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The sounds of the battle grew ever more worryingly intense outside, as Reynarimon curled up even more. He ground his teeth beneath his mask, feeling sick. The first couple of hours had been frantic, with Digimon of all kinds running through, grabbing whatever devices they could lay their hands on. But now, their little support group were locked away from the battle. The two Kokuwamon hovered next to a large pile of parts, tinkering absentmindedly, while Rhyncomon stood up on the mezzanine of the warehouse, staring out the window with his beady eyes. Reynarimon sighed, with three Kankomon lying sprawled out behind him, not in a good shape themselves. He moaned, and reached out for the multitude of drinks cans surrounding him, but all of them were empty. He crushed the one in his hand and tossed it aside, curling up even more. “I hope they don’t wreck too much. I’ve grown to appreciate these human inventions.” Rhyncomon’s eye flicked down. “I’ve noticed.” Reynarimon leant back, the painted grin on his face seeming very worn out. “Why did we have to get involved here? Those fanatics are gonna ruin everything.” “It was the best option.” Rhyncomon’s sword swayed as he walked to the rail of the mezzanine, leaning over. “Digimon will always overpower humanity; it’s a simple matter of inherent power. But as humanity becomes scarcer, they will become a valuable resource. It’s a balancing act. Either way, we have options going forwards.” He glanced aside. “Although I’d be lying if I said part of me wasn’t rooting for the human race to succeed this time. Our clients are horrifically mundane.” “Well that’s unfortunate to hear.” Reynarimon yelped, scrabbling upwards and crashing into a wall as he tried to run out of harm’s way. Rhyncomon merely raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you a little lost, Caesiumon?” The metal man smiled as he stepped out of the shadows, looking around the warehouse. “ I can see how you’ve gotten such good use out of this place.” Rhyncomon narrowed his eyes. “There’s a battle going on right now, Caesiumon. We’ve done our jobs. You should be doing yours.” “Yes, well, about that...” Caesiumon waved a hand around, little flecks of energy playing over his knuckles. “I just made a detour. I’m afraid your services are no longer required.” He thrust an arm out, flames shooting from the end and straight into one of the Kokuwamon. It squealed in sudden pain for a mere millisecond, before combusting from the inside out as blobs of metal flew everywhere; over the walls, the floor, and its companion. There was a mechanical screech as the other Kokuwamon ran sideways, with Caesiumon following its movements with another knuckle. “Iron Eclipse!” Rhyncomon moved in an instant, the black shockwave from his sword cutting against the air and slamming into Caesiumon. The metal man was ruptured into shards, flying everywhere from the impact. Rhyncomon’s wings flexed as he stood on top of the rail, staying perfectly balanced as his sword glowed with black light. “That was a stupid thing to do in front of me.” “I like to be direct.” Rhyncomon looked down at the metal man, hearing his gentle smirk as the parts of his body liquefied and reformed back together into their normal slender shape. The magpie remained unmoved. “I gave you a contract in good faith. I didn’t think your people resorted to body blows.” “I’m afraid we’ve been a little disappointed with your convictions,” said Caesiumon matter-of-factly, adjusting his lower jaw into place as he talked. “You don’t seem to completely share in our values.” He took a step, but Rhyncomon held his katana up, the blade shimmering. “That was never negotiable. I’ve made it clear all the way through that I don’t work for you.” “That we can handle.” Caesiumon stuck out his lower lip. “ More concerning is this little insurance you’ve been working on.” Reynarimon hiccupped, and held his hand to the front of his mask, looking up in panic at Rhyncomon. The magpie was frozen for a few seconds. Then he replied, still as deadpan as ever. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” “Oh come now. You’re a smart bird. We all need a side project. Perhaps just a little backup plan in case our herald Sciamon gets any more influential than you might like. Am I right?” Rhyncomon narrowed his eyes, giving no ground. But the metal man’s eyes darted down, seeing the magpie’s knuckles shift, tightening the grip on his sword. “My business is my own.” “Until it affects us. And I’m here to ensure that it doesn’t. Base Blaze.” Caesiumon’s hand opened like a flower, firing a spiral barrage of pellets up at the magpie. Rhyncomon dived down, the purple flames raining down above him as the entire warehouse shook. He planted his talons on the floor, before leaping forwards, spinning his body as he held his sword out in front of him. It sliced outwards, shattering a sculpture of metal just inches in front of Caesiumon. Rhyncomon strafed, avoiding a fist of flames to the face as the metal man lunged. “Obsidian Mist!” Rhyncomon flew upwards, black dust cascading below him and smothering Caesiumon in the blinding fog. He landed, turning on his foot, but was forced to go on the defensive, stepping back as a volley of metallic spears came flying out at him, one by one, from Caesiumon’s footsteps. Rhyncomon parried left and right, before hooking a crate with his left foot and throwing it forwards, where it was promptly impaled on a barrage of spears. Rhyncomon saw his chance, raising his sword in both hands. “Iron Eclipse!” The blow shot forwards, cleaving across the floor and shattering through Caesiumon’s body in an instant. Only his legs remained standing, and they were promptly blown away by a second swipe, shattering Caesiumon’s remains into miniscule fragments. Rhyncomon watched for a little while, but the fragments remained where they were. There was a shuffling beside him as Reynarimon crept forwards, gripped by a case of the shakes as the remaining Kokuwamon clutched onto his leg. “This doesn’t bode well, does it?” Rhyncomon straightened his sword, and rushed to one side, sweeping some crates away with a single arm as he uncovered a trunk in the corner of the room. “I miscalculated. I thought we were safe with zealots. You can usually count on them to be predictable.” He hissed, his eyes narrowing dangerously. “We’re going to have to relocate.” He sliced the side off the trunk, allowing a large holdall within to tumble out. The magpie clicked his beak as he reached down for it. “It’s deeply troubling that Sciamon has such a powerful ally at his disposal. Hypocrite. He should have come himself.” “Now there’s no need for that.” There was a flash of silver, and Rhyncomon cried out in pain as his right hand was impaled with several thin spears that came from the very walls. He stamped against the floor, and swung his sword, breaking the metal at the base as he pulled the holdall away. There was the sound of dripping behind him, and he turned to see Caesiumon’s torso poking out from the steel plated floor. “Our herald is very busy and he trusts me to make the right decisions. ” “Sigil Crypt!” There was a flash of smoke, and Caesiumon suddenly found himself overrun by a dozen Kankomon, each of them digging their claws into his metallic skin. Reynarimon stepped out behind him, holding several pipes between his fingers. “Rhyncomon, now! Break him apart and it’ll give us some time!” Rhyncomon held his sword in his left hand, but he was halted by the sound of Caesiumon snickering. The metal man twisted his head one-hundred–and-eighty degrees, staring blankly into Reynarimon’s face. “You still don’t understand. Are you aware of where it is you’re standing?” Drip. Drip. Reynarimon paled, his arms stiffening. “Shit...he’s in the walls...” It wasn’t just the walls. Rhyncomon and Reynarimon looked around them simultaneously, seeing the tiny, almost invisible threads of silver, travelling through every crack and every rivet, hiding in the corrugations and slithering beneath the panels. Caesiumon grinned, raising a hand and rubbing the fingers together. “There are a few things you should be aware of. I’m always prepared. I’m forever diligent. And I am very, very, flammable.” There was a high-pitched electronic squeak as the other Kokuwamon, unable to take the pressure anymore, made a break for it, his feet clanging across the floor. “Wait-“ Rhyncomon’s cry came too late as the door exploded in Kokuwamon’s grasp, sending a multitude of spears stabbing through his body at multiple angles. He squeaked, and the spears retracted, leaving him a twitching, disintegrating pile of scrap metal on the floor. Caesiumon smiled. Then he glanced up, and sighed. “I can see you.” Rhyncomon was already running, his wings and legs taking him from side to side as the warehouse erupted all around him. He flew towards a wall, but it ignited while he was in mid-air, sending purple flames in his direction. The magpie just barely managed to change direction, not without a few scorches as he headed for the window. The frame closed inwards, but the bird-man burst through it, staying out of reach of the deadly spears. He flapped on tattered wings, still holding his sword and the holdall, as he heard a desperate cry. “Rhyncomon, waaait!” “Reynarimon-“ The magpie paused, looking down at the centre of the warehouse. Reynarimon was still in place, his Kankomon army still wrapped around Caesiumon. But while he was holding so many, he couldn’t move, instead looking pleadingly up at his employer. “Help me...please...!” Rhyncomon pressed his beak together, hovering just outside the frame. “Remember what I told you when I met you. When we made our contract. Only your obedience, from now...” Reynarimon swallowed. “...until I’m...no longer needed?” Rhyncomon bowed his head. “I’m sorry, Reynarimon. Thank you for your service.” “Wait!” It was too late; the magpie had already disappeared from view. Reynarimon shuddered, suddenly feeling incredibly alone. There was a shuffling in front of him, and he suddenly realised that the multitude of Kankomon were bundled together closer than before. Recalling them, he saw they had been gathered round nothing. The fox man trembled, holding his elbows as his vision blurred from adrenaline, caffeine and terror. “I...I...Rhyncomon, I...I didn’t think-“ “He’d abandon you?” Reynarimon yelped, and made a run for any exit he could see, but he was forced back as a wall of purple flame erupted in front of him. He turned, but another one blocked his path, singing his coat. Everywhere he turned the flames burst out, until he was trapped in a ring of purple fire and acrid, metallic smoke. Reynarimon whimpered, his Kankomon now gathering around him as they echoed his misfortune. “I’m afraid all of us are expendable.” Reynarimon stared ahead, just briefly, looking for any other way out. But of course, there was nothing. No rescue. No ally. Nothing but the Kankomon around him. His hand went to his robe, and reached deep into an inside pocket. The Kankomon bristled as he brought out a small pipe; far smaller than any of his others. They coiled around him, holding their fuzzy bodies against him. He lowered his head, tapping them all on the mask, just for a moment. Then he raised the pipe up to his mouth, his hands shaking. “Tail Weeps Tale Ends Totem Sleeps Return my Friends” The pipe shattered, exploding into so many motes of dust. All the ones around his belt followed, and as they did so, the Kankomon vanished, spiralling away into so much inert gas. Reynarimon bent down, feeling more tired than ever now. “How touching.” Reynarimon froze, twisting round as he saw Caesiumon standing within the flames, his smile fixed and doll-like. He took a step forwards, holding his hands behind his back. “Don’t worry, kit. I’m not going to let you burn.” Without warning he lunged forwards, piercing Reynarimon’s mask with an outstretched hand, shattering the muzzle. Reynarimon scrambled, only able to make gagging noises as he felt the cold metal wrench its way into his mouth. “That would be too quick. And you talk too much.” ![]() Reynarimon gagged, feeling the slender rods of metal forcing their way further, down his throat, dripping into his stomach. He whimpered, his shattered mask hiding his tears. Caesiumon smiled amiably, tilting his head. “Volatile Grid.” Reynarimon juddered as the metal expanded, pressing further and further into his body. It split. It sharpened. It wrenched his arms and legs up, twisting them into a horrific star shape. Spears pressed out of his legs, his arms, his back, congregating on the ground and lifting him up. More holes burst through his mask as spears poked out of his eye sockets and ears, the metal ripping apart whatever mysterious face had once hidden behind that mask. His body spasmed once more, blossoming into a horrific flower of steel petals. And it fell limp, with only the nightmare armature holding it up. Caesiumon stretched his arm out, and snapped it off at the forearm, leaving the distracting piece of modern art hanging in front of him, with blood running down the pristine steel. The metal man huffed, regrowing his hand and rolling each of his fingers as he looked around. “What a complete mess.” He looked up at the window, letting out an exasperated breath. His arm shook, and he flicked something out the end; a small smartphone, not even moist from the wet metal. Caesiumon held it up to his head as he quick-dialled, strutting back and forth in front of his piece of revolting modern art. No answer. “I guess you’re tied up in all this like me. Ah well, no matter. We can chase this up later on.” He pulled the phone back and glanced down at him, his thumb splitting into webs as he wrote a quick message. He hit Send, and in seconds the phone sunk back inside his body, hidden from view once again. Caesiumon cracked his neck from side to side, before raising both hands, readying his fingers to click. “Time to clean up.” Rhyncomon cursed, veering sideways as the vast explosion sent shockwaves in his direction. He touched down on a rooftop, flapping wildly as he leapt over three, before finally coming to a halt. He looked back, seeing the column of purple smoke marking where the warehouse was no more. “Shit! Shit...fuck...god...DAMNIT!” Rhyncomon’s temper flared as he kicked outwards around him, caving in a TV aerial. He seethed for a moment, before forcing himself to calm down, taking scope of his situation. He was fine. He’d gotten out with minimal injury, considering. And he’d managed to keep his personal project, albeit in a slightly unfinished state. He glanced around him, seeing the remnants of battles still going on. He pulled the holdall up his shoulder, turning away. He didn’t owe anybody anymore. Now was the best time to retreat. Take stock. Make more plans. He’s only turned halfway, when he caught his breath, his eye focusing down below. It was some distance away, but it was unmistakable. The folded, slightly battered figure of Orizumon, slumped against the ground. And beside him, trying to stand him up... Rhyncomon tried to rationalise his thoughts, but he could already feel weeks of anger building, his spare hand already twisting down towards the handle of his katana. “You...” Down in the courtyard, Orizumon flinched, his neck feathers twitching as he stared straight ahead. Lyra noticed his look, and held the side of his beak. “What is it?” The crane’s head snapped sideways, and he looked up, spying his old employer on the rooftop. “Oh no...” “You...ruined...EVERYTHING!” Lyra’s eyes widened, hearing the voice as it bellowed across the rooftops. She turned to look at where it was, but Orizumon shifted beside her, holding his wings out as he took a stand. “Get behind me Lyra!” Rhyncomon’s keen echoed across the streets, mingling with the sounds of battle all around as he leapt skywards. His wings opened out. His blade glinted. Then he began to dive, spinning as he did so as his gaze was nothing more than a hateful yellow blur. “Iron Eclipse!” Pteroimon lurched out the way, cackling as he easily ducked beneath the laser. With a flourish he turned, spiralling out of Kampoimon’s reach as he stuck his tongue out. “Sniping Spine!” With a flick of his tail he shot a spear down, which pierced the webbing on Kampoimon’s hand. The seahorse whinnied in pain, ripping his hand free and stabbing upwards with the spear, firing another beam of light. This one flew close to the fish, sending him spinning away with a few frills trailing behind him. Kampoimon readied himself to run again, but he felt different. More drained, like his body were heavier than usual. He looked down, seeing his partner staring ahead, one hand on the side of her face. “Inez!” Kampoimon turned, crouching down gently as he looked at the girl. The Dracomon was beside her, pulling at her sleeve and looking in desperation at the seahorse. “Oh god, I think I broke her!” Kampoimon ignored him, instead pulling himself down as low as he could, keeping a couple of metres between him and his partner. “Are you alright? Can you hear me? It’s okay, alright?” Inez took in a breath, her eyes darting back and forth. She turned towards him, trying to take a step, but her legs were shaking uncontrollably. “I...I just...I can’t be like this, you have to-“ “IriDeathance!” There was a flash of light, and Kampoimon threw himself forwards, pushing Inez out the way of the rain of daggers as they ploughed into his back. The girl screamed, holding a shaking hand against his cheek as she stared up at the flying fish. He sneered, his body flashing with mysterious colours. “Such a waste, but none of you are worthy to be saved.” He narrowed his eyes at Inez. “How inconsiderate of you to taint our brethren. Nasty, selfish little girl.” “That’s quite enough of that!” Pteroimon choked as Achromon’s serpentine tail wound around his body, yanking him backwards. He squirmed, snapping at the wyrm’s arms as they held him in a deadlock, the spines already piercing them. Pteroimon spat, and changed tack, laying his spines flat as he slipped from Achromon’s grasp. He turned on his tail, firing three spikes with perfect accuracy, only narrowly dodged by Achromon as he built dark energy in his mouth. “Abyssal Beam!” The black laser strafed the sky, the intensity blinding Pteroimon for just a second. Achromon saw his opportunity and swiped forwards with his hooked talons, but Pteroimon rolled with the blow, letting his frills dance out as he did so. “Your ilk could never be saved anyway, Nightmare Soldier! IriDeathance!” Down below, Kai ducked the rain of projectiles as his partner struggled to grapple with the slippery creature. The young man crouched down, shuffling next to Inez as she lay in Kampoimon’s shadow, the seahorse breathing heavily. The Dracomon had long gone at this point, running for safety with the rest of his family. Inez looked up, her gloved hands grabbing at the rough ground. “I...I have to...get through this!” Kai gently held out a hand. “It’s okay, believe me. You’re doing the best you can-“ “No, I’m not! I’m l…losing it and I’m fucking it up!” Inez thrust her hand back, knocking Kai’s away as she stared up at him, her face only half hidden by a tilted mask. The young man could see the tears in her eyes as she shouted. “I’m only causing you all trouble! I’m making Syngnamon weak! It’s my fault! It’s always been my fault!” “Inez...” Inez pulled her mask away entirely, holding a hand against her mouth. “I thought I was getting better, but I’m...not...I’m just a drain on you…on everyone...I can’t handle it anymore...” “That’s not going to stop me.” With a great heave, Kampoimon rose beside her, flexing the muscles in his back as blood dripped from the shallow spine wounds. He hovered over her for a little bit, his eyes showing his fatigue. But he held himself tall regardless. “You want to do good in this world, and it’s my duty to aid you as much as I am able. Whether you can stand, whether you can fight, or whether all you can do right now is watch.” He turned, struggling to move as he felt his body get even heavier. But he forced himself to focus, staring at the battle a few metres above him as he raised his hand, his jewels glowing. “Crushing...TIDE!” With a melancholic roar he brought his hand down, an arc of water following his movements and spiralling out into the air. Achromon saw it and darted out the way, but Pteroimon caught it in the chest, sending his spin into a wild descent. Bedraggled, he hissed, turning back with fury in his eyes. But before he could charge, Achromon dove down, grasping Pteroimon by his head frill and building black light in his mouth. “Abyssal Beam!” The point-blank shot sent Pteroimon spiralling backwards with a screech, as the frills either side of his cheeks were wrenched from their sockets. He crashed into the wall behind him, slithering down the brickwork in a dazed fashion. Achromon hovered down slightly, and picked a stray spine from his shoulder as he turned towards Kampoimon. “Thanks for the assist.” “Heathens!” Pteroimon flashed angrily before them, his remaining spines pulsating wildly as they pumped full of venom. Flecks of spit fell from his mouth as his eyes flashed in and out of focus. “Spiteful, hateful, vile creatures! Know your place, all of you! The saviour will purge all your filth from this world; ALL of you will suffer, as is only just and right aaaaAAAAAAARGH!” There was a buzzing sound, and Pteroimon screeched as his back arched uncontrollably. He tried to turn, but a large, muscular arm bent around him from behind, holding a sparking baton against his neck. Pteroimon’s eyes widened as Moda held him close, grunting beneath his helmet as the fish’s spines flailed wildly, stabbing through leathers and skin. Pteroimon twisted the other way, eyes blazing as he bore his teeth. “VERMIN! DIE IN RIGHTEOUS AGONY!” He bent forwards, sinking his teeth into Moda’s shoulder. Blood spurted outwards, and the hunter staggered, but he raised his other arm, the second baton glowing white hot as he held it behind him. Pteroimon released his grip, but Moda reached up and grabbed his tongue, pulling him within reach as he slammed the baton up into Pteroimon’s neck. There was a flash and several arcs of lightning, so bright that both Inez and Kai covered their eyes. Kampoimon was the only one who watched, seeing Pteroimon’s body writhe and rip itself apart as his scream grew in pitch to an electronic hum. There was a blast of sparks, and the fish descended, his flesh half seared away and leaving just a disintegrating, smoking husk sprawled out on the ground. Moda leant back, still holding both batons as blood poured down his arms. Then he stood up, swaying a little, and turning his attention on Kampoimon and Achromon. He took a step. Then another. Achromon flew forwards, raising his arms, but he pulled back as he saw the hunter’s leg give way. Moda’s chest was soaking now, his shoulders shaking from blood loss and Pteroimon’s poison coursing through his body. Moda slumped forwards, coiling up as he hacked brutally beneath his helmet. He shook for a few more seconds, before laying still, bleeding out next to the lionfish. Kai looked away, not wanting to watch any more of the display. He held his shoulder, feeling incredibly stiff all of a sudden. There was the sound of whimpering beside him, and he looked down at Inez, who was still facing forwards, holding her hands over her face. The young man crouched down, running a finger on the ground in front of him. “It’s not your fault. They made their choices.” “They could still be alive if I’d been stronger.” “Don’t tell yourself that. It doesn’t help.” Inez swallowed, and let out a long breath, before staring up at Kai with eyes tired from crying. He held out an arm tentatively, and she nodded. The young man held her shoulders, holding her against him for a few seconds as she got her bearings. “That’s it, get out what you need to. No-one should have to see the shit we do.” ![]() Inez laughed mirthlessly, and sniffed. “I can see why you wanted to step back.” “Eh, most days are better than this one.” He pulled back, getting to one knee. “Are you alright? Can you stand?” Inez wiped her glasses on her jumper, nodding. Kai helped her up, where she wobbled a little, steadying herself on Kampoimon next to her. She looked up at the older tamer, who stared out into the streets. “In any case, there are still people out there that need our help.” Luminemon flapped upwards, straining against Cho-Hakkaimon’s struggles as the dragon faced down the approaching renegades. “White Lightning!” She thrust out more threads of light, but they were weaker this time, and the sheer number of people just vaulted through them. A few raised cables in their arms, throwing them against her legs and pulling her back. “Let go!” Eloise reached sideways as she tried to throw the cables away from her partner. She kept one eye out for Vex, but he’d already ran past her, holding a charged spike in his hand as he rushed towards the bound Cho-Hakkaimon. “”Luminemon, he’s gonna kill her!” “She’s going to kill him!” “We have to figure something out before-“ Crack “Eloise!” The woman tumbled sideways, struck in the side of the head by a stone thrown from the ground. Eloise hit the feathers of Luminemon’s wing before rolling downwards, landing loosely on the ground below. She looked up, dazed, as she noticed the new hunters already coming for her. “No...” “GET AWAY FROM HER!” With a great flapping of her wings Luminemon rose skywards, the previous threads of light dispersing as she hovered over her partner. Her eyes glowed with a bright light, glaring at the masked figures below. “PHOTON CANNON!” She strafed wide, the intense beam scorching into the earth and causing the group to scatter in panic. Luminemon flew back, firing once again as she carved the group away from her partner, waiting her moment. “Eloise, grab on!” The young woman was just with it enough to reach upwards, grabbing Luminemon’s bronze claws as they closed ever so precisely around her body. The dragon felt a burning sting against her left leg, and she glared backwards, swinging her tail against the gathering foes. Already the hunters were regrouping; throwing more cables, rocks or anything they could get their hands on, and yelling all the while. That is until a great bang from behind them caught their attention. “Brilliant! Whack-a-mole!” Cho-Hakkaimon burst out of the remaining threads and ribbons with a sweep of her arms, the rocket rake already gathering speed in her hands. She tilted her head sideways, and swung it in a wide arc, managing to catch at least three hapless victims as she did so. They flew down the street, landing limply on the ground, while the pig woman twisted and slammed the top end of the hammer into another group of hunters, knocking them all back. “Why don’t you aim that thing at me?” Cho-Hakkaimon’s eyes glanced down, and she noticed Vex making a run for it, darting between the holes in the road. The pig woman grinned. “I know you. You’re the bigwig, aintcha? I was hoping to whack you one.” She cackled wildly, holding the hammer in two hands as she slammed it down in a vast arc from over her head. Vex dived sideways, holding his body low as he ran at full speed. “I don’t care who or what you are.” Cho-Hakkaimon took a step back too late as he swiped with a dagger hidden in his sleeve, the sudden shock causing her foot to jerk sideways. She tumbled, and felt cables wrapping around her other foot, pulled taut by the remaining hunters. The rubble gave way beneath her and she fell, crashing against the building behind her and wincing. She looked up, just in time to see Vex running towards her, the spike poised in his right hand and pointing towards her eye. “You’re nothing but a disease.” The sounds of arcing electricity were intercut with Cho-Hakkaimon yells of pain, but Luminemon ignored them, travelling higher and higher away from the chaos. She grunted, her wings straining at the effort, and aimed herself towards the nearest roof. She hit it awkwardly, her body bending forwards as she tried to stay upright, before pulling herself up on top. She buckled over, releasing Eloise as she tried to catch her breath. A crack and a gasp sounded behind her and she looked back, watching as Cho-Hakkaimon’s arm fell sideways, the hammer falling from her grasp. The road was littered with the myriad of hunters she’d managed to take down; some lying injured themselves, and others completely unmoving. There came a whistle, and those still able to moved rushed over to Vex, who was readjusting the spike on his right arm, the end smoking. He paused, and looked up, pointing it at Luminemon. “You can’t run! We will find you!” Luminemon didn’t dignify him with a response; she simply widened her eyes, the bright light intensifying around her face. With an angry roar she fired, scattering Vex and his army as they rushed into the next street, no doubt heading for the next battle. Under the white dragon’s wing, Eloise sat up, holding her head. A damp red patch was forming on one side of her mask. Luminemon looked down worriedly. “Are you alright?” “A bit knocked about. But it looks worse than it is.” The girl pulled her mask off, revealing an ugly welt on the side of her head, blood trickling from broken skin. She tilted sideways. “Do I want to look down there?” Luminemon peered over, seeing the scorched remains of a pink pig mask fluttering next to the buckled hammer. “Probably not.” “Shit.” Eloise held up a glove, running it over her nose. “I messed up. We could have saved her.” “You’re more important to me, Eloise.” Luminemon nudged her partner gently. “I won’t let anything happen to you. No matter what happens today.” The girl looked down, a look of resignation clear on her face. She sat there for a few seconds, not sure quite how to respond. She didn’t get the chance, however, as the building shook from a massive explosion nearby. Luminemon reared up, but she didn’t need to, as even Eloise could see the top of a vast black helm peeking over the rooftops just a few blocks away. “That must be Sciamon, right?” Luminemon nodded, her tail swinging over the lip of the rooftop. “Everyone’s coming together.” “I was afraid of that.” Eloise got herself up, clicked her shoulders, before clambering up her partner’s wing as she took her place atop Luminemon’s back again. “What are we waiting for?” Fire. Rising up, razing the earth, choking the air all around. Mark’s mind swam for just a second, as the heat and the pressure hit him with such force that it blocked off all sensations. He hung in empty space for a second, his own heartbeat ticking in his ears and his skin feeling cold and unresponsive. Then reality rushed back in, and he let out a grunt of pain as he crashed into the ground, the heat from the explosion still billowing outwards around him. He blinked, but couldn’t make anything out for a few seconds, his ears still ringing. To one side he could see Rick, clutching his stomach and immobilised by the blast. Butterflymon seemed to be hanging above them, his wings flapping slowly as he too was recovering from the intense heat. Then, after blinking a few times, Mark could just make out a silhouette. Hoatzimon swayed in front of him, patting out little fires on her combat vest as she chuckled viciously. “Can’t stand a little heat? Y’all are just weak.” “Look out!” “BZ Blitzer!” Mark clamped his hand over his mouth, but there was a flash of silver and suddenly Ceratomon was hunched over in front of him, the pellets melting into his armoured back. The giant dinosaur winced, his metal armour severely scorched and lacking its normal lustre. “Nobody seems to know how to t-take it easy around here.” Mark backed off, still trying desperately hard not to breathe as he fumbled within his jacket. “I think we need some heavier artillery.” “I’d agree.” “Why won’t you just stay DOWN!” Hoatzimon’s rasping voice broke through the ringing as Ceratomon buckled again, the bird sending explosive blasts against his armour plating. The dinosaur spun, his tail swinging outwards and just catching her, sending her stumbling back. She glared, wiping her beak as her crest rose and fell. “You all make me sick.” “The feeling’s mutual.” “Ceratomon, Soul Reverberate!” Ceratomon twisted, his body growing in an instant as the energy struck him. Hoatzimon backed off as the dinosaur reached his full size in front of her, Titaniumon’s robotic beak scraping menacingly. She darted sideways, but Titaniumon let his momentum carry him sideways, his wheels already whirring as he intercepted her. Hoatzimon leapt up, but a swipe from Titaniumon’s mace sent her spinning in mid-air, and she landed awkwardly, rolling on the ground. “Hazmat Haze!” The bird clamped her fists together, releasing a spray of orange vapour that clogged up the air once again. Mark heard a clicking from above and made a break for it, already hearing Butterflymon’s monotone death decrees. “This wretched world will perish and be inherited by the worthy.” Mark didn’t respond; he threw himself forwards as the cloud behind him exploded again, slightly further away but no less deadly. He hit the dusty road, skin feeling like it was on fire from the blazing blast. Titaniumon had been less fortunate; his body was creaking as he growled mechanically, the metal plating around his body glowing red. He saw Butterflymon above him and swung with his mace, but it went wide, crashing into a nearby building instead. Before he could retract it Hoatzimon was at his throat, tearing and slashing against the metal as she released more of the volatile vapour. “You think you’re so indestructible. But how much of this can you take until it melts you alive?” “I...won’t...let you...” “Tough!” Hoatzimon stood atop his head, shaking her arms out as the orange cloud grew thicker. “Butterflymon, keep it coming-“ No sooner had she got the words out than the orange cloud disappeared from all around her, whipped away in a sudden gust. She frowned, flicking her own ignition spark as she stared around. “What the hell gives?” She stared up at the sky, feeling the whipping winds ruffling her feathers. Her eyes widened as she saw the great crimson body of Cyclomon barrelling down towards her, splitting into three raging twisters as it did so. “Oh fuck me...” “Hurricane Helix!” Cyclomon tilted up, but the air pressure continued downwards, slamming into the ground and dissipating the gas in seconds. Butterflymon was caught up in the storm, while Hoatzimon found herself being blown back, her body stiffening as she crashed into the nearest building. With a great cry Cyclomon banked upwards again, his golden wings sending further eddies down into the road below. Mark winced as he stood up, his skin feeling distinctly burned, when he saw Jack rushing up towards him, rolling his shoulder. “Sorry. I should probably have done this earlier.” The older boy sighed. “You’re not really one for a delicate touch, are you?” “Maniacs!” The two looked aside as they saw Hoatzimon crouching on a window ledge, yellow energy pulsing over her forearms as she fixed them both with a devilish eye. “You won’t get away! We will find you! We will-“ “Fortress Quake!” ![]() “Eep!” Hoatzimon leapt up as the house disintegrated below her, flattened by tremors, spears and cannonballs from Titaniumon’s attack. She twisted, a spike piercing her shoulder and pinning her in place, and let out a screech of pain. Jack tilted his head, and looked up at Mark. “What were you saying about my approach?” “Fair point.” “Burn!” Jack lunged forwards, pushing Mark out the way as the stream of flame came towards him. They looked up to see Butterflymon marching forwards, limping on one leg and with ragged, tattered wings. His eyes were full of venom as he raised the makeshift weapon again. “Burn...burn...all of you have to...you must return to ash and cleanse this world of its sin!” The insect Digimon struggled to walk, the winds picking up again as Cyclomon spiralled in a corkscrew overhead. Butterlymon lurched sideways, crashing into a half-destroyed wall and causing the flamethrower to hiss. Jack reached out with one arm, but Mark pulled him back as Butterflymon turned on them once more. “We...we have to live...” “Seriously, don’t-“ It was too late; the weapon exploded in Butterflymon’s hands, sending him careering backwards as his torso burst into flames. He hissed, unable to even get out a scream as he toppled over backwards, the remains of his body draining away. “...don’t do that...” There was a clatter from overhead, and Jack looked up just in time to see Hoatzimon’s lithe form disappearing over the wall of rubble. He bent over, taking a breath as he held his knee. “I guess this will probably do as a barrier?” Mark sighed. “I would have liked something a little less destructive but...well...here we are I guess.” Jack stretched, trying to keep his body going. He looked up, holding his D-SEND to his mouth as he spoke to his partner. “How bad does it look from up there?” “It’s working a little. Everybody’s gathering together. Still a lot of chaos though.” “I guess that’s gonna happen. We just need to-“ Jack’s voice was cut short as he was grabbed from behind, the masked vigilante from before holding him with an amateur grip. Still, he was larger and stronger than the boy, who kicked backwards, unable to get through his padded kneecaps. Mark looked up, catching sight of the two. The hunter laughed, his voice cracking. “You’re with them too...all of you...you’re the ones controlling these monsters. I can take you out and we’ll be safe. We’ll...we’ll be alright.” Mark blinked beneath his mask. He recognised that voice. “You’ve got to be kidding me...” “The world is ending due to your selfish, despicable acts! Abandon these monsters right now, or we’ll take them from you! We’re stronger than them. Stronger than you!” Titaniumon took a step, but Mark beat him to it, marching forwards as he balled his fists either side of him. “Jack, get ready to duck.” The hunter stepped back, but Mark broke into a run, pulling one arm back. Panicking, the renegade decided to cut his losses and dropped the boy, fumbling at his belt, but Mark’s entire body slammed into him before he could respond. Looking up, he just had time to see the tamer’s fist milliseconds before it slammed into the side of his masked head. The renegade spun, and collapsed, his arms rolling outwards limply. Jack stared awkwardly as Mark shook his fist out, letting off grunts. “...do you think that might have been a bit too far?” “Sorry about that. The day’s long, the work is shit...” Mark crouched down, and gently pulled the mask from the hunter’s face, revealing the dazed expression on Brennan Coleman’s face. “...and frankly, I’ve been waiting to do that for far too long.” Brennan seemed not to recognise Mark. Or anything at all really, as his eyes spun round and round from the adrenaline and the head blow. Mark sniffed, and stood up, taking Brennan’s makeshift weapons and tossing them far into the rubble. He looked around him, before pulling out his jacket. Jack watched the whole display with a blank look on his face, before he placed his hands behind his back. “Do me a favour, please.” “What’s that?” “Remind me not to make you angry again.” The eddies from the black arc slammed into Lyra as she held her arms up, seeing Orizumon practically disappear from in front of her as he was swept back. She ran sideways, catching Rhyncomon’s form out of the corner of her eye as he skidded forwards. Her partner reared up, releasing a spiral of golden threads, but the magpie raised a leg, sending the broken crane flapping backwards. “Get back!” Lyra made to run forwards, but she was stopped in her tracks as Rhyncomon’s piercing yellow gaze fell upon her. There was a black blur, and he disappeared, but she felt the air pressure disappearing around her. Without even time to think she found herself ducking, hearing the whistle of the katana as it flew over her head. “How did-“ Crack Lyra gasped, feeling Rhyncomon’s elbow slamming into her back. She staggered forwards, white spots dancing in front of her eyes, as she heard the magpie’s rasping voice behind her. “How is irrelevant. We have unfinished business.” Rhyncomon raised his blade his eyes reflecting in the cold steel. “I’m terminating our contract, right now.” “Regal Spinner!” Orizumon dived forwards with a scream, his entire body spinning like a Catherine wheel as he bowled into Rhyncomon. For a moment the threads entwined the Digimon’s body, wrapping around his arms, legs and neck. But Rhyncomon’s limbs moved in a blur, severing the threads in an instant. Orizumon didn’t give him any time to recover, stabbing forwards with his spear-like beak, but a right hook from the magpie sent him reeling. Rhyncomon’s other hands came forwards, grabbing the crane beneath the beak as he struggled, his eyes flicking towards his partner. “Lyra...help me!” Lyra was already scrabbling in her jacket, her eyes wide and her fingers slipping as she pulled out the small golden triangle. It shimmered in her grasp, reacting wildly as Orizumon pulled himself back from Rhyncomon’s descending sword blade. “LYRA!” “Orizumon, Tamashi no Ongaku! Shinka!” Rhyncomon’s blow was deflected sideways, and he grabbed the handle of his sword with both hands, the sudden blast of energy blowing his feathers back. In an instant Orizumon was gone, replaced with Senbazumon’s deceptively fragile looking form. He spun his windmill, the threads dancing from his fingertips. “Shall we continue?” “I’d prefer to end this now.” Rhyncomon rolled sideways as the windmill swooped towards him, but he didn’t go towards the sorcerer, instead running at full speed towards Lyra once again. She screamed, but her partner reached out and all of a sudden she found herself rising upwards, carried in a woven basket of golden strings. She held tightly onto the sides, staring down at Rhyncomon as he swung at the air. “Iron Eclipse!” Lyra ducked, and the basket shot sideways, held steady by Senbazumon. Rhyncomon seethed, spreading his wings and tensing his legs. “You can’t keep running back forever!” “Thousand Star!” Rhyncomon’s leap took him right into the path of Senbazumon’s attack, and he struggled in the air momentarily, the lights overwhelming him. With a raging yell he spun in a circle, the sword blasting the energy back, just in time to reveal Senbazumon diving towards him with an arm outstretched. Rhyncomon intercepted him with his own talons, and the two flew backwards, crashing into the brickwork of the nearby building. Senbazumon ducked, but misjudged his opponent’s attack, finding himself descending right into Rhyncomon’s knee. He jerked sideways from the impact, and the magpie went with it, twisting around and grabbing out at Senbazumon’s neck, pressing him back into the brickwork as the two struggled against the wall. Rhyncomon tried to bring his arm forwards, but Senbazumon’s threads had twisted with him, wrapping around his forearm and holding it in place. The magpie cursed, leaning in close. “You could have been my partner, Tsurumon. We could have created so much together.” “I don’t work for people like you,” replied Senbazumon, venom in his voice. “I work for the people I love.” “Even at the cost of your life?” “She gives me greater life than you could ever hope to. I have no regrets.” Rhyncomon’s eyes flashed. “Then I will make you regret so much more.” ![]() He planted his legs against the wall, and, with his wings wide, he ran upwards, dragging Senbazumon against the brickwork. The two ascended up the edge of the roof, and Senbazumon backed away, taking the chance to swing his windmill. “Severing Song!” A banshee cry echoed through the night as threads crossed over in great waves, slicing inwards around Rhyncomon’s midriff. But with a flap of his wings Rhyncomon danced upwards, only losing a few feathers to the snare. He planted a sandal down on the threads, and propelled himself forwards, holding his blade out in a defensive move. Senbazumon turned to avoid the blow, but Rhyncomon held out a foot, hooking his foe around the neck and dragging him sideways. “You’re always so reserved! You can’t put yourself at risk, because it will risk the life of your human tether! That’s what’ll lead to your death! Obsidian Mist!” “Thousand Star!” Rhyncomon twisted in mid air, thrusting his wings out as black particles spilled forth. They collided with Senbazumon’s attack, but Rhyncomon barrelled through, carving a path and releasing more mist. The second wave struck Senbazumon in the face, instantly turning his vision pitch black. He twisted his free arm, raising the staff of the windmill as he heard the blade swing forwards. He hit it, holding it back in a shaking grasp, although from the pain he felt it clearly hadn’t been enough to prevent the deep wound in his arm. He rolled back, and lashed out with a leg, pushing himself away off Rhyncomon’s chest. From her vantage point in Senbazumon’s nest, Lyra held her digivice with both hands as she stared at the two bird men battling beneath her. It was a far grimmer battle than the one she’d witnessed previously, as they no longer had the element of surprise. Rhyncomon knew how Senbazumon worked now, and he didn’t give him the space he needed to attack, getting in close and coming relentlessly with sword blows and brutal hand-to-hand combat. A jab here, barely countered by Senbazumon’s staff. A sweeping kick followed by a volley of threads. The combat was so fast she could barely follow it, but even so she could feel it, her heart intertwined with Senbazumon’s. She could feel all of it. And she hated it. “Please...stop doing this for me...” Behind the noise of the battle she could hear the screams and battles going on all around the city. She thought of Eloise, still out there on her own after her mistake. Of Kai. Of Jack, and Lonnie, and the others, still fighting against a seemingly unbeatable threat. “I don’t belong here.” Her stomach tightened. She pressed her hands against her thighs, feeling them trembling as she stared downwards at the cascading threads which held her. So many battles, so many casualties, so many people fighting for...for...their lives...their homes...their families... “I don’t belong with you! Please, save yourself!” “Lyra!” Senbazumon felt Lyra’s voice hit him in the head, and for a crucial second he looked up, the threads pulsing as he gripped them tighter. “You have to-“ “Iron Eclipse!” The blast hit Senbazumon in the chest, throwing him backwards as he coughed blood from the blow. Rhyncomon didn’t relent; he flew forwards, swinging left and right as the crane barely dodged the blows. “Didn’t I tell you she would lead to your death?” Rhyncomon feinted, before bringing his sword up, aiming for Senbazumon’s neck. The crane moved quickly, holding up his other arm, before gasping in horror as he felt the clanging blow crack the cage around his arm. “NO!” Tupilamon dug her claws into the pavement, the sheer cold causing great cracks within the concrete as the intense blast blew against her. She ducked down, her icy spines sticking up and driving Sciamon back with the frosty energy. But only for a moment. Sciamon stood to his full impressive height, his foot glowing as energy coursed down beneath his armour and into the pillar-like leg. It contracted for a second, before exploding downwards, the pressure catapulting him into the air. Tupilamon felt the intense heat counteracting her own power, and braced herself as the grand giant descended, steam billowing from beneath his helm. “Solar Nexus!” The giant landed, and a wave of energy burst outwards, striking Tupilamon and ploughing into her. It was too much to withstand, and she rolled back, the energy pushing her further and further until she struck the nearest building, several of her spines breaking. She shook her head, her breath forming clouds in front of her as she pulled herself free. Sciamon stood tall in front of her, his shoulders heaving with a great mechanical wheeze. “You are stronger than your path has taken you. Abandon this human and join the covenant of the new paradise.” “Your words sound far too familiar.” Tupilamon’s eyes flashed a fiery orange as she rolled down onto her knuckles, the icy coverings of her claws cracking from her sheer fury. “I have faced Digimon who would kill their own world and their own people for the sake of a new paradise. I won’t let that happen again.” Sciamon balled his fists. “There is no such thing as an innocent in war. Surely you cannot claim that.” “The sins I’ve committed don’t change the definition of sin.” “But you would still defend the selfish actions of a people doomed to die by their own hubris?” Tupilamon growled, blasting shards of ice around her as she bore her sabre teeth. “What I defend is the honour of a nobler person than YOU! Grave Glacier! ” She reared up, before slamming her paws down into the road, sending rivers of ice coursing through the concrete and into Sciamon’s leg. Instantly the metal steamed as trails of frost forced their way upwards into the mechanism, seizing it shut. He looked down, pressing against the prison as the claws of ice tore at his torso. “Then you are nothing but a brainwashed fool. I pray for your soul.” Tupilamon wasn’t paying attention; she charged forwards, her muscular limbs pounding against the ground and leaving trails of frost behind her. She saw Sciamon’s fist rising up, and steered sideways, dodging the blast of heat as his fist hit the ground. With a roar she swiped forwards, her claws digging into his abdomen and pressing against the hot metal. But his other arm came forwards, grasping her by the neck and tossing her aside as if she were nothing but a doll. She crashed down, and had barely begun to push herself up when Sciamon’s great body broke free of the icy tomb, light spilling out from the pillar he balanced on. “Cataclysm Corona!” Tupilamon raised her arms, but it wasn’t enough to block out the waves of light that pulsed out from Sciamon’s body, melting the ice faster than she could form it. Blinded and stunned by the wave, she could only stagger as Sciamon leapt towards her, landing right in front of her and casting a meteoric fist directly into her chin. She crumpled, black spots filling her vision as Sciamon spun and swept her aside with a brutal clothesline. “Take solace in the fact that you shall be remembered. As a victim, or as a martyr. It makes no difference. The saviour shall judge.” Tupilamon spat blood, holding her head down as Sciamon landed in front of her again, holding back a glowing fist as his burning eyes stared impartially. “The saviour shall forgive.” A fair distance away, Grace still felt the pang of pain as her partner was whaled on by the armoured giant. She fought through it, holding her arms out as she addressed Sara and Kevin behind her. “You have to get out of the centre now; it’s going to become chaos in here.” Kevin closed his fist, struggling to hide the crack in his voice. “We stayed to help people and Digimon alike. You need us.” “Please. You’ve done more than enough, you have to-“ Kevin held his arms out. “Look at this place! Do you think I could face Owen again if this was all burnt to the ground and I did nothing? Do you...do you think I could ever...” He ran out of breath, looking back and forth for something to help him. A hand closed around his shoulder, and he looked back to see Sara shaking her head gravely. “Come on. I know it’s hard, but there’s nothing more us two can do.” “...yeah. I know.” Gently she pulled him back, and Grace watched as the two disappeared down the nearest shortcut, heading for the edge of town. The girl felt a sudden twinge of emotion; a mixture of terror and rage and utter futility, and she turned back, taking in the mess around her. The high street was utterly destroyed; buildings caved in, the roads torn up, streetlamps lying shattered across the way. She looked behind her, and her breath caught in her throat as she saw the body of Jai lying propped up against one shop, twisted at an unnatural angle. There was somebody else there as well; a middle-aged woman, bent over him as she shook his shoulders. She was wailing, her words indecipherable against the noise of the battle. “You’re gonna pay for this!” Grace started, and looked ahead as she saw Nile running forwards, shedding drops of blood from an injured leg, but still going at a frightening pace. Grace began to run, holding out an arm as she yelled out. “Stop! He’ll kill you!” “I don’t care!” Nile leapt over a pile of rubble, stumbling and half-running and half-falling on the other side as he held out a glowing baton. “These creatures...these monsters...I’ve seen enough of this...I won’t let them destroy us, one by one...I have to...I have to stop this!” “STOP!” Grace’s plea fell on deaf ears, as she watched Nile run beneath Sciamon’s great foot. He lunged forwards, and the giant started, ever so slightly. With a wrench of his muscles he tossed Tupilamon to one side, before looking down at the tiny hunter who was slashing desperately at him. Grace realised she was running, holding her D-SEND in her hand as she yelled words that she couldn’t hear. But she knew it was already too late, even before Sciamon raised his hand, fire glowing in his fist as he brought it forwards. There was a flash, and a distant boom, and Nile fell backwards, the billowing smoke evident even from this distance. The man hit the ground, skidding backwards as his batons clattered against the ground. He rolled limply, before coming to a stop, staring up at the sky. The movements of his chest indicated he was still breathing, if just barely. Sciamon looked at his palm, with such nonchalance that it was like he had just swatted a fly. Then he turned back, grappling with Tupilamon once again. Grace felt the energy draining from her as she slowed, her body swaying from side to side. She remained in the centre of the destroyed high street – her town – with the sounds and sights turning to a blur around her. “It never stops...” Hers muscles tensed, her hand gripping the D-SEND as trails of ice tore their way up her hand and arm, breaking through her skin. Although she didn’t feel a thing, so focused was she on the scene in front of her, with her partner desperately trying to stop the tyrant. “It never...ever...stops...” “Hurricane Helix!” “Fortress Quake!” The ground shook and the sky was wrought apart as Titaniumon and Cyclomon rushed in at once, heading straight for Sciamon. The giant crossed his arms in front of his chest, bracing against the sky serpent’s twisting winds, and the multitude of spears and projectiles that crashed into him from Titaniumon’s vast impact. Grace watched as the giant was forced back, before she heard some familiar footsteps and turned to see Mark and Jack rushing towards her. “Sorry for the random intrusion. This seemed to be the priority at the minute.” “You’re probably right.” Grace held her hands tightly together. “I’m hella glad you’re here.” Ahead of her, Sciamon was swiping at the sky, sending blasts of fire up towards Cyclomon, but most of his attention was on Titaniumon as the dinosaur charged forwards, the great mace spinning at a terrifying speed around him. “Gyro Juggernaut!” “Your life is futile.” He twisted, holding out a palm as Titaniumon rushed at him. His hand closed around the spinning flail, and the impact sent him reeling back. But the effect was reversed as well, and Titaniumon spiralled sideways, scraping against the ground and skidding into the broken road. He landed upright, and his body closed up as Sciamon leapt towards him, raising a fist that opened out into a flat palm. “Stardust Resonance!” ![]() Titaniumon cried out as the wall of light ploughed into him, cracking the ground beneath him even more. As his armaments splintered, all the dinosaur could do was aim a weak volley of cannons at the giant as he raised his palm back again. “Abyssal Beam!” “Photon Cannon!” “Equus Harpoon!” Energy blasts struck Sciamon’s arm; not enough to stop it, but enough to divert his aim. The blast struck another building, sending it crashing downwards, but giving Titaniumon enough time to drag himself forwards, pulling himself to his feet once again. From the side, Jack pointed as the three familiar figures rushed into view; dwarfed by Sciamon and the other partners, but still standing strong. “There we are, more of the cavalry.” Sciamon straightened up, looking down at Kampoimon, Achromon and Luminemon as they swerved around him, their own partners convening at a safe(ish) distance with the others. There was a growling whisper beside him, and he looked down to see Tupilamon standing up again, severely beaten but still summoning waves of cold energy. “So the lost have come together at last.” Sciamon sighed, and the sigh racked his body, raising his internal temperature to a terrifying degree. He held his hands together, the pressure at his fingertips causing the joints of his gauntlets to glow white. “It is all futile. I pray the saviour will remember you, and damn your oppressors to the darkest pits.” There was a crack as his pillar-like leg shot him skywards, the foot spinning with a great whine. Already the tiny Digimon below were scattering, but in an instant he was descending, feeling the burning blood run through his veins. “Let the earth be purged of the sinful and the plains be pure for the saviour! Solar Nexus!” Andriamon stumbled a little, feeling the vibrations of the explosion beneath her feet as she ran over the streets. Lonnie could feel the wind on her face as it whipped past, and raised a hand towards her face, the mask no longer protecting her. “Are you sure we can stop this?” Lonnie looked down to see Andriamon’s acid-green eye looking up towards her, the pupil dilated with worry. Lonnie held on tightly to her partner’s shoulders. “I have to be sure. It’s the only reason I’m here.” She sat up, and pointed. “Down that way. I can see the flames.” Andriamon’s webbed hands pounded against the ground as she turned and rushed down one of the main streets, past shops with broken windows, over fallen brickwork and crushed cars, and across pavements littered with debris. Lonnie forced herself to stare forwards, not allowing herself to look back at the dark red splashes on the ground, or the piles of quicksilver blowing away in the wind. She looked directly ahead, staying focused. So focused, that as they approached the final turning she didn’t see the flash of steel coming towards her until it was too late. The bolt struck Andriamon in the side, piercing into her flesh and sending electromagnetic waves coursing through her veins. She gasped, the pain too sudden for her even to scream, and the jolt passed through her body and hit Lonnie as well. It was like being hit by a truck, and Lonnie whited out momentarily, her senses overwhelmed. Below her, the salamander’s legs locked up and the two fell as one, crashing into the ground and skidding into the rubble. Lonnie was thrown away, hitting a wrecked car with a grunt of pain. “Got you at last.” Lonnie pushed herself up, feeling something dripping onto her hand as she looked up towards Vex. Her vision was blurring, but she could see him walking out, the makeshift railgun swaying limply beside him, like the first time she’d ever seen him. He threw out an arm, and his homemade army ran out from behind him, rushing down the street towards the source of the explosions. “Go, stop their leader. Do anything you can.” He rolled his shoulders, and opened up the smoking compartment on his gauntlet. “ I have a job to finish.” “No...” Lonnie pushed herself up onto her knees, watching as the waves of hunters rushed forwards into the battle with Sciamon, where he was tussling with the other tamers, cutting through them in swathes. The girl’s breath shuddered, looking up at Vex as he clicked his gauntlet shut. “Why are you still doing this?” “I should ask you the same thing.” Vex clicked a wire back into place, and a faded light on the bolt gun glowed into life. “We’re taking our home back. We’re getting rid of the monsters that are out for our lives.” “What the hell are you talking about?” yelled Lonnie, but her voice came out as an exhausted croak. “These people you’ve gathered; you’re sending them to their deaths! You are! What are you hoping to accomplish?” Vex turned towards her, and his hand went to his visor, wiping away the silver dust from countless previous kills. “I’m saving the human race. From creatures like him.” He pointed. “And like that.” Lonnie’s eyes widened, and she turned her head to see the fallen form of her partner. Andriamon was struggling against the ground, her limbs spasming as her flesh seemed to blink in and out of existence. She tried to stand, but her body wouldn’t do what she wanted, and she toppled over again, her eyes fixing Lonnie with a panicked stare. “Lonnie...it hurts...” “DENDROMON, NO!” Lonnie forced herself to her feet, running forwards as Vex closed in, the gun swinging out in front of him. He raised an arm, swinging it out as she came close, but she was faster than him and barrelled into him with a full-body tackle, holding her arms wide. He hissed, bringing his elbow down into her neck. But even as she choked, she reached out, grabbing the bolt gun and wrestling it in the other direction, ignoring the pain coursing through her body. “YOU HAVE TO STOP RIGHT NOW!” “GET OUT OF MY WAY!” Vex kicked outwards, his knee planting into Lonnie’s stomach, but she held on tightly, placing her hand against his helmet and trying to push him away. He slipped from her grasp, holding his arms up defensively, but she ran forwards again and pushed him back several steps, holding his arms at bay. With a yell, he brought his head forwards, the hard plastic of the helmet connecting with her forehead. The pain shot through her, and she tasted blood in her tongue from where her teeth had snapped shut. But she didn’t let go, even as he screamed in her face. “You don’t get it! You never did! I warned you, and I warned all of you, but you just had to KEEP GETTING INVOLVED! You are CHILDREN! None of you know a THING! You don’t have it in you to do what needs to be done! Not even my own SON!” “I...don’t...believe that!” bellowed Lonnie, straining with all her might as she pushed against the man’s arms. “You don’t have to do this...you never did! We’re not the ones who made this into a war! This has to stop!” “If I stop, those monsters will kill us all! It’s us or them! They won’t yield, so we can’t! Tell me where the fuck this is supposed to stop!” “Somewhere! That’s where!” Lonnie’s boots dug into the ground, slipping against the dust as she glared up into Vex’s helmet. “I know I’m only a child, but I live in this world too! All these people do; human, Digimon, everyone! I have to be able to take a stand and make a difference otherwise nobody can! You know this is wrong!” ![]() “Those monsters killed my wife!” “How many of THEM have you killed?” “We need to survive!” “You need to give them a chance to live!” “ENOUGH!” Vex pulled his arm free, and threw it backwards, cracking his fist across Lonnie’s face. Stunned, she backed away, holding one arm as she stared back, just in time to hear the click and see the silver barrel of the bolt gun pointed in her direction. Vex’s shoulders were heaving, and he held his leg awkwardly, still injured from his battle with Knuckmon. But his voice was hollow when he spoke, the end of his weapon moving only slightly. “No more games. No more outbursts. Stand aside, and go back to whatever life you once had, ‘tamer’. I warned you once. I won’t warn you again. And I will kill you right here.” Lonnie swallowed. But she didn’t move. She straightened up, holding her arms wide, shaking her head. The tip of the gun swayed just a little, but she walked forwards, keeping herself just out of Vex’s reach, but firmly between him and her partner, still lying shaking on the ground. “I’m not moving.” “Darkfire Pulse!” “Screaming Storm!” White ice and black fire melded together in a devastating wave, slamming into Sciamon’s chest. He spun back, steam erupting from his pillar-like leg as he drew back for another blow. Achromon darted to one side, but he wasn’t quite fast enough to escape the sphere of light that pulsed out, the intense heat sapping at his energy. Sciamon reached forwards and grabbed him by the tail, swinging backwards and tossing him into the sky. “Let this day end your suffering.” He raised a palm, but was forced to change direction as Titaniumon slammed into him, locking horns with the giant’s midriff. Up above there was a flap of white feathers, and Luminemon flew in front of Achromon, catching him in mid-air and gently lowering back down to earth, her own body covered in scorch marks. Sciamon twisted on his centre, and grabbed Titaniumon behind the neck, his hands glowing as he reached inside the beast’s mechanisms, closing around a flywheel and grinding it to a halt. Titaniumon gasped, and Sciamon squeezed, digging into the steel with white-hot hands. The dinosaur pushed forwards, rearing upwards just enough to unlock his body, the energy of the remaining flywheels building up rapidly. “Fortress Quake!” The impact was just enough to send Sciamon spinning back, his foot digging into the road. Titaniumon retreated, his reactions immediately slowed by the uneven wheel within his body. “Crushing Tide!” The water swept forwards, but it had little effect against the burning pillar. Sciamon looked down, and slammed down with a palm as Kampoimon slashed at anything loose he could find, with little success. The giant pushed himself down, and leapt forwards again before Kampoimon could notice, the foot striking him across the muzzle. The airborne giant landed with a blast of fire, and turned on his pillar, holding out a white hot palm. “Stardust Resonance!” “Dominic! Hold it!” Dominic leant back, his hands moving at a rapid pace as he moved from control panel to control panel, his hair coming loose from the bun. “I’m trying! It keeps tripping no matter what I do!” “Watch out!” Salma pulled him back as another surge of energy burst through the control panel, arcing over the controls and setting a fire. Salma reached back, grabbing a polyester blanket and slamming it down over the flames. She stared forwards, glaring at the gate as the sirens burrowed into her ears. Her sleeves were rolled up, and she had sweat pouring from her brow. With an anguished grunt she turned around, looking back into the main control room. “Please tell me you’re working on something in there! This isn’t going to hold much longer!” As if in response, the sealed gate shook back and forth in front of her, groaning and rattling as something pressed against the metal. Alasdair flinched at the sound, and pulled himself forwards, typing away as fast as he could while Perez held off all the interlocks she dared, keeping both eyes on Dominic and Salma in front of her. “Alasdair, please do something.” “I’m trying...they just need to listen...” You’re causing more pain “I’m not!” Alasdair’s keys stabbed the keyboard, the repeated messages reflecting off his reading glasses. “You can’t do this! You can’t come through! I know you think you’re doing the right thing but-“ We don’t have a choice, Alasdair “There has to be something else!” We’re hurting, Alasdair. You’re hurting them too. “We’re doing everything we can!” Please Please don’t abandon us This has to stop Vex stepped forwards, holding out the bolt gun as he grasped it with his other hand. “You’re not worth the hundreds of lives I’m saving. You don’t need to become a victim for this thing. I told you. Stand aside.” “What happened to ‘I won’t warn you again?’" Lonnie’s lips were pressed together, and she raised her gaze, seeing her own haggard reflection in Vex’s helmet. “If you were gonna fire that at me, you’d have done it already. You know it’s wrong. You always did.” Vex took a step back, but Lonnie reached forwards and grabbed the barrel. The metal was still hot, burning into her hands, but she wrenched it sideways regardless, placing the spike against the centre of her chest as she stared defiantly up at the vigilante. “You know the Digimon are alive. You know it’s wrong to kill them, but you’re closing your eyes to that. But they have lives, and hopes, and fears just like us. Sometimes they’re dangerous. Sometimes we need to fight back.” She leant forwards. “But if you want to kill her, you’re gonna have to kill me first. With your own hands.” Vex’s hand was shaking now, and he pressed forwards. Lonnie felt the spike dig further into her, her breath coming out in rapid shots as Vex yelled at her. “Why are you so prepared to die for this thing?” “ Why do you think?” Lonnie looked back, her eyes locking with Andriamon’s as the salamander tried to push herself up. The girl looked back, her face tired. “She’s my best friend.” “Shut UP!” It was a moment of distraction, but it gave Vex all the time he needed. His other hand shot out, and clamped itself around the girl’s throat. She winced, her windpipe struggling against the man’s shaking grip, but she kept holding the bolt gun, holding it closer and closer as her D-SEND screeched at her side. “Go on then! Show me! Prove it to me that I’m wrong!” Vex held her as long as he could, before his arms finally gave out, shaking too hard for him to hold her anymore. His head fell down, and he gently pushed his visor up, revealing the tired eyes behind the plastic. They glanced up, meeting Lonnie’s. There was the distant sound of screaming, and cannonfire, and the ground shook as Sciamon struck once again. Vex’s expression twisted. “You can’t even hope to stop him, girl. If there’s nothing I can do, there’s nothing you can do either.” Lonnie blinked. Her mouth split apart, widening into a great toothy grin. “’Course there is. And I’m gonna prove it.” She pushed back all of a sudden, thrusting the railgun back into Vex’s hands. He started, fumbling with it, but a shadow fell over him as Andriamon finally stood up. “Pyro...SPIRES!” Spikes rained down, forming a wall of fire that drove the man back. He held an arm in front of him, squinting through the heat as he saw Lonnie standing in front of her partner, an orange aura forming around her as she held out her shuddering D-SEND. “There’s always something I can do! I’m not a mercenary, and I’m not a soldier. I’m a goddamn hero, and it’s down to me to save all of you!” There was a blast of light, and the D-SEND blew apart in her grasp, releasing an aurora of gold that stretched upwards into the sky. It curled up, reaching downwards towards Andriamon as she reached up, dazed and confused. The flames licked around her, and she giggled, holding them in her hands as they spread over her body. She grinned down at Lonnie, and bowed down, nudging her snout against the girl’s palm. Lonnie held her legs apart, feeling the power coursing inside her, making her glow brighter and brighter as the flames licked higher. Soon Andriamon was all but invisible, crouching in a sea of light. “Andriamon, Soul Reverberate!” ![]() The silhouette shifted, and Lonnie gasped, feeling the energy torrent down her hand and into her partner’s body. They pushed harder, neither one able to break contact as the power grew in intensity. Vex could only watch from behind the walls of flame as the salamander turned white hot, her body being whipped away by golden fire. “Evolution ACTIVATE!” There was a pulse, and Lonnie was blown backwards, staring upwards at her partner as she grew. Blasts of fire flew skywards, bursting and floating down in glowing particles around Andriamon’s rippling form. She grew longer, her silhouette flickering like the flames she was wielding, curling over and scraping against the ground, before rearing up to an impressive new height. She glowed intensely, before the fire spiralled away around her, revealing her new form. She was incredibly tall, easily able to touch the roof of a two story house. The top half of her body was roughly humanoid, but it tapered off into something more reptilian, with six broad legs and a flattened tail that swept over the ground. Her skin was a deep crimson, punctuated with a green underbelly and several flaming spots over her arms and legs, which glowed with an internal heat. She wore a strap across her chest, with a quiver of bronze arrows hoisted over her back, the fletching seeming to be alight. In her hands she held her weapon; a hefty crossbow of black metal, emanating with intense heat. She had a head crest and two curved horns, and red hair cascaded down her neck in a pink-tipped braid. She opened her eyes, and they were bright and shining; releasing yet more of the fire that dwelled within her. “Eryomon!” ![]() She breathed out, a faint trickle of embers falling from her mouth as she shifted nervously. Lonnie walked forwards in front of her, holding her hands behind her back. “How are you feeling?” Eryomon grinned, revealing a mouth of needle-like teeth. “Better than ever.” “That’s ENOUGH!” The two turned back to see Vex, shaking on his bad leg as he held his gauntlet out. He straightened his arm, but Eryomon swayed in front of him and he stepped back, the weapon firing wildly. The salamander held out a palm and the bolts disappeared in a flash of smoke. She grimaced, embers billowing out from her body as she bent down towards him. The man’s vision went white for a second, before Eryomon’s great flat tail shot out of the smoke, cracking against his chest. He fell backwards, his legs giving way entirely and his gauntlet slipping from his grasp. He stared upwards, trying to look up, but all he could see was Lonnie walking towards him, shaking her head. Vex sat up, breathing heavily. “What...what have you done?” Lonnie didn’t answer immediately. She reached down beside him and grabbed the weapon, pulling the wires from the barrel. She smiled down at him, before dropping the assembly, planting a foot on it and crushing the mechanism in a mass of sparks. “Stand aside, Vex. Go back to whatever life you once had. We’ll take it from here.” She turned, running back into the ash cloud as Vex pushed himself upwards, the pain finally catching up with him. “You can’t win!” he yelled, the world seeming to roar before him. “They’re gonna come for us! You can’t stop this; it’s too late!” The dust billowed out, and the man held an arm in front of his vision, blinking against the ash. When he looked up again, Eryomon had reared up, with Lonnie stood in the small of her back, clutching onto the crest that ran along the length. The girl turned sideways, and gave a quick salute. “Watch me.” With a roar and a billow of fire, Eryomon crouched forwards and began to run, her body swinging from side to side. Vex could only watch as she sped off, leaving trails of ash in her wake as she rushed towards Sciamon. The giant pressed his hands together, holding his fists over his head as his eye swivelled towards Luminemon and Kampoimon rushing towards him. “You are all deceiving yourselves!” He swung sideways, splitting the two apart as they were forced to retreat, although both managed to land glancing blows off his armour. The giant straightened up, feeling the wind against his back as Cyclomon descended above him. “Cataclysm Corona!” Another spin, and another wave of fire. Each blow was a wide area arc, with no consideration for his surroundings. Only wave after wave of pure dedicated destruction. “The pathway must be CLEAR!” Sciamon roared, planting his fists down and rupturing the ground with blasts of light, cutting a swathe through the hunters who were still desperate enough to try and bring him down. Tupilamon was sent flying, and even Titaniumon stumbled, flinging out his mace in a desperate arc. Sciamon merely punched it away, his furious eyes swinging to one side where the tamers stayed as far out of harm’s way as they could. “You! Demons! You have led my brethren astray and brought them to ruin!” Jack sucked his lips in. “Aw crap, I think we made him mad.” “Move!” Mark pulled him backwards as a wave of light flew towards them, shattering the shielding rubble into so many shards of gravel. Mark and Jack reconvened with the others, keeping low as the ground rumbled again. Inez was on her knees, running her hands through her hair. “How the hell is he still standing? He only has one leg! It shouldn’t be this difficult!” Eloise looked up, holding her D-Nexus with a grim expression on her face. “That might be tricky. He’s a Mega level; a low-level one by the looks of it, but they’re not easy to deal with.” She looked up in the sky. “Lyra, where did you go? We need you.” “We need anyone at this rate.” Mark peered out, watching as Kampoimon was sent flying into Achromon. “We’re getting absolutely wrecked out here. Again.” “Does anyone have any ideas?” Everyone looked at one another, before the consensus fell upon Grace, who was tapping her foot, her eyes scanning the ground. Jack nudged her. “No pressure, but...we’re kind of running out of destroyed buildings to hide behind.” “I know, I know, and if we don’t do anything soon then there won’t be any buildings anywhere.” The girl’s eyes were wide, and she stared ahead, seeing Sciamon’s great shadow crawling against the wall. “It’s...it’s…I just don’t-“ “HEY!” The voice caught all the tamers by surprise as they turned, watching the cloud of ash billow outwards. Sciamon threw Achromon back, before doing the same, straightening up and releasing a volley of steam pressure from his chest. It mingled with the ash, blowing up into the atmosphere and revealing Eryomon stepping forwards, rearing up to her full height as Lonnie clutched onto her shoulder, glaring forwards. “Oi, Mr Heavy-Metal-Ballerino-Pixie, will you take a frickin’ chill pill already? You’re giving us all a headache!” The gate groaned. Alasdair held tightly to his jacket, wheeling backwards as the monitor gave up the ghost in front of him. There was a scream of pain, and the man moved himself towards the open chamber, watching as cubicle after cubicle let off plasticised acrid smoke. Dominic stood back, biting the side of his hand as Salma aimed a fire extinguisher everywhere she could, but to no effect. The sirens were going haywire, and in the centre of it all, the chamber was shivering, the metal beginning to buckle at the seams and revealing the swirling madness of the Interface once again. Alasdair held up a hand, shielding his eyes, not wanting to look into that terrible place again. But he could still hear, and within the audible chaos he could hear the messages still pressing through from the other world. Get ready, Ali. “You...” Sciamon’s shoulders heaved, and he held out his hands, the knuckles cracking as he balled energy in his fists. “You still defy me...” Lonnie scratched her cheek. “Yeah, uh...I’m good at that.” “I wasn’t TALKING TO YOU, DEMON!” Sciamon leapt forwards, landing in front of Eryomon as he stared into her eyes. “You! You hold the lost legacy of a great crusade burning through your veins! You could take this world and mould it beneath your fingertips! Why do you stand with them?” Eryomon narrowed her eyes, brushing her braid away from over her shoulder. “I don’t care what you think I did in a past life. I like this life. I like these people.” She reached behind her, pulling her crossbow onto her left arm. “I don’t however like you very much.” ![]() Sciamon’s helmet burst with steam, and he reared back, his gauntlet twisting. “What a complete, UTTER WASTE! Stardust Resonance!” The giant’s fist flew forwards, connecting with Eryomon’s forearms as she raised them just in time. She grunted, the blow forcing her backwards as Sciamon struck again and again, his foot shifting forwards with every blow. “You could be a god in this world! You could lead your brethren to harmony and safety, and yet you choose to suffer under the burden of this pitiful excuse of existence!” “And the alternative is being a crazed maniac like you? I’ll take my chances, Sciamon!” Eryomon crossed her arms as they bowed in from another blow, but as she pulled them apart again she opened her fingers, lights dancing between them. “Ash of Aeons!” She flung her arms wide, the dust spiralling forwards and wrapping around Sciamon. It clung to him, forming bindings that created great, spiralling markings over his muscle and armour. He cried out in pain, throwing another blow, but his fist would not listen to him. He froze, the markings shifting on his skin and pulling against him, leaving scorch marks wherever they touched. Eryomon ducked in front of him, and pulled her fingers, and as she did so Sciamon shot forwards, his fist flying far out of reach. The salamander twisted, raising her crossbow and swiping it into the back of his head. A jet of steam erupted from his neck, followed by a hollow scream from his mouth. He twisted, bringing his fist around in a clothesline, but his movements slowed again, the pain from the ash seeping into him. “This...is...wrong...” He buckled, pulling his arms in as his body grew to terrifying levels of pressure. With a roar he flung his arms outwards, the ash dispersing around him as he was released from Eryomon’s grip, but not before she planted a flat palm into his chin, internal heat billowing out from her hand. He retaliated quickly, sweeping wide with a blast of energy that forced her back. With the momentum, Sciamon kept spinning, bringing the same arm around for another blow. “Cataclysm Corona!” “Grave Glacier!” The giant jerked, his wave flying higher and only singing Eryomon’s head as she scuttled backwards. He looked down, seeing the great icy tomb that encased his single leg. Tupilamon stood to one side, one claw embedded in the ground as she breathed out white clouds. “You haven’t forgotten about us, have you?” Sciamon turned, the ice already warping around his foot, but even as he drew back Tupilamon beat a retreat, replaced by Titaniumon’s vast form. “Fortress Quake!” The blast crashed into the giant, forcing him to hold his ground. He became aware of Tupilamon rushing in front of him again, and raised a fist, but another voice shouted from behind. “Crushing Tide!” “Grave Glacier!” Kampoimon’s attack slammed into the giant, hitting Tupilamon’s head on. The water froze in an instant, reforming the barrier around Sciamon’s single leg. He held his arms up, but there was a flash of white and black and all of a sudden they were being held wide, gripped by Achromon’s strong tail and Luminemon’s glowing threads. Already building the energy inside him, he looked up, but was unable to guard himself as he saw Eryomon in front of him, a single bolt loaded in her crossbow. She closed an eye, and held it up, the shaft bursting into blinding flames. “Infernal Ballista!” The bolt flew outwards, disappearing into a shaft of light that ballooned into a great column of fire, striking Sciamon directly in the chest. He was blown backwards, letting out a gasp as flames burrowed beneath his armour plating, melting the joints of his gauntlets and the pistons of his leg. The column disappeared, and the giant fell forwards, his mask glowing from the residual heat as flames still lapped over his blackened shoulders. He leant on the ground, his vast knuckles pressing against the concrete, as Eryomon stepped forwards, her crossbow pointed downwards. She tutted, standing at an angle. “Are we done?” Sciamon’s great body heaved, and he looked up, his eyes obscured by the melted intricacies of his mask. “You...you will see...there is nothing you can do...the saviour will come...the saviour will...do what is right...remove these...destructive vermin...from this planet...” “Oh for the love of god, will you give it a rest already? I’ve had it up to here!” Sciamon looked up, watching as Lonnie hopped down from her partner’s back, rare fury twisted over her face. She held her arms out wide, spinning in a circle as she walked forwards without a hint of fear. “Look at this! Look at all of this! What the hell were you hoping to accomplish here? A saviour? Really? You’re willing to go to war on the off-chance that some miraculous person was gonna descend from the sky and make your lives easier, rather than doing the normal, sensible thing of actually trying to FIX it?” “...you wouldn’t understand...what I’m doing for my brethren... human...” “Again with the ‘human’ and ‘brethren’ and ‘righteous’ crap; I am so goddamn tired of this...” Lonnie thrust out an accusatory finger, her eyes wide in her sockets. “We are trying to make a difference here; actually find a way for you and us to sit down and get on with it, but that keeps being messed up because of people like Vex and people like you who just can’t get over your own goddamn egos! This was never about your ‘brethren’, this was about you. The fact that you can’t be asked to sit down and work things out!” Sciamon didn’t move. He just held his knuckles against the ground, listening to every word that Lonnie was spouting out. The tamers closed in around her, standing by their partners as they watched the girl spin once again. “You want someone to make your life easier? Someone to actually do something for the Digimon who are trying to make a life here? Well I have news for you; you’re in luck. You have us. Everybody has us; we’re the ones trying to actually make the change that you’re claiming you need. If that’s not good enough for you, then, well, you don’t know what you goddamn well want in the first place!” The girl took in a breath, before slamming a thumb into the centre of her chest. “You’re so desperate for a saviour? Look at me! My name is Lonnie McMillan and I am stopping this right here-“ CRACK Lonnie stumbled, her words catching in her throat. She looked behind her, suddenly feeling a pang of pain from her partner. Eryomon was staring skywards, the huge, imposing figure suddenly huddled over, clutching anxiously at her crossbow. All around them the other partners were doing the same, staring up at the sky, hackles up, eyes darting around. “Oh no...” Lonnie followed Eryomon’s gaze, staring directly up into the clouds. Or at least, where the clouds were. But the sky was no longer an unbroken black and grey mass; now, a vast fork of light was spiked through the middle of it, and beyond... Beyond that, well...she couldn’t make it out. Shimmering colour and light, with a vast silhouette. Something big, and very much not of this world. In fact, another world entirely. Lonnie’s breath caught in her throat as she gazed upon the shifting silhouette of the digital world for the first time. Then her gaze lowered, following the multicoloured serpent of light downwards, over the ruined cityscape, towards the sea. Stopping in a broken area which she had visited so many times before. Lonnie tried to speak, but her words had dried up. And in the absence of speech, she could hear a sound coming from Sciamon. A heaving noise. A scraping noise. It was so mechanised and bitter that it took her a while to realise that he was laughing, as he pushed himself slowly upwards onto his pillar. “You’re too late...you’re too late! The gate is opened! The true saviour is coming for us all!” Senbazumon felt the blow ring through his body, resonating within him as the cage on his arm shook. There was a flash of light, and the metal broke away completely, sending the threads cascading wildly outwards. Senbazumon immediately fell as his platforms lost their rigidity, and from the scream beside him he realised in horror that Lyra was falling as well. They crashed into the ground, with Senbazumon rolling limply, the shock paralysing him for a few vital seconds. Lyra coughed as she crawled forwards, reaching out for her partner as the light in her digivice pulsed wildly. “Please...don’t kill yourself...for me...I’m not worth it...I’m not worth any of this...” A shadow fell over her, and she looked up in horror as Rhyncomon’s wings folded in front of her. The ground shook, and the bird looked up to see the sky break apart, tearing in two above him. He stared forwards at Senbazumon’s twisted form for a few seconds, catching his breath. Then he turned around, his eyes falling down upon Lyra. “No more resurrections...” Lyra felt her hand tighten around her digivice, but a kick from Rhyncomon sent her rolling onto her back. She felt his sandal pressing against her chest, and saw her face reflected in the black steel held above her. “Release me from my failures, Lyra.” “Please...no...” Lyra closed her eyes, unable to hear anything but the song of the blade as it flew downwards towards her neck. “Salma, Dominic, get out of there!” The two scientists didn’t need any encouragement as they rushed back, the seal splitting apart behind them as iridescent bolts from the Interface stabbed into the sky. Alasdair stood in front, unable to tear his eyes away as he saw the gate in its full glory once again, not having waned in power one bit for over four years. It spun, and hovered, and within its eye he could see the dark spots of the digital world. Then the spots grew larger, forming something more solid. They split into three, becoming almost humanoid. And then further again, with wings and open arms, looking almost angelic. The gate pulsed, and suddenly the shapes were no longer suggestions, but fully realised, only hidden by the brightness of the swirling gate around them. Alasdair gritted his teeth, wheeling forwards as the three figures looked around. One by one they spread their wings, data cascading from their bodies. The one in the centre looked up, and their eyes fixed upon Alasdair. The man clutched inside his jacket, feeling the old digivice that he kept within. “Please be gentle with them.” They didn’t answer. And he could only watch as the figures leapt upwards, their wings unravelling fully as they rose into the sky. The three Digimon shot through the sky, gliding effortlessly on the updrafts as they stared at the city below. At the flames billowing out, and the carnage and desolation. At the battles still taking place all across the streets, even now. Nobody saw them. Nobody was watching for them; only seeing the great cleave in the sky. One of the three faltered slightly, but the head of the convoy pointed, and they descended, right into the centre of the city. The tamers saw the rainbow spectrum descend, landing delicately on the roof of the town museum. The three straightened up, their wings folding individually behind them as they stared outwards. Only one turned towards them. And down below, Sciamon stepped forwards impossibly slowly, his arms held wide as his voice seemed to be almost drowning in awe. “Let me bear witness to your great purge, and the new world you promise! I have been your servant, and now, I shall be your slave! Save us!” The three barely noticed him. The one on the left stepped back a little, her hands clutching at a little carved rhyton around her neck. “This...this is all horrific...” “We knew it wasn’t going to be easy, Eirenemon,” said the Digimon at the head, as she turned around, her feline head poised in concentration. “Go. Do it now. We’re with you.” Eirenemon hesitated for a minute, a melancholy shining in her eyes, her expression hidden by a white cloth mask. Her other companion stepped back, reaching out with a hooked claw and interlocking it and holding her clawed hand over the angel’s shoulder. She gave a thin smile, and leant forwards, giving the other Digimon a gentle kiss on the cheek. “It’s going to be alright. You have my word.” Eirenemon could feel the warmth as it flowed across her downy feathers, and she took in a breath, raising the cone in her hands. A white orb of light shone within, and as she focused her breathing, it grew, touching the sides of the torch as little eddies whipped away from it. The first Digimon also stepped back, and copied her companion, curling her paw over Eirenemon’s shoulder. The light increased further, pulling from the two larger Digimon and collecting around the torch in the centre of the trio. Eirenemon stepped forwards, her voice melding with her companions’ as the three of them shared their energy. She looked up, and spoke with a timid voice that carried for miles. “Peacemaker!” ![]() With a hum so quiet it was almost inaudible, the orb expanded, spreading outwards in a wave of light that caressed the rooftops. The light rose, and swelled. Silence, and stillness. And it descended, flowing over the streets and into houses and across fields, until it enveloped the entire city in one large shining area. One great, shining barrier, folding over the entire town. Hoatzimon felt it as she descended, her wings suddenly draining of energy. She looked back, expecting to see the hunters still pursuing her, but they too had stopped in mid-step, their shoulders falling limp. Martyaxmon looked left and right, his heart beating slowly. Simeamon poked out from his mane, watching as the weapons fell from their opponents’ grasps. Nicholas leant back, feeling a calming presence that drained him of any effort to move. He stared up into the sky, seeing the gentle ripples of the waves above him. Lyra held her eyes shut, feeling the blade cutting into her shoulder, but it fell away, the pain disappearing with it. She looked up, seeing Rhyncomon standing over her, his arms limp at his side with his sword dragging against the ground. His beak was shut loosely, and his body seemed to emanate calm, with only the horrified look in his eyes betraying his lack of control over his own body. Dula stood up, feeling her heart tighten as the wave passed through her. She took a step, and another one, holding Vex’s beaten body over her shoulders as she tried to walk away, her mind racing even as her body gave up. As the tamers stood up, they watched as even Sciamon seemed to shrink, the steam whipping away and the glow of his gauntlets subsiding. He still stared up, awestruck, but also powerless against the wave of tranquillity. The tamers gathered together, their partners standing behind them, as they watched the head of the trio step forwards, still sharing her energy with Eirenemon. She spoke, and her voice carried with the wave, echoing in the ears of everybody for miles around. “Humanity, we represent the world that stands parallel to yours; the world which you have encountered through pain and suffering as our people – the citizens of the Digital World – have come into contact with you.” She took in a breath, her eyes scanning the horizon. “Our world is in turmoil. Our people have tried to escape, and as they have done so, they have brought the turmoil to your world. But we can’t continue like this. So we have come, as representatives of our world, to put an end to the suffering. We have come to offer peace.” Lonnie stared up, completely blindsided. The tamers looked amongst themselves, none of them with any helpful response. The Digimon continued. “Nobody else needs to suffer today. Nobody needs to die. Some of you may have been looking for a saviour. We have come to save everyone. Human and Digimon alike.” She bowed her head, her iridescent wings rippling either side of her. Eirenemon stepped forwards again, raising her voice. “Lay down your arms. Return to your homes and shelters. Breathe, rest, and heal. Heal your bodies and your hearts. This war is over. We will look after you now.” Her voice slowly echoed away as the white light began to fade, leaving only silvery particles hanging in the air. Lonnie turned around, looking back at the others, completely lost for words. But around them, they could hear the shuffle of feet as the hunters and Digimon alike turned around, walking their separate ways, obeying the command without question. Lyra held her shoulder, watching as Rhyncomon turned around with only a hint of hesitation. He spread his wings, and leapt upwards, disappearing over the rooftops without a backwards glance. The girl let out a breath, before wincing as the pain in her shoulder came back. “I hate this...” There was a flash of light beside her, and suddenly Tsurumon sat next to her, embracing her with his wings. They lay in the alleyway for a few moments, not saying a word, only depending on one another’s company. Nicholas lay back, placing his hands in his pockets as he looked up at the sky. Yethmon stood beside him, watching the hunters pass him by, unsure of what to say or do. Nicholas placed a hand to his mouth, adjusting his glasses. “I really don’t get this whole job.” Yethmon glanced up. “Well if you don’t know mate then we’re all stuffed.” Slowly but surely everybody’s partners began to shrink down, stumbling forwards. There was a tornado of red as Cyclomon disappeared, the glowing form of Mistramon descending, before landing awkwardly as Perimon, hopping onto his partner’s shoulder. Jack winced, leaning down and holding his knee as it clicked nastily, causing the bird to hop up again, and his sister to hold him upright. “There we go, it’s alright, that wasn’t so bad.” Jack grinned sheepishly. “Yeah, uh...in terms of big nasty battles that are really scary and painful I’d say that ranks as my second worst.” He looked forwards, watching as Inez shook her head, holding a bruised Syngnamon in her arms. “What kind of life have you lived exactly?” Mark looked over, but wasn’t sure what to say, as he crouched over Chromon, holding the dinosaur’s shoulders. He opened his mouth, but all of a sudden there was a flash of colour and the three new Digimon had descended, standing in a row behind them. Eirenemon was holding her head, the light vanished from her rhyton and her shoulders clenched in pain. She fell backwards, into the arms of her companion; a far more avian Digimon with crimson plumage and carrying a sealed scroll in her arms. She looked down, brushing a stray feather from Eirenemon’s brow. “Well done. You did perfectly.” “…th….thanks…Fenghuangmon…” Eirenemon blushed, but before she could say another word there came a juddering growl from beside them, and the shadows shifted. “I...I don’t understand...” The tamers flinched, looking up at Sciamon, who was still stood stock still, looking down at the three winged Digimon. He bent down, holding out a shaking gauntlet. “...I pledged my life to you...you promised to save us... our race...our brethren...” The red Digimon at the back tilted her head. “I’m sorry but...we don’t know who you are?” Sciamon took in a breath, his glowing eyes going wide. The lead Digimon turned round, nodding towards her companion. “Go on. Some of them will need more help than most.” The red Digimon nodded, before flying up on broad wings, leading Eirenemon as she did so. The little angel reached out, holding the phoenix’s hand in hers, and placing the other calmly on Sciamon’s chest. “You’re very troubled. You must heal your heart.” “M…my saviour-“ “Royal Command.” Her voice echoed out, and Sciamon paused, his eyes shrinking down. Eirenemon lowered her head, and she spoke, each word causing wisps of white flame to dissipate into the titan’s chest. “Turn, walk, and rest. And as long as we’re protecting this world, do not raise your arms against the human race again.” The flames danced around her body, purest white. The red bird never let go the whole way through, her breath deepening slightly as the energy flowed from her through the angel’s fingers, and into the body of the herald. All of a sudden, Sciamon straightened up, his smoke and flames dying away. Then, as the tamers watched in horrified wonder, he twisted around, rolling back down the street with nary a tremor. Lonnie whistled, before there was a cough form in front of her, and she looked forwards at the lead Digimon, who stood a good two heads over her companions. She held out a hand, and gave a small bow. “My name is Simurghmon. My companions are Eirenemon and Fenghuangmon.” She straightened up, her wings flickering slightly behind her. “I’m sorry it has taken so long and you have suffered so much. But I’m afraid that there are things we really need to discuss with you.” Lonnie smiled, and was about to reply, when all of a sudden her legs buckled underneath her and she fell. Simurghmon bent forwards, catching her before she hit the ground. Lonnie looked back, at the other tamers and the Digimon, all in similar poses of fatigue and injury. She looked up apologetically at the resplendent figure who held her, and smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, um...sorry. I think that might have to wait.” I can see the light. |