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“Owen...” Lonnie held her breath, and stepped forwards, barely able to hold back her anger. “Where the hell have you been all this time? We’ve been worried sick about you!” Owen held his wrist. Looking aside as he tried to find some words. Lonnie was about to press further, when Nicholas straightened up. “More to the point, what are you doing with them?” “He was in trouble.” Eirenemon shuffled on one leg, her voice quiet. “We found him, soon after we came. He needed help. We couldn’t just leave him there.” Her eyes glistened, and she looked away. “Even if we did know what he and his father did.” Lonnie flinched, her eyes looking straight ahead, just for a moment. She smirked, and raised a hand to her lips. “So you knew everything too, huh...” Owen swallowed, speaking up again. “I couldn’t face any of you. Not after you found out. I figured it was better for me to keep my distance. You didn’t need me.” He straightened up, looking down at them. “Please believe me; they aren’t working against you. They only want to help.” “Yes, but...help with what?” Grace bit her lip, struggling to meet the eyes of the three deities above. “You’ve made it clear that we’re not good enough for you. So what exactly do you want from us?” She looked up, the skin darkened around her eyes from exhaustion. “How do you want us to save your world?” “We don’t.” Fenghuangmon made to speak again, but Simurghmon held up a palm. She stepped to the front of the podium, her face solemn. “We have to accept it. Our world is hanging by a thread, and it’s beyond any of our help. The cataclysm will break it apart before too long. We can’t save it. But we can save its people.” The divine bird clasped her hands together in front of her, her plumage shimmering. “We want you to open the gates. Our people...the people of the Digital World need sanctuary. They need a new home. That’s what we need your help for.” The group looked amongst themselves. All around, at the edge of the square, a mutter rose up; hushed whispers amongst the watchers. A few pressed forwards, holding Simurghmon’s vines back as they hung on every word. Lonnie looked up. “You’re asking...us to help with an exodus?” Simurghmon nodded. “You call us ambassadors, but we can only speak for our world. You tamers understand yours, and you have already found peace with ours. You’re the people we need to save us.” She sighed, clawing at her neck feathers. “A long time ago...I met humans for the first time. They were pulled into our world by accident, and all they wanted to do was return here. And yet, without needing to, they changed our world; they fixed some of the worst injustices I’d ever seen, and most of the world didn’t even know their names.” She blinked, trying to keep tears back as Fenghuangmon and Eirenemon both stared at her, their expressions blank. “I saw then the human spirit. Even when you are weak and frightened, you still find time to be kind. To reach out and help the ones in trouble. I wish I could do something to repay that, but instead I have to come to you and beg for your help once again.” She looked up, her face on the verge of cracking. “There’s nothing I can say to make this easier. Please...I realise how hard this is but we really have no time left. Our world is dying. We will help in any way we can but we need you to open the gates. We need you to welcome us.” “A whole digital world...” Lonnie looked down at Dendromon, running a hand over her chin. “You have to know what’s been going on here. As much as I don’t....I want to believe it, our worlds have been struggling together. Us lot are one thing. But this could just lead to more tensions between us. I’d...I’d love to see that world, but you must know how hard that’s going to be.” “That’s why I’m relying on you. I’m trusting you.” Simurghmon drew in a breath. “It pains me, but...we really have no other option.” Her voice trailed away, leaving only the murmur of the crowds, and the tamers’ own silent expressions as they processed what they’d been told. Their partners shuffled uncomfortably, feeling the eyes of everybody on them as well as on the ambassadors. “I don’t really wanna have to speak, but...are you sure about that?” The group opened up as Lyra stepped forwards, one hand in her pocket. “I get it’s a request, but...you do have other options.” Fenghuangmon cracked a finger. “We’ve told you. The Digital World is too far gone. There’s nothing you can do to stop the destruction.” “I’m not talking about that.” Lyra scratched behind her head. “I didn’t see it so I can’t be sure, but...this cataclysm. This thing that’s breaking your world from the inside, sounds like it’s trying to break out. And it might have a pathway to do that.” Grace turned, staring hard at Lyra. “What are you getting at?” Lyra looked up. “Surely the easier solution to making all the Digimon in your world come over, would be to allow the one thing come over that’s destroying it.” She pulled an uncomfortable face. “After all...if you send away the thing that’s breaking your world then it’s not breaking your world anymore.” “Lyra, what are you talking about!?” Jack whirled round. “They wouldn’t do that! They wouldn’t just rip open their world and send a monster over to ours!” “Then what exactly is that massive sea portal for?” Jack started. He held a hand up, then curled it up over his chest. “But...but then...our world would be destroyed instead...” “Exactly.” Lyra looked more glum than ever, but she held firm, fiddling with the strap of her violin. “You knew the gate was coming, right? We didn’t. Not even Alasdair did. If I hadn’t seen it myself then we still wouldn’t.” Simurghmon faltered, but Fenghuangmon stepped up beside her again, running her hand over her scroll. “Allow me to stop you. Are you suggesting that we would be willing to let your world die for the sake of our own?” Eirenemon shook her head. “It’s not how we do things, no matter what you think. We want to save as many as we can.” Nicholas placed his hands in his pockets. “Okay then, so were you ever going to tell us about the gate?” “That doesn’t matter-“ “I’d say it does.” The young man pushed his glasses up. “You’ve made your case. You want us to help save the Digimon in your world, which is admirable. But the fact that we’re only now learning about this, and only when we’ve just discovered a monster right outside our own world, it feels like a bit more of a threat to me.” Fenghuangmon’s neck feathers flared. “Then perhaps it would be in your best interests to allow us in.” “See...that kind of talk doesn’t help.” “That’s enough!” boomed Simurghmon, her wings fluttering outwards. “The gate...the gate was not our doing!” “You knew about it though! Why didn’t you tell us?” “You didn’t need to know-“ “You can’t just keep saying that!” yelled Grace. “Everyone says that, and it’s always wrong. It always makes things worse. We could have done something to help, or we could have prepared, or...anything. But you hid what was happening and now we’re on the edge of a disaster. So why?” She took in an exasperated breath. “If...if we really mean so much to you, Simurghmon, then why...did you keep it from us?” Simurghmon looked amongst the tamers, her chest heaving. “We...I...” Her hand came up, and she held it over one eye, her other one looking back and forth. “I...I don’t know...I can’t remember...I was going to warn you and then...it never happened...it wasn’t what I wanted to...do...” Eirenemon held her breath, stepping back as she looked between the two ambassadors in front of her. Fenghuangmon clicked her beak. “My apologies.” “You!?” Simurghmon snapped her head round, staring at her friend. Then back again, at the small angel, fiddling with the rhyton around her neck. Not meeting Simurghmon’s eye. “You...you’ve been commanding me?” “On my authority,” came Fenghuangmon’s sharp voice, as she took a couple of slow steps. “It’s not her will, Simurghmon. You know that’s not possible.” “......you’re both in on this?” “Forgive me.” The phoenix rolled her fingers. “I had to make a decision.” “How...how long... and why?” “Since we came here. It was only going to be temporarily at first, while we came up with a plan. But as I saw the state of this world I needed it became clear that this was never going to go smoothly. I needed to make sure we had some insurance. Some cards in our own hand.” “But why?” Simurghmon shook, straightening up to her full height. “I made it clear to you; the humans are our allies. We were supposed to trust them. Don’t you see how this has just made things worse?” Fenghuangmon’s right eye twitched, and she suddenly thrust a finger out, pointing at the celestial bird in front of her. “The humans are your allies. And you’re so willing to worship them that you weren’t willing to see what they were doing to this place. To our people.” Eirenemon held her hands in front of her beak. “Oh god...I’m sorry...” “Miss...Fenghuangmon?” The phoenix paused, and looked downwards at the tamers. Dendromon stood at the front, shuffling awkwardly. “Please just...just lemme know this. If the worst happened, and the monster broke through, and one of the worlds was definitely gonna be destroyed...which one would you save?” The phoenix bristled. “My aim is to save as many lives as I can. It always has been.” She sighed. “But my debt is to my world. And my people over yours.” Simurghmon ground her teeth. “So...you hid the full truth from them? You put us all at a disadvantage so you could try and play the outcome?” “Simurghmon, I respect you, but how blind can you be? We’re already at a disadvantage in this world! Our very makeup doesn’t belong here, and there are evil people here who reject us and massacre us! I had to ensure we had a position to bargain from, for the sake of our very survival!” Jack gritted his teeth. “So instead of coming to us for help, you just turned to blackmail?” The phoenix whirled round, pointing a finger out at the tamers. “ You did nothing to prevent my people’s suffering.” “We did everything we could!” The boy looked left and right. “I was hoping...I was wishing when you came that we finally had someone on our side. But if you weren’t able to trust us then how the hell can you expect us to trust you?” The phoenix narrowed her eyes. “Trust doesn’t save the lives of Digimon slaughtered by vigilantes and intolerants.” Jack blinked back tears, but his sister stood in front of him, holding out an arm. “Are you forgetting something? The Digimon here who were slaughtering us, paving a way for the three of you? For a ‘saviour’?” She glared at the phoenix. “Would you take their lives over ours?” “That was nothing to do with us-“ “And the hunters were out of our control!” yelled Lonnie. “We’re not your enemies here!” Fenghuangmon thrust her scroll to one side, but before she could speak again a hand closed around her wrist. Owen’s hand. “Please, I beg you...don’t blame them for any of this. They’ve done everything they can to fix it. It’s not their fault.” Fenghuangmon paused. “You’re right.” She slowly turned, opening her eyes as they burned into his own. “It’s the fault of people like your father.” She reached out, planting a talon against his shoulder. “And people like you.” Owen held back, gritting his teeth as the phoenix stepped forwards. “You think I didn’t find out about the things you did? Enough to make your own partner run away. The Digimon you led to their deaths, just like him.” She turned around. “But I chose to save you. Remember that. I took you in despite knowing what you did. I choose to be the best I can be, even against a world full of sin. That is what makes me superior to you.” She turned around, raising a talon. “So don’t plead the innocence of others to me, Owen. You’d never understand what that even meant.” Owen’s nostrils flared, and his shoulders rose and fell as he looked back into the phoenix’s face. She turned away, only to hear his voice. “You’re right. I’ve done terrible things; I know that. I know I don’t deserve to stand alongside them.” His brow darkened, and his hands closed into fists. “But I am not my father.” “No. He isn’t.” A scream sounded from one corner. Digimon scattering left and right, followed by the vines tearing apart on the south side. And the tamers turned in horror as Vex marched forwards, swinging the case in his arms as his helmet glinted in the low light. Half of them raised their D-SENDs in an instant, but the man paid them no heed turning his attention entirely to the three ambassadors above him, as Simurghmon held out her arm as a barrier. “What are you doing here?” “Let go of him. Right now.” Owen shook his head. “Dad...no, not here, please-” “You call yourself Vex, right?” Fenghuangmon casually brushed her scroll away, focusing her gaze on the man beneath her. Her aura seemed to change, the slight haze around her hand turning from yellow to red, and she reached into her collar. “I was almost hoping you would show up. You can be the first.” “I said let GO of him!” ![]() Vex flicked the lid of the case open, and hoisted the device up with an almighty heave, balancing it on his forearm and pointing it up towards the ambassadors. The gasps of shock intensified as humans and Digimon alike backed away; not sure what the mystery device was but definitely not wanting to get in its way. “Dad, STOP!” Owen began to run, but all of a sudden his arm was grabbed, and Fenghuangmon pulled him close to her, locking her arm around his. He gasped in shock, only to freeze in place as he felt something steel and cold pressing against his neck. The phoenix remained as calm as ever, her gaze never leaving the man below her. “Don’t take another step, you virus.” “Fenghuangmon!” Simurghmon’s eyes widened, and she turned round in an instant, holding out an arm as the ground began to rumble. “Grand Gaokere-“ “Peacemaker!” Simurghmon’s call caught in her throat, the energy dissipating from the end of her hand as it fell downwards. Her stare however remained, and with no energy to even take a step, she slowly turned her head, her eyes falling upon Eirenemon. The dove woman was standing beside her, one hand on her shining rhyton, and the other held out, grasping the air. Channelling her pacifying power. “What...what are you doing...help me...” Eirenemon quailed, tears in her eyes. But she kept her hand held straight, holding her oldest friend with invisible flame. “I’m...I’m sorry, Simurghmon...” “Let him go!” The crowd broke again, and Owen’s eyes widened as he watched Kevin run out, his face torn with anguish. “He hasn’t done anything wrong!” “Mate, we’ve already reached the standoff point, this ain’t gonna be solved like with a pretty please.” In a flash of white and pink, Simeamon rushed past him, rolling across the ground and landing on one knee, holding her pistol up towards Fenghuangmon. The phoenix straightened up. “I was literally just about to make a point. I can do without all this needless interruption.” “That’s Captain Needless Interruption to you, lady.” Simeamon grinned. Her eyes met Owen’s, and she gave a quick nod. “Long time no see. Stop getting into trouble, boy.” Owen couldn’t help but smile. And as he smiled lights danced in front of his eyes, as he saw the tamers rally around the monkey, energy bursting from their hands as their own partners formed a circle around them. “Evolution Activate!” The tamers circled with their Digimon, decisively marking out Vex and the ambassadors, and making a barrier as close as they dared. Vex braised his shoulders, his hand nudging the lever as he felt power twisting around at the barrel end of the device. “Don’t interfere.” The watchers all around were pressing further in now, trying to make heads or tails of the situation, and who exactly was threatening who. Well...some of them were. Others began to back away, sliding out of sight of the main crowds. A small group of humans ducked into the alleys, where their helmets rested, just in case. And from his own vantage point, Caesiumon could see Hoatzimon’s feathers bristling, as she prepared to charge in herself. He waved a nonchalant palm. “Not yet.” Voices were already rising, with Vex and Simeamon trying to get a better angle and the tamers and their Digimon marking each of them, hands held out, trying to bring some order to proceedings. At the edge of the market cross, Eirenemon gave a little meep as she strained against the great bird held in her power, her eyes darting back and forth. “Fenghuangmon, what do we do?! I...I can’t do anything about them like this!” Fenghuangmon huffed, and rapidly raised her arm to the sky, five orbs spiralling upwards from the centre of her scroll, and spinning wildly in mid-air. “Spectral Symphony!” The orbs exploded with an almighty crack, followed by the peel of a bell that shook the entire plaza. “Will you all just KEEP QUIET!” Whether down to her fearsome aura, or simply her utter fury, Fenghuangmon’s voice cut through the mania; as commanding as ever. Human and Digimon alike stopped, holding in place where they stood, although none of them dared to stand down. Fenghuangmon brought her hand back as quickly as she had raised it, holding Owen tightly again as coloured flames descended from the spiralling sky. “I am better than this. I am better than all of you. There’s no reason for this place to be stained with innocent blood. But in order for that to be the case, then I expect your co-operation, and your understanding.” Her eyes turned towards Vex as he remained still, the barrel of the device still pointed towards her. “My primary dispute is with you.” “You can’t do this, Fenghuangmon.” The phoenix looked aside at Simurghmon, who hadn’t moved throughout the whole ordeal. Her arms were limp, and her expression seemed almost serene, with the exception of her wide and fearful eyes, straining to stop the phoenix but being thwarted by Eirenemon’s grip all the way through. When she spoke, her voice was shaken. “Don’t punish this world for the sake of ours. The humans are as innocent and as guilty as we are. We agreed on this. We can’t sacrifice any of them; it’s not justice.” Fenghuangmon’s shoulders fell, her eyes never leaving those of her old friend. She opened her beak, when another voice sounded. A small and shaking one, just behind them both. “You’re...you’re wrong, Simurghmon.” The divine bird turned, eyes falling helplessly on Eirenemon. “Eirenemon...please, release me. I can fix this. I can stop this, I just need-“ “Let her speak, Simurghmon.” Fenghuangmon’s voice cut through her pleas, and Simurghmon closed her mouth as Eirenemon gripped her own shaking wrist. “I wanted to believe you. I really did. But this world...it’s not a just world. Not for us. So much fighting, so much hate, and we’re the ones who suffer the most for it.” Her gaze wandered over towards the tamers. “We’re always the ones who suffer the most. Grace gritted her teeth. “We were only trying to protect ourselves. The renegades from your world found us-“ “And they were punished!” Eirenemon snapped, her voice taking on a hurt edge. “Don’t you see? I can’t pretend that we didn’t have monsters in our world, but they were defeated. One by one, exiled back to a dying planet, or even killed.” She thrust out a finger. “You can’t see it because you’re not trying to survive every day. This place...this is already your home. Your sanctuary.” Simurghmon shook her head. “They did everything they could for both worlds, Eirenemon.” The dove woman stepped back, trying to suppress the tears with little success. “I...I know they wanted to...but they don’t understand. And you’re so blinded by your love for them that you can’t understand either.” She sniffed, her eyes shining as she looked up at the friend she admired. “Our people are exiled or killed, and the murderers of this world? They’re allowed to escape. To keep hating us. The tamers allowed themselves to be our judges, and even our executioners. But not their own. That’s not justice. That’s not fair.” She sniffed, lowering her head. “This is a world which...which hates our very presence. I’m terrified of it. But we don’t have a choice. We don’t have anywhere else to go...and it could...it could still kill us all...” Eirenemon’s legs buckled, and she fell to her knees, her arm still held out tightly even as her hand shook. But Simurghmon had stopped trying to resist. She just looked down pitiably at her old friend, looking like her heart had been broken in two. “Eirenemon...” “You see, don’t you?” Simurghmon looked forwards, at Fenghuangmon’s stoic form. The phoenix’s expression had softened slightly, although she still held tightly onto Owen, her fingers clasped at his collar. “Everything I do, I do for our survival. In the case of being torn apart by our own world, or coming to this one, it’s as she said. This is our only choice. But I refuse to let our people die, and I won’t let anybody allow it. Not even you.” The divine bird’s gaze never left her, but Fenghuangmon turned away regardless, stepping to the edge of the podium as her voice rang out again, addressing Vex, the tamers, and everybody present. “Our world is dying. And we want to live. Right now the cataclysm is trapped beneath not only our world, but yours as well. If we were to open the gate, it would spill forth fully, decimating this world and saving ours. That is the choice we have been left with.” Lonnie looked back, hearing murmurs and cries of anguish emanating from the crowd. But Fenghuangmon’s voice carried on, cutting into everyone’s ears with a firm and brutal clarity. “However, we came to offer a hand of peace, or at least, of coexistence, and I will stand by that if you choose to take it. If you grant passage to our kind, we will allow the cataclysm full access into our world alone, and seal all gates behind it. Our homeworld will be devoured, and our kind will live amongst you.” She held her arm up, the scroll spinning in front of her. “This world is unkind to us, down to its very being. If we are to live amongst you, we require space, sustenance, and the means to survive. But more than that, we require the same rights as every single one of you. The right to life, the right to safety. And conversely, the right to retaliate, and a right to judge you as you have judged us. For those amongst you who would cause us harm, know that I will be coming for you, and you will face the judgement you have been fearing.” She turned, and reached out with one wing, letting loose a couple of feathers as she stared at Vex. “Starting with you.” Owen struggled, but the phoenix held him tightly, never taking her eyes off his father. Vex took a step, but everybody around him moved inwards, and he retreated. His grip on the cannon was as firm as ever. “You want me dead.” “It’s only just. I cannot risk bringing my people into a world where you exist.” “Justice?” Vex pulled the barrel up further, his hands still hovering over the switches. “This is just an invasion. You have no right to demand ANY of this!” “We have just as much right to survive as you do. Our extinction is not fair recompense for our crimes.” “You...you bastards killed my wife!” “And you’ve already punished the one responsible!” Eyes blazing, Fenghuangmon twitched, and thrust her dagger hand out, the scroll flying towards the man. He held the barrel up, but it stopped just in front of him, unfurling and showing scrawl after word after diagram, forming the image of a watery dragon. “Knuckmon. A single Digimon, escaping from our world, and desperately trying to survive. That’s who you killed. You’ve already had your retribution.” Vex flinched. “How...did you know?” “Your son, Vex. Your son told us of both his sins and yours.” Fenghuangmon trembled; a rare visual sign of her utter fury. “You got your revenge, but not before you’d already killed dozens of us by your hand. You think your hatred of my whole people is just? That you’re some kind of hero? We werevulnerable, we were scared, and yet you slaughtered us. Your justice is a falsehood. A lie you’ve been telling yourself to deal with your own grief. The only reason you allowed yourself to survive.” Vex looked down, as the phoenix spread her wings. “You used up your right to vengeance. Everything else you’ve done is down to nothing but your own hatred. Well, your hatred has no place here anymore. Your life has no place.” “...Owen...” The man looked sideways, the cannon feeling very heavy in his arms. His eyes met with the tamers, all of them looking between the two, but unable to say anything. His hands tightened. “Let my son go. He’s innocent.” Owen shook his head. “Dad, please no-“ “Enough.” Fenghuangmon kept hold of him. “Your son’s committed his own crimes. His actions led to death as well. And drove away the partner who had given up her life to save him.” She glared down at Simeamon, who had lowered her pistol, her tail whipping back and forth. “Don’t bring me into this...” “You’re a part of this. A victim, probably. Pulled together by some grand plan doomed to fail.” She glanced across the tamers. “You all were.” There came a flapping from above her, and she glanced up to see Mistramon, staying a loft with a venomous look, and Jack leaning over from his back. “Nothing’s finished yet. We can still stop this monster, and we’ll do it to save people. Not pick and choose like this, lady.” The phoenix clicked her beak. “Poor child.” Mistramon’s eyes flashed, and he drew his wings in, a pink glow forming. “For GOD’S SAKE will you just-“ “Enough!” With a move like lightning, Fenghuangmon raised her left arm again, releasing a wave of rainbow flames that buffeted the great eagle away. Owen tried to run, but her hand came back again, and he felt the steel of the dagger, digging deeper now, breaking the skin. “OWEN!” “Nobody takes a step. I’ve made my terms clear. Vex. Offer your life willingly, or your son dies before you and I will hunt you down myself.” Everybody froze in their tracks, eyes locked on the phoenix and her captive. Kevin could feel tears in his eyes, not even daring to wipe them. Simeamon just stared ahead, her mouth pressed together, feeling her arms shaking uncontrollably. Eirenemon had flinched at the outburst, taking all her effort not to release Simurghmon before her. When she opened her eyes, she quailed at her friend’s expression; the bared teeth and the patches of spiky feathers that signalled her fury. Vex could hear words being spoken around him. Derisive. Fearful. Background noise, up until now. Alone in the midst of the crowd, he stared down at the cannon in his arms. It would be a quick movement; he’d seen that much. One shot, and the problem would be gone. No...no, the problem would never be gone. Not while he was still here. He tried to see around him, but the visor seemed so dark now. Humans, Digimon; they were all just shapes in the background now. “I’m just one man. I can’t be this important.” “You’re dangerous. A virus and a murderer. I won’t let you walk away.” “I’m...I’m so tired...” His shoulders sagged, and the cannon dangled over his shoulder. He tilted sideways, and it fell to the ground, the insides whirring down. “I never wanted to be this in the first place.” Slowly, ever so slowly, he reached up, his hands grasping his helmet. He pulled it off, and dropped it on the ground, showing his face to everyone present. When he looked up at Fenghuangmon, it was with eyes so withered they were practically grey. “I quit. I’m done. My name is Trevor Ashbourne.” He held his hands out, his jacket drooping low. The phoenix narrowed her eyes, turning back to Vex. “You finally recognise me enough to use my name?” Vex ignored the comment, holding his gloves. “If I...if I give you my own life, will you let Owen go? Please? He’s...he’s all I have left.” Owen shut his eyes, barely able to move as he pulled weakly at the arm around his neck. The phoenix looked down at him. “Those are my terms.” The man opened up his arms, his eyes cold. “What are you waiting for, then?” Owen widened his eyes, but before he could respond Fenghuangmon had pulled the dagger away and thrust the young man sideways. He coughed, and stumbled, falling from the podium as Kevin and Simeamon rushed towards him. They both looked up as Fenghuangmon reached back, five orbs dancing around her wrist and her wings shivering. “Celestial Chain!” The five orbs lashed outwards, but didn’t grow this time. With the white one at the head, they spread outwards and enveloped the man before he could react, pulling him off his feet. He flew forwards, crashing into the stone at Fenghuangmon’s feet as she retracted the mystical lasso. Fenghuangmon called her scroll back, the parchment spinning in a ring around her arm as she stared down at the broken man in front of her, barely able to push himself up from the ground. “I appreciate we can see eye to eye at last.” “Fenghuangmon, this isn’t who you are!” Simurghmon shifted, but Eirenemon’s grip held her ever tighter. The phoenix looked behind her. “I stopped putting you on a pedestal long ago, old friend. Please do the same for me.” Even so, she faltered, pressing her beak together. She found herself gazing at Eirenemon, almost waiting for approval. The dove woman closed her eyes, and nodded. “Don’t...don’t make it longer than it has to. Please.” Trevor pushed himself up, not meeting the phoenix’s eyes. He looked over at Owen, who struggled to get up, his own breath staggered from where Fenghuangmon had held him. Still he called out, shaking his head. “Dad...dad no, please...not you too...” Simeamon stood over him, her pistol lying limply in her hand as she looked down. Fenghuangmon closed her grip. “Wait...” Trevor held up a palm, and slowly sat up. He turned back to his right. Not at Owen. At Simeamon. She didn’t meet his gaze, but she could feel him looking at her. “I never learned your name but...look after him. Please.” His head fell again, leaving the monkey staying still, holding Owen in her arms. Trevor let out a breath, and closed his eyes. Fenghuangmon raised her palm, the energy building throughout her arm. “God...” Simeamon stood up, tightening her fist even more. “...fucking...” Trevor couldn’t help but hold his arms up, as Fenghuangmon drew her hand back. “...DAMN IT!” The monkey ran, sprinting as fast as she could even as Owen reached out. “Simeamon, NO!” She didn’t look at the glowing light, or even at Trevor. She just ran; a desperate attempt to put herself between the two. Owen scrambled to his feet behind her, his feet slipping against the concrete even as the distance grew. Seconds felt like hours. He tried to reach out a hand, but it stuck behind him. He looked back, his eyes meeting Kevin’s. Then down, seeing the young man’s hand in his, clasped around his own D-SEND. He felt the power once again. Cold. Biting. Electrifying. A rush of every mote of anger and fear he’d ever felt and never wanted, in the palm of his hand once again. Kevin opened his mouth, the words coming as a rush, all at once, all in an instant. “Save them, you idiot.” “Celestial Chain!” Fenghuangmon’s arm came down and the five orbs followed, with the red one striking first. There was a blinding light, and a rush of flame, all sound swallowed up by the impact. “Simeamon...Soul Reverberate!” The phoenix staggered as she felt the feedback echoing down the chain, and the red lights in front of her were bisected by a volley of green lasers. As the smoke cleared, a figure rose up, hunched over on long slender arms that whirred as they moved. “CyberSapiamon!” Trevor looked up, having been knocked back by the blast. His eyes were wide as he took in the full intimidating form of the great ape in front of him, with smoke billowing up from behind her where the blow had struck her. CyberSapiamon’s eyes twitched, and she turned her head sideways, fixing on Owen as he stood awestruck. One hand around Kevin’s, and one held out in front of him, holding a sparking D-SEND. She could see into his eyes, and the rising fear within them. “Beep boop, beep boop...what are your orders, master?” The eyes flickered, and she let off a coy little wink, in a gesture that felt so gratefully familiar to him. Owen’s arm fell down, and he let out a breath, interspersed with a few choking laughs. “You...utter...that is NOT funny!” “I think you’ll find that is hilarious, actually.” She jiggled back and forth, letting off electronic giggles as Owen’s panic and confusion gave way to even more hysterical laughter. “You...you saved me...” CyberSapiamon’s mirth dissipated in an instant, and she looked back over her shoulder, hissing electronically. “I didn’t do it for you.” Trevor blinked. “I...uh...sorr-“ “You’ve broken your son enough just being alive. I ain’t gonna let you break him more by dying in front of him. Prick.” ![]() Behind her, Fenghuangmon hissed, and pulled her arm back again, the five orbs spinning and lurching outwards again, this time with the yellow one at the head. “Celestial CHAIN!” It flew wide, but CyberSapiamon’s body contorted and the blow struck her again, sending lightning cascading over her body as she trembled. “YeeeOWCH!” She juddered, and her head snapped towards Owen. “What the hell are you waiting for, moron! Get your old man out the way, now!” Owen blinked, and rushed forwards at once, grabbing his father by the arm and pulling him backwards, his face breaking open into a wide grin. “You have no idea how glad I am to have you back, you mad woman.” “Less flattery, more footwork, asshat.” Fenghuangmon roared, and raised her arm again even as Eirenemon reached out. “Fenghuangmon, don’t-“ “Get out of the WAY! Celestial CHAIN!” “Wouldya ever just FUCK OFF already?” CyberSapiamon’s body twisted at the waist, and she swung her arm wide, the cannon turning freely and striking the chain as it shot out towards her. There was a burst of ice, and a series of crystals which shattered all around, as the monkey repositioned herself, cold smoke floating up from the end of her cannon. Her eyes rotated, focusing beadily on the phoenix, and she pointed with a single slender finger. “YOU are being a SCUMBAG, lady! What the hell do y’think you’re doing?” Fenghuangmon’s eyes flashed white. “I am saving our people-“ “Yeah, yeah, yada yada, doing the right thing really, heard it!” CyberSapiamon sat back, crossing her back legs. “You ever realise something though? Most of us didn’t actually ASK you to do that, and we definitely didn’t ASK you to do it this way.” “You’d defend him? After everything he’s done?” The great ape pointed over her shoulder at Trevor. “This guy? He’s a scumbag as well. But you know; emotions run high, and suddenly he thinks he’s doing the right thing running around town in khakis. I get it. I’ve had to get it even as I’ve been punching him and everyone who agrees with him in their collective faces. He’s wrong. And you’re wrong.” She shuddered, and let out something that sounded like an electronic sigh. “This ain’t gonna help, lady. I know what you’re trying to do, and I know you’ve been thinking about it, but...god damnit, talk to someone. Fix it together. Don’t just up and do what you think’s right, cause in all likelihood, it ain’t. And then you’ve got a bunch of dead guys on your hands. It’s not fun. I can vouch for that.” Fenghuangmon stared in shock at the great monkey as she glared upwards, defiant to the last. The phoenix’s wings stiffened. “He is a murderer. This is not just.” “I’m not saying he shouldn’t be punished. He absolutely should. But don’t kill him. It’s not your job. ” She lowered her head, and her eyes flicked to her right just for a bit, almost expecting to see a flash of crimson mane. “Just cause someone’s a bad person doesn’t mean they can’t ever do somethin’ good ever again. There’s always a chance. You just have t’let them.” CyberSapiamon gurgled in an irritated manner, before glaring up once again. “I can spout at you all day and you won’t listen. But the fact is that this knobshite is protected. You ain’t killing him. You ain’t killing anyone here.” “I have a duty.” Fenghuangmon threw her arm sideways, the orbs spinning even faster. “Whether you’re in the way or not.” She held her arm up, but CyberSapiamon shifted, the cannon flipping over on her arm and pointing up at the ambassador. “I wouldn’t do that.” “What happened to no killing?” “Tried it by accident. Doesn’t suit me.” CyberSapiamon shrugged as her eyes refocused themselves. “ But what I am is a massive goddamn cheat.” Her arm twisted sideways, the end of the barrel humming. “Orbital Mortar!” Fenghuangmon ducked sideways as the cannon pulsed, but the shots curved round and flew wide, passing between her and Simurghmon. With a sonic bang they flew high and exploded just above Eirenemon’s head, the noise and the blast front knocking her off balance. It was only for a second. But it was enough for her to release her grip. “Fenghuangmon, STOP!” Simurghmon rushed forwards with a roar, holding out a hand and grabbing the phoenix by the collar. Her wings flew outwards and pulsed in one movement, and she lifted the other ambassador clear off the ground even as Fenghuangmon twisted and tried to release herself. “Don’t interfere, Simurghmon! I don’t want to fight you!” “Same here. But I need to stop you before you do something you’ll regret!” Simurghmon held her palms out, petals of light dancing between them and growing rapidly into a disc, which she held out in front of her. “Paradise Plume!” The disc expanded, ejecting a column of leaves and flowers straight into Fenghuangmon’s torso. They spread out, gripping her and causing no pain, but the force still sent her flying upwards, far away from the market square below. “Fenghuangmon!” Eirenemon started, kicking off from the ground and flying haphazardly up towards the phoenix. But Simurghmon was just behind her, overtaking in an instant and sending the angel stumbling, struggling to gain height after the two. Fenghuangmon saw the divine bird barrelling up towards her, and she twisted away, swooping expertly in the air and descending as fast as she could. But Simurghmon was faster, looping an arm in the phoenix’s and tossing her away. Fenghuangmon’s crest raised as her orbs spun around her, and she formed a symbol in the air. “Why are you so blind?” Simurghmon spread her wings, flying to a stop. “You’re the one who’s lost your way!” “I’m the only one trying to find it!” Fenghuangmon screamed, and she spread her arms wide. “Spectral Symphony!” Colours rained across the sky, casting shadows over the spiral clouds as the two Mega levels began to battle. The noise was earsplitting; the peal of bells and the crackling and splintering of wood, loud enough to shake the ground beneath. From his vantage point, Caesiumon swayed back and forth, making a little whistling noise. He raised a finger, rubbing it inside one of his face holes. “Now’s as good a time as any, I guess.” He didn’t need to say a word anyway, as with a hurried flapping of wings and stamping of feet, Hoatzimon and the crusaders were already gone. CyberSapiamon looked up as the lights danced up above, the two figures tiny against the spiralling sky. Movement caught her eye, and she turned around as Kevin and Owen pulled Trevor to his feet, the older man stumbling and his eyes staring wildly. Owen ground his teeth. “We’ve got to get him out of here. We can talk them down, I’m sure of it, but it’s not safe for him to be here.” “Not my favourite plan, but I see your poin-“ CyberSapiamon jerked, letting out a sudden burst of gibberish as her electronics suddenly started playing up. She ducked as a pellet flew over her head, trailing noxious gas as it did so. The humans whirled around in an instant, Hoatzimon landed mere metres away from them, her mask covering her face, but not the utter fury in her eyes. “The sovereign made her choice. You’re not walking away from this one. None of you are.” “Ooh boy...” Hoatzimon rushed forwards, and CyberSapiamon shuffled back, the acrid smog making her electronics play up all the more. Hoatzimon cackled, rearing back with pellets in her hands, when all of a sudden Andriamon lunged forwards, sending a flaming punch directly into the bird’s chest. She staggered back, the pellets exploding in her face and sending her down. CyberSapiamon looked down at Andriamon, who grinned. “Cool speech back there. But we’ve got your back as well, y’know.” “Don’t let anyone move!” Alopemon and Highwaymon blocked either side of Vex, intercepting Oryxmon and Alraumon who rushed in from the crowds. Liopramon leapt down, preparing to run between the tamers’ legs, when he suddenly found himself hoisted up again, held in a headlock by Kevin as the boy pressed his arm around the imp’s body, utter fury on his face. Hoatzimon glided over the panicking crowd, landing in the centre of the plaza as she pulled her mask down. “Don’t let them move!” She aimed towards Simeamon, but Kampoimon and Dendromon stayed central, facing off against her. Orizumon and Mistramon flew upwards, strafing over the ambassadors, only to be blocked by a scowling Lilamon, holding both arm cannons up with a hateful look on her face. Trevor braced himself, watching as other Digimon broke through the ranks towards him. But they were soon intercepted themselves; in a flash of black visors, the hunters emerged, months of practise allowing them to work in unison even in the mania. Dula, Rick, Brom, Mira, Raif, Nile; without even a word from him, they rushed in, circling around him and marking off anybody who got close, Digimon or tamer alike. “You came to join me?” “Mira said you might turn up around here.” Dula nodded over her shoulder at the other hunter, who remained silent. Dula turned back, facing the man through her visor. “We’re not here to fight. Only to keep you safe.” “How DARE you protect that demon! BZ Blitzer!” The hunters shuffled back, keeping their ward out of Hoatzimon’s range as best they could, as Andriamon and Kampoimon rushed forward with a sweep of their tails, keeping the gas at bay. Hoatzimon wasn’t about to give up that easily though; she rolled up, her crest quivering in anger as she held her claw skywards. “We have been vindicated! Everybody who believes in our liberation, get rid of these traitors! ” Her eyes flashed behind her mask as she pointed forwards, directly at Trevor in the centre of the group. “I want his frickin’ head!” Instantly the crusaders began to move; lunging forwards and trying to get to the tamers as one, even as their partners tried to hold them back. Some Digimon even rushed forwards from the edges, trying to find some opening, while others merely stepped in front and did their best to protect the crowds from the chaos. Mistramon peeked down, and winced as he saw Hoatzimon’s smog billowing outwards with the scuffle. “Why do people have no sense of self-preservation?” “Lila Shower!” “Crap!” The eagle ducked as the spray of light scorched his cape, and he turned around as Lilamon chased after him, her face twisted in a furious scowl. She reached out, but was intercepted by Orizumon as he flew past, his body unfolding in a second. Mistramon nodded, and curved, heading down towards the plaza. “You deal with her. I’m gonna try and calm things a bit.” He disappeared before Orizumon could respond, and the crane soon found himself trying to entangle himself around the plant woman, his body contorting in an uncomfortable manner. “Much obliged...” Oblivious to the pointed comment, Mistramon swooped down, spinning in a wide arc as waves of air burst from beneath his wings, facing away from the tamers in the centre and out towards the panicking throngs all around. “Can anyone who isn’t involved in this little discussion please back up a bit?” “Base Blaze.” “Aw hell...” Mistramon shot upwards again as he felt Caesiumon’s volatile pellet whizz past his ear, and he rapidly turned, expertly kicking it upwards with a pulse of air. It exploded mere metres above him, sending him down towards the concrete, but miraculously he managed to get himself airborne again, albeit with large burnt patches on his underside and purple flames dancing on the edges of his wings. Still, the explosion had been diverted away, and the eagle wasn’t the only one trying to keep tabs on their surroundings. The tamers remained in the centre of the plaza, gathered around Trevor, with their partners in a circle around them, facing outwards and fending off the attacks wherever they came from. Many were simple chaotic charges, sent away with a punch from Andriamon or tripped up by Kampoimon. But the crusaders were relentless, and they had only one goal. Kill Trevor. End the threat. “Hypocrites!” A Baromon burst through the ranks and charged the group, fists raised as meteors danced above his head, but Alopemon darted to one side with a sweep of her tail, freezing his legs. He stumbled, and she kicked outwards, sending a couple more icicles for good measure. “I really don’t have room to move here.” “We have to keep at it,” said Andriamon, knocking away Alraumon’s vines with a searing swipe from her claw. “Keep them focused on us. As long as they’re angry with us then that means they’re not hurting anyone else.” “I do get it,” replied Alopemon, and she ducked, feeling CyberSapiamon’s cannon swing over her head as the monkey tussled with Hoatzimon in front of her. “Though keeping this up is going to be difficult. Especially since we can’t really let off many attacks around here.” “BZ Blitzer!” The crusaders seemed to be under no such restrictions, and CyberSapiamon reared back as she caught the gas pellets full in the chest. Immediately there was a swooping overhead as Mistramon flew towards it again, trying to funnel it away and kicking out at Hoatzimon for good measure, although he barely missed. The sudden blow caused Kevin to stumble back, causing him to fumble his grip on the leprechaun in front of him. Liopramon swung his feet out, and sent them swinging back into his stomach. “Gerroff!” The young man bent double as Liopramon skipped forwards, holding up a middle finger in his holey hand. He soon spread the other four, holding golden coins between them as he spat. “You folks really make me sick. Lucky-“ Something hefty pointed against his head, and the leprechaun looked over his shoulder. Then up, seeing Highwaymon standing above him, holding the butt of his pistol against the pixie’s hat. “...erp...” “I’ve told you once. Rogue Blade!” “Vanishing Cap!” Liopramon dived forwards as Highwaymon brought his other hand down, slamming the dagger into the stone. But the leprechaun has already vanished, blinking away in hops until he had returned to the rooftop, rubbing the hole in the back of his right palm. “Goddamn no good...shits.” The sun flashed his eyes, and he turned and scowled at Caesiumon, who was lunging against the brickwork next to him, lazily balling purple flame in his palm. “Yer the stronger one among all of us, right? Get in there and pluck him out yerself, why don’t you.” Caesiumon didn’t answer; he merely scanned the chaos below, his eyes darting every which way at once and keeping stock of everybody below him. Liopramon glared, and kicked the metal man’s shin. “Didn’t you hear me?” “Quiet.” A series of metal rods extended, pressing Liopramon into the wall as Caesiumon folded his arms. “We only have the advantage while we have the high ground. I’m better placed up here.” “I don’t get you...” “You don’t have to.” Caesiumon scratched a finger down one cheek. “Right now, they are sticking to their values. If we are to get what we want, we need to wait for them to make a mistake.” Liopramon raised an eyebrow, before folding his arms, sighing. “I sure do hope y’know what you’re looking for.” Caesiumon didn’t answer. But his eyes settled, just for a split second, at the head of the battlefield before the stone square. And the glint of metal from Trevor’s abandoned device. The metal man spun his fingers, gently flicking a few scattered flames down towards the tamers below like burning rain. “Look out!” “Get back!” Kampoimon and Andriamon rushed forwards, standing between the purple fire and their wards in the centre as Trevor ducked down in his son’s hold. “I don’t believe this...you’re all utterly mad...” Owen hissed through his teeth. “Well, you know, maybe if you actually listened to us once in a while you’d be a bit more on our wavelength.” The older man ground his teeth. “I’d given myself up...I can’t be worth all this trouble...” “Didn’t you hear the monkey?” Trevor looked up to see Lonnie, a smile on her face even as her stare was harder than ever. “We’re not letting them kill you. Or anyone. We might suck at it at times, but we’re here to protect everyone, even you if we need to.” The man bit his lip, looking at the ground all around him. Owen nudged him, ducking as a barrage of light flew over his head. “Eyes up, dad. Concentrate.” “If you wanna protect everyone we need to get that device back. That thing’s bad news; if somebody got hold of it...” He reached out, grabbing Dula by the sleeve. “You can see it, can’t you?” “It’s just over there.” The hunter took a few steps, but an explosion of purple to their right sent them scrambling sideways. Dula stumbled and cursed, but she heard footsteps beside her as Mira made a run for the square. “I’ve got it. Don’t worry.” Trevor and Dula watched helplessly, as the hunter was lost in the chaos, the fog and noise and dust already rising to stifling levels. The group jostled, and Inez backed into Lonnie, hurriedly stabbing at her phone. “That’s all very well, but what exactly is our plan? How are we gonna get out of this?” “That...is a good point.” Owen stuck his lip out. “We could really do with the ambassadors to calm everything down again. Fenghuangmon was good at getting people to listen to her.” Inez gave him an exasperated look. “Yeah...I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” Lonnie held her chin. “Well...at least Simurghmon’s still on our side. I think.” “She’s a bit busy dealing with the first problem.” Owen rolled his fingers. “So that just leaves Eirenemon...” He straightened up, trying to see through the battle, Eirenemon was no longer there either. Only a few white feathers floated in the air, as she flew high above them, past the aerial battles and up towards her best friends on shaking wings. “Please...please you two, you have to STOP!” “Paradise Plume!” “Spectral Symphony!” Column of light struck fireballs in a dazzling display, forcing Eirenemon to back away as she held her wings over her face. The other two didn’t let up; Fenghuangmon shot forwards, eyes blazing as the fireballs gathered around her again. She was clearly the more agile of the two, and the more overtly skilled fighter; a sense of balance and poise in her movements that helped her dance around Simurghmon. But her opponent was far the stronger, and the faster if she had the space to move. And while she was careful to hold her power back, she was still able to counter the phoenix’s moves blow for blow. Fenghuangmon ducked down, but Simurghmon followed her movements, her mighty wings turning in different ways and sending the two colliding together again. The larger bird gripped the phoenix’s arm, but she spun, her scroll spinning around her like a satellite and letting of wisps of light. “I knew you were going to do this! You just don’t...underSTAND!” Fenghuangmon kicked upwards, forming enough of a gap between her and Simurghmon to hold out her palm. “Celestial Chain!” ![]() The five orbs spiralled forwards into Simurghmon’s chest, with the green one at the head. There was no display of elemental power; instead the orbs just crashed forwards one after the other, each impact growing greater in force until Simurghmon was catapulted away. She spread her wings, the sunlight forming an iridescent haze beneath them “I don’t understand this, you’re right. But I know you. And I know this isn’t who you are.” “What I am is right!” Fenghuangmon saw her chance and dived down, the orbs spiralling away behind her, but Simurghmon dropped like a meteor, clasping her palms and forming a spiral of petals that veered into Fenghuangmon’s path, causing her to veer again. The phoenix hissed, and doubled back, throwing her crimson wings up into the divine bird’s face before lashing out with her talons. Both hits connected, but they did little to Simurghmon as she reached out and grasped Fenghuangmon’s wrist, throwing her backwards and disrupting her flight path. “You can’t oppress this world! These people don’t deserve it! You don’t have the right!” “Celestial Chain!” Fenghuangmon unleashed a barrage of orbs that burst into flames, just barely contained by Simurghmon’s barrier of petals. The phoenix rose up, her arms by her sides as her powers orbited around her, faster than ever. “These humans aren’t the ones you knew, Simurghmon! This world has changed! This world is standing against us and if we don’t take a stand then we’ll go extinct!” “They have as much of a right to life as us! Even the worst of them!” “Then why are we the only ones to suffer? Why are you allowing that?” Fenghuangmon roared, and spiralled forwards, orbs exploding all around her as she charged into Simurghmon. Her momentum carried them both downwards, causing a wake as they flew completely out of control. Simurghmon gritted her teeth, and grabbed hold of Fenghuangmon’s wings, tilting them downwards in an effort to slow them. “I’m not allowing it. But I refuse to allow you to be the one to bear that choice!” “You just...don’t...GET IT!” Fenghuangmon tried to spread her wings, but Simurghmon held one firm, and the two barrelled sideways, their flight path growing unstable. Simurghmon looked down, and angled her own wings, sending them spiralling downwards towards the square. She turned at the last second, taking the brunt of the impact herself as they hit the podium. The stone cracked, and the two Digimon split apart, with Fenghuangmon rolling away. She pushed herself up, but Simurghmon got to her knees first, planting her palm against the ground. “Grand Gaokerena!” The tree shot up from beneath Fenghuangmon, wrapping around her limbs and holding her in place, as she glared at Simurghmon. “Look at them? Are they really so worthy of your protection?” “No, you look!” Simurghmon held her hand out at the field of chaos behind her. “This is all you’ll accomplish if you carry on like this! If you’re not strong enough to make the decisions we need, you’ll only invite anarchy and hatred between our worlds. And if you do have that strength, you’ll only end up bringing one people to their knees. We have to take the hard path, Fenghuangmon! We have to take the kind path! We have to be better!” “We are better! “ Fenghuangmon struggled as her scroll shot around her, spinning around and shattering the wooden bindings in an instant. Simurghmon ducked again, but the phoenix thrust an arm out as her orbs filed out one at a time, striking the divine bird in the neck and forming patches of crystal over her body. The phoenix flapped her wings, her voice deep and booming. “I’m saving our race, and I will do whatever it takes to save as many as I can!” She held her breath, and narrowed her eyes as the orbs returned, spinning faster and faster. “And if you’re so blind as to stand in my way, then so be it.” She held her arm high, the orbs growing in size and turning into great flaming balls, hovering over Simurghmon’s trapped form. “CELESTIAL-“ “Peacemaker!” Fenghuangmon gasped, the orbs and her scroll falling down all around her. Her wings stiffened as she fell to the ground, and then to her knees, and she looked up at Eirenemon as she descended, her torch in her hand and tears in her eyes. “Eirenemon...why...” The dove woman hovered just above, looking between her two old friends as her voice cracked. “You can’t do this! Please don’t hurt each other; I can’t bear it anymore!” Simurghmon caught her breath, brushing the crystal from her body as she held her chest. “Why...why aren’t you holding me?” “Because you n-need to understand! She’s only trying to make things right. I...I thought she was right...I still...I don’t know what to think. I was convinced. But if...if this means that you’re going to kill each other, then I can’t...I just can’t let you!” “Eirenemon...” Fenghuangmon scrunched her face up, her talons scraping against the concrete. “We promised, back then, Simurghmon. We promised we were going to make things right between us. I had to try. But I couldn’t see any other way of removing the injustice here. You have to see that or more people are going to suffer.” “You’re wrong, Fenghuangmon. They don’t have to. Neither our world nor theirs.” The phoenix looked up, and Simurghmon gestured outwards, towards the group of tamers in the centre of the square, still barricaded against the crusaders with Trevor at the centre. They held fast, even after blow after blow, but even as they kept raining down none of the Digimon fought back more than they had to. None of them were out to wound, or to kill. Only to protect. Even now. “That’s what I’m trying to ensure. That’s what I want us to be. There’s always a better path; a path which leads to more futures and more choices.” Fenghuangmon shook. “But...but we can’t...they’ll always fight back. Some of them will never change; they’ll only cause us more pain.” “You think I don’t know that? You think I haven’t argued with myself about that for the past hundred years?” Simurghmon’s shoulders fell, and her face all of a sudden looked older than it ever had. “The moment we give up on somebody is the moment they never change again. And we have to protect ourselves and the people we love and the innocents; of course we do, that’s never changed. But we always have to offer the chance to do good again. Even when it hurts.” “...Simurghmon...” “It’s the hardest path we can choose and we are going to slip up and fail so, so many times, but we have to keep following it. That’s what makes us better.” “AaaaaaAAAARGH!” Fenghuangmon fell forwards, pounding her fists against the ground. “Why can’t I get this right? I’m su...supposed to be the smart one! The strong one! I’m supposed to have the answers and I tried to find the right way and it’s just...nothing is working! I don’t know what to do...” She raised a hand, holding it over her head as she began to cry, the tears staining her red feathers. “I...I’m so lost...” Eirenemon landed gently beside her, lowering her hand and releasing her grip on the phoenix. But Fenghuangmon didn’t make a move, looking utterly defeated as she stared down at the floor. She sniffed, and looked up at Simurghmon, who crouched down in front of her. “That’s why we all came together, isn’t it? To help each other find the way.” She smiled, looking out behind her. “We can stop this. Right now, right here. But we need your help.” Fenghuangmon looked out amongst the sea of dust, her eyes falling upon skirmishes and brawls and so many people and Digimon trying to stay safe amidst the chaos. She opened her mouth, trying to find any words, any answer, any direction. Her gaze fell upon the centre, seeing Trevor stumble within the circle. He looked up, and her eyes met his, just briefly through the chaos. Anger and hurt deep within them, along with fear and sadness, and relief, and hope. One great mess of a soul. Flawed, hateful, terrified, terrifying. Human. Everything she could feel right now herself. It was just a moment in time. She raised her hands. One in front of her, and one behind. One for the war-torn, and one for the peacemaker. And then his eyes darted sideways, and his eyes widened, and he reached out suddenly, and as he did so she noticed something glint and crackle in her vision. The barrel of a cannon, swinging upwards to her right, and she turned in an instant as she held out her hands. “Simurghmon, look-“ CRACK The beam of light cut through the dust as quickly and fiercely as the noise, like a clap of thunder. Time seemed to stop as everybody turned, facing the source of the explosion. A single figure stood just on the edge of the market, a few steps in front of the surrounding crowd, her green-grey coat fluttering behind her. She was leant back, awkwardly bracing the weight of the cannon on a thigh. The barrel was spluttering, blown open from the inside, as a wisp of smoke curled out from the end. She lowered her head, the visor of her helmet spattered with ash. “Damn. Missed.” “FENGHUANGMON!” Up on the podium, Simurghmon stumbled backwards, holding the phoenix in her arms as she leant forwards, having pushed Simurghmon back. Fenghuangmon was breathing heavily, her legs stumbling against the concrete as she stumbled over sideways, no longer able to support her own weight with the section of her midriff now missing. Owen’s eyes were wide as he watched the ambassador fall, and he felt his father shift in his arms, looking in shock at the lone hunter. “...Mira...what have you done...” Mira turned, and raised her arms, dropping the weapon at her feet. She took a step back, limping from the blow. And in a voice that was soft and emotionless, she spoke to them. “There’s no place in this world for false beings.” “AND SO YOU’VE MADE YOUR CHOICE.” The noise was brutal, sonorous and painful as it burrowed into the ears of everybody present, and they turned to look up to the high vantage point, where the slender figure of Caesiumon glowed with a furious purple light. His body rippled, resonating with his words and amplifying them to a terrifying degree. “See where this has led all of us? See what you’ve allowed to happen? False tamers. False saviours. These three kind Digimon...they came here to offer you life, and you’ve rejected them. This is the choice humanity has made.” Only Liopramon stood close enough to see the metal man’s face, and witness the tiny smile that played over his hollow lips. But the leprechaun said nothing. He just kept his head down, as Caesiumon raised both his arms, a purple inferno gathering in his grasp. “You’ve chosen hellfire. Base Blaze!” The mottled sky glowed with purple rain as the pellets fell all around, and the world itself was ruptured. Crusaders, tamers, hunters and crowds; all were scattered as the blasts came, tearing out chunks of the ground. Lonnie was taken off her feet by one mere metres away, only to be caught by Andriamon’s strong arms. The girl shook her head, still trying to comprehend where she was, when she saw a ripple of grey and black, and reached out towards Mira as she sprinted away from the carnage. “STOP HER!” Lonnie got to her feet, thrusting an arm out, and Alopemon and Highwaymon followed her motion, but another rain of flame split them apart, the flashes searing their eyes. They could only watch as Mira disappeared through the crowds, pursued by a furious army of Digimon closer than they were. The crowds shuffled, panicking and screaming and running, some turning on each other and others crouching down in fear. But there was nothing Lonnie could do but hold her head down, as Hoatzimon and the crusaders volleyed around once again, their fury reignited greater than ever before. The mania seemed blurred. Distant and far away. Fenghuangmon found herself staring up at the spiralling sky. Her head was spinning as well, and the entirety of her side was numb. Eirenemon came into her view, yelling, screaming, crying....but no words were coming from beneath the veil. Fenghuangmon reached out, patting around her for her scroll, and only finding small piles of dust and scraps of paper. A lifetime’s worth of notes, gone in an instant. That stung more than anything, to be honest. She laughed under her dwindling breath, and reached out above her, her talons curling up. “This...wasn’t supposed to happen...” Eirenemon reached forwards and grabbed her hand, screaming into Fenghuangmon’s face. But everything was getting muffled now. The phoenix coiled her fingers, and her knuckles cracked and crumbled, giving way to a fine dust, running down her arm like quicksilver. “Hey, hey...ay-up...” Fenghuangmon mumbled, not sure if her words were getting out, but she tried regardless. She smiled serenely at Eirenemon. “It’s alright. Keep standing. You can’t come with me now.” She blinked, trying to get her thoughts in order, but they were just blinking out one by one, only replaced by the terrified face of Eirenemon in front of her. And even that was slowly blinking out. “Don’t...don’t be sad...you’ve got a job to do, alright?” She tried to raise an arm again, but it didn’t respond. Neither of them did. Eirenemon’s face began to break up like a fuzzy TV picture, Fenghuangmon’s vision getting replaced with sand and light. “Save...as many...as you...can...” Simurghmon watched, teeth chattering, as the final breath left Fenghuangmon’s body. She stood up in shock, the sounds of the chaos all around ringing in her ears, only matched by the wails of Eirenemon as she tried desperately to wake the phoenix up again. “No! No, you c-c-can’t do this! You can’t leave me! I need you, please, Fenghuangmon come back, please!” Simurghmon raised a palm, holding it over her mouth even as it shook. Another explosion from beside her. The sound of shouting. More screaming. People were getting caught up in it now. She knew it. She could hear it. She reached out, curling her hand around Eirenemon’s arm, and gripping it gently, trying to offer her strength. “Eirenemon...you have to...do something...” The angel didn’t respond, still shaking Fenghuangmon’s shoulders as the phoenix’s flesh began to break away in her hands, leaving bloody marks over her nails. “Eirenemon...” “AAAAHHHAAAAAAAAAGH!” Simurghmon’s hand moved to her ear, and the other one joined it, but no matter how much she pressed she couldn’t block out the pain, and the sound, and the screams, only joined by her own racing heartbeat. “Base Blaze.” “Pressure Wave!” “Crushing Tide!” “Mystic Bell!” “Icicle Barrage!” “BZ Blitzer!” “ Purgatory Pistols!” “STOP!” Simurghmon roared, and reared up, and planted her claw into the concrete beneath her, digging in as her plumage shone brightly. “GRAND GAOKERENA!” The fissures spread out in an instant, and the entire battleground began to rise, forced open by a mighty tree, bigger than anything she’d summoned before. It spread out, rupturing buildings and splitting stonework and forcing the entire battlefield apart. The tamers stayed close together, their partners taking the chance to grab them and pull them away. Lyra and Jack leapt up, holding onto their partners’ talons as they looked down at the growing foliage. Lyra scrambled up onto her partner’s back, and pointed behind her. “Orizumon, that weapon! Grab it!” “Lyra, we can’t-“ “We have to! Please, just get it now!” The crane nodded, and spiralled back, grasping the cannon in his talons before it was swallowed by the earth. He spun back, joining the others as they pulled themselves free, Kevin and Trevor still barely standing amongst them. Lonnie held a shaking Grace in her arms, staying close to one side of the tree as the trunk grew thicker and thicker, forming a wide barrier. The cries of anger were beginning to get quieter as the crusaders were forced apart from them. Something shone in Lonnie’s vision, and she looked up to see Simurghmon spreading her wings. She reached out and grabbed Eirenemon round the waist, the angel instantly struggling and kicking. “No...no, Simurghmon, you can’t...no you can’t I can’t LEAVE HER!” ![]() Eirenemon reached out, grasping at the air helplessly as tears fell uncontrollably from her eyes. She watched as Fenghuangmon shifted beneath her, her remains tilting sideways as the tree grew all the more. “LET ME GO! I NEED HER! FENGHUANGMOOOOON!” Simurghmon didn’t let go; her wings beat slowly, pulling her skywards, and watching as the market square was overtaken by her own immense power. She looked down, and her eyes met with Lonnie’s; staring up with a pleading expression even at this distance. Simurghmon closed her eyes, with Eirenemon’s screams ringing in her ears. “...I’m sorry...” Her wings spread wide, and she embraced Eirenemon, and took off towards the clouds, trailing feathers behind her. “Run.” TO BE CONTINUED... |