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Content warning: This episode contains themes of emotional and physical abuse. Reader discretion is advised. Andalusia, Spain 7th June, 2010 Clearest blue, stretching as far out as the eye could see. Occasionally dotted with the far-off silhouette of a ship, or the bobbing hull of one of the early morning fishermen out on their rounds. But apart from that, just an endless desert of blue. The sun hung low, the early morning rays dancing across the calm surface. On the far northern end of the beach, right where the rocks rose up into the great sea cliffs, a young girl ran across the sand. She laughed, holding her arms out and spinning around, taking in the morning’s rays for all they were worth. Her parents were still up at the house, but she didn’t need them. Not when there was a whole world to explore, right outside her front door. Her pale feet left the slightest imprints in the sand as she ran down to the water’s edge, hopping effortlessly over the rocks. They were still cool, and she shivered, feeling the grains beneath her toes. The girl slowed down, and hopped from rock to rock, humming to herself. That is, until she saw him. At first she wasn’t sure what she was looking at, so ragged and torn it looked, and without her glasses she had to squint. From a distance it looked almost like so much seaweed, washed up during one of the night’s tides. But as she got closer, it was clear it was living, and breathing; a creature of the sea. Although like no creature she’d ever seen before. He was quite small, only slightly bigger than a Jack Russell terrier, although nowhere near as fluffy. Instead he had smooth, spotted green skin, with fleshy polyps sticking out at odd angles. As the waves pushed him sideways, the girl was able to make out more of his shape. Webbed hands and feet making him look almost more like a frog than a fish. A long tail, again tipped with something like a webbed hand. She reached out and brushed one of them, before quickly drawing her finger back, shaking it. A barb had broken her skin; one of several, hidden by the pink polyps. As she sucked her finger, she watched, crouched down, as the creature gently rolled over again. He groaned, and raised his head. His head was very much like a fish, with large, spiny lips, housing a row of needle-like yellow teeth. He looked up blearily, his eyes squinting against the sun. For a moment he couldn’t see anything. Then the girl’s face came into focus above him, looking down at him with a great curiosity. “Who...are you...?” ![]() The girl gasped at the sound of his voice, holding her hand up to her mouth. She shuffled back a little, but didn’t run, instead watching as the small creature struggled to push himself up onto his legs. “...where am I?” The girl swallowed, looking into those bleary eyes, tears welling beneath them. She smiled, and held out a tentative hand. The creature’s legs shook, and he collapsed forwards, his webbed hands digging into the sand as he began to gasp. He winced, crouching up as he looked pleadingly up at the girl. “Please...help me...” The girl held her breath, but before she could make a move, the fish had already collapsed, crying against the sand as he pawed it pathetically. “You...have to save me...please...I don’t want to...die...” He held his breath, feeling the girl’s hand curl around his own. With a great effort, he pushed himself up, his eyes meeting hers. She smiled kindly. “My name is Inez. What’s yours?” The fish blinked, feeling the warmth of the sun on his back as he found himself transfixed by the girl’s smile. He croaked, gently opening his mouth as he sat upright. “A...Anglermon...” Inez balanced the plate on her palm as she gently closed the bedroom door behind her. For a moment she wobbled, the bowls sliding around a little on the china surface. Then she regained her balance, skipping over to her desk chair and shuffling up next to the fishtank on the floor. There was a slight plopping sound as Anglermon stuck his head out, holding his head just on the water’s surface. “It’s small in here.” “That’s all we have at the moment. Sorry.” The girl grinned, and held out a small bowl of olives. “Are you hungry? Do animals like you get hungry?” “I’m not an animal, and I don’t really know what hungry is, but...probably. I’ve felt weird ever since I arrived...wherever here is.” Anglermon reached out with a webbed hand, spearing a small handful of olives with the barbs beneath his finger pads. He returned beneath the surface, eating them systematically, before rearing his head up again. “Thank you.” Inez giggled, and placed the plate down on the desk beside her. She shuffled forwards, her feet dangling back and forth. “Are you feeling any better?” Anglermon readjusted himself, holding his small arms around his knees as he gently blew bubbles. “Much. Thank you. I owe you for that as well.” “I couldn’t just leave you there.” The girl turned her head to one side. “What were you doing anyway?” Another stream of bubbles, as Anglermon crouched up even more. “The...the world was burning...I had to run...I had to run away and then I found myself here...” He looked up, his eyes glistening. “I found you...” “It sounds like you came from a nasty place.” “...I did...you...have no idea...I can’t go back...” Inez stuck her bottom lip out, but the fish didn’t seem willing to offer any more conversation. She stood up, and was about to leave again, when she heard his croaking voice. “Inez-” The girl paused, looking over her shoulder as Anglermon hobbled out of the tank, resting on his knuckles on the towel just in front. “Is it okay if I stay here? In this world? I mean...with you, I mean?” Inez beamed, and walked back up to him, running her hand gently over the smooth part of his scalp. The front-most polyp of his crest dangled over, swinging from left to right in front of him. “Why do you even have to ask?” Inez giggled again, and rested her head in her palms as she crouched down. “You’re wonderful...” They searched as far and wide as they could, from the early hours of the morning, right through to the afternoon. Alopemon ran up and down the length of the beach. Andriamon swam through every nook and cranny up the river she could find. Orizumon and Mistramon scanned the open sea, flying as low as they dared as they and their partners tried to find any sign of her. And Syngnamon himself swam as far and as fast as he could, trying to find any sign, and clue, and hope of finding his partner. But it was no use. Orizumon eventually found him bobbing up and down on the water’s surface, having swum himself into near-unconsciousness. Lyra held him in her arms as the two brought him back to the beach, where the others were gathered, forlorn. “How could I let this happen...?” The seahorse clutched the sides of his head, his snout still running with tears as he stared at the dark D-SEND in front of him, the screen telling him absolutely nothing. He scrunched his eyes up, wiping an arm over them. “She...she was right there. Again she was right there and I just...couldn’t do a thing...” Dendromon waddled over, and gave him a gentle pat on the back. But she couldn’t think of anything to say, and when she looked up at her partner, Lonnie was coming up blank as well. Beside them, Lyra sat with her hands clasped beneath her chin, racking her head for more ideas. “Have we definitely searched everywhere?” Perimon popped his beak. “We can’t have searched everywhere otherwise we’d have found her. That’s how searching works.” “No jokes, dude.” Jack sighed as he leant back. “I really don’t wanna bring this up, but...is she even on Earth still? You know there are still gateways here and there.” Grace shivered. “I don’t want to think about how many people end up wandering through them...” Syngnamon looked up. “This was deliberate. This was something looking for her specifically.” Lyra tapped her feet in front of her, holding her hands in front of her mouth to hide the worry on her face. “Does it have anything to do with that other time on the beach? Y’know...the reason she was so frightened?” This made Syngnamon feel even worse, and he crouched up, holding the D-SEND within his webbed hands like a child holds a toy. Lonnie whistled through her teeth, and stood up. “If anyone’s gonna have an idea of who it is, I think I know who that might be.” The others looked in a puzzled fashion at her, and she shrugged one shoulder. “The ambassadors, right? They might know a bit more about what’s going on with the digital world side. Or at the very least they could point us where to look.” Jack looked hopeful, but Lyra rolled her fingers uncertainly. “You really think they’ll give us a hand? We haven’t done too well by their standards the past couple of days.” “They promised to help this world.” Lonnie closed her fist as she smiled. “We have to work together here.” The others agreed, if somewhat begrudgingly. Only Syngnamon pulled back, sniffing. “I...I should go...” “Woah there, soldier.” Perimon flapped down, holding out a wing before the seahorse could escape. “You’re in no shape to go swimming again. You’ve been doing too much already.” “No, you don’t get it.” Syngnamon pulled back, holding the D-SEND tightly in his palm as his eyes narrowed. “It’s my responsibility. I...I’m the one who has to tell her parents.” 5th July, 2010 Inez rushed down the stairs two at a time, skittering through the kitchen as she leapt for her coat. Her mother nearly dropped her iron, turning towards her daughter in a panic. “Inez! What are you doing?” “A monster!”” Inez babbled, struggling to contain the energy in her voice as she pulled her jacket around her. She turned towards her parents in the kitchen, her eyes wild. “Another one, on the rocks. Anglermon saw it.” “The same as last week?” Her father furrowed his brow. “That was a fluke. I don’t want you putting yourself in danger.” “It’s going to be fine! I promise. Anglermon’s going to look after me.” There was another bound, and Anglermon leapt up onto Inez’s shoulder, locking himself gently in place on her jacket. “It’s somebody else from my world. Another one of the tainted ones.” Leandro clenched his fist. “But...Inez, why does it have to be you?” Inez pulled her shoes on. “It’s my home, papa.” She smiled, and held up a hand to Anglermon’s chin. “And we’re the only ones who can.” Leandro opened his mouth again, but he could see the firm look in his daughter’s eye, more than he had ever seen her. His gaze turned towards Anglermon. “Protect her. Promise me that.” Anglermon raised a hand in salute, before Inez turned, rushing out the door before her parents could say another word. The girl rushed down the villa path, turning at the end as she headed for the rocks; the same ones where she’d found Anglermon one month prior. From here she could see it; in fact, she could almost feel it. The intense, roaring flames, coagulated into the vaguest form of a lizard, with a curved metal mask as the only indication of where its head was. The Flarerizamon crouched down, the seaweed already wilted to ashes around it as it stared around with crazed, blank eyes. Its head whipped sideways, and Inez crouched down behind a rock, feeling the adrenaline within her. Anglermon hopped down, crouching before her as he looked up expectantly. The girl swallowed. “This wasn’t just a fluke last time, was it?” “It can’t have been.” Anglermon nodded. “You do have it, don’t you?” The girl reached into her jacket pocket, and pulled out the small, royal blue device, feeling the warmth in her hands. Anglermon grinned. “You remember how to do it, right?” “Tower of Fire!” A blast erupted from next to the rock, and the girl screamed. Anglermon rolled backwards, barking outwards as he ran right into the Flarerizamon’s field of vision. “Inez! Now!” Inez took a breath, and ran out as she held the device out before her. The energy coursed through her, and she found herself focusing on the fish as he rushed away from the infernal beast. “Anglermon, El Poder Del Alma!” ![]() She thrust her arm wide like before, the blue lights bursting from her arms with only the slightest tingle of pain. Still she held firm, holding her finger on the tiny device’s central screen as the lights enveloped the fish before her. “Activar la Evolución!” The device pulsed, and Anglermon gasped as he was lifted up, the lights burrowing into his flesh, his hands, his eyes, stretching and warping him from the inside. Inez tried to watch, but the light was too intense and she found herself shielding her face. When she pulled her hand down, the fish had grown considerably. He landed with an acrobatic crouch, holding a long, barbed arm backwards as his whiplike tail swished back and forth. His form was more humanoid, with a large, spiked crest down his back and more spikes ringing his shoulders and forearms. His face was angular, wreathed in spines, with two large armour plates clutching his lips, jutting out into two fang-like protrusions. “Anoplomon!” ![]() “Tower of Fire!” The Flarerizamon roared, slamming its paw down again and causing another barrage of fire to erupt from the ground where Anoplomon had been standing moments before. But the fish man was fast, bounding over the rocks in a wide arc and avoiding all attacks the beast could throw at him. Inez stood at the side, holding onto her device for dear life as she called out. “You have it! Don’t let it catch you!” Anoplomon grinned. “He’s the one that’s going to need to worry about that.” Without warning he turned, ninety-degrees, charging at the lizard at full speed. Flarerizamon barely had time to react before Anoplomon’s fist jutted forwards, knocking it backwards. It staggered, and the fish’s whiplike tail twisted around its neck, dragging it backwards. Anoplomon let out a breath, running at full speed towards the sea and pulling the beast behind it. “This home is PROTECTED!” He leapt from the rocks, and Flarerizamon struck the water behind him. It howled, swinging back and forth as great clouds of steam erupted from its body. Its flames dulled, and its vision blurred even more as it swiped at nothing. It gurgled, no intelligence left to realise that Anoplomon was bearing down on it again. He raised his arm, the spikes rising from the armour and twisting around into a blurring pale drill. “Serrated Spinner!” Anoplomon brought his fist forwards into the lizard’s throat, the spikes piercing through the flaming flesh and erupting from the back of its neck. Flarerizamon croaked, and collapsed, the flames falling in on themselves and landing in clumps on the sea. Inez rushed up as Anglermon emerged with a flash of lights, his crest bobbing up and down and a great smile on his face. “It worked! I did it! We did it, Inez!” He bounded forwards into her arms, and without warning wrapped his arms around her shoulders as she spun around behind him, laughing herself. “It worked! It worked!” “You know what this means, don’t you?” Inez held the tiny fish man out, and he beamed in her arms. “We’re actually partners now. You’re my tamer.” Inez crouched down, looking out at the remaining flames puttering out on the surface of the sea. “You mean...we can help to save the world?” Anglermon pressed his lips out. “If that’s alright with you.” “Of course it is, my partner.” Inez held him tightly, feeling the warmth in her chest. The fish held her back, nestling his head in her shoulder. “I love you.” The rain was beginning to fall heavily as Syngnamon sat coiled up on the doorstep, his mane soaked. He felt sick, and drained, and like he just wanted to coil up and forget everything. But he forced himself to unfurl his arm, and knock gently against the door. It was a quiet, pitiful knock, drowned out by the rain. Every second was painful, but he forced himself to keep trying. On the third knock the door finally swung open, revealing Leandro and Clara standing together, looking down at him. “Where have you been? We’ve been worried sick...” Leandro crouched down, his eyes piercing and heavily bagged as he looked the seahorse in the eye. “Where’s Inez?” “I...I..she...” Syngnamon swallowed, and brought his head down as low as he could, still feeling the imposing presence above him. “Syngnamon...where...where is my daughter-“ “I’m sorry! I’ve failed you!” Leandro gasped, and Clara brought her hands up to her mouth, as they watched Syngnamon hold his hand forwards, the dark shape in his grasp. “What...have you done...?” The seahorse flinched, but remained standing, keeping low as he held her D-SEND out. “She was taken. Last night, just...something came from the river and dragged her away. I wasn’t fast enough. I didn’t get to her in time and I should have and it’s all my fault!” He didn’t want to open his eyes but he forced himself to look, taking in the haunted expressions of her two parents, staring utterly aghast. Syngnamon swallowed, stepping back. “We’re still looking. We will find her. I just knew I needed to tell you. I’ll bring her back to you, and then I’ll...I’ll leave you for good. And her.” He blinked, his eyes blurring from the rain and from his own tears, and he turned to run away. “I’ve made you suffer enough. I promise, I’m going to bring her back-“ “Wait!” Leandro reached out and grabbed the seahorse by the tail, pulling him backwards as Syngnamon struggled to keep going. “Let me...go! I need to fix this! You don’t deserve any of this! I have to-“ “Who took her?” Syngnamon pulled, but the man’s eyes were wild, looking pleadingly into his own. “Who was it? Did you see?” The seahorse stared back with panicked eyes, his muscles tensing. “It was dark...I couldn’t see anything...it just...it vanished, before I could reach it-“ “You must have seen something! Anything!” Inez’s father leaned closer, his eyes darting back and forth. Clara stepped forwards behind him, still holding her hands to her mouth. “Leandro...you don’t think-“ “I...I heard something...I’m sure...” Syngnamon gritted his teeth, squinting in the darkness as his jewels glowed gently. He took a breath, and looked up at the man. “I’m sure it...it said ‘Found you’.” Leandro loosened his grip, breathing heavily. Behind him, Clara placed a hand on her husband’s shoulder as she looked down at the Digimon. “L-Leandro...do you...think...?” The man let out a breath, placing his palm on the ground. Syngnamon glanced down, seeing his hand clenching, trembling, the nails chipping on the wet stone. “It is. I can feel it.” He looked up, an iron gaze piercing straight into Syngnamon’s eyes. “Come inside. Now.” They retreated, and Syngnamon, after a few stunned seconds, followed them. He gently crawled across the carpet, walking towards the wooden stool in the corner. Leandro sat down on the sofa, with Clara taking a seat next to him. Syngnamon pulled himself up, swallowing. “I don’t understand, do you...did you-“ Syngnamon stared as Leandro pulled the other sleeve of his shirt up, revealing the full extent of the scarring at the end of his right arm, the hand long gone. He then unbuttoned his collar, revealing further scars. Syngnamon swallowed. “I...never wanted to ask...” A thought flashed through his head, and he started, leaning forwards. “Wait, then...what happened to Inez? Her neck...she has scars there too...” Leandro sat back as the seahorse coiled his tail, his eyes wide as he looked between Leandro and Clara. “Who...did this to you?” The man held out his hand, silencing the seahorse. “We should have told you...there was one before you. We should have told you everything before. Then you might have been able to prepare. Just in case he ever came back.” ![]() Leandro let out a long breath, his eyes staring hard into Syngnamon’s. The seahorse’s head bowed down, ever so slightly, as it all began to fall into place. He raised a hand, pressing it against his own chest, and feeling his rapid heartbeat. “By ‘he’...you mean...” Clara nodded, her arm wrapping further around her husband’s. “Inez’s first Digimon.” At first it was infrequent. Once a week, if that. But more and more came, blasting fire and death. A tear in the digital fabric, through which the otherworldly soldiers would escape. And every time a wild one appeared, they would be there. Whether it was on the beach, in the fields, in the caves; no matter where, they would reach it and stop it in its tracks. Anglermon was tenacious; his size meant nothing to him, as long as he had Inez by his side. And she always was; helping him along, giving him the strength he needed. The battles continued, through the summer and into the winter. They kept fighting. Every new invader, every new monster. The monsters themselves began to change. Less destructive. More frightened. Running away as opposed to running after. But they all met the same fate. Anglermon was relentless. He would find every one and destroy them, more and more often, growing more powerful all the time. Always looking over his shoulder. Always waiting for Inez. And when the wild ones didn’t come, he went out on his own, searching for new enemies to fight. But every time, Inez was there, giving him the strength and support he needed. She loved him too much to stop. Even when he was irritated, she was there. Even when he began to shout. Even when it began to hurt. 12th February, 2011 “Hurry!” Anglermon tugged at Inez’s shoulder as she clambered over the rocks, the caverns dripping around her. She blew on her hands, her fingers feeling frozen through the mittens. She’d already run through the pools to get here, and her trousers were soaked, the wind chill making them feel even worse. But she’d come this way so many times before that she could almost do it in her sleep at this point. She crouched against a wall, blinking up at the fish on her shoulder, as he gripped her tightly. “Are you sure there’s one around here?” “Have I ever been wrong?” Anglermon grinned, and pointed his snout upwards. “I can smell him. I can smell them all, you know? He must be in here.” He chuckled, before nudging the girl in the side of the head. “Come on then, let’s go.” Inez’s hand went up to her scarf, and she let out a breath. “Not so rough this time, alright? You promised.” “I know, I know. I remember.” Anglermon crouched up even more, beaming. “Love you, my little Ini.” Inez pulled a face. “Do you have to call me that?” She looked sideways, and Anglermon fluttered his eyelashes, pulling as much of a sad puppy face as he was able. Inez sighed, and tickled under his chin. “I love you too.” The girl sniffed, and carried on, taking care not to slip on the rocks. The sun was streaming through the gaps in the cavern roof, although the early February afternoon was less than warm. Inez had to pause another couple of times, and each time her partner would egg her on, getting increasingly anxious about the location of the wild one. But eventually, she could hear it as well. A dragging sound across the cavern floor, along with a pained, heavy breathing. She pressed herself against a wall and edged forwards, blocking out her partner’s incessant encouragements in her ear. She leant forwards, pressing her glasses up as she peered at the creature beyond. She could just about make out a lithe silhouette when she felt a sharp nip on her shoulder. “Ouch!” She pulled back, struggling to stop herself from yelling out loud as she glared at Anglermon. “What was that for?” “Well he was about to see you!” “I’m nowhere near him. It. Whatever it is. Get off me.” The girl shrugged the fish off, and rubbed her tender shoulder. “You promised...” “Yeah, well, you were slow.” Anglermon sniffed, and crept up to the corner, looking at the creature beyond. Inez scowled, but she edged forwards herself, holding her digivice in front of her. “Depthmon. Armour level, Sea Animal Digimon.” Anglermon hissed under his breath. “Good thing he’s on land; it should be an easy fight.” The Depthmon twisted around, the sunlight reflecting from his curved visor. He shuffled forwards on his fish-like tail, holding his right arm. He gurgled, his breathing patchy and broken. Inez held a thumb to her lips. “He looks lost more than anything.” “Don’t let him fool you.” Anglermon rolled his shoulders. “I know these guys. They’re all nothing but lazy vermin.” Without warning he rushed forwards, Inez holding out an arm after him. He looked over his shoulder, his mouth opening wide. “Come on, Inez, evolve me!” Up ahead, the Depthmon turned its head, is face obscured by the curved visor. Anglermon rushed at him, swiping at his gauntlet, but it was a feeble blow and the fish found himself flying sideways with a great sweep from the Digimon’s tail. He landed awkwardly, spitting on the rocks. “Ini! What are you doing?” The girl fumbled with her digivice, apologising under her breath as she finally retained hold of it in her numb fingers. She held it out, taking a deep breath. “Anglermon, El Poder Del Alma! Activar la Evolución!” The white lights reached out, swirling around Anglermon as he leapt to his feet. He was Anoplomon when he landed, and he crouched forwards, wiping a barbed arm over his lips. “Finally. It’s about time...” He snarled, running forwards at Depthmon, who raised his leathery gauntlets in defence. Anoplomon ducked beneath them, bringing one bony arm upwards in a savage chop and breaking Depthmon’s barrier. The merman shuffled back, holding his palms out straight. “Stay away from me! Marine Knives!” Blades of water shot outwards, but Anoplomon merely batted them away further into the cavern. Depthmon was sliding backwards, heading for the sea beyond, but the fish-man growled and lunged for him again. “No you don’t.” He twisted his arms around one of Depthmon’s and pulled, throwing the larger Digimon over his shoulder like it was nothing. Depthmon landed awkwardly, and twisted sideways, but he merely landed right into Anoplomon’s hard punches, followed by a bone-breaking kick that sent him sprawling. Anoplomon hissed at the air, barely holding his laugh back. Against the wall, Inez winced as she felt the raw energy pulling at every bone in her body. She gritted her teeth against the pressure, trying to suppress the thump-thump-thump in her brain and her chest with every impact. “Too...much...” Depthmon struggled up with a shaking head, holding his arm back. “Marine...” “I don’t think so.” Anoplomon kicked him in the head, before grasping a hand around his opponent’s arm, the spikes spearing outwards and digging into the flesh. “Serrated Spinner!” He corkscrewed forwards, ripping the merman’s arm at the elbow as the force sent Depthmon sprawling backwards. Inez yelled and ran sideways as he crashed into the wall where she had been, causing the whole cavern to shake. He crumpled, as the girl looked up with a panicked expression. “Anglermon! Enough!” “They’re all weak!” Anoplomon yelled, throwing the arm aside as he began to sprint forwards again, his focus entirely on the Depthmon before him. “None of them are above me now!” “Anglermon, STOP!” There was a flash of blue, and Anglermon stumbled, back in his Rookie form. He staggered, looking down at himself, then up at Inez, the expression on his face a mixture of confusion and fury. “What did you-“ “Bubble Bomb!” Depthmon reared up, holding his remaining gauntlet out and releasing a shockwave of sonic power, sending Anglermon crashing backwards into the rocks. Inez was felled by the blast as well, and she watched helplessly as the Depthmon wriggled forwards, slipping over the rocks and descending into the sea pool, escaping the cavern. The girl swallowed, wiping droplets of water from her glasses as she sat up, holding her aching shoulder. “What did you do that for?” The sound pierced her ear, and she shot a glare at Anglermon, who was jumping up and down, waving his hands. “I had him! I’d won, and then you ruined it, you stupid-“ “Anglermon, you promised!” The girl pushed herself to her feet, readjusting her scarf and pointing a finger at her partner. “I told you to stop being so rough but you didn’t listen! You’re not paying any attention to me! Again!” “You won’t let me fight the way I need to! I thought you wanted to help!” “I’m doing all I can!” Anglermon pointed behind him. “He’s going to get away now; how many people are gonna get hurt because of this-“ “Anglermon, I got hurt! Again! Because of you!” The girl held her hands to her chest, struggling to fight back tears. “I wanna do what I can for you but I can’t keep fighting when you’re always doing...this. Always getting too angry. I’m the one who feels it.” Anglermon swallowed. “Look...I love you, little Ini, but-“ “Don’t call me that!” screamed Inez at the top of her lungs, silencing the fish as he stood there, dripping. She shook, her hands clenching and unclenching by her sides. “I...I told you I didn’t like it...I don’t...I don’t want to do this anymore...I...I-I...I’m going home.” She turned around, rushing out the cavern as Anglermon watched her go. He listened to her footsteps as they grew fainter, before being replaced by the slow drip-drip-drip of the sea cave roof. Anglermon bit his lip, and drew in a long breath. “Hmm.” Inez raised her hands, throwing the water over her face and rubbing them over her curled, sandy hair, rinsing out the shampoo. Her eyes were held tight, more than she really needed to. She brought her arms down, slightly quicker than she intended, and winced as the graze on her left arm hit the water. She looked down at herself; at the several red cuts and purple bruises she’d picked up on the last few escapades alone. They didn’t hurt really, but there were a troubling number of them now, all over her body. She’d taken to hiding the worst of them when hanging around her parents. It was just part of the job, she told herself. Just normal. She sighed, and descended a little in the bath, blowing bubbles beneath the now lukewarm water. The sickly feeling in her stomach hadn’t gone away yet, the morning’s events having shaken her harder than she’d intended. She’d considered telling her parents what had happened on returning, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. If they got involved this time, they’d get involved every time. She didn’t want to cause any more trouble. In the end she’d said nothing, just waving them away with a smile as they’d left for a night out with their friends. The house certainly felt large without them around. Large, and empty, and quiet. And yet, if she squinted, she could hear the occasional pitter-pat of her partner as he shuffled around in the kitchen below her. Eventually she forced herself to get out, patting herself down and wrapping the towel around herself. She made her way down the hallway towards her bedroom, pulling the door to behind her. Her window was open, and the evening chill made her shiver, bringing out gooseflesh. She pulled some fresh pyjamas out of the wardrobe, laying them absentmindedly down on the bed. She looked up, seeing her own ample frame in the mirror. Without her glasses she couldn’t see entirely enough, so she leant forwards, blinking until her face came into focus. Inez slowly raised one arm, holding the finger beneath her eyes, running them over the dark circles. The skin felt rough, and wrinkled. She hadn’t realised just how tired she’d been getting. “Can I talk to you?” Inez tensed without knowing it, instinctively pulling the towel further around herself as she looked over her shoulder. “I’d rather you knocked first. I’ve got nothing on.” Anglermon was stood in the doorway, keeping his eyes down on the fluffy carpet. He ran a finger over the fabric, holding his bottom lip out. Inez stared at him. “Please.” The fish stepped back, standing behind the doorway as the girl hurriedly pulled her nightclothes on. She sat down, holding the towel folded in front of her. “You can come in now.” Anglermon waddled forwards, curving around the frame and pushing the door backwards, closing it with an audible click. He shuffled forwards, a slight smile curling over his face. “Are you feeling any better?” Inez swallowed, and nodded, although the feeling in her stomach still refused to budge. Anglermon hopped up next to her on the bed, and she nodded in return. “What about you?” “A bit.” The fish pressed his hands together, splaying the fingers out against each other and pulling them back in. “I don’t like it when they get away.” “I’ve noticed.” Inez held herself awkwardly. She felt like she should be saying something, but her mind was coming up blank. Anglermon stared up at her for a few expectant seconds, before breaking the silence himself. “I could have finished it. I didn’t expect you pull my power away like that.” The girl shook her head. “I didn’t know that was going to happen. Things just got out of hand.” “You didn’t want to do it?” “No. Well...maybe. I don’t know. Maybe at the time...” Anglermon bit his lip. “Don’t you want to help me? You promised, didn’t you?” A flash of annoyance passed over Inez’s face, and she glared down at the fish. “Look, I...I told you before you were getting too excited. It’s hurting me, you know.” She pulled one sleeve up, revealing the newest bruises, but Anglermon was just looking in the other direction. She let out a breath. “I want to be your partner. I love you. But I don’t like you when you’re like that.” Anglermon sat in silence, pushing his fingers in and out yet again. Inez sat back, looking at the mobile on her ceiling. “Maybe...maybe we should stop this for a bit. All the fighting. Or slow down at least. It was good to be protecting our home but...lately...it’s not as fun as it was-” “Fun?” The fish cut her off with a deep breath. When he spoke again, his voice was low. “...this is ‘fun’ to you?” Inez blinked. “I didn’t mean it like that, I just meant-“ “This is just a game, is it? Some part of your happy little life, where nothing matters to you, right?” Anglermon planted a palm against his chest as he glared up at her. “No, no, you’re wrong. This is about me being strong enough to keep you safe. You, your family, this place; this whole world. I thought you understood that.” “I do, but-“ “No, you don’t!” Anglermon reached out, grabbing her wrist as he stood up. “These things...we need to stop them. I need to stop them and I need your power to do that, otherwise they’ll just come and ruin everything!” Inez tugged gently, but the fish’s grip tightened, his rubbery skin pressing against hers. “Is this what you want? Are you okay with them going free? What about your family? Your parents? Do you want them to be in danger?” “...let go...” “I need you, Inez. I need your power. I need you to help me like you promised. You promised we’d be partners. Don’t you love me-“ “ Let go of me!” Inez yanked her hand back, but Anglermon held his ground, remarkably strong for somebody of his size. His feet rucked up the duvet as Inez pulled again and again, until she leant back, kicking outwards and catching the fish in the chest. He fell from the bed, lying sprawled on the floor as she held her blackening wrist. “You’re doing it again! Stop it! Please, stop it, Anglermon!” Anglermon pushed himself up, his knuckles tensing. His crest rose up in pulses, pointing straight upwards, as his eye swivelled up towards her. “You still just don’t get it.” Adrenaline blocked out her hearing, and Inez’s limbs moved on their own. She pushed herself backwards, shuffling up against the bed as she held her arms out. But Anglermon was fast, and well-practised, and he leapt up again, going for her arm. She hit out at him, but he gripped her tightly, crawling further and further up. She struggled, trying desperately to hold him back, but he just slipped through her grasp, his hands pinning against her shoulders. “You’re hurting me!” the girl yelled, her eyes wide as she stared up into Anglermon’s face. “You’re...hurti...i...” Her voice caught dead in her throat, and her eyes widened as she felt Anglermon’s cold fingers closing around her neck. The girl wriggled back and forth, but her arms and legs were all but useless, simply batting weakly at him. Anglermon grimaced, and pressed forwards, his face leering into hers. When he spoke, his voice was lower than ever; almost an emotionless whisper. “Grow up. I’ve spent my entire life on the receiving end of this. Being kicked around. The bottom of the food chain, to the point I had to run away from the only home I ever knew.” “Y...you’re...h...h-“ “Shut up.” Anglermon leant forwards, his feet gripping onto her pyjama top, tearing it slightly at the collar. Her eyes widened in pain as she felt the barbs on his fingers digging into her neck, her veins beating against the iron grip. She pulled back, but the barbs dug in further, locking in place as he kept squeezing. “I have a chance to be somebody here. To actually kick some of those bastards back, and take their place. It’s my turn to have that power. And you’re going to help me.” He leant forwards, his lip curling up, and his eyes never breaking Inez’s gaze. “No questions. No screw-ups. No arguments. We’re partners, and that means you stand by my side and give me everything I need.” ![]() Inez could feel tears welling in her eyes, but she couldn’t do anything about them. Her arms shuddered by her sides, completely stiff. Her legs twitched, but she didn’t have the strength to kick outwards. Her throat was closing up further, the ring of stabbing pain relentless, as she felt something warm and wet trickling down her shoulders and front. Anglermon’s expression was completely calm as he leant forwards, whispering in her ear. “I want to be the strongest Digimon in this world. And I want you to help me with that, like you promised. Is that okay?” The girl blinked, her vision blurring from tears, and going black in patches. She tried to speak, but she had no air left to do so. Anglermon leant in closer. “I said is that okay?” Inez closed her eyes, feeling her head nodding up and down. She couldn’t tell if it was her own doing, or whether he was moving her head himself. But all of a sudden, she felt the pressure releasing, the barbs pulling out. She coughed, and choked, trying to take in great rasping breaths with her neck feeling like it was on fire. But the hands didn’t leave entirely, instead, stretching forwards and draping over her shoulders. Inez’s eyes pointed straight upwards as Anglermon shuffled forwards, holding her in a soft hug. “Oh, my poor little Ini...” He sighed, his palm caressing the back of her hair. “I don’t want to have to do that. You’re precious to me.” Anglermon pushed himself up, and gently leant forwards, kissing the girl on the forehead. He placed a hand down, and frowned, closing his palm. “Oh no...look at this mess...” His frill flicked back and forth, as he gave the girl a small grin. “Hey, don’t worry, I’ll sort all this out. We don’t need your parents to worry. You just get yourself cleaned up, okay?” He slid off her and off the bed, walking calmly towards the door. He opened it with a quick hop up to the handle, before looking back into the room, smiling warmly at his partner. “I love you. So much.” He walked off, leaving the door ajar. Inez sat shaking for several minutes, listening as she heard his tiny footsteps head down the stairs, until she could hear them no more. She held a hand up to her chest, then jumped, pulling it away, feeling the sticky patches between her fingers. And she looked down, seeing the red spots. In one panicked movement, she threw herself from the bed, towel in her hand, and rushed back into the bathroom, locking the door with shaking fingers. She tore her nightshirt away, lunged at the sink and pulled both taps full on, throwing the water at her face and neck. The pain flared up again, but she didn’t notice, jamming the towel against her neck. Choking and retching into the sink she kept going, until the soft, white fabric was marked with foul-smelling red patches, and her neck felt as raw as sandpaper. After what felt like an eternity, she stepped back, still holding the towel in her hands. Her skin and hair were soaked with water and bile and blood, and she could feel the warm liquid on her shoulders again. She leant back against the door, and her legs buckled beneath her, causing her to land heavily on the tiled floor. There she sat, only able to hear her own horrified breathing as it echoed around her. She held her arms up again, her trembling fingers gripping the towel as she buried her face in the iron-smelling fabric. She wanted to cry. So desperately wanted to scream and wail and cry forever as it hit her then, it hit her what he’d done, what her best friend in the world had.... She wanted to cry. But there was nothing left in her that could do so. All she could do was sit, shivering, on the cold ceramic floor. They kept fighting. Every day, every time a new Digimon appeared, they would be there. They would end the threat there and then. And all the while Anglermon grew stronger. Effortlessly tearing apart anyone who got in his way. He had the power. He had Inez. Standing behind him every day. Giving him everything he needed. Without worry. Without question. With a smile on her face, and a lightness in her step. Even as it slowly killed her. They kept fighting, because there was no other way to keep him happy. To keep him kind. To keep him...to keep her...from... It had to stop. 28th May, 2011 “A wild one?” Anglermon hopped forwards, munching on a slice of bread as Clara leant against the table. “I heard it from Jorge down the road; they’ve been disturbed out at one of the local fishing zones. They could have sworn it had tentacles.” The fish frowned thoughtfully, placing the last crusts into his mouth. “They are getting all over the place at the minute. I didn’t think I smelled anything in particular though...” He hopped back, off Inez’s shoulder as she gently speared her own breakfast in silence. The fish clambered onto the windowsill, looking at the sky. “That would explain why. There’s a storm coming in.” Leandro wandered forwards, leaning down as he eyed the sky. “I mean, perhaps it would be an idea to leave it for a couple of days. It could be rough going out there.” “There’s no telling where this thing would have gone by then.” Anglermon hopped back, and climbed up next to Inez, smiling warmly. “What do you say? Off for another adventure?” “Mm-hmm.” The girl swallowed, and gently pushed the rest of her breakfast away, as Anglermon paced next to her. “That said, getting out there could be tricky. You tried riding me before and you fell off several times.” “We could bring the boat out.” Clara spun the keys over her finger as Leandro placed his hands on his hips. “Just try not to scratch it up as much this time, but we can take you out to the fishing grounds if it helps.” Anglermon grinned, and nuzzled up to Inez. “Oh, I love you guys, you know that, right?” The girl forced a smile, but said nothing. The sky was already darkening as they rode out across the sea, the powerboat cutting through the rough waters. Anglermon stood at the helm, gripping the nylon rope with ease, while Leandro and Inez sat back a bit as Clara steered them effortlessly through the waves. Presently Anglermon sniffed at the air, and raised his hand, a grin pouring over his face. “Well well, this looks very hopeful indeed.” Clara slowed the boat as Anglermon hopped back, rolling his neck and peering up at Inez. “This might get a bit rough. I’m gonna need your full support, alright?” “Right.” The girl fumbled within her jacket, pulling out the dull digivice as Anglermon hopped to the edge. He flexed, and the device activated of its own accord, the energy pulling at Inez’s chest and leaving her breathless. She looked up to see Anoplomon crouched at the edge of the boat, the spines rolling along his arms as he dived forwards. Inez shivered, clutching her waist, when all of a sudden she felt her father’s arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. Anoplomon powered through the water with little effort, the spines flexing along his body and propelling him along even as the currents swelled and churned around him. Presently he stopped himself, his body glowing slightly as he peered through the murky water. There it was; the digital gate in front of him, casting flecks of data into the sea as it swirled back and forth. The fish swam forwards, running a single taloned finger across the edge and causing it to ripple all the more. “You’re on the way out. You look like you’ve been here for a while.” The fish turned, sniffing through the water as his gills pulsed. “But that doesn’t make sense. The smell should be stronger than this.” He frowned, placing a claw to his chin. “Unless...maybe nothing came through at all. Did I make a mistake...?” He tilted his head sideways, and his gaze flicked upwards, seeing the hull of the powerboat pointing in the other direction. With a swift movement he darted around, swimming alongside the hull, before clambering up, leaning on the side. “Hey abuela, you’re drifting.” Clara gripped the throttle, looking back and forth at him. Anoplomon humphed, and turned his attention back to Inez. “If something came out, it came a while ago. It’s probably well away from here now. We need to keep moving.” There was no answer. Anoplomon raised an eyebrow, and pulled more of his body up, but paused as Leandro stepped forwards, placing his body in between the fish and his daughter. “That gate leads to your world, doesn’t it...” Anoplomon clicked. “Yes, that’s...oh.” The fish swayed back and forth, rolling his tongue around in his mouth. “Oooooh....oh I see what’s going on...” “You’re strong enough now.” Leandro took in a breath, rolling his fingers as the rain splattered the deck. “You don’t need to stay here anymore. Please...leave us.” Anoplomon descended again, whistling through his lips. “Oh little Ini...what have you been saying about me?” Inez pulled at her scarf, and grabbed her father’s arm. “Papa, please, don’t-“ Leandro didn’t move, staring down at the fish as his eyes narrowed. “I don’t know what you’ve done. But I know when something’s wrong. I know when my daughter’s hurting and I know it’s because of you.” The man gritted his teeth. “I’m warning you. Leave now.” “You know, you do have a point.” Anoplomon turned around, rolling his claws in front of him. “It has been getting barren around here. And I’ve got enough going for me these days that I could make a hash of the digital world again. I can keep growing. I could live through that damned war.” He rolled over, pulling himself up as he extended an index finger. “However, she’s coming with me. Won’t you, my little Ini?” His eyes flashed wickedly, and Inez clutched her father more tightly. The fish waited for a second. Then he pulled himself up further, his crest flaring. “I said won’t you-“ “DON’T TAKE ANOTHER STEP!” Leandro stood up, grabbing the boat hook from underneath the side and holding it out in front of him. Anoplomon straightened up, swaying nonchalantly back and forth as Leandro walked forwards. “What...did...you...DO to her?” “Papa, no!” Inez reached out, grabbing his wrist and trying to pull him back as her hands shook. “You can’t...he won’t...don’t make him angry. Please, please don’t make him angry...” Leandro looked back, his expression softening as his daughter crouched down behind him, her hands scraping at her scarf. The man bit his lip, his hair blowing against his face. “How...how did I not see this...” “There’s a good girl, my little Ini. There’s a sensible girl.” Leandro felt the hair across the back of his neck bristle, and he raised the pole again as Anoplomon tensed in front of him, the smile playing across his face. “You should listen to her. I do. I need her.” His smile dropped, and his eyes darkened. “In fact, she’s the only one I need now.” He lunged forwards, his hands outstretched as he leapt for the crouched girl. But Leandro swung outwards, and the fish and the man tumbled backwards, crashing against the side of the boat. Their weight tipped it sideways, and Clara, struggling against the wheel, turned it right into an oncoming swell. The boat lurched, and before she could do a thing it had jettisoned her daughter, her husband and the nightmarish sea creature over the edge. “NO!” Leandro opened his eyes as he tried to get his bearings. He looked around, the salt stinging his eyes, but he was able to make out the mysterious blinking lights of the gate beyond. As well as the limp figure of Inez hovering just in front of it, floating in space. Leandro held his breath, swimming towards his daughter, but a dark shape flew past him and something slashed against his face. Pain; bursting out around his right eye, and he could see clouds of red in front of him where Anoplomon had lacerated his flesh. He felt the water move behind him again, and turned, swinging out with the boat hook and slamming it into Anoplomon’s shoulder. The fish hissed, and drove forwards, but Leandro held his arms, glaring up at the beast through the gloom. Anoplomon leant forwards, and the man could see his crazed eyes glowing in the murk. “She belongs to me now...” Leandro reached out, but his right arm was locked in place by the fish man, who bent backwards with a snarl, the joints of the arm cracking. The spikes rippled, tearing into the flesh and tendons. Leandro jerked in pain, and opened his mouth, but all that came out was more of his own air. But he still didn’t let go, looking desperately over towards his daughter as she floated, disorientated and dazed, closer towards the gate. Anoplomon grinned, and wrapped his own spiny arms around Leandro’s. Inez heard the echoing snap, and saw the cloud of red gush out. She screamed, but her tears were lost in the sea around her, and her voice was choked into nothing. She could feel her neck tightening, her air being drawn out from her once again. It wasn’t going to stop. It never would stop. She looked down, focusing on the digivice still in her hand. She could barely make it out it was so blurry, but it still pulled at her chest; a never-ending rope tying her to the...the horrendous thing in front of her. As her vision began to go black, she thrust her arm out behind her, releasing the digivice from her grasp. It bobbed backwards, spinning through space, and touched the edge of the gate. Anoplomon jerked as he felt his energy source being torn from him. He turned in a flash, looking at the still Inez and the lone digivice as it was swallowed up by the gate. “NO!” He swam forwards, his tail moving from side to side and giving him the propulsion as he aimed for the pulsating gate. Then a thought crossed his mind, and he twisted around, swimming towards Inez and grabbing his unresponsive partner by the wrist. “We’ll be together. You and me. No matter what.” He turned again, but it was more difficult as the portal churned up the sea in its dying throes. Anoplomon could feel his energy floating away, and pushed himself forwards, reaching out for the device floating in the digital sea. But something jerked him back. He looked behind him, and saw Leandro’s hand grasped around Inez’s other wrist. The man released a fresh breath from his mouth, and lunged forwards, the boat hook still in his grasp. Anoplomon tried to dive sideways, but he misjudged it, and the hook pierced the side of his cheek, tearing through the rubbery flesh. Black bile shot outwards as Anoplomon reeled back, screaming. Leandro pulled his daughter backwards and kicked with all the strength he had remaining as he aimed for the surface. Anoplomon twisted again, his vision obscured by the pain in his head. He could barely see all around him, so obscured was it by the shimmering data. Data. The gate. He kicked out, but his body was locked in place. Through the clouds he could see the grey gloom falling away, replaced by the razor-sharp energy of the portal. Binding him. Dragging him back. Digital data grabbing onto its own kind, bringing it home. “I will find you again! You belong to me!” His voice was muffled by the portal as it folded in on itself. But outside Leandro could still hear the anguished cries piercing through the sea. “Ineeeeez...” Leandro’s head burst through the water’s surface, and he gulped air, before holding his daughter up with his working arm. For a moment he trod water desperately, feeling faint from the severe blood loss and the desperate cold. Then a shadow fell over him, and something rubbery knocked against his head. He reached up, and pulled, and Clara pulled as well, dragging him and Inez over the side of the boat with all her might. It rocked back and forth as the two of them collapsed on the deck, the woman crouching down beside them, shuddering as she saw the blood. “Oh god...oh god, no...please, no...” She felt a hand on her arm, as her husband looked up, eyes squinting through the pain. “Please...get us away from here...” As the boat rushed back through the storm, Leandro held his daughter as she coughed and spluttered, bringing up seawater. Eventually Inez crouched forwards, her entire body shuddering as she buried her head in his arm, silent and drained. Leandro didn’t move, letting out a hoarse, whispering voice. “Sssh...ssh...it’s okay. It’s all going to be okay.” “I...I...” Any words Inez tried to say were lost in the floods of tears as she gripped tightly onto the only person within reach. Leandro nodded his head down, resting it on hers. “He’s gone now.” Syngnamon held his breath, staring aghast at Leandro as the old man leant back. The seahorse shivered. His gaze falling down to the pale carpet. “I...I had no idea...” Clara looked at her husband, seeing the distant look in his eyes, and gently held him by the hand, holding it reassuringly. “We had to get away. Isabella, my sister; she was already working over here. She helped us move to this country.” The woman swallowed. “But...well. You’ve seen how Inez is with the sea now. We can’t fix what’s been done to her.” Syngnamon flinched, seeing the girl’s terrified expression flash through his mind once again, and he shook his head. “But I...I don’t understand. If she’d been through all that...all that horror...” He looked up, his expression tense and desperate. “Why me? Why did you accept me? How could you accept me after what...what my kind had done to her?” He crouched over, his hands curling over his snout. “I was only bringing her pain. All this time.” Leandro gritted his teeth. “You think we didn’t know that?” “But...why?” “Because she was desperate, Syngnamon. Desperate to move on.” Leandro leant forwards, gently holding his palm against the seahorse’s cheek as he looked into his eyes. “She found us. The day she first saw you, and she found that...device, again. We wanted to stop her, to save her from this again, but she begged us. She had to make it work this time. For your sake, as well as hers.” “For...me?” Leandro nodded. “She told us then, she couldn’t let her experience taint every one of your kind. She’s always taken it upon herself to be kind, and she was determined to have faith that your...your people could be the same.” Clara clenched her fists. “You scare me. All of you do. I can’t change that. You nearly killed my husband and scarred my daughter for life.” She breathed out, and looked up, her eyes moist as she stared into Syngnamon’s face. “But she believes in you. She always did. And I will support her in that to the end.” The seahorse blinked, his pupils shimmering as he pawed at the stool. Leandro reached forwards, holding his massive palm over the Digimon’s shaking ones. “You’ve done so much for her. She’s been smiling for the first time in years. Spending time with you, with her friends, being the hero; it’s like I...had my little girl back. Even when she came home crying. Because you were there, beside her. She...she loves you like she did Anglermon...she wants so much to believe in you this time...” Syngnamon rolled backwards, his tail twitching as he closed his eyes. “She had that much faith in me even though she didn’t know me...” His fists clenched, and his expression hardened, his eyes flashing brightly. “Then I really can’t let her down. Now, more than ever.” Bang The knocking at the door made all three of them jumped, and Leandro leaped to his feet, opening it up. Lonnie stood on the doorstep, wet from the rain as she struggled to catch her breath. “Is Syngnamon here?” The seahorse bounded forwards, looking up at the girl’s wild eyes. “What is it? What’s happened?” “We think we can find her.” The seahorse started, but he felt a nudge on his back as Leandro crouched down. “You told me you’d be her knight. Prove it.” Clara joined him at the door as Syngnamon ran after Lonnie, skipping through the rain. He paused, and looked over his shoulder, his ears twitching in the rain. “I will save her! I promise!” He leapt forwards into the gathering storm, as Leandro and Clara stared after him, still holding each other tightly. Clara held a hand up to her mouth, trying and failing to stop the tears falling. “Do you...do you think we can trust him? Even now?” Leandro held her tightly, whispering in her ear. “We have to. For her sake.” “...Leandro...I’m scared...” The rain grew heavier, and the two held onto one another on the doorstep, as their tears fell freely. “Inez...” Dark green. Cold slime. The smell of salt. Inez jerked back into consciousness, hyperventilating as the atmosphere collided with her senses like a freight train. She rolled over, and retched, bringing up seawater and foul liquid, before rocking back onto her knees, feeling her teeth chattering. “Where...what...” The girl felt a chill around her neck, and she pulled her hands up, scrabbling for her scarf; that comforting shield between her past and the outside world. But it wasn’t there. Her fingers shuddered as they rubbed against her neck, running over the rough, scarred skin. She swallowed, and pulled them away, holding one in the other in an effort to stop the shaking. After a few attempts, she stood up, looking around her. She seemed to be in some sort of cavern. There was no sunlight, but she could see clearly all around; the rotted walls coated in old seaweed, the rough sandy texture clinging to her skin, and the dripping water echoing all around her. As she turned, she gasped, realising why she was able to see so clearly. A digital gate sat before her, as wide and endless as she remembered it from years ago. It flashed and pulsed in the darkness, and she looked away, not wanting to stare at it too long. Her hands came up and clasped against her chest, as she became aware of her own breathing. Was it her own breathing? It seemed very loud. Very low. “S...Syngn...namon?” Something clattered against her feet, and she jumped, nearly slipping again on the wet rock. Ever so slowly she crouched down, picking the object up and holding it in front of her face. She saw her own expression shift in the reflective screen. The vibrant blue. The smooth, moulded edge. The column of buttons down the left hand side. It was her digivice. Her first one. “I saved it for you...” ![]() That voice. The girl’s hands juddered, and the device clattered to the ground again, bouncing at her feet. She stared forwards, her nails digging into her own skin as she heard something huge shifting forwards behind her, slithering along the rock. She closed her eyes tightly, but the sound grew louder, and she felt its breath on her bare neck. She tried to speak, but her voice had closed up, only letting out hoarse squeaks. Her hands coiled over her own head as she stood there, stock still. But there was nothing she could do to block out the presence behind her, as he leant forwards. His scent was intoxicating. Familiar. She closed her eyes, not daring to look, begging to wake up. But she knew that wasn’t possible now. “Oh my little Ini...” Inez’s legs bent down, but the voice followed her, whispering gently into her ear as she coiled up even more tightly than before. “I promised I’d find you again.” TO BE CONTINUED... |