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A deadly darkness fell over the skyline as the lithe, slender figure glided overhead, its leathery wings flapping with great sweeps. The few people below ducked out of the way as it passed, feeling an intense and inexplicable dread in their souls as it did so. Even the Digimon crouched in their own sanctuaries as it banked and swerved, the very data of their bodies screaming danger at them. NeoDevimon. A ten foot tyrant with scarred, pale skin, and long, almost skeletal limbs that hung below it, scraping against the rooftops and emanating a wicked power. It was another arrival from when the gate opened wide; emerging in the chaos of the riots, and disappearing just as quickly. It had kept hidden, observing the new world with an insatiable curiosity and hunger. Easily enough of a monster in its own world, and now with access to a second. There was a gust of wind, and the fallen angel veered sideways as Mistramon flew overhead, Jack holding tightly to his back. NeoDevimon stumbled, clattering against a rooftop and leaping between them, scraping tiles away as it did so. It skidded to a halt at the peak of the third, locking its arms in place, and spreading its great crimson wings, like a grotesque looking over the broken city. It took in a breath beneath its golden mask; featureless save for a column of blue eyes on each side. They flicked down, two at a time, as Grace and Tupilamon ran into its view. The demon’s body shuddered, and it leapt down with murderous intent. “Guilty Claw!” “Grace, down!” The demon’s arm extended, its clawed fingers trembling with a nightmarish force. It struck the concrete like a bullet, rupturing the material in a second, and only just missing Tupilamon as she leapt back, her partner standing just behind her. The girl yelped, but the ice monster held her ground, lunging forwards with frozen claws. “Grave Glacier!” NeoDevimon spun on its pointed feet, but not quite fast enough, and the ice traversed up its leather bound leg, crushing the skeletal flesh inwards. The leg buckled sideways, and the demon gave a pained sigh, slashing at the icy prison. One eye flicked down to where Tuplilamon was running around, ice gathering in her mouth. “You don’t belong here. You never did.” She lunged forwards, but the devil batted her away with a free claw. She skidded on the ground, preparing to attack again, but the demon opened its wings wide, with its very presence seeming to scream out with malicious force. Even the impenetrable Tupilamon shuddered, and it was just long enough for NeoDevimon to shatter the last of its prison and leap forwards. It reached out with its claws, raking them across Tupilamon’s face and sending her sprawling. Grace dived down, feeling the wind batter her as the demon vaulted back upwards onto the rooftops like a demented spider monkey. “Crap...are you okay?” Tupilamon pushed herself up, feeling the new grooves in her skull mask as a few drops of blood fell from her mouth. “I’m not a fan of creatures like this. They’re unpredictable.” She shook her head, and began to run again, with Grace just a few steps behind as she called into her D-SEND. “Jack? We’ve lost him again; any sign?” “Yeah, we can’t really ‘see’ him up here. We can see his shadow more than anything.” “Can you try and herd him out of the more built-up areas? I think he’s frightening the neighbours.” “He’s frightening me. Why are we the ones dealing with this?” Grace grunted. “Because the ambassadors didn’t want to go near him or something crazy, I don’t know, I try and pay attention but they really do go on too long and I can’t be asked to understand anymore.” There was a slight pause, a rush of wind, and then Jack’s voice returned. “ Grace, are you okay? You seem a little...um...” Grace’s hand curled around her D-SEND. “Oh brother of mine...pick your words carefully... “...tense...” “Who, me?” Grace gave a short, sharp laugh, and turned a corner after her frozen partner. “No, I’m just chasing after hell incarnate on what, my fifth rescheduled date night in a row? And I’m not getting any sleep and Tupilamon keeps getting beaten up and we’ve got to be good role models as well as fix all Simurghmon’s problems and it’s just not fair!” “That doesn’t sound ideal. You and your boyfriend need to have a talk?” “Save the suggestions for when we get home.” “Alright, stroppy-knickers.” Grace’s face twitched, and she was about to yell back, when the wind rushed up again, with the distant sound of Mistramon letting of a squawk of shock and pain. Jack’s voice piped up again. “Good news, we’ve found him again. He’s gliding over towards the park entrance.” “Excellent. Keep going, but don’t get too close.” “How are we supposed to do that? We can take him.” “He’s a higher evolution level than you.” “We could evolve.” “He’s smaller than you as well. Cyclomon doesn’t have any precision.” “You know, you are absolutely ruining any sense of fun I might once have gained from something like this.” “Good, that means I’m doing my job as a boring older sister.” Grace looked up, seeing the shadows congregating above the treeline. “I can see him. Keep him in place.” She sprinted, ignoring the stitch in her side as she followed her partner’s frosted trail. Tupilamon was already picking up speed, bounding over the fence as she rushed towards the twisting figures in the sky. Mistramon looped around, thrusting his tail out as NeoDevimon swiped viciously left and right. The eagle cawed, losing another handful of feathers to the demon’s claws. “I am having a shitty day!” “Up! Now!” Jack pressed himself in as his partner obliged, looping over NeoDevimon’s spiralling kick. The bird took the opening, looping overhead and slamming his entire body downwards, his talons digging into the small of NeoDevimon’s back. ![]() “Gotcha! Pressure Wave!” He aimed the blast behind him, sending both him and the demon careering downwards towards the meadow. The eagle held on for as long as he dared, before opening his wings at the last second, the updrafts carrying him and Jack away. NeoDevimon was remarkably quick himself; he still crashed into the ground, but sprang to all fours in an instant, his neck cracking upwards as he locked onto the eagle above. But he never got to make the move, as Tupilamon bounded forwards suddenly, holding out a broad arm and tackling the demon to the ground. They both rolled, with NeoDevimon quickly slashing her in the belly and leaving a deep wound. But she retaliated, sending a cannon-like claw into his right leg, buckling it beneath the leather. He staggered back, and the nomad bent her body in front of him, frost hanging around her scarred jaws. “Screaming Storm!” The tornado of ice spiralled outwards, leaving a black streak in the grass as it was vaporised by the blast. She pulled back, her yellow eyes squinting. But NeoDevimon was nowhere to be seen. There came an indignant cry from up above, and Mistramon hovered overhead, glaring down at the two. “How the hell did you miss!?” “Guilty Claw!” Tupilamon didn’t even have time to react before she was bowled over, the claw striking her in the neck. Instantly a flood of negativity and pure boiling terror burned through her body, but she retained enough of her senses to grapple the demon’s arm back, pulling him close and holding him in a vice-like grip. She snarled, and bit down, piercing the bare skin of his shoulder and causing a black ooze to trickle forth. She looked up at her partner, who was beside herself, gesturing wildly. “He was right there!” “I cwwn’t fwcus pwrpwrry,” explained Tupilamon, through a mouthful of demon flesh. “Why not?” “Yw’re nwt fwcsed. So aw’m not fwcsed.” Grace threw her arms sideways, starting about three sentences before gripping the sides of her forehead. “Great, great...no...absolutely fff....fine...okay...the bird can’t beat him and my partner can’t aim properly.” Mistramon huffed. “’Scuse you...” The girl didn’t hear him, thrusting her arms wide as she looked around. “Well...what then? Who the hell is gonna stop this guy?” “Purgatory Pistols!” The red flare crashed into NeoDevimon’s chest with a bloody burst, sending both Grace and Tupilamon reeling back, the latter losing her grip. NeoDevimon was less bothered by the whole affair; he swivelled sideways away from the ice spirit, before lunging out with a red claw that shot through the air. Highwaymon saw it coming and ran sideways as the claws swiped past him, gashing his right arm. Out in the open, he cursed, running back further as he spun a pistol in his other hand. He noticed Grace and Tupilamon staring at him, and scowled even more. “What the hell are you looking at?” He ducked sideways again as NeoDevimon retracted his claw, but before the devil could strike again he was engulfed in a flurry of crimson feathers as Mistramon descended, latching onto his back. He grunted, feeling the swipe from the demon’s horns, but he pressed down nonetheless as Jack leaned over. “Grace, we have him! Now!” The girl looked back and forth. “But I...but...who-“ “Grave Glacier!” Tupilamon brought her fists down with a roar, slamming them into the ground as the ice snaked out across the ground. It latched onto NeoDevimon’s legs and crawled up to his waist, locking him in place as he swiped left and right. His eyes flashed, and he straightened up, jamming his horns into Mistramon’s belly. The bird howled, flapping upwards as the demon kept struggling below, trying to snap himself out of the cold casing as Tupilamon piled on further and further. “You’ve caused enough damage. Enough pain. You can stay here until-“ “Purgatory Pistols!” “HEY!” The red blaze flashed in front of Tupilamon once again, slamming into the ice. There came a grunt from beside her, and Highwaymon ran up, eyes blazing. “Would you get out of the goddamned way?” Grace spluttered from the indignation of it all. “Don’t shoot at my partner, you jackass!” Tupilamon’s eyes narrowed. “This is my fight.” “Bullcrap. You’re just gonna leave him here?” Highwaymon ducked down, unsheathing the dagger from his jacket. “You’ve gotta finish the job. Rogue-“ “Enough!” Tupilamon thrust an arm back, slamming it into Highwaymon’s chest. He held up a palm, and spun a pistol in his hand, waving it towards her. “Don’t test me, witch.” “Are you threatening me?” “WILL SOMEBODY EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT’S GOING ON?” Neither of the two noticed Grace’s plea; Tupilamon simply held her claws out, and Highwaymon tensed himself, stepping sideways as his coat blew back behind him. The ice monster growled, and lunged forwards, but missed and struck the imprisoned demon instead. He went down, and Tupilamon wheeled back around, swiping at Highwaymon with her mighty tail. “You’re making things worse!” “I’m fixing your messes!” He grunted, holding up his dagger as he stared her down, his piercing eyes locking with her blank yellow ones. Then she tensed, her gaze flicking upwards as she gasped. “Guilty Claw!” Highwaymon’s body was hoisted upwards by NeoDevimon’s skeletal appendage, the talons digging beneath his jacket and squeezing hard. Tupilamon snapped out of her rage and ran forwards, but NeoDevimon thrust his arm sideways, throwing the dazed bandit directly into her and sending them both sprawling in a heap. With a savage shudder, NeoDevimon arched his back and burst out from the weakened ice. His eyes rolled around in their sockets; towards Tupilamon, towards Highwaymon, towards Grace, and up towards the sky. He bent his legs, and powered upwards, his wings tearing at the air as if he were swimming. Grace ran beneath him, grasping wildly for his leg despite her better judgement. “He’s getting away!” “Oh no you don’t-“ Mistramon pressed his head forwards as he curled around, blocking the demon’s exit path as pink energy spiralled from his tail. But NeoDevimon didn’t back away; he just raised his elbows, his wings flapping even more furiously. “Deep Sorrow!” The blast shot out and hit Mistramon and Jack directly in the face, blasting them away. Instantly their vision was blackened and their minds twisted, watching the pale shape fly up ever further as they began to spiral. “We’ve been hit. We’ve been hit!” “It’s all POINTLESS!” “UUUUUUURGH I don’t want to diiiiieeeee!” “I don’t want you to diiiiiieeeee either!” Jack blubbered, holding onto his partner’s neck as they spiralled earthwards, unable to do or say anything else. Down below Grace swore repeatedly as she chased after the eagle, trying to gauge his landing point as she called up. “BRACE FOR IMPACT, YOU MORONS!” “Crap!” Jack and Mistramon broke from their stupor just in time, and the eagle raised his wings and formed a cloud of pressure beneath him. It popped, and the great bird crashed, rolling several metres to one side and leaving Jack sprawled out beneath him. Grace ran forwards wildly, clutching her aching lungs with one hand as she stared down at her brother. “I...told you...not...to get...too close...” Jack opened his eyes, and his arms fell out to his sides. He stared upwards, looking at his sister’s upside down face. Mistramon rolled away, and Jack straightened out, letting out breaths himself as he rolled all his limbs in turn. There was no ominous cracking, or sudden jerks. The boy let out a sigh. “Owwww...” Relief flashed across Grace’s face for a moment, before she started, and whirled around, watching a devolved Alopemon lying flat out as Highwaymon limped away. The girl marched forwards. “Thanks! You ruined everything! I hate you!” Highwaymon turned around, and gave a sarcastic salute. “Much obliged.” “We had a job to do here! What the hell are you playing at? And who are you, anyway?” Highwaymon’s tail swished back and forth, and he folded his tattered arms. “I’m doing your job for you. Because you suck.” He turned his head backwards. “Don’t they all suck?” Grace followed his gaze, and noticed the hooded figure standing just a few metres away, his hands awkwardly in his hoodie pocket and his face hidden by a scribbled-on mask. Grace blinked, looking between the two, and raising her fingers. “...you with him?” “He’s a tagalong.” Highwaymon rolled his eyes, before turning around. “Come on dude, let’s scarper. We’re not wanted.” He began to saunter away, but the masked figure looked back and forth, hesitant to go anywhere. Grace’s shoulders heaved as she stared downwards, her eyes trembling. “You...you mean to tell me...that after everything...we’re still dealing with these freaks...?” Jack got to his knees. “Well...people need a hobby, I guess.” “...What in the actual hell are we dealing with now...” Perimon felt a sudden twang, and looked up, hissing through his beak. “Uh-oh, crazy sister at three o’clock.” “You’re right.” Jack stood up, wincing a little as he raised his palms. “Come on Grace, breathe. It’s fine. They’re just doing their own thing, we can find out more later. Come on, like Eloise said, twelve seconds-“ “GAAAAAAAAAAAH!” The girl let out an enraged screech as she ran forwards, blind to the will of her brother, partner or anybody in the general vicinity. She just ran at full pelt, eyes blazing as the figure raised his hands and backed away. “HEY YOU! BANKSY! WHAT THE FUCK!?” The masked figure jolted upright as he witnessed Grace barrelling towards him at a speed she didn’t usually possess. He jumped, stumbled, and then began to run for his life himself, heading for the relative safety for the treeline. “Oooh...kay...this wasn’t the subtle integration I was really intending-“ “GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!” Grace shot past Highwaymon, who was staring at her in troubled awe. The girl didn’t stop; getting ever closer as the figure began to stumble, weaving unsuccessful in and out of trees. He turned a corner, flailing wildly, before steadying himself and looking over his shoulder. The move cost him valuable seconds, as Grace’s arm shot out and grabbed him by the collar. He let out a shocked woof as she spun him around and rammed him into the nearest tree trunk, her eyes glowing in the dim light. “I am so sick and tired of people just making our jobs difficult for the sake of it. It’s bad enough with the bees and the robots and the actual literal hell’s angels just flying around doing whatever the hell they please, but we STOPPED you guys. There is NOTHING more you need to do that requires you to run around in a mask just...getting in the god damn way. I amTRYING, alright? I am TRYING to fix things but I can’t DO that unless you just...STOP!” “Grace!” Jack ran forwards, holding up his palms in a peace offering. “It’s fine, you have him, he’s listening already! Let the poor man breathe!” Grace whipped her head round, and jabbed a finger towards her captive’s mask. “NOT until I find out what manner of moron is still playing the solo edgy vigilante card!” Without warning she reached out, ripping the rainbow mask away and holding it away, her hair wild. She opened her mouth to yell. And her yell collided with the back of her throat. Her whole body froze as she looked down at the young man in her grip. Nicholas smiled weakly, waving his hand from its raised position. “Yo.” Grace didn’t move, her muscles completely locked up. Perimon and Jack just gawped at the sight, as Highwaymon wandered forwards, hands on his hips as he chuckled. ![]() “Ooooooh...you’re in trouble now, my fine friend...” Jack raised a finger. “Um...yeah...I have questions?” Nicholas flushed. “I’ll be happy to answer but I need my girlfriend to let me go first, please.” Grace pulled her hand back, and Nicholas rubbed his chin, letting out a few long breaths. “Yeesh...remind me never to make you angry on purpose...” “...five...fucking...dates…......you had ‘something come up’...” Nicholas gritted his teeth, trying to look anywhere except into the wild irises of his girlfriend’s eyes. He considered his options, but all of them came up fairly lacking. Without thinking he decided to chance it with the least advisable option. “I mean...you started it.” There was a collective thonk as Jack, Perimon and Highwaymon all made exactly the same gesture of planting their faces in their hands (or wings in Perimon’s sake). Nicholas just watched as Grace’s face flashed all the colours of the spectrum, her hands held at a crooked angle either side of her. She struggled to speak for a few more seconds, before finally managing to raise both her hands in a claw posture and squeeze out her question. “...whhhyyyyyyyy...?” Nicholas tapped his index fingers together in front of him, going very red. “It looked like fun.” He rummaged in his pocket, and held out his D-SEND. “And I managed to find the right equipment so...it seemed like the right thing to do.” “What do you mean ‘managed to find it’?” There was a red flash, and Yethmon stomped forwards, pulling his cloak further around him. “I think you’ll find that that is my property and I’m just loaning it to you because it’s convenient.” Perimon was now blinking each eye independently, holding the expression of somebody who was being made to think far too many things at once. Jack looked at the hound for a few seconds, before turning back to Nicholas and holding his thumb out incredulously. “...this guy?” “Wozzat?” Yethmon’s eyes flashed, and he reached inside his shawl. “I’ll fuckin’ shank you, mate.” “Yethmon, what have I been telling you regarding tolerance?” Jack cleared his throat. “...this guy. Really. This guy.” Nicholas shrugged. “He’s not too bad once you get to know him. We have an arrangement.” “Didn’t he put you in the hospital?” “The past is the past. You understand.” Jack pressed his lips together. “No, I...really don’t.” He sent a panicked look at Grace that somewhat amounted to the word ‘help’, but she was still trying to process step one of the new conundrum. “...whhhyyyyyyyyyy...? “Thank you so much, everyone. Thanks for just abandoning me to bleed out in the middle of a field. I feel so adored.” The bushes parted, and Vulpimon wandered forwards, hobbling noticeably and nursing a few open gashes down her shoulders. She sat down in a huff, glaring around at everyone. “What did I miss, then?” Jack puffed his cheeks out, and gave a little gesturing motion with his hands. Vulpimon looked around the scene, her ears twitching. “Oh.” “Yeah, basically, relationships are dumb, we have to be nice to the stabby puppy now, and I’m pretty sure my sister’s dating a masochist.” Perimon kissed the end of his wing in a grand gesture. “G’night everybody.” The sky coursed with red and orange as the first digital gate groaned against the pressure. Eirenemon looked up, and shivered, holding her dainty hand up to her rhyton as it trembled with internal flame. “Evil...” “Eirenemon?” The dove-woman started, and passed the package in her hand out to the waiting civilian. The three ambassadors were out on the streets again, this time with crowds of people, and even a few Digimon around them. All people hurt by the riots. All people in need. All people they knew they had hurt by their very arrival. Eirenemon swallowed, and nodded towards the person in front of her, who merely backed away, muttering thanks under her breath as she shielded her child. Eirenemon felt a sick feeling in her stomach, and hurriedly turned back, but she felt Simurghmon’s comforting hand over her shoulder. “It’s okay. I’ll take over.” Eirenemon froze for a moment, before stepping back, holding her hands together. “I felt it again. The ones who came through. I felt the evil.” “Nobody’s evil, Eirenemon. Not completely.” Simurghmon sighed, her wings trailing out behind her as she passed the bags to the waiting hands. “Misguided. Zealous. Obsessed. There are all manner of reasons, but evil is never a cause. It is merely the tragic consequence.” Eirenemon opened another box with a small dagger, her eyes glistening. “I know. You know I know. And I shouldn’t feel this guilty but...I have to wonder if there’s something more we could be doing. Some way we could save those who are so...incredibly lost.” Simurghmon sighed. “You know our world as well as I do. We can offer all we can, but some devils will always choose hell. Sometimes you need to step back to save yourself.” Eirenemon looked down. “It still hurts. It always does.” Simurghmon stepped back, her rainbow feathers glistening in the streetlight. She reached out, running a finger around the other ambassador’s cheek. “There’s no need to feel guilty. We’re doing good things here. We can’t save everyone; we never could, not by ourselves. That’s why we need faith. Faith in ourselves, and each other.” She pointed over her shoulder. “And faith in the tamers.” Up ahead, Fenghuangmon glanced over her shoulder, saying nothing, but listening with keen ears nonetheless. Simurghmon’s own ears twitched, but she kept looking downwards, rolling her paws. Eirenemon pulled her shoulders in. “Are they really able to save us?” “...they have to. We have to trust them.” “But...but what if they can’t-” “We can’t concern ourselves with ifs and buts, Eirenemon. This isn’t just aid we’re talking about. You know that.” Simurghmon hunched over, holding her paws together. “We’re talking about the end of the world. I won’t let their world suffer because of ours.” Fenghuangmon sighed, and stepped back, pulling the barrier across as the last of their charges departed. She turned round, her face grave. “Whichever world suffers the cataclysm, suffers the most.” The phoenix looked gravely up at Simurghmon. “I love your vision; I truly do, but...” Simurghmon opened her eyes, the rainbow irises boring into Fenghuangmon’s. “But what?” “If there was no other choice. If you had to pick one...if it all comes down to it...who would you choose?” Simurghmon smirked. “You’re asking as if I haven’t asked myself the same question for years now.” She turned away, running her hand over the curtain. Through the gap she could see the faintest silhouettes of families and Digimon walking away, back to their broken lives. She clenched her fist. “What else? I’d find a way to save both.” She looked over her shoulder, and smiled. “If you’ve forced yourself to condemn an entire world, all it means is you haven’t thought hard enough about how to save it.” Fenghuangmon smiled. “Strong words. I like it.” “They have to be strong words for my own sake.” Simurghmon looked outside again, her eyes darting back and forth. “I just hope one day I’ll be strong enough to live up to them.” As the ambassadors gave out the last packages and rallied behind the curtain for good, they still weren’t completely safe from the prying eyes nearby. “”Who’d have thought it, huh...” Dula looked over her shoulder, drawing back into the shadows. Brom had her arms folded, standing in front of a crouching Raif, a reserved Rick, a silent Mira, and a tired Nile, resting on a single crutch as he stared ahead into the middle distance. Brom nodded. “A few weeks ago we’d be going after them like nobody’s business. Things have changed.” “Things have hurt us, Brom. The Digimon have hurt us.” Dula sighed. “And we’ve hurt them. It’s no good pretending otherwise anymore.” “Are you chickening out?” Dula turned around, holding her arms out. “Look at us, Brom. What else are we hoping to accomplish. Half of us are dead. Vex has disappeared.” She scraped at the ground with her boot. “Whatever we were once...those times are past us now.” Brom rolled her head, tutting. “So...what? We go back to normal? Back to pretending everything’s okay?” “I don’t know why you’re looking for my approval for anything anymore.” Dula turned back, her glove curling over the wall. There was the sound of fluttering wings, and she watched as the three ambassadors took to the skies, heading back to their tower.” “If it makes you feel any better, I’m going to keep watching what’s going on. Not to get involved but...I can’t give this life up just yet.” “You still waiting for Vex? He’s abandoned us now. If we have a leader anymore then it all falls down to you.” “Maybe Vex. Maybe something else.” Dula’s shoulders slumped, and she waved a hand behind her. “There’s nothing more for us here, anyhow.” Dula sighed, looking down at her feet as she listened to the muffled conversations of the three ambassadors up ahead. She took in a breath, and spoke again. “If you want me to lead, then I will. Go home. Live well. And keep yourselves safe. This is all over now.” She stayed staring forwards, silence waiting behind her. Then, the crunching of footsteps against gravel, one set at a time. When she finally turned, the other hunters were gone. Back to normality; for how long? She didn’t know. Dula rolled sideways against the wall, and grasped her helmet from either side, lifting it up and holding it in front of her. It was still just light enough to see her own face; the lightly dyed hair, rough skin and deeply inset eyes; a respectable teacher once, although she hadn’t felt that way for years now. She ran a thumb over the decals of the helmet; a coiling dragon tail, spanning all the way round. She’d told her husband he looked ridiculous in it when he was still alive. Now, it gave her power. Meaning. Or it had done. “What am I supposed to do, Bobby? Another familiar question. Time and time again of being beaten down in her life, her career, in every school she’d ever been to. Always the same question. And Bobby, with his dimpled grin, had always given the same answer. What do the children need? “The children...” Jan Fitzgerald smiled, seeing their faces in her head. Lonnie. Grace. Harriet and Courtney. Mark. They were her students, every one of them. And the others as well, standing alongside them. Taking charge. Leading the future. The ever more uncertain future. Jan straightened up, and rolled her neck, looking up at the moon. She felt unburdened for the first time in a while. “Whatever you do, and however you do it...I hope you’ll do a better job than me.” She stuck her hands in her jacket pockets, and walked away, the moonlight shining off her visor as she held it beneath her arm. “I hope you’ll do a better job than us.” Far behind her now, the other five hunters trudged through the darkening streets. All with similar doubts, regrets, fears; but all still walking, moreso than many they’d come to know over the past year. They separated. Nile going in one direction with his dejected limp, with Rick wandering alongside, offering a hand where needed. Brom and Raif in another, the former taking the lead and seething, and the latter trailing behind, grateful for the visor to mask her relief. And suddenly Mira was left on her own, walking slowly through the shadows. She hadn’t looked back, or said a word; not even a farewell to the other hunters. That was all another life now. A nightmare in the dark, followed by a new dawn. She slowed, peering up through the cracks between the buildings, where the glittering light from the gate still left a scar in the sky. Absentmindedly, her hand reached up, caressing the front breast pocket of her overcoat, and feeling the device within. “Hey there, stranger.” She flinched, only momentarily. And then she turned around, her eyes meeting Caesiumon’s as he sat on the outdoor stairwell. He rolled his fingers, the purple flames dancing over the knuckles. And he grinned. Hoatzimon opened her eyes, feeling the cold trembling eating into her spine. She’d felt the vestiges of the sky battle even from her hiding place in the forest, and it hadn’t been pleasant. She liked to think she wasn’t cowardly, but there were limits, and the digital demons of old were never acquaintances you took lightly. Still, she pushed forwards, heading back into the clearing where the old hangar lay, more derelict by the day. She had to make sure she came back, that she kept visiting, no matter how much the ambassadors pushed. She walked inside, treading carefully through the pitch-blackness. She wasn’t used to not being able to see in here, as there had always been the grand, fiery glow of the herald in the centre, providing light to all who walked through those doors. He wasn’t glowing now. But he was here. Hoatzimon’s eyes adjusted just enough to the darkness to see the great form crouched over in the centre of the hangar. He was still, and uncharacteristically silent, with not even a hint of a glow about him. Except, if she squinted, just the faintest of rings circling his head. Not his own explosive energy, but the pure flame of Eirenemon, holding him in place even now. As long as we’re protecting this world, do not raise your arms against the human race again. Hoatzimon reached out with a palm, and planted it against one of his massive forearms. And she closed her eyes, feeling the warmth travel up her arm, and circle around her chest. Blessed relief against the bitter cold. Sciamon was dormant. But he was still here, even now, even out of sight, and out of mind. And he was still very, very angry. Since it was getting dark, and the undergrowth wasn’t exactly offering the greatest place for couples counselling, it was decided by majority consensus to move to one of the park’s slightly better lit picnic areas to sort the whole situation out. The mood started off more than a little tense as they trudged across the dirt path. Yethmon was still a bit narked about NeoDevimon getting away, and the other two Digimon were still a bit narked about him for being the reason why, but aside from the occasional scrappy comment any further discussion was relatively civil. Although Grace was still being incredibly quiet at the head of the group, walking collectedly next to a slightly-too-happy Nicholas. Jack wandered along behind, trying to ignore the ache in his legs and focus on the two. By the time they reached the first of the rows of benches, Grace hadn’t spoken properly for a good ten minutes, at which point her brother stepped forwards, clapping his hands together and pointing at the three Digimon behind him. “Right, okay, you three, with me, we’re having a bonding session.” Perimon’s feathers bristled. “What have I done?” “Nothing. We’re just all gonna go over there and leave a little space round here, because that’s the polite thing to do.” Vulpimon looked up with a sour face. “Really? Me too?” “That might actually be the best thing.” Nicholas scratched behind his head. “I think us two need some personal alone time.” Muttering under their breath, the three Rookies trudged past with Jack bringing up the rear. He turned around, and gave an OK symbol with his hand, before pointing at the two older teens in turn. “Please be nice to each other.” Nicholas gave a little wave as the boy trotted off after the others, before sighing, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Well...here we are again.” “Don’t patronise me.” “You?” Nicholas furrowed his brow. “I’m the one who got accosted and thrown into a tree, y’know.” Grace’s shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realise it was you.” “Is that your normal modus operandi, then?” Grace leant her head back, and her eyes bored into Nicholas’s; her stare heavy, dark and ragged. She shuffled backwards, lowering herself down onto the nearest bench and placing a hand on her cheek. Nicholas stood awkwardly in front of her, picking at his sleeves. “I was kidding.” Grace sighed. “Why are you here, Nicholas?” “You brought me here-“ “I...know. I know all the jokes and the smart comments and deflections, and I get it and I get why and I just...like...you know. Why.” The girl spread her palms out. “Why are you involved with all this? Why have you teamed up with the nasty hound who put you in the hospital a few months ago? Why are you doing any of this?” Nicholas pressed his lips out, looking thoughtful for a few moments. Then he sat down next to her, brushing off his lap. “I saw you, back with the clown, didn’t I? I just wanted to be there with you.” “Nicholas-“ The retort came out harsher than the girl intended, and she cleared her throat. “This is really dangerous, you know. These guys...Digimon, and the other humans as well...they don’t hold back. They never have.” “I know. I’ve found that out.” The girl narrowed her eyes. “How long have you been doing this?” “A month or so. Before Christmas. Highwaymon and I were there during the whole riots thing going on.” “I told you to stay safe.” “I know. And I ignored you. Because I had a partner and I had a digivice and I am a tamer, so I had a responsibility the same as you did.” He leant back, drumming his fingers on his knees. He felt his girlfriend’s gaze boring into him, and he looked sideways with a desperate glance. “I was trying to help. I felt it was what I needed to do.” Grace held her teeth together. “I told you what I did because I wanted to keep you safe. Not ‘cause I wanted you to join in.” Nicholas closed his mouth, looking the other way as Grace continued. “This isn’t a game, Nicholas. I trusted you, and then I find out you’ve been doing all this anyway and it’s...it’s hard...I’m trying my best-“ “Pardon me, but I don’t think you’ve got any right to talk about trust.” ![]() Grace blinked, her sentence catching in her throat. Nicholas kept staring the other way, refusing to look back. The girl swallowed. “What was that?” “I’ve only been doing this for about a month. What about you? Were you ever gonna tell me if I didn’t randomly bump into you on Christmas Eve?” The boy turned around, and his face was hardened; more so than Grace had ever seen it. He stared towards her, his glasses shining a little in the lamplight. “Yeah, alright, I kept it quiet. And I kept it quiet that I knew what you were up to as well. I figured you had a reason. But if the only reason you had for lying to me was some rubbish about keeping me safe then that’s just not on.” “You were attacked, Nicholas! Don’t play it off like some mild inconvenience!” The boy shook his head. “You’re...you’re attacked on a daily basis. Why are you the only one who should get affected by all this? If I’m in danger and I need looking after then surely that goes for you as well.” Grace hunched her shoulders. “It’s not your job. It never was.” “I bet you don’t give your brother this kind of treatment.” The girl’s eyes flashed, and she whirled on the young man next to her. “Don’t talk about him like that!” “I didn’t-“ “He’s stronger than you think! He’s been through all this; he knows exactly what he’s getting into!” “...and there it is, at last.” Nicholas turned back, bringing his fist down on the side of the bench as he glared up into Grace’s eyes. “If he can understand it, then why am I not allowed to?” “Because...because...” Grace sniffed, staring away into the darkness. “I...I’ve seen and done things that you would hate, you know.” She brought her hands together, holding her wrists inside her sleeves. Nicholas just sat there, letting her speak. “I’ve killed Digimon, I’ve fought in wars, I’ve let my mind be taken over by some horrific and bloodthirsty force and I’ve watched the end of the world as I desperately tried to save it. I didn’t ask for any of that. I never would, and if...if you knew anything about how bad it was then you never would either. I wouldn’t wish the things I’ve seen on my worst goddamn enemy.” She looked up, tears touching the corners of her eyes. “I just want to protect you, Nicholas. From...from all of this. That’s why I didn’t say anything.” Nicholas looked into her haunted gaze for a few seconds. Then he turned back, pushing his glasses up. “Are you gonna stop then?” The girl held her breath. Then she slumped. “I don’t think I can.” “Then please forgive me, but I don’t buy that.” “Buy what?” “The whole ‘you want to protect me from all this’ thing.” “Nicholas-“ The boy looked up. “If you can put yourself through it, and allow your friends and your family to go through it with you, but not me? If we really are friends then that doesn’t make any sense. Unless...” The girl swallowed. “Unless what?” “...unless the only reason you want me around is so you have somebody to whom you can pretend there’s nothing wrong. Somebody normal. Somebody innocent.” The girl tensed, holding her shoulders together. Nicholas’s head rolled sideways, and he gazed at her with dead eyes. “Is that what this is all about?” “I...I just...I...” The girl’s arms fell, and she stared down at the ground in front of her, her bangs obscuring her face. “...I just don’t know anymore...” She stayed there for a few minutes, with Nicholas sitting beside her, clasping his hands in front of him. Eventually there was a sigh, and Grace looked upwards. “I don’t know what I wanted, really, other than that I didn’t want you to get involved. Whether that was for your sake or for mine I...I don’t know. Probably mine.” Nicholas clenched his fists. “What about now? Do you still want me to get out of this?” “I don’t like it. At all.” The girl sighed. “But I don’t have any means or right to stop you. I guess it was always going to happen.” “Hey now...” The boy leaned in, holding an arm around his girlfriend, as she held herself awkwardly and woodenly. The boy leant his head on her shoulder, staring straight ahead as he tried to find the words. “We promised to help each other out, remember? You don’t need to worry about me.” He grinned stiffly. “I know all about it now. We don’t need any secrets. And I can learn from the best.” “Me?” Grace couldn’t stop herself from giving a hoarse laugh. “I only offer bad habits. You really don’t want to learn anything from me.” “Sure I do. You’re the best person I know.” “You’re being patronising again.” “...okay, we really need to work on this whole ‘loving couple’ thing.” “Yeah. We do.” Nicholas sighed, and tried to find something else to say, but he couldn’t think of anything. He resorted to holding out an arm, draping it over the girl’s shoulder. He lay there for a few seconds, wondering whether anything productive was going to come from this. Then the girl leaned sideways, and Nicholas felt her arm traipse across his own back, holding his side and pulling him ever so slightly closer. Despite himself, he smiled. The two leaned in, staring ahead across the gathering darkness, holding each other as the only support for miles around in this desolate place. It wasn’t the most comfortable, or the most welcome, for either of them. But, at the very least, it was something. Perimon hopped backwards, tilting his head as he tried to read the pair’s lips through the twisting wood. It was a wholly unsuccessful attempt, and he slouched, making annoying clicking sounds with his beak. He was about to hop up a few levels, when Jack’s arm reached out, grabbing the bird by the collar and pulling him backwards with an indignant squawk. He glared up at the boy, making his best attempt at a pout. “How come we’re out here on the naughty step when they’re having a secret heart-to-heart over there?” “Because, my dude, we’re practising being polite and respectful of other peoples’ boundaries.” Perimon snorted. “Fine, dad.” The boy twitched in irritation, and folded his arms. “Since when did you get so dramatic?” “Jack, there is tea happening mere metres away. I demand to know.” “...you’ve been watching mum’s favourite reality shows again, haven’t you...” Perimon fluffed up his feathers, kicking against the dirt as he went a deeper shade of scarlet. “I admit to nothing. But those idiots try really hard and gosh dangit they need appreciation.” Thankfully, the two were saved from any further vital discussion by Yethmon sitting up from the tree stump beside them, giving them both an irritated look. “Are we done? When can I get back to my job?” A puff of frost floated over, dusting his mask with snow. He glared sideways, his eyes meeting Vulpimon’s as she huffed in his face. “Maybe once you’ve gotten that stick out of your bottom and stopped being a colossal thug.” “Hrgrgrggh!” Vulpimon jumped backwards as Yethmon leered at her, before rolling backwards, placing his arms behind his head. Vulpimon bristled, gesturing at Jack and Perimon. “You did see that, right? He just hissed at me!” Jack leant sideways, his cheek on his hand. “Yeah, I’m watching, don’t worry.” “What are you, my babysitter?” Yethmon leapt up, stomping back and forth with his arms folded like a petulant child. “I was doing my job, with my tamer, as I’m allowed to do. I didn’t ask any of you to get involved and you’re treating me like hell for it.” Perimon rolled his eyes. “Oh, I’m so sorry we’re not treating you with the respect you so very much deserve.” “Watch the sarcasm, bird. I don’t sleep.” Perimon grimaced. “Ow. So much edge.” Jack sighed, sitting upwards on the branch. “You do know you’re being a bit of a prick, right?” Yethmon rolled his eyes. “That’s the intention.” “Yeah, I figured, but...why?” Jack sighed. “You have a partner now, don’t you? You have to understand; we’re not trying to get in your way or make ourselves out to be better than you or anything. You don’t have to like us. But we’re not going anywhere and you should get over that.” Yethmon grumbled for a moment, but then looked away. “Yeah, I know. This is all just new to me, is all.” “S’new to us all,” sang Perimon, hopping forwards. Yethmon kept a watchful eye on him, but the bird had some modicum of self-preservation and kept his distance. “So what’s the story, anyway?” “What do you mean, the story?” Vulpimon sighed. “Why join up with one of the humans you hate so much?” “Again with that. How am I supposed to give you a straight answer when you keep treating me like a criminal?” Perimon and Vulpimon shared a look, but neither decided to pry. Yethmon tapped his foot on the ground. “Nicholas is different. Or...well...not different, maybe, I mean he likes you guys and I don’t understand that. I don’t understand much about him, really. But he gives me meaning.” Vulpimon puffed a cloud of frost. “Pardon me, but that seems a little flimsy.” “Alright then, what does Grace give you?” “Oh, apart from compassion and love and the fact that she saved my life and my world and I’m forever indebted to her? That enough ‘meaning’ for you?” She humphed, sticking her nose up in the air as she turned away in a strop. Yethmon raised an eyebrow, before turning to Perimon. The eagle thought for a minute. “Honestly? Chips, mainly.” “Hey!” “I’m kidding dude, I’m kidding.” Perimon winked at the hound. “Sometimes I get doughnuts as well.” Yethmon laughed despite himself, catching even the irritated Jack off guard. The hound stood back. “You’re the ones who saved the world. It figures; you all have more than I ever will. You’re right; I’m a dick.” “Colossal dick, my friend.” “Much obliged, birdie.” Yethmon stuck his paws within his shawl. “I figured it was all I could do. No control over my world, my life or my own future. Kill or be killed. The humans weren’t gonna stop for my sake. But then again, neither were the other Digimon.” He sighed. “Nicholas...I don’t know what he really feels about me. It doesn’t feel like we’re friends, so much, but he understands and he helps me. Whether that’s for my sake, or ‘cause it’s helping him out, I don’t know.” Jack ran his tongue over his upper teeth. “Nicholas is a good person though, right?” “If you wanna think so.” “I...I do? Kind of. I mean, yeah, I really actually do, for Grace’s sake if nothing else.” Jack hopped down, wincing a bit as he landed on his weak knee. “You helped during the riots, and you’re still helping now. Good people step forward and help, right?” Yethmon looked up with tired eyes. “Do I look like I’ve ever been remotely ‘good people’?” Jack stayed crouched down, a slight bereft look over his face. Yethmon picked at his claws. “As I said, Nicholas gives me meaning, be it for my sake or his. I prefer that over having to prove it for myself.” The hound shrugged. “Plus it’s, well, neat being able to evolve on command. Can’t complain about the power.” The hound looked back, and noticed Vulpimon looking over her shoulder at him, a strange look in her eye. He raised an eyebrow, waiting until she spoke. “Can I give you some friendly advice?” “Knock yourself out.” The fox exhaled. “I think I get how you work. I...I get it myself. Really. You look up to Nicholas and the way he makes you feel. That I can understand.” “Spit it out, fluffy.” Vulpimon walked forwards, standing right in front of him with a hard look in her eyes. “Be careful. Don’t get too attached to the power. Because if something goes wrong?” She gestured, first at Yethmon, and then at her own chest, where the thin silver pendent swung brightly. “If something goes wrong, it’s all on us.” ![]() The hound looked down at her, his expression largely unreadable underneath the ragged mask. She didn’t budge, staring at him with a hard intensity. Eventually Yethmon broke away, rolling his claws over his knee. “You guys really do care about them, huh...” Vulpimon gave a mirthless laugh. “If you have any compassion whatsoever, you’ll understand.” She walked past him, giving a slight side-smile. “You won’t have a choice.” Off to one side, Perimon let out a low murmuring as he watched the two canines part, settling down a good five feet from one another. He looked up towards his own partner for assistance in the matter, but Jack was crouched forwards, unremittingly invested. “What’s that look for?” “Nuuuuthin.” The boy placed a finger against his lips. “Just...well, do you ever get the feeling you’re watching the birth of a wonderful friendship?” Perimon looked up at the boy, then at each of the other Digimon in turn. “Uh...no. Not really.” “But they look good together.” “That doesn’t count!” Jack smiled, resting his head on his hand. “Just give it time, dude. It’ll all work out. It always does.” Bzzzt. The boy jumped as his phone suddenly buzzed against his leg while blurting out a cheesy heart-pumping shonen theme tune. He flipped the device up to his head, leaning backwards. “Y’ello?” “Jack. I’m glad I got you. Are you out and about at the moment?” “Kai! Good to hear from you.” Jack grinned, resting his arm over his knees as he rocked backwards. “What’s happening?” “Yeah, you haven’t managed to lose the Guardian of Hell’s Gate recently, have you?” “Ah.” Jack winced. “We didn’t lose him, he ran away of his own accord.” “S’all okay, I believe you.” There came a buzz of static, before Kai’s voice sounded once again. “I only asked because we’ve got somebody sitting on top of the community hall making all the little cub scouts cry with visions of trauma and despair at the moment.” Jack winced. “Yeeeeah....that sounds like our guy.” “I figured as much. Luminemon’s blasting him in the face at the moment; did you want us to push him anywhere in particular?” “Your side of the lake, maybe? Get him into the park and then we can actually do something to calm him down without causing any more issues.” “Sounds like a plan. Peace out, little man.” The line went dead, and Jack let out a long sigh. He glanced aside at Perimon, who merely shrugged. “Lemme guess. We’re on for round two.” “Flex those flight muscles, dude.” The boy hopped down, and walked back through the tree line; thrusting them aside as he confronted Grace and Nicholas. “Sorry to break up the counselling session but we’re needed again.” He stuck his hands in his pockets, the wind rising up behind him. “The devil’s back in town.” TO BE CONTINUED... |