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Simurghmon’s eyes were wide, her pupils narrowing to terrified slits as she felt the white fire sapping away at her. There was no pain. There was nothing but numbness. She could only stare, the flickering flames of her prison reflected in Eirenemon’s round, black eyes. “What’s going on?” Eirenemon looked behind her at the three scientists, her power over them now shared as she held onto Simurghmon. Salma looked at the key in her hand, confused. Dominic’s eyes were wide as he looked around him. Perez was shaking, grabbing onto what she could. “Why...why are you here?” “What are you doing?” “What are we doing?” Eirenemon clicked beneath her veil, and rushed forwards, grabbing hold of Simurghmon’s wrist and holding her tightly. She turned around, her hand gripping her rhyton. “Forgive me...” “Eirenemon, no!” Simurghmon tried to pull her arm back as Salma rushed forwards, holding her arm out. But she was too late; Eirenemon’s eyes met hers, and the dove-woman splayed her palm. “Royal Command!” The woman skidded to a halt, her eyes widening as they stared into Eirenemon’s dark pools. “Sleep.” There was no hesitation. The woman collapsed in an instant, unconscious. Eirenemon’s eyes flicked sideways, and she moved her palm. Dominic tried to make a run for it, but the wave passed over him and he fell as well, splayed out on the ground. Perez was already gone, slumped over her desk. Eirenemon jerked all of a sudden, and doubled over, retching and coughing, patches of red forming over her veil. But she still held tightly onto Simurghmon, forcing her power onto the divine bird. Simurghmon could only gasp, having felt the power being forcibly pulled from her body. She knew well how Eirenemon’s powers worked; strong if given willingly, but a double-edged sword if taken by force. Simurghmon gritted her teeth. “Eirenemon, your vows...” The dove looked up, tiny specks of blood splattered over her chin and collar. For a moment she took a few breaths, the sudden pain making her cry. But she still didn’t lower her arm. Eirenemon’s eyelids were heavy, her black eyes staring directly ahead. “There’s no point anymore...” “Don’t say that!” yelled Simurghmon, struggling to move her locked muscles. “Let me go, Eirenemon.” “Oh Simurghmon...” The dove looked sideways, blinking tears from her eyes. “Why did you have to be so kind?” Simurghmon shook her head ever so slightly, desperation in her voice. “Eirenemon, you can stop this now. We can go back. We can make things better.” Eirenemon didn’t seem to be listening. She held her arm out, gripping her torch more tightly than ever. “Fenghuangmon was right...” She leant forwards, placing a hand on her knee as she tried to regain her breath. “This world hates us, Simurghmon. Not just the people, but the world itself. Don’t you see? This can never be a safe land for us no matter how hard we try.” “We can...change...” “No. We’re not...not strong enough.” Eirenemon smiled through the tears. “Maybe...maybe Fenghuangmon could have been. She found a way with the least sacrifice. Maybe. Or maybe this world poisoned her as well. So many Digimon driven to madness because they can’t live here. We can never live here.” She turned around, staring into Simurghmon’s eyes. “We can’t do this on our own. All we can do is save as many as we can. And that...that means we need to make a choice. This world. Or ours. Not both.” Simurghmon whimpered, her hands shaking as she tried desperately to move. “You...you can’t...” Eirenemon closed her eyes. “If...if I open the gateway here...I can call the cataclysm through. It’ll destroy this world, and everything inside it. But our world will be safe. Our world can be truly healed. And you can be there guide them all through it.” “I can...guide them all...if you’ll just let me...go...” The grand bird was silenced, as her friend’s slender finger reached out, pressing against her lips. “Oh, Simurghmon...you love the people here too much for that, don’t you?” Eirenemon sniffed, holding a palm up against her chin. “Especially that one girl. She’s the one, isn’t she? She’s the one who’s dazzling you.” Simurghmon took in a breath, her eyes widening. “Lizzie...no...you can’t...she’s still alive, I can’t-” Eirenemon leant forwards, wrapping her arms around Simurghmon as the larger bird trembled. “...we promised...we couldn’t sacrifice one world for the other... no matter what...we can’t make that choice...” “You’re right. You can’t.” Eirenemon’s voice was almost a whisper as she backed away, changing the position of her hand. “So I won’t let you make it.” “NO!” “Royal Command!” Eirenemon convulsed again, more blood spurting from beneath her veil. But the wave of energy increased, locking Simurghmon in place. Eirenemon bowed her head. “Turn around. Walk towards the gate. Return home.” “You can’t...I can’t...” It was useless. Simurghmon turned around, and on shaking legs, began to walk towards the open door. Her wings shivered behind her, her whole body screaming at her to turn around, to move away. Eirenemon’s body was trembling as well, the toll of her power tearing through her, racking her with pain. Any other time, it should have immobilised her. A blatant breaking of the laws she governed herself by, to limit her own terrifying power. But in her heart, she’d already lost more than enough to pay for it ten times over. Justice is sick. The dove shuffled forwards, and crouched down next to Salma’s unconscious form, picking up the key from her hand and following after Simurghmon. “You...you were always the best of us. This world hasn’t tainted you like it has the others. Like it did Fenghuangmon...or me. I’m about to commit the greatest sin any of our kind has ever made, and I need to face penance for that by remaining on this dying world. But at the very least...let me save you. I can’t lose you as well.” Simurghmon wanted to scream, but her mouth wouldn’t move, locked as it was by Eirenemon’s will. She passed through the doorway, the lights changing all around her as she saw the great gate loom up in front of her. Eirenemon held back, holding the door tenderly. “Our world needs you more than ever. Let this command be my final kindness. Save as many as you can, and love our world as you always did. Be kind as you always were.” She closed her eyes. “And above all, survive. Live on. For all three of us.” “...please stop...” Simurghmon could only stare ahead, hearing the whirring from the cubicles either side of her. Followed by the gentle click of the door behind her, and the second click as Eirenemon inserted the key. The lights changed to a deep, harsh red. “...you have to stop...right...now...” Eirenemon pulled out the second key, and gently walked back to the control desk, as she’d watched Salma do dozens of times before. The screens were showing green. Everything was ready. She reached forwards, inserting the desk key. She choked, staining her feathers red even more, and her grip on her torch faltered just a little. “...Eirenemon!” The dove-woman looked up, barely able to see Simurghmon’s silhouette in the deep orange light, although she could definitely hear her. She gave a small, tearful wave, and turned the key. The lights turned red, and the seal fell away, raising up and exposing Simurghmon to the presence of the interface. It reached out, sensing the otherworldly presence and wrapping around her, pulling her back. Simurghmon’s strength and determination had brought her and the other two through from the other world; piercing through layers of space through the power of will. A will she no longer had. Replaced only by a final command. She struggled, slipping forwards, trying to force herself to turn around. “Close the gate...Eirenemon please close... close the gate! Eirenemon, I don’t want to lose you!” “Live well.” The dove woman held her hands up to her face, bending over as she felt the tears coming again. But she didn’t falter. Not now. The chamber filled up with smoke and warnings began to flash on the screens, but she held back, only watching as Simurghmon struggled against the grasp. She tried to fly, but her wings were pulled back. Then her legs. She struggled again and again, each time gaining more movement, and each time not being enough. “Ali, I’m sorry!” She slipped, and twisted, and suddenly found herself floating, the other world pulling at her, reclaiming its lost data. She turned, and stared outwards into the world she’d travelled so far to save, but she couldn’t see it. Only red light and smoke and noise. And even that disappeared, replaced by the same horrific colours she remembered from that day, so long ago, with the entrance to the real world spiralling away, far out of her reach now. “L...L-LIZZIE!” ![]() Her final call was lost in static, although Eirenemon could only barely make out the words. She reached out, slamming a fist down on the emergency stop button. The lights instantly changed, and another volley of warnings flashed up, several alarms going off within the cubicles. But the noise slowly ground to a halt, the smoke dissipating within the sealed facility. Eirenemon could see inside, the seal in place once again, still flashing. Simurghmon was gone. The dove-woman staggered back, feeling faint. She coughed again, and held her sleeve to her mouth, her vision blurring. “Simurghmon...I...I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...” A new alarm sounded; blaring in her ears and causing her to stagger back. She turned, and saw Salma, holding a fist against a wall-mounted button as she struggled to her feet, the hold on her faded away from Eirenemon’s fatigue. She turned, her eyes laser-focused. “What the hell have you gone and done?” Eirenemon turned, sprinting for the nearest door, too exhausted to command Salma again. The doctor rushed after her, but stumbled all of a sudden, the alarms still blaring around her. The other two were shaken awake as well, the entire facility rumbling with a localised tremor. It dissipated quickly, leaving only the sound of a distant, pleading echo. The gate had been opened. And something had noticed. The tremor extended to the surrounding grounds, knocking Mark over and causing Chromon to stumble on his feet. He looked around, eyes wide as the spiral sky seemed to ripple above him. “What the h-h-heck was that?” “Look!” Mark pointed towards the entrance of the facility, as Eirenemon staggered out, barely able to walk in a straight line. In the relative brightness outside her decrepit state was more obvious; dark stains around her eyes, red patches over her chest and shoulders, and dark splatters over her veil. She looked up, her eyes meeting the two as they swam in their sockets. Mark lowered his arm. “What happened...?” He closed his fist. “Where’s Simurghmon?” “Stop her!” Eirenemon turned around and leapt skywards, her wings beating against the air as they lifted her just out of Salma’s reach. The woman stumbled forwards, falling to one knee as she glared at the bird woman. Eirenemon’s eyes fixed on Mark. “Simurghmon’s gone. I’ve...I’ve saved her from all this.” She rose up further, gaining more stability as she did so, still staring down at the three. Then she turned, her wings shedding feathers as she beat against the air, powering forwards. Mark rushed forwards in a futile attempt to catch up with her, but she was already getting further and further away, heading towards the sea. He turned, looking down at Salma. “What the hell just happened? Where’s she going?” “...she’s g-g-going out to sea...” Mark looked down at Chromon, who was trembling more than ever, his pupils tiny. “She...was heading out t...t-t-towards the gate...” Mark looked up again, seeing Eirenemon’s silhouette against the sky, distant now, hard to make out. A sky which was turning and twisting more and more, as something rushed through the air. A noise. No, another tremor. Or perhaps...perhaps the sound of a distant, painful roar. “Oh no...” “Get the others!” Salma pushed herself up, bleeding from a cut on the forehead as she scrambled around for her phone. Mark stood stunned as she turned towards him, her stern facade cracking and giving way to a fear that Mark had never seen before. “Didn’t you hear me? She’s going to call the cataclysm through to our world! You all have to stop her before it’s too late!” The sea spray shot upwards, swells interlocking and sending great columns of water up. Beneath the waves, spiralling currents collided with each other and tendrils of black matter reached out from another world. And they reached out above the water’s surface and gripped the very air, pulling it further and further into a vast maelstrom, with a centre reaching down like a beacon into the stark white mists. Eirenemon could feel the cold and the static seeping into her feathers, exacerbating her existing wounds and increasing her level of fatigue, but she kept flying nonetheless, her wings unsteady against the shifting winds, her resolve giving her energy. She knew she didn’t have long before somebody came for her. She hadn’t fought like this in so long, and it was already tearing her apart from the inside. The dove-woman blinked, her vision seeming to saturate as little specks of data hit her eyes. She was getting close; she could feel it, even if the mists had become so thick as to make her nearly blind. Then, suddenly, they cleared, pulled away by a spiral column of air reaching directly downwards into the sea below. She found herself gasping as she caught sight of the gate below. Even in the span of the past twenty-four hours it had changed. The entire ocean above it seemed almost to be frozen – no, not frozen, but a strange crystalline amalgam, faintly glowing and studded with starry specks of daylight. It seeped out into the surrounding ocean, jutting out in layers on the outer edges of the gateway. The middle seemed smooth, and worn down, and in the very centre it seemed impossibly thin, translucent enough to see the gaping darkness behind it. Perhaps such a phenomenon was due to the digital world trying to heal itself, even so far from home. Or perhaps a desperate instinct to keep the Dark Area sealed; to keep the monsters at bay. If left alone, the cataclysm would surely worm its way upwards into the bottom of this world as well, shaping it beyond recognition. Two worlds, two layers, holding the beast between them even as it ravaged them simultaneously. That was too long to wait. A door needed to be opened. She had to move now. Trying to take advantage of the spiralling air currents, Eirenemon descended faster than she intended, just barely able to twist herself and land on the edge of the crystal disc. She stumbled, and lost her footing, rolling forwards onto the hard surface. After a few turns she came to a stop, staring upwards at the spiralling behemoth above her. She never had been the most skilful flyer even on the best of days, and this was not shaping out to be one. Slowly, body aching, she pushed herself up, and sauntered over to the very centre of the disc, which was larger than it seemed from up above; a good fifty metres across. As she walked over the surface she could have sworn she could hear something cracking, but the surface remained utterly pristine, even in the very centre. She crouched down, holding a palm against the glassy substance. It was neither warm nor cold, although she could feel a faint haze over the top; a static hum where one world touched another. Eirenemon hooked a finger, and tapped against the material. It hummed, and the hum spread out all around her, singing in her ears. An infinite echo from the chasm beyond. “Can...can you hear me...?” There was no reply. Only her own voice calling back at her. She held a hand up, clutching the torch around her neck. “I’ve...heard about you. Simurghmon told me everything about you. I know you’ve been wandering in the depths of darkness. You just want to see the light again.” Her eyes scanned the surface, but there was nothing there. No sign of life, or light, or anything beneath her. Like she had heard so much. She braced herself, and held her torch with one hand, and pressed the other hard against the crystal surface. “This is my...my command to you. Stop wandering. Come to me. There is a purpose and a p...place in this world for you...” She closed her eyes, feeling the energy singing all around her. But it was a single call out into the void, and as she feared, she got no answer. The former ambassador sighed, and fell to her knees, curling one hand into a fist. “If you need me to open the door for you...then I will.” She held her hand up high, and, blow by painful blow, she began to strike the centre of the crystal. In the depths of the darkness, the gatekeeper opened her eyes, her wraiths swimming around her. There was a restlessness in the darkness. Her wards were watching, and listening. They may not even have been aware they were doing so, but even the ones in the deepest sleeps were reacting to the call. The gatekeeper looked up, and saw daylight. She cursed. And deeper still... He had no sense of where he was. All he could do was go forwards. Forwards towards something. Something he was missing. Occasionally he would hit something, and be turned away, trapped forever in this non-existence. There was a sense in the back of what had once been his mind. This is okay. This is right. Sleep, again. Sleep, and they will be safe. Then the pain returned and he began to move again. Somewhere, anywhere, any where but here. Anything but the pain. Close in. No, break out. Remember...remember...remember your promise...your pride... What pride Tap. Tap tap. In a place of pure silence, even the tiniest tap can echo for millions of miles. He remembered. He turned. “Eirenemon?” “She just appeared in front of us then flew off out towards the gate. Salma told us she’d opened the portal in the facility and sent Simurghmon back against her will.” “Oh my god...” Alasdair rolled back slightly, holding a hand against his mouth. “Please tell me she’s alright...” “We can’t tell. But right now it looks like Eirenemon’s going to bring the cataclysm through.” The tamers looked between one another, huddled around Lonnie’s phone as Mark spoke from the beach. Jack shook his head. “She...she can’t do that, right? She’s only one Digimon, and...and she could never do that, right?” Owen bit his lip. “I was around her for a long time; she’s a lot more powerful than she lets on. If she was able to bend Simurghmon to her will then she may be strong enough to break through.” “She doesn’t even need to do that.” Inez sat back on the edge of an armchair, holding her chin. “The cataclysm’s stuck just between the Digital World and ours, isn’t it? So all she needs to do is call it. It can break through on its own.” “That...that isn’t what I meant...” Jack pressed his lips together, his voice smaller than ever. “Didn’t you see her? This is Eirenemon we’re talking about. She could never hurt anyone, and you’re...you’re telling me she’s trying to destroy our world? I can’t believe that.” The others looked amongst themselves awkwardly, with Alasdair holding out a tentative hand. “Jack...I know you wanted to believe in them, but...she’s lost something very dear to her. It’s enough to warp anybody’s mind-“ The boy pulled his shoulder away, glaring at Alasdair. “This wouldn’t have happened if you’d told us the truth! We could have worked with them! We could have...we could have stopped all this before it got this bad!” Grace held out a hand. “Jack-“ “No, I’m sick of this! I’m sick of seeing people do bad things cause...cause they feel they don’t have any other choice. They do. They always have another choice and they just…you just…forget ...” His voice trailed off, and his face twisted back and forth, on the verge of crying but not quite breaking. Lonnie took a breath, and stepped forwards. “We have to stop her. Right now.” She pulled her phone back, talking into the speaker. “Mark, where are you right now?” “On the edge of the pier. Chromon’s with me, for my sins. Are you coming?” “We’re all coming. We’re all gonna stop this.” She clicked the phone and turned, immediately being flanked by Grace and Nicholas. “Lonnie, it won’t be that simple. Our Digimon are already exhausted and she’s a Mega level in an environment we don’t know.” “That doesn’t mean we just give up.” Grace held her teeth together. “Lonnie, if we screw this up-“ “Listen!” The girl whirled around, clapping her hands together and looking around the crowded room. “I am very well aware that things have gone up the crapper, but the fact is, if we don’t do something and the beast comes through, it’s already gonna get worse. And we don’t have that time to waste. Jack’s right; we can stop this before it gets out of hand, because that’s what Ali chose us for.” Lyra raised a hand. “Not me...” “Point taken, but I’m having a moment, don’t blow this.” Lonnie planted one hand in her fist, her face serious. “I’m going, and I want as many of you with me as possible. We can stop Eirenemon, and if we try hard enough we might even be able to save her. But we need to go now. Dendromon?” Alasdair’s face fell as the girl turned around beside him, running towards the hallway. The others remained still just for a moment. Then they began to jostle, readying their own partners. Grace stood in the centre of the skirmish, held in place for just a moment. She felt a hand wrap through hers, and looked down to see Jack, looking up at her with earnest eyes. “We still have a chance, right?” The girl sighed, and nodded, tightening her grip temporarily. “As long as we keep fighting.” Behind them, Owen pushed back and found Eloise and Kai, leaning in towards them. “Sorry about the...you know...the situation...” Kai shrugged, and Eloise looked over her shoulder at the back porch. “Did you want to stay, or...” “I’ve ducked out of enough responsibility as a tamer. I need to be with them this time.” The tall man turned, finding Kevin’s face pouting at him. “I’ll be back this time. I promise.” “I’m not moving from this spot until you are, got it?” Owen nodded apologetically, and ducked back in, as Kevin stared after him. Kai held the back of his head, watching the younger tamers as they began to pile out the front door. He felt a wispy feeling around his neck, and Colchimon leant in. “We should probably stay and keep an eye on Owen’s dad.” The boy nodded slightly, and turned to see Eloise pulling on a jacket beside him. He reached out, holding her palm and halting her movements. “We need to stay.” The girl looked outside the front window, where the group was gathering. “Are they going to be alright?” “We have to trust them, right?” “I know, but...” Eloise swallowed. “What if it goes wrong?” “Eloise.” She turned her head, looking into her boyfriend’s intense, almost ice blue eyes. “They need a safe place. They need us here. Just for now, at least.” The young woman looked torn, as Ladomon and Colchimon hovered above her. Then she lowered her arm, slipping the jacket off once again. They walked forwards, with the twin dragons floating behind them, barely hiding their looks of relief. “Lonnie!” The redhead was nearly out the door when Alasdair rolled forwards, just catching her. He beckoned her closer, rolling forwards with a gaunt look on his face. “I...I know you’re trying to save as many as you can, but...be careful.” Lonnie nodded. “I always am, aren’t I?” “That’s not what I mean!” Alasdair tightened his grip on his chair. “I know you. And I know what this is. If you can’t stop it, you have to promise you’ll get to safety.” “It won’t-“ “Lonnie, listen, please, if...I know you want to save Eirenemon but if it’s a choice between her and you-“ “You want me to make the same choice as her?” Alasdair stumbled to get the words out, but the young woman held out a finger. “That’s not gonna happen. I’ve failed enough and seen enough good people die as it is, and I’m not gonna let everything you’ve worked for fall down like this. You have to trust me.” “Lonnie!” Alasdair was almost on the verge of tears as he reached out, holding her wrist. “I trust you more than anyone! But I can’t lose you! Don’t sacrifice yourself just to try and make things right; if it gets too much, promise me you’ll bail!” Lonnie looked down at his palm, then up into his face. Her eyes were brighter than ever; a deep golden in the evening light. “I’m gonna save the world. That’s what you chose me for, isn’t it?” ![]() Dendromon’s voice came from behind her, “Hey, the others are already leaving!” Lonnie grinned, and gently pulled her hand from Alasdair’s grasp. She waved at him and the others, before closing the door behind her with a click, rushing down the street after the others. Alasdair was left in the hallway, staring forwards, his mouth still open in an unfinished plea for her to stop. There was a shuffling from the living room as Eloise poked her head around, her expression puzzled. “Um...Alasdair, what the heck was that about?” The man clenched his fist, and pushed himself around, paddling through into the living room. Eloise rushed back, holding her arms up as Kai tried to follow him. “Where’s my phone? I need a taxi. I need to...to get to the facility.” “Hey, slow down! What is it? What’s wrong?” “Everything’s wrong.” Alasdair looked up, his brow darkening as he stared at the evening beams out the window. “They have no idea what they’re dealing with.” Mark lowered his phone, pressing the button to end the call. He gently slipped it back into his pocket, and looked out to sea, trying to see through the white clouds. Salma had already left; rushing back to the lab to try and stabilise what was going on. The young man grunted, feeling angry at himself. Angry at everything that had happened. His head was still swimming, and he held his hand against his temple, trying desperately to focus. Something tapped on the wooden slats behind him, and he looked down as Chromon peered through the fence. “The mists are moving more.” Indeed they were. Mark reached out, gripping the top rail as he watched the billowing clouds, obscuring even more of the view. He wasn’t certain, but he almost thought he could feel a ringing through the metal in his hand. A distant impact, again and again. “Please hurry, everyone...” Chromon pawed at the ground. “Are we...are we going to fight?” Mark raised his eyebrow. “We need everyone else. Unless you can swim.” “I can only s-sink.” Chromon swallowed, and hurriedly shook his head. “I meant...me. Us two. Are we going to fight together?” Mark turned around, still looking the other way. “We don’t have a choice, do we?” He frowned, and glanced backwards. “Are you going to be okay with that? With us? It’s not going to make things difficult for you is it?” Chromon went slightly red. “I...I can c-cope.” He looked aside. “To be honest, I’m...I’m glad you came back.” “Yeah...well...” Mark folded his arms. “This doesn’t change anything between us.” “I know. I’m sorry.” The dinosaur pressed his beak together, looking away, not wanting to meet Mark’s eye. He tried to stay quiet, waiting for a response, but soon he could bear it no longer, blurting out, “L-l-look, I...I just...I know, I should have told you, and I should have asked you but...you know I still think of you as my partner.” “Chromon...” “Just...just because I’m the one who found you...just because you were chosen by someone else doesn’t...it doesn’t change any of that. You were still ch-chosen. You’re as w-worthy a tamer as the rest of them, and I couldn’t be prouder-” “Enough already!” Mark raised a hand and brought it down on the rail, causing Chromon to jump at the sudden outburst, louder than he’d ever heard the young man make before. Mark raised a hand, pressing it against his forehead. “Everyone...everyone always says that. That it’s fine, that I’m worthy of this, that there’s nothing wrong with me. But how the hell am I supposed to believe that when it never amounts to anything?” He thrust out an arm, pointing out to sea. “The world is on fire. Ever since I started, we haven’t been able to stop any of this. Not even Lonnie, or Grace, or any of them, and if they haven’t been able to stop any of this happening then what chance to I have?” He stepped back, looking down at his own hand. “If...if I’m really so worthy...then how come nothing I do is enough? To be good enough. To...to bring anyone back...” “...I came b-back...” Mark’s eyes shot sideways. He opened his mouth, and Chromon flinched, ready to take the words again. But they didn’t come, as Mark slumped back, looking utterly exhausted and defeated. “Maybe we really won’t be able to fight...” He closed his eyes, but heard the sound of the dinosaur walking in front of him. Chromon sat down, a contemplative look on his face. “Maybe y-y...maybe you’re right. I screwed up; I know that. I w-wish I was better, but I’ve been caught up in this for far too long. Before I even met you, I l-led a group of Digimon into a battle they didn’t want and ran away from them before the f-f-fighting even began. And now I’ve d-done the same thing again. You think you’re not worthy? My only w-worth is that I chose to learn about a dying world, a long time ago. I’m nothing but a b-b-bad omen to everyone I meet.” He sighed, looking at the rough wood beneath him. “I’m s-s-sorry. Truly I am. I w-want to keep saying it but I know it’ll never be enough. I d-did what I thought was best to bring you all together, and I still think I d-did the right thing, but I know it caused everyone p...p-pain. Especially you.” He looked up, his eyes meeting Mark’s. “I d-don’t deserve forgiveness for anything I’ve done in my life. Least of all yours. All...all I want is a chance to keep atoning. And to that end, if nothing else, I have a d-duty.” He smiled. “S-so yes. I will f-fight. With you. You can understand that, r-right?” Mark looked down at the dinosaur, who seemed smaller than he ever had, curled up in front of him. Sincerity in his eyes, and regret in his face. The young man gently reached down, and brushed his fingers over Chromon’s frill, feeling the slight imperfections in the metal. “Mark! Chromon!” The two turned, watching as the others rushed towards the pier, the ones who could fly or swim already in their Champion forms. Lonnie led the pack, and she grinned at the two. “Sorry for the wait. Did you want a lift out? Are you coming?” Chromon looked up, tilting his head. “Mark?” The boy let out a breath, looking at the mismatched gathering of people in front of him. Even Owen was there, bringing up the rear, and he gave a short mock-salute as he noticed the other man looking at him. Mark let out a breath, and glanced down at Chromon. “We all have a duty.” He marched forwards, heading towards Andriamon as Lonnie leapt up onto her partner’s shoulders herself. “Let’s go.” Alasdair had left quickly, the taxi picking him up within minutes. He hadn’t said much on his departure, only pausing to remove Mira’s charred weapon from the middle of the coffee table. “I’m getting this back to the facility,” he’d said, holding the bag over his shoulder as he’d made his way down the path. “It can’t do any more damage that way.” After the rush of everybody arriving and then leaving again the house seemed desperately quiet, although for Kai the worry rushing around his head seemed to be even louder. He placed his phone flat in front of him, and arched his hands on the table, leaning against them and letting out a loud sigh. “Worried about them?” The young man looked up to see Kevin, who pulled a chair back, sitting sideways. Kai nodded, pushing his glasses up. “Everything seems to come at once with this job.” “I can understand that.” Kevin puffed his cheeks out. “I don’t suppose it’s something a stiff pint would help with.” “It’s a nice thought, but sadly I don’t drink.” Kai gave a half shrug. “Bad family experience.” “Oh. I’m sorry.” “It’s alright; I don’t judge.” Kai leant back, and folded his arms. “I can’t exactly blame you. You’ve found yourself rolled up in all of this as well.” “By choice, thank you.” Kevin chuckled, and fiddled with his shirt collar. “I knew it was gonna be a rough journey, but I’d be lying if I said it’s not exciting being with Owen. I kind of wish I could have a Digimon partner myself.” “Anything’s possible. Just...hopefully it might happen in nicer circumstances than these.” The door to the hallway opened and Eloise walked through, being flanked by the two dragons. She paused to rub beneath her eyes, although it did little to hide the redness. “I feel so helpless.” Ladomon hovered down, gently nuzzling her partner’s cheek. “They can handle it. I’m sure they can.” She looked up for reassurance from Colchimon, but he was looking sideways, peering into the kitchen. Eloise followed his gaze, and leant forwards, raising an eyebrow. “We can see you, y’know.” Trevor leant back, a little bit after the fact. He raised a hand, scratching his beard. “I...thought since everyone else had gone...I wouldn’t have to sit on the shoe box. It’s dusty.” Eloise rolled her eyes, and gave a wide gesture. “Whatever, come in. It’s not like we haven’t already dealt with enough former arseholes trying to get all buddy with us.” She slumped down next to Kai and grumbling in an irritated fashion, with Kai tilting his head. “Are you talking about Martyaxmon? In fairness he did save the others back there.” Kevin stuck out his lower lip. “And he was keeping Simeamon safe all this time; you have to give him that.” “I don’t have to give him squat. Since when did he start being nice?” “People can change, Eloise.” “But the things they did do not, Kai.” The man leant back, holding his palms up. “I’m just saying; the war changed a lot of things. We don’t need to like him. But if he’s fighting on our side of his own choice, it would be helpful for everybody to let him do that at least.” Eloise looked into his eyes with a definite expression of I-know-you’re-right-but-still, before folding her arms in front of her and muttering to herself. “Always got to accommodate people who’ve done arse-fuck-all to deserve it, haven’t we...” Trevor paused behind her, deciding not to look down and check whether she was looking directly at him. There was one chair remaining, and he gently took it, pulling it back and trying not to look at the twin dragons which were currently hunched like vultures on their partners’ shoulders. The man sat down, and scratched his cheek, looking instead at Kevin and partaking in less awkward small talk. “So, you’re...um...I understand you’re dating my son?” Kevin gave a brief look at the other two, before leaning on his hand in a playfully incredulous way. “Have been for a couple of years, sir.” “I see.” Trevor pulled his lips in, and tapped his fingers together. “He, uh...he never told me about you.” “Weeeell...” droned Kevin, as he tilted his head back and forth, “...let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be the only thing.” “No, of course, I mean...just...well, I wanted him to be happy and I thought he might have...said something...” Trevor groaned. “This is really awkward. I don’t mean to be awkward, I just...I have to be honest, him being gay wasn’t really something I’d ever considered-“ “Ooh, lucky you!” “I didn’t mean it like that!” Trevor flustered, and Kevin rolled his knuckles against his temple, consulting his conscience over how much enjoyment he should be getting out of seeing him squirm. Eventually Trevor slumped back, and sighed. “No, I...get why. I’ve been bad for him. I don’t need you to tell me that but it’s something I need to get used to hearing.” He looked up, his eyes weary. “You look like you love each other a lot, from what I’ve seen. Please look after him. He’s precious to me.” Kevin stuck his lips out, before straightening himself up. “I was always planning to. He’s precious to me as well.” Trevor gave a weak smile, before looking down at his hands. “I’ve spent so long hurting people that I’ve lost touch of what anything is anymore.” Eloise raised an eyebrow. “You’re gonna have to get used to that. The world’s changing, whether you like it or not.” She held a couple of fingers to her temple. “God, I feel old...” “You feel old...” Trevor gave her an exasperated look. “You must be only in your twenties. You can’t be allowed to feel old yet.” Eloise shot him a look. “I’m a student and a Digimon tamer and a former soldier and I’ve had a fucking hard life. Not as hard as some, granted, but I can do without the guilt-tripping, least of all from you.” She snorted. “And we’re tamers. Older, sure, but we need to be there for the others now more than ever.” Trevor shuffled awkwardly. “So...you’re always going to be fighting like this? Won’t you ever be able to stop?” The two dragons shared a look with each other, but Kai just looked behind him. “Not without the whole Digital World going to crap, it doesn’t look like.” “We made a promise back when we were teenagers. It’s our responsibility to keep the world safe. It’s always going to need us, so we always need to be ready.” “That’s not fair though!” Eloise looked up as Ladomon spread her wings, coiling up on the table and looking her partner in the eye. “You’ve...you’ve done more than enough. Both of you.” “Not until the job’s done, it seems...” Kai reached out, holding the top of her hand as Colchimon watched him forlornly. “At the end of the day, this is who we are. We have the power to make a difference, so it’s our duty to keep trying.” Ladomon looked down at him. “It’s an unfair duty though. You have lives now. People and lives you care about.” “It’s a choice we have to make.” “But that’s the thing,” interjected Colchimon, twisting on Kai’s shoulder, “you never got to choose. You’re expected to fight; you never got the choice not to. We’re the ones who called you to our world in the first place.” “And we’re the ones who chose to stay, way back then.” Colchimon’s distress was clear, but Kai reached out, gently rubbing underneath the dragon’s chin as he had done for years now. “It’s okay. We’ll make it work. And we still have each other.” Eloise smiled, and reached out for Ladomon, but the dragon flinched, severe guilt still hanging on her face. “What have we done to you? How many times do you need to save the world for us?” She shook her head. “It’s...just not fair. None of it is-“ The dragon froze, her pupils narrowing and her head feathers suddenly sticking up behind her. Colchimon looked in her direction, before he too tensed in an instant, his wing membranes quivering. Eloise and Kai noticed the signs, immediately standing up, their hands going to their digivices. Kevin looked around him, seeming slightly lost. “What...what’s up? What’s going on?” “Digimon. Close b-” Crack The splintering sound was followed by a cry of pain, as a coin shot through the air and sliced across Kai’s jaw. He held his hand to the wound, shallow but bleeding freely, and together the group split apart, looking towards the front window which was now sporting a round bullet hole. Beyond it, they could see the squat figure of Liopramon, sitting on the front wall. His face twisted into a grin, and then a snarl, and he slowly reached out, pointing at Trevor. Then pulled his hand back, and drew the finger across his own throat. Trevor’s eyes were wide, and he stumbled a bit against the wall. “They’ve found me...” In a flash, Liopramon opened his palm again, the bloodied hole in it still clear to see. But as he splayed his fingers, the coins appeared in between them once again, and he drew his arm back. “Everybody get down!” “Lucky Doubloon!” The coins rocketed through the remaining windows, smashing them in an instant and sending the golden projectiles rocketing through the room. Eloise pulled Trevor back behind a chair, and the other two stayed out of sight as well, although both Colchimon and Ladomon were caught by the ricocheting coins. Eventually they settled, and Colchimon charged forwards, wings wide as he aimed towards Liopramon. But the leprechaun scuttled back, and Colchimon slowed, eyes widening as he took in the scene outside. “Oh no...” Kai peered around the cabinet, holding a hand against the slice on his chin. “How many are we looking at? Just the small ones?” He soon got his answer, as the calm, lilting voice of Caesiumon drifted through the shattered windows. “We know who you are, and we know you’re harbouring a killer.” Colchimon ducked back, Caesiumon staring him down from the opposite side of the street. Hoatzimon was there as well, and Liopramon and Suricamon, Oryxmon, Lilamon and several more of the remaining crusaders either side. The metal man placed a hand on his hip. “Give him to us. He needs to face punishment.” Trevor gritted his teeth, and made to move, but Eloise held him back, her D-Nexus grasped in her hand as she replied. “We’re not letting you kill him; he’s our responsibility now!” “You don’t have that authority anymore.” “Why are you here?” Eloise held her breath, as Ladomon snuck across the ceiling, just in the metal man’s blind spot. “Why are you still trying to start a war? It’s over! Leave us alone!” Caesiumon’s rasping chuckle came echoing through. “ It’ll never be over. We have a purpose.” Unseen by any of the humans, he raised his hand, rolling his fingers back and forth as his voice dipped to a whisper. “By contrast, none of you are of any consequence.” Colchimon screamed, and flew backwards into the room. “Run!” “Base Blaze!” ![]() Everything seemed to slow down, as the four humans ran as one towards the back room, and the dragons spiralled together, calling upon their partners’ energy. There was nothing they could do as the pellets sped through the window with pinpoint accuracy, striking the carpeted floor. The world went black and white, the explosion tearing through the living room in a mass of purple flames. The shockwave emanated out, smashing open cabinets and cupboards, and sending the dragons crashing down mid-evolution. Doors clattered open, walls buckled, glass shattered and everybody was sent crashing downwards as the world fell apart around them. Caesiumon lowered his hand, extinguishing the flames on his knuckles as he watched the purple lights within the residence, the air thick with the acrid stench of burnt metal. There was a flapping next to him and Lilamon flew up, chewing on the end of her petals. “Did we get him? Finally, did we kill him? Did we kill all of them?” A scream emanated from the house, joining the yells from the panicked humans all across the terrace as they abandoned their homes, running as fast as they could. Some of the Digimon went to pursue, but they held back as Caesiumon held up a palm, his eyes refocusing in their liquid sockets. “I have my doubts.” The scream doubled in strength, and morphed into a whistle, and the purple lights within the rupture window frame were replaced with blue and white, silhouettes moving in the smoke. “Primal Fury! Evolution ACTIVATE!” Caesiumon stepped back, holding his hands behind his back as Hoatzimon, Lilamon, and half a dozen others formed a blockade in front of him. With a bestial roar, Azdajamon shot out from the window, followed by Lyublanamon close behind; a beacon of black and white against the building smoke. “How DARE YOU!” Rainbows and shadows lunged forwards around the charging Digimon, the impacts reflecting off Caesiumon’s skin as he stepped back into the shadows, out of sight once again. But the dragons didn’t notice him. They shot upwards in unison, fire in their eyes and fury in their voices as they faced down the crusaders spread out around them. “Chroma Celeste!” “Novus Tenebrae!” Crack Eirenemon gasped in pain as the impact racked her body, and she fell to one knee again. She looked at her fists, bloodied and shaking from the number of times she had struck the crystal. But still it had refused to yield, despite all the commands and brute force she had thrown at it. Or at least, it had seemed to. The angel reached out, and pressed a finger against the smooth surface beneath her, running it to the left. There was a definite crack; hair-thin and almost invisible, but it wormed outwards from the place she’d been hitting in a large web. The crystal still felt as sturdy as ever, even in this impossible thickness. But she was making ground. She just had to keep going. She took several breaths, raised her hand, and punched again, doing her best to dull out the pain in her mind. One hit, two hits; each blow making the island sing. “I command you to listen.” Again and again, her very bones shaking. “I command you to be free.” She paused, the feathers at her ears twitching as her bloodied blonde hair fell away from her veil. Her momentum lost, she straightened, and gently stood up as the mists billowed around her. “Why did you have to come?” She turned, looking up towards the sky. At first there was only one; Orizumon, leading the others and hovering silently above her. There was a wisp in the clouds above him as Mistramon spiralled round, hovering on the other side. And down at her level, two silhouettes pulled themselves out of the gloom; Kampoimon and Andriamon, slightly breathless from traversing the waves. Still, they hauled themselves up, standing before her as the two birds descended on the opposite side, and their tamers and the remaining Digimon partners dismounted. Eirenemon stared down, her eyes half-closed. “I have no quarrel with any of you.” She reached out, pointing back towards the shore. “The first gate is still open. Take your loved ones and leave this world. I won’t stop you.” Lonnie stretched her arms in front of her. “You know perfectly well we’re not gonna do that.” “Of course you aren’t. It’s not in your nature.” Eirenemon’s shoulders moved, and she gave a little laugh. “Simurghmon always said as much.” “Eirenemon?” The dove-woman looked up at Owen as he stepped forwards, his eyes sincere. “We still have a chance to fix this. I know you’ve suffered; god, don’t I know. But you can still stop this. We promise, we’ll offer any help we can to save your world. Just don’t condemn ours like this, I’m begging you.” “Any help you can...?” Eirenemon turned around, fixing her gaze on everybody in turn. “Every...every single one of you could have done so much more. You could have stopped the death and destruction, but you weren’t able to.” She raised a hand, wiping her eyes. “Perhaps...perhaps that’s not your fault. Maybe it was always meant to come to this.” She turned back, fixing her eyes back on Owen. “Save yourselves, or perish in your innocence. You can’t help me now.” The young man looked back, his fist tightening. But Mark was the one who stepped up beside him, D-SEND in his hand. “We’re not going to let you do that. And we’ll fight if we need to.” “Chromon, Simeamon, Yethmon, Vulpimon...Soul Accelerate! Evolution Activate!” The lights danced around, and suddenly Eirenemon found herself surrounded with eight Champion levels, all spreading out, surrounding her. She looked pitifully down for a few seconds. Then she turned, and crouched down again, striking the centre of the crystal. Owen made to run forwards, but he felt a hand on his shoulder, Sapiamon pulling him back. She walked forwards, holstering her gun over her back. “Sapiamon, be careful.” “Relax, dude, I’m always careful. I’ve seen her at work; I could bench her with one hand.” Eirenemon struck the crystal, and raised her arm again, but it was caught in mid-descent by the space monkey, who gently wrestled her up onto her feet. Sapiamon’s eyes flickered, changing to a more amiable expression. “That’s it. Let’s leave it at that, alright? No harm done.” “...Peacemaker!” Eirenemon’s palm shot forwards and struck Sapiamon’s chest, glowing with white fire. Sapiamon’s instinct was to go for her gun, but her arms didn’t listen to her. Nothing did really, leaving her no option but to stare at Eirenemon’s incoming fist. “Ah, fuck-“ The angel struck true, sending Sapiamon careering back, the blow far stronger than seemed possible from Eirenemon’s slight form. But she immediately stumbled, blood bursting from her own mouth and seeping into her already stained chest feathers. Powerful she might have been. A Mega level she might have been. But her vows held her as tightly as ever. “Purgatory Pistols!” A flash of red reflected off the crystal and something slammed into Eirenemon, sending her staggering backwards. Alopemon and Andriamon instantly glared at Highwaymon, who reloaded his pistol in an instant. “What? I had an opening.” Eirenemon raised a palm, feeling the gouge in her shoulder where the pellet had struck. New pain. New ammunition to retaliate. She raised her palms and clamped them on either side of her rhyton, her knuckles alighting with white flames, before she stepped backwards and thrust a palm out towards him. “Peacemaker!” Highwaymon tried to roll, but the attack tracked him nonetheless and he clattered to the ground, cursing wildly. The others instantly spread out further, circling Eirenemon as she kept her eyes around her. Kampoimon made the first move, eyes flicking back and forth as he spun his spear beside him. “Equus Harp-“ Eirenemon glanced over her shoulder, and held out her other palm, stopping the seahorse in his tracks. But he still leant forwards, his eyes widening. “Someone go!” Behind him, Inez gasped from the edge of the island. “She can’t hold all of them. Someone has to get through.” “I’m on it,” shouted Alopemon, and she darted back and forth, icicles spiralling around her. She fired outwards, two of them landing a glancing blow on Eirenemon even as she dodged, but the sprite redirected her energy as the fox leapt. “Tail Frost!” “Peacemaker!” The attack was only half-formed , and shattered weakly on the crystal as Eirenemon lithely dived out the way. But Sapiamon was there, lunging down and sweeping her leg out in a wide kick. Eirenemon went down, just in time to see Kampoimon bearing down on her, spear raised as he aimed for her wings. “Apologies.” Eirenemon kicked herself away, flapping against the ground as the spear tore her chiton at the waist. She rose up before anybody else could catch her, her hands holding around her torch again as she tried desperately to recharge. “Icicle Barrage!” “Purgatory Pistols!” Alopemon and Highwaymon fired up at her, the projectiles strafing either side of her as she tried to find a safe place in the air. She was about to retaliate, when a glow caught her vision, and she turned to see Andriamon sat back, her bow extended and a spear of fire on her arm. “Barberous BLAZE!” In an instant Eirenemon ducked down, the arrow scorching her back, but she didn’t dive away, instead flying towards the salamander, whose other arm was now glowing, readying another shot. Eirenemon held back, letting her reach some distance, before twisting in mid-air herself, holding her glowing palms out. “Royal Command!” She twisted her hands, and pointed her index fingers downwards. “Shoot the ground.” Ceratomon was just below her, and he paused, looking up at the angel’s odd movements. “What the...” “Barberous Blaze!” An explosion rocked the arena, causing Sapiamon to yelp and run out the way as fireballs chased after her. Andriamon’s eyes were wide, looking down at her own palm as Lonnie shouted at her from the sidelines. “What the hell are you doing? I thought we’d gotten past the aiming problems!” The salamander turned around. “I couldn’t help it! It just happened on its own.” “She can compel people,” explained Owen, reaching forwards and pulling Lonnie back from the raging flames. Lonnie pouted, but Mark had a more serious expression on his face. “That’s not good. We need to get her back but we need to be careful not to break the arena ourselves.” “That...is a very good point...” Lonnie looked up at Grace, who cupped her hands over her mouth, yelling out to the battlefield. “Please watch where you’re aiming and don’t attack if you’re gonna get caught, alright all?” Several of the Champions muttered at this, but they repositioned themselves anyway, keeping an eye on the angel above. But Eirenemon wasn’t making any moves in a hurry; she’d doubled over, clutching her stomach as more blood dripped from beneath her veil. Relaxing her opponents was one thing. Forced compulsion was on a whole other level. To make matters worse, she found herself beginning to rock back and forth, her wings struggling to keep her afloat despite how hard she was flapping. She looked up, seeing the crimson streak of Mistramon as he spiralled around above her, trails of pink wind flying away from the end of his tail. “Can’t stop us attacking you if we’re not aiming directly at you, can you?” “I won’t let you stop me!” screeched Eirenemon, and she thrust both palms upwards even as she span through the air. “ Royal Command! Fall into the sea!” “Hey!” The wave hit Mistramon and he spiralled away, flying in a wide arc and disappearing beneath the waves with a loud crash. Jack immediately rushed back, trying to call him onto the crystal shore, but the retaliation hadn’t been enough to save Eirenemon as she doubled over in the air again, clutching her stomach. “Not...enough...” “Lethal Edge!” Orizumon shot out from her blind spot and clipped the back of her wings, causing her to tumble down herself. She righted herself at the last second and landed lightly on the ground, but immediately faced pressure from Andriamon and Kampoimon as they rushed towards her. “Peacemaker!” The dove woman stepped back, holding her arms wide and bringing both of them to a halt, but she immediately stumbled, her feet slipping from beneath her. She looked down, and saw a layer of ice coating the crystal, messing with her balance. Alopemon darted away behind her, firing more icicles at the ground as she did so. “Nebula Blaster!” A wave of light struck Eirenemon’s leg, and she went down, grabbing her rhyton with one hand and holding a palm out towards Sapiamon. “Peacemaker!” The monkey went down, but Eirenemon could sense the two in front of her struggling to move again. She twisted her arm, aiming at Andriamon to try and control her crossbow again. “Royal Comma-“ She choked on her words, blood spraying from her mouth as her arm fell. Momentarily distracted, she could do nothing but watch as the two Champions rolled away, revealing Ceratomon charging towards her with his fist held back. “Piston PUNCH!” Eirenemon’s body buckled from the blow, and she flew backwards, spinning in the air and crashing into a build-up of crystal at the edge of the island. She crumpled, scratching at the ground with one taloned hand as she coughed repeatedly. Ceratomon steadied himself, balancing carefully so as not to jostle the platform more than he needed to. He sat back, staring at the crumpled figure, as Andriamon walked up beside him. “At least she goes down easily when we do hit her.” The salamander took a step, but Ceratomon raised a hand. “Take it slowly. We’ll carry her away from the gate.” Andriamon nodded, and together they walked forwards, keeping in time, utterly focused, and as slow as they could. Kampoimon had helped Mistramon out of the water, and the eagle spread his wings, but Sapiamon raised her hand. “Stay back. Let’s not give her anything else to use against us.” They stayed back, and spread out, ready to move if they needed to. Eirenemon had just about managed to push herself into a sitting position, and she raised her spasming talons, trying to grab a hold of the torch around her neck. She smiled a little, looking down at it. “My...vow...is worthless now...isn’t it...” She choked, and hunched over a little more, her eyes darting up towards the two approaching Champion levels. The angel took in a haggard breath, and pressed her hands around her rhyton. Andriamon raised a palm, and both she and Ceratomon paused, staying a distance away from the crumpled form before her. “There are too many of us to fight, Eirenemon. Please...let’s just go...” “Royal Command!” Eirenemon launched herself forwards, pulling her hands apart as they were suddenly ablaze with white fire. Andriamon stepped back, but Ceratomon was caught in the aura, unable to stop Eirenemon from rushing towards him. Andriamon turned around, trying to take advantage while Eirenemon was distracted, but she was watching both of them, and in a swift movement clamped her palm directly over the salamander’s snout as well. “Protect me. Don’t let anyone get close. And don’t interfere.” She fell away, her hands leaving white imprints against the pair’s faces. The prints flared up, burning with white fire as the two shivered. They paused, fighting it. Then they turned, facing the others as they immediately began to fan out. Orizumon moved first, sweeping in and out of Alopemon’s path and flying up. “ I’ve got Eirenemon. Keep hold of Andriamon for me.” Alopemon’s eyes widened. “Wait, this is different-“ The crane soon felt exactly how different it was as Andriamon launched herself up, her hand coiling around his leg. He let out a squawk, right before he was thrown downwards, right into Alopemon’s path. They both rolled away, and Andriamon rushed back hurriedly, her eyes darting back and forth. “What the heck are you doing?” Andriamon ground her teeth as her legs moved without her will, and she found herself rushing after Kampoimon, who was trying to sneak around. “Trying...very hard...not to set y’all on fire right now...” Alopemon ducked, and looked up at Andriamon’s snout, where the white flame still burned, obviously keeping the hold imprinted on her. Ceratomon had undergone the same, currently matching Highwaymon and Sapiamon blow for blow and knocking them back while trying very hard not to hurt any of them. It was a temporary chaos. Only another distraction. But all Eirenemon needed right now was time. Wobbling, and choking again from the power, she stood up, her torch alight in front of her with an almost magnesium glow. She reached up, and raised her head, revealing her bloodstained mouth as her words flowed forth with a tremendous power. “May my bonds be as rags, and my love be as ash.” There was a grunt as Highwaymon slipped through Ceratomon’s shield and made a lunge for her, but she waved a hand, causing him to collapse to the ground. Eirenemon staggered herself, blood seeping from her eyes now. “May my dreams be shattered, and my hopes be devoured.” Her shaking hands rose up, clamping around her own shoulders as the torch around her neck began to rise up, the white light being tainted into a faint, glittering red. “ May my name be forever soiled, and my blood be eternally spilled.” Her hands hooked, her fingers digging into her shoulders and ripping at the feathers and skin. Blood fell down, splashing at the ground around her and mingling with the rest, as she choked from the pain. “May they all turn from me, curse me, hate me and revile me.” Somebody lunged at her from above, but she threw her arms sideways, not even paying attention to who it was. Her eyes were stinging with blood and tears, and she could barely get the breaths out, her arms twisting around again for the part she was fearing the most. It was a vow she had taken aeons before. Witnessed, approved, allowing her the power to save lives before the first blood was spilt. Only for others, never for her own gain. It was a vow that was woven into the very fabric of her being, and that could never be broken without dire consequence to her. The self-destruction, the wounds, her body breaking from the inside out; all payment for a broken contract. And there was a final clause. A revocation of her vow, of everything that she was, and ever would be. There was only one final payment to make. Her hands twisted upwards, and reached her back, clamping around the base of her wings. They fluttered instinctively, a few feathers dropping to the ground. A last resistance. “May the earth, the sea, even the very sky be torn from me, reject me, and may my pain be everlasting in the depths of the scarlet pit.” ![]() She held her breath, closed her eyes, and began to twist. Her screams broke through the chaos, ringing around the arena and mixing with the horrific sound of cracking bone and tearing flesh. Alopemon skidded on the ground, watching as Eirenemon swayed, swimming in the light which now emanated from her, seeming to shine from beneath her wounds. The fox pushed herself up, yelling out, “ Somebody stop her! She’s going to kill herself!” She made a run for it, but something closed around her back leg and she crashed to the ground. Andriamon pulled her back, swinging her into Kampoimon, but not before the fox caught a clear shot of the salamander’s flaming muzzle. “Forgive me! Icicle Barrage!” She fired, the icicles striking point blank and causing Andriamon to stagger back, clawing at her face. She crouched down, blinking as she regained agency of her muscles, the ice cracking on her forehead as it smothered the flames. For a moment she stood stunned. Then another scream rang through the battlefield, and she turned to stare at Eirenemon, her wings coming away in her hands as they trailed strips of bloodied flesh and crumbling bone. She cried desperately, blood pouring around her, and she fell to her knees as the pain became too much, the ragged wings stained red before her as they began to disintegrate into clumps of quicksilver. “Oh god, no!” The salamander lurched forwards, breaking through the huddle and leaping towards Eirenemon. Ceratomon saw her and made to stop her, still under the influence, but he was held back by Kampoimon, Mistramon and Orizumon combined, the smaller Champions trying to extinguish his flames as well. Andriamon cannoned into Eirenemon, wrapping her arms around the limp body as she coiled up in front of her. “For the love of god, STOP!” Eirenemon’s eyes flickered, looking upwards into the salamander’s wild ones. She could make out blurs behind her; the tamers, edging closer, wanting to help. Always wanting to help. Eirenemon had practically no strength remaining. But still her hand moved, almost as if by her own will, closing around the rhyton at her neck, the metal chipping as she touched it. Andriamon grasped her wrist, trying to hold her gently but firmly, trying to pull her hand away. “No more...please, I can’t...you can’t do this anymore. Please...stop this...” Eirenemon’s mouth moved ever so slightly, her throat so clogged up with her own blood that the words were nothing more than a choked whisper. But she breathed out, forcing them out one by one. “My...name...is...sin...” “...and I...revoke...my...vow.” There was a moment’s silence, broken only by the sound of the torch crumbling in her palm. And then the arena began to shake, and the crystal began to sing, and Eirenemon screamed as she was consumed by pure, white, flame. TO BE CONTINUED... |