic bullets struck her in the torso. She fell sideways, coughing from the impact as she held her wounded side, before straightening her helmet and running towards the rubber creature. “It doesn’t matter how many you send...I...I will stop you! ” Troopmon panicked, stepping backwards and trying to fire again, but Dula was too fast for it, holding her lance to one side and slashing it across the stomach. The rubber opened, plasma dripping out as it took a swing at her head, its metal fist colliding with her helmet. But even as she went down, she grabbed the pipe of its gas mask, yanking the hose away and causing it to spray everywhere. “You’re...all...going...to DIE!” “THAT’S ENOUGH!” The wall caved in as Andriamon crashed through, her shoulder spines glowing intensely as Lonnie held tightly to her back. She bounded across the wooden floor, bringing a hand back and swiping it into Dula. The hunter fell once again, but got up quickly, pulling a stun gun from her jacket and pointing it up at the amphibian. “I’ve had it with you!” She fired, and Andriamon’s body jerked, causing Lonnie to roll away and land awkwardly beside her. She looked up, breathing heavily as Dula focused her attention forwards. “You people are worse than them! There’s nothing you can do! They will kill us!” ![]() “You’re the ones killing them!” yelled Lonnie, holding her D-SEND so tightly she thought she might break it. “It’s been four years since the gate opened. Is this the only thing you could think of?” “They can’t LIVE with us!” “Have you even given them that chance?” Dula let out a roar, and ran forwards, holding her lance out and ramping up the charge as she swung at Andriamon. The salamander raised a palm, throwing the hunter to one side, before lunging out with a spring-loaded leg. Dula tumbled backwards, crashing into a tower of mats stacked at the end of the hall. But she still kept moving, her chest racking with coughs as she began to charge again. Andriamon’s eyes flared, and she raised a hand before Lonnie could stop her. “No, wait!” “Barberous Blaze!” Andriamon aimed downwards, the flames striking the centre of the floor. Dula held her arms up as they spread wide; somewhat restrained, but barricading off one side of the hall, preventing the hunter from getting any closer. Andriamon fell backwards, breathing heavily from exhaustion and the multitude of knocks she had taken. Lonnie stepped backwards, her breathing ragged from her own exertions. The mask was pressing in against her face; buckled now, and holding back her breathing. She looked down, seeing Hyokomon stood beside her, holding up a shaking blade. Behind her lay the deflated body of Troopmon, just a prone sack of rubber now. Suricamon knelt down beside him, holding her shovel in both hands as tears streamed from her face. “Why...why are we doing this...” “It’s all YOUR FAULT!” Lonnie turned sideways as Dula ran forwards; not towards the Digimon, but towards her. She raised her arms as the hunter slammed into her, knocking her back into the office door. It caved in from the impact, the glass shattering behind her. Lonnie cried out, feeling shards digging into her back as Dula’s hand came up for her throat. Lonnie could hear her short breaths behind cracked helmet. “Your...your people brought them here! You opened that gate. You’ve doomed this world!” Lonnie struggled, but the woman’s hands dug further around her throat, pressing inwards even through her thick coat. The girl tried to reply, but her voice was tightening. She struggled around her, still holding her D-SEND as she tried to escape. There was a crash, and Dula fell sideways, a chair striking her over the back. Lonnie rolled up, taking in gasping breaths as she looked up at her saviour. She gasped, holding her hand over the mouth of her mask. “Courtz?” Courtney stood above her, the flatpack chair in her hand as she stood breathing heavily. Harriet was behind her, clutching onto her friend’s shoulders as she looked away, her face pale. Lonnie pushed herself to her feet, and gave a slightly dazed wave. “I thought you might have disappeared by now.” “We meant to. Just got kind of stuck here.” Courtney held her fist to her mouth as she stifled a laugh. “Has anyone told you that you look ridiculous?” Lonnie placed a hand to her face, feeling the cracked plastic of her mask. She sighed, shaking her head. “What have I been doing...?” With a fluid movement she pulled her hood down, and pulled the mask from her face, placing it on the shelf beside her. She beamed at the two girls, nodding at the chair. “Cheers for that. You’re pretty handy with one of those.” “...why...” Lonnie jumped back as Dula rose up beside her, trying to move against the shelves. She reached for her weapon, but something cracked and she arched her back in pain. She bent double, her hands clawing at her helmet as she pulled it away from her head. Courtney’s eyes widened, and Harriet stifled a shriek. Lonnie just looked with tired eyes as the familiar face of Ms Fitzgerald was revealed; bruised, bleeding from the lip, but definitely recognisable. She stared at the three girls, pain and exhaustion evident on her face. She focused on Lonnie. “...why did it have to be you? I...I was trying to keep you safe, all of you. Why...why don’t you understand?” Lonnie stepped forwards, reaching out and pulling the lance from her old dean’s weakened grip. She broke the wires, and slammed the pole against the nearest bookshelf, breaking it in half. “I never understood nothin’, miss. But I know you’re not gonna save anyone like this.” Jan looked back into her eyes, trying to muster up some reply. But she came up blank, her legs giving way from beneath her as she slid down, her body giving up. Lonnie placed her hands in her pockets, exhaling heavily. “Aiiiieeee!” Harriet pointed wildly, and Lonnie looked up to see Andriamon bent double in the doorway, peaking in with her vicious reptilian eye. “Um...am I interrupting anything?” Lonnie smiled, and walked forwards, running her hand over the giant salamander’s snout. She looked back, nodding at Harriet and Courtney. “This is Dendromon. Or Andriamon right now. She’s my best friend and I love her. Sorry for the misunderstanding a couple weeks ago; you all caught us at a bad moment.” Andriamon seemed to blush, and stepped back, clearing her throat. “It’s...um...it’s not safe here.” Harriet clung even more tightly to Courtney, but Courtney just walked forwards, still clutching the chair as she stepped out into the foyer. Harriet had her eyes shut tight as she passed Andriamon, but Courtney stopped, patting her friend on the shoulder. “It’s alright, girl. We’ve got someone cool looking out for us.” Lonnie beamed, and Courtney gave a nod back, her hair dislodged. “Where are you going now?” Lonnie’s face hardened, and she looked down at the D-SEND in her hand, glowing a bright, brilliant orange. “To find Vex. Or Sciamon. Or both if we need to.” Harriet peeked over Courtney’s shoulder, letting out a whisper. “Who are...I don’t...why? Why do you have to do this?” She patted Andrimon’s shoulder, and as the giant salamander crouched down, she leapt onto her back. With gentle footsteps they walked past the girls, Lonnie looking down as her pigtails blew in the draft. “’Cause I promised I was gonna save the world, Harriet. Me, Dendromon, my friends; together, we’re gonna bring this all to an end.” TO BE CONTINUED... |